Ubuntu Linux Gutsy Gibbon
Is Linux ready for the masses? Or is it still a geeks club? The new Ubuntu Linux Gutsy Gibbon puts a little more polish on the Linux desktop and moves the focus toward everyday users. Check out the new features in Ubuntu Linux version 7.10 ... |
What's New in Ubuntu Linux?
Around the same time Apple released OS X Leopard, another OS was released with much less hype, Ubuntu v7.10, the "Gutsy Gibbon" release. Ubuntu is one of the many flavors (or distributions) of Linux. Linux has long been a geek stronghold and not quite so appealing to the everyday computer user. But Ubuntu is often heralded as Linux for the average user. With the new Gutsy Gibbon release, Ubuntu's Linux is less of a scary foray into Geekdom, especially with some of these new features:
Desktop Enhancements
The latest desktop rage is 3D interface. Leopard has it, Vista has it, now Ubuntu has it. 3D desktop effects are courtesy of a feature called Compiz Fusion. You can run multiple desktops at the same time and view them all in a cool cube shape, part of the "wobbly windows" feature. Shadowing of windows and fading menus are also a basic feature of this desktop.
The GNOME interface has been given an overhaul. Included in this makeover is GNOME's Evolution email client. One of the niftier new features is a reminder when you try to send an email with an attachment, only you forgot to attach the file. If the email client does not see an attachment in an email that suggests there should be one, for example you write to your boss: "please see attached", when you click send you will get this gentle reminder: "Message Has No Attachment." With the new Ubuntu release, you can also get new mail notifications and the calendar feature has been greatly improved as well.
It may seem trite, yet shortcuts are an important feature of a civilized desktop. Gutsy Gibbon adds program shortcuts automatically after installing new apps.
Under the Hood
Gutsy Gibbon uses version 2.6.22 of the Linux kernel, which has some marked improvements over the 2.6.20 version that was used in the previous Ubuntu release. Power consumption is reduced by up to 25% (great for laptop users), and the software for wireless and Firewire has been completely redone to support new hardware.
Better Plug and Play Capability
Ubuntu's newest release recognizes more hardware out of the box than previous versions. Additionally, there is better compatibility with more advanced graphic cards and network adapters.
Office Software Updates

Improved Security
Ubuntu now integrates AppArmor, which allows for better user and application security and access control. And Ubuntu can now read and write to Windows-based NTFS partitions. That's handy if you have both Windows and Ubuntu installed on the same machine - you can share files between the two systems. I've used this feature to share my Firefox bookmarks between Linux and Windows.
Tracker is a feature that lets you organize files. Essentially, you can search through all of the contents on your computer as you can on the Internet. How many times have you downloaded a file and then you weren't sure where you saved it to? With this feature, it's easy to find and organize your stuff.
PDF Printing
Ubuntu now has PDF printing capabilities. You can create PDF files from various applications like OpenOffice and Firefox.
User Switching
Hate having to log off and then back on every time you want to log your kid's account off and logon to yours? Then you will appreciate the new fast user switching in Gutsy Gibbon. You can switch between user sessions without having to renter a username or password.
Better Plug-in Support
It seems these days, that almost all websites require some sort of flash player or another so you can fully view all the site has to offer. Ubuntu offers greater plug-in support with this release. Firefox, the default Ubuntu web browser, allows for better searching and easier installation of plug-ins.
With all of the new features of Ubuntu, the Linux world is becoming less the dominion of geeks and more user-friendly for the not-so-techy masses. Is Ubuntu "Gutsy Gibbon" ready for Joe and Jane User? Post your thoughts in a comment below...
This article was posted by Bob Rankin on 22 Jan 2008
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Article information: AskBobRankin -- Ubuntu Linux Gutsy Gibbon (Posted: 22 Jan 2008)
Source: https://askbobrankin.com/ubuntu_linux_gutsy_gibbon.html
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Most recent comments on "Ubuntu Linux Gutsy Gibbon"
Posted by:
Ed Stewart
24 Jan 2008
I have been using Linux as a sole desktop for 10 years, various Distro's. I have stuck with Ubuntu since Warty Warthog and love it. It is easy to use and in a whole lot of ways much better that Windows.It does anything that I can think of to do on a computer and is maintenance free. I do computer repair and all I ever do anymore is fix windows virus and spyware problems. Windows Vista is a piece of crap OS, but makes me money removing it and installing XP.I also love the 3D desktop.. I highly reccomend it for a newbee to Linux.
Posted by:
Earle Hartshorn
24 Jan 2008
I've tried several Linux distros over the last few years and Ubuntu always seems to work the best. But, I need to continue to use Windows until Linux supports my scanners and printers, I'm not going to go out and buy all new hardware just because the OS doesn't support what I have. But, since Ubuntu now can read and write NTFS I can dual boot and perhaps achieve the same results. I will have to give it a try.
