Beyond Google: The Other Search Engines - Comments Page 2
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One additional observation came to me: |
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I am in the mind that Bob Rankin's great blog is really about 'tech support' and that is probably the biggest motivation for us to continually lurk here soaking up and participating in geeky topics. |
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If you fail to deal with the elephant in the room, Social Media and Google being flagrantly and if not openly, at least clearly to any objective user and proven by multiple independent studies bias. They have just fired yet another employee that dared to expose their internal bias. They have been caught on video multiple times expressing their willingness and desire to utilize search results to influence or control public opinion, they have been caught multiple times changing supposedly neutrally objective algorithm driven search results to reflect a particular political slant they support. As most of the world and as Bob clearly states substantively more than 95% of all US Search Results either originate from Google directly or come from a source that merely repackages their results, it is in fact directly pertinent to any examination of search engines to discuss any and all biases that impact the search results. To fail to discuss this is to stick your head in the sand, your fingers in your ears and cover your eyes from the simple truth that Google's Search Results are not in fact objective, algorithm driven and based on actual popularity of the result (as Google as claimed for years). Rather the algorithms themselves have been intentionally manipulated to get a desired political result, to favor Google preferred speech, to favor Google preferred and often Google owned Products and Services and are used explicitly to change users behavior in a way Google prefers it to be changed without clearly disclosing that to users. This is a major "Feature" or "Bug" of the Search Engine and everyone utilizing Google for search should at least be aware that this is in fact what is happening. They should know that they are being aggressively and intentionally manipulated and that the Search Results they are getting are not in fact the most responsive or the most popular results but rather are the most responsive or most popular that fit Google's Political and Economic Desires. Quite Frankly, for Bob not to acknowledge this in his article is a serious shortcoming to the article and analysis itself. It is not as though this is conjecture, these are actual known facts. If you do not wish to deal with the fact that you are getting inaccurate and based Search Results that are being filtered through a very specific political and economic Agenda that is your issue not those who point out the indisputable fact it is happening. These in fact are technical and technological "features' of Google Search and those other Search engines that repackage Google's results. |
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I do care about political issues, especially when it comes to Freedom of Speech. But, when any company begins to "monitor" anyone's language, I am not talking about expletives though I do know that is part of Freedom of Speech, but be it Left or Right Speech ... I do not tolerate that kind of behavior. We all have the right to express our opinions.
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Remember when Google (Alphabet) used the slogan "Do no evil"? And then it disappeared. Why? Because the public started realizing how absolutely vile this company is. They openly admit to political bias and that they want to defeat Trump in 2020. How flagrantly corrupt is that? And as far as their searches being 'superior' to, e.g. Duckduckgo which I use, when you give politically biased search results, how superior is that? I hope the government eventually crushes these tech monsters. |
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I MUCH prefer the use of Startpage, matter of fact on my Firefox browser it's set as my home page. The search results are NOT loaded with ads the way the Google searches are! And it's a totally private search engine. |
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