Time to Upgrade Your Computer? - Comments Page 2
Posted by:
For backup, we use what is called a "Clickfree" backup system. Works very well with no setup or clicking necessary unless you want to adjust your options. Plugs into a USB port. Also, does more than one computer. Just plug it in and it automatically backs up. Likely, the easiest backup there is. Takes a while first time thru. They come in different capacities. As a side note. It would take 100's of floppy discs to backup today's computers. However, we have a Sony Mavica camera that uses floppys for memory. It works so well that we still have floppy drives in our computers for the camera. Also, good info on the upgrades Bob. And from all the posters too. That is something we have been putting off and probably need to do. I'll refer back to this page when I do. |
Posted by:
It's probably true to say that all your articles are of value & certainly worth reading. The current one exemplifies the good advice that you constanly give rather than the 'off the cuff'answer. |
Posted by:
Bob, I always read your emails because of advice like this. My PC is running XP and Ubuntu (just in case), but have no intentions of upgrading. I'm using less than 80% of my 250gb hard-drive, and with scheduled system cleaning to maintain it with backup every Sunday it runs fine. |
Posted by:
To keep my PC (running XP) clean I use Glary Utilities & Soluto with Smart Defrag 2 to sort out my hard drives. |
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I bought a Tiger Direct kit to run Windows 7 - haven't gotten around to 8 yet though I've worked with it some. But, for keeping business documents and as a printer server, I still run an IBM (not Lenovo) Netvista Pentium III that I bought refurbished in 2001. I upgraded the processor and maxed the RAM (512MB!), at one point I replaced the power supply and switch. It runs Windows 2000. It's glacially slow booting, but otherwise does the job just fine. It has outlasted 2 other machines. So, I totally agree - it's what you want to do with the machine, not the latest and best technology that should drive the decision to buy. |
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Bob, thanks as always for your wonderful articles. This was my first build: This PC served me well for more than 8 years and as a hardcore gamer I seldom had any problems with it. Here are (some of) the specs: NOTE: The 74g Raptor drive in my new build is the same one that was in my 1st build. |
Posted by:
Nice question about purchasing a new PC etc. What Bob has suggested holds good. Being a very senior IT consultant, I may add that use your PC/Laptop till the end. My researches have shown that a very vast majority of users use their PCs for word processing, surfing on Net and similar simple tasks. Only professional use their PCs for Video editing or other number intensive tasks. So my advice is not to be taken in by the hype that PC manufacturers spread. I have a number of PCs and laptops and some of these machines are more that 8 years old and still working fine. Proper maintenance and good care is needed. Definitely, PCs have their life, but with a little care we can prolong it. Need based purchases are best. Good luck. |
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