Free Amazon Prime Music - Worth it? - Comments Page 3
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Bob- I really use the daylights out of Prime- I kid that I'm on Amazon so much I should be immunized against jungle illnesses! Plus I download tons of free books (I know you don't have to have Prime for that), and they give Prime members one free new release novel every month. I download all of my music from them, too. I know they play with the costs of Prime items compared to non-free shipping items, but anyone who's had to wait for something that seems to be arriving on a slow boat appreciates the 2-day thing. My only question is why they charge tax on that $99 upgrade- after all, it's a service, not a product. But, then, I also don't get why Audible charges an extra 99 cent download charge over the cost of the audiobook. Overall, I'm happy with the Prime service, but I hope they hold the fort on any more price increases.... |
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I've been a Prime member for about a year. I didn't join for the "free" shipping. I joined because of the Prime Video. The shipping and music are gravy for me, although I find myself ordering stuff from Amazon more often, about two to three times per month. |
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@Steve --- I am a Premium Spotify member and I do NOT get any ads or spyware. I didn't get any spyware, when I was using the Free version of Spotify. Please, state that you are using the Free version, so people can understand better. I am very pleased with my Premium Spotify. Yes, it costs $99 a year, but for me, it is well worth the money. I have 2 daughters that can "access" my account, but, only one person at a time, can use Spotify. I have NO problems with this "ruling." It is only ONE account, so only ONE person should be using it, at a time. All 3 of us, have a huge music list and it is wonderful to see, what my daughters taste in music really are. They are as eclectic, as I am ... Ranging from Country to Rock to Christian to Funk to R&B to Classical and Oldies but Goodies!!! For me, I will keep Spotify. I know how to work it, even with my Smartphone, while driving down the road ... That's good, for me leastwise. :) |
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