Posted by:
Carl Marshall
24 Jan 2008
I've used Ubuntu since Breezy Badger, I wouldn't consider myself a "Geek" I am a 55 year old truck driver. I got my first PC about 2002. It was Windows ME. About a year later I got one with Win. XP It seemed like I had to spend more time Defragmenting, removing Spyware Adware, Virus's and Worms, than I did using the computer. If I needed Software for something I either had to go out to a computer store and spend more than I did for the computer, or I had to spend hours online trying to find something that worked and then spend hours removing all the junk that came bundled with it. With Ubuntu, on the other hand, there is no Spyware, adware, virus, worms, defragmenting, or searching for software. There are free Open Source Applications to do just about anything that Windows software can do if you are willing to spend a little time to learn to use it. I think you have to be more of a "Geek" to use Windows than Ubuntu. Oh and by the way My newest computer came with Vista on it, It Ain't There Anymore!!
Posted by:
JR Grad
24 Jan 2008
I had a nephew who needed a computer we came up with parts and could only put in 256 RAM. Ubuntu operates great in this system. I liked it so much I put it on my computer!
Posted by:
Doug Steed
25 Jan 2008
I've been using Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon since December 2007. It's my first time trying Linux since I gave up on Red Hat when it first came out. I am amazed at all the online support I have received. And Ubuntu is not fool proof but has a lot of protections for fools.
With this support, a determined person will find that when you go with Ubuntu, you are not alone even if you are the only person you know who has heard of Linux. But not all features are equal or equally easy no matter how enthusiastic Linux lovers always make it sound. There is a lot of time consuming tweaking for a newbie to get many small features to work that one would take for granted in an already working Windows OS.
Also on display adapters, I have found Ubuntu's support for the Intel 965 Express Chipset to be disheartening. I think you would be safer with Nvidia from what I have read.
In the end, Vista works fine, Ubuntu needs some refining for my liking. The best part about it though is the dual boot feature and the ability to read and use files located on your "Windows partitions (NTFS)". There's no need to have a separate copy of your pictures or music, etc. for each OS. And for that, there is no reason not to give Ubuntu a serious try.
Posted by:
chris palmer
26 Jan 2008
Ubuntu is great, I dual-boot Windows XP Pro and Ubuntu 7.10 with no problems.
Posted by:
29 Jan 2008
I have been using ubuntu for 3 or 4 years. I like it. I was a programmer in the late 80's or early 90s on a TI994A. I was a pretty advanced windows user beforehand. I don't know if a beginner would understand how to use Ubuntu, because I didn't start using computers with it. Since my hardware is compatible with Ubuntu I don't have a problem running it. There is probably compatible hardware to do almost anything you would expect a computer to do. Sometimes you have to search google to figure out how to get the hardware or software to work. The package manager is great in Ubuntu. It allows you to update your software easily and not just software that is on your computer when its installed but any software you install from the package manager. I installed Ubuntu on my mom's pc so I wouldn't have to update her software manually and waste more time when I'm not telling her how to use a computer period.
Posted by:
02 Feb 2008
You did not list any sites to download Gutsy Gibbon.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Sorry, it's Ubuntu.com -- just added a link.
Posted by:
02 Feb 2008
Using ubuntu for about a year now. Must say wish I had started earlier.
Started with Fiesty now using Gutsy.Must say what a pleasure it is to boot up and not have to wait for spyware scans virus scans and all the other crap which is to long of a list to post here lol.
Posted by:
02 Feb 2008
A UK mag. has just published a timely article re. using free Virtualbox, www.virtualbox.org to install Ubuntu. (See post from Mr. Bigstuff)
Haven`t tried it myself yet, but they seem to rate it well. I`ve scanned the article and uploaded it to Photobucket, if anyone wants to have a look. URL`s as follows:
Posted by:
05 Feb 2008
Re. my previous post, there should have been four addresses. Looks like the last URL went missing somewhere along the way! For those who can`t work it out, it should be:
Posted by:
Uncle B
08 Feb 2009
Please donate your old boxes to a church-group or some needy student in these hard times! To comply with the law, and with Microsoft's leasing policy, you can now replace Microsoft OS with the free (download from the net) Ubuntu OS, which can be set to erase the hard drive of all traces of the “illegal to give away ” Microsoft system and your private information, before donation! Now, explain to your lucky recipient that all the manuals they will ever need are available for free on the internet! Just ask for them in Google! OpenOffice, which is installed already is plenty adequate for homework assignments and with a little exploring, everything else can work well too! Happy computing!