REVIEW: Avast Free Antivirus 2015 - Comments Page 1
Posted by:
This sounds like an all-in-one that can take the place of several software offerings out there now. I've been using AVAST for years and the only problem is that it was flagging some of my older games as malware. Also it has no way for me to tell it that one toolbar I put up myself is not malware and wants to remove it. Yes, I know it tracks my shopping; that's how I earn extra dollars. Otherwise, AVAST has been good to me. Guess I'll let someone else take the first plunge before downloading. Anxious to know how folks fare with this. |
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"Avast seems to be morphing into an all-in-one system maintenance and security suite" RIP another good product... |
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Beware of It's the way that free software becomes costly. |
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I have been using "AVAST" the paid version now for almost 3 years and I have been trouble free. |
Posted by:
Hello, Really enjoy your articles, etc. Have downloaded the new Avast 2015. They say you can opt-out of their collecting info. from you. Obviously, they make it very hard for anyone to do this. Not a very professional approach on their part. Any idea where this opt-out is ? Regards, |
Posted by:
When Avast deletes your Chrome browser like it did mine you will switch back to AVG. You can read all about this trouble on the Avast user group site. |
Posted by:
This program hounds you constantly to buy something. Has an automatic feature that opens it's own internet window and launches an ad to buy the non-free version. All the add-ons act like they are operational and will only let you know you have to pay after you waste a bucketload of time running the add-on. Too much BS! |
Posted by:
While Avast has been a good AV program, I've been switching my customers over to Avira which is really good these days! |
Posted by:
Have used Avast Free for awhile, including new 2015 Version. I started using because of the scan for out-of-date programs. Also like the new scan for network threats. However, takes more tweaking than other free Anti-Virus programs to tame the pop-ups. I like the program and would recommend it. However, for those that are less sophisticated PC users, usually suggest Panda as they would not use the additional features Avast has, and Panda does not require any tweaking. |
Posted by:
I tried Avast after reading your earlier report and I liked it....except for one thing....the repeated notifications on this or that which had nothing to do with detection of a virus or other malware. Perhaps if I try the paid version I can get rid of that annoyance. Right now I've returned to MSE. |
Posted by:
While, I am a big fan of Avast!, I don't think, I like all of the "goodies", that Avast! is beginning to add. I pay for the Avast! Internet Security and I haven't been pleased with a couple of the additives. It took me awhile, to stop them, but, I finally got it done. I did not like the Software Updater, at all. It annoyed me, to no end. Plus, there is some software upgrades, that play havoc on my computer, so, I must go back to the previous version. I didn't like the Browser Cleaner, either. I guess that, I have gotten so use to my CCleaner Pro, which cleans my browser, the way I want it cleaned, after every time I go on the Internet. I know, I am sounding like a curmudgeon, but, I hate that Dropbox was added to the Avast! Internet Security! I really don't need storage on a cloud, I am not in business and have an External Drive. Plus, Dropbox is continually updating or upgrading ALL the time. Frankly, it is very annoying, especially, when you don't use it. Again, I am a big fan of Avast! and probably, always will be. I just don't think, some of these additives to the FREE version, are that great. Oh, one good point since, I have Avast! Internet Security version ... It does NOT take up a lot of resources!!! This Free version, sounds a lot like the older Internet Security version, which it probably is. One warning, if, you chose to make the settings "scan the hard drive", when you first turn your computer on ... It can take a long time, IF, you have a lot of data, after it is done ... It is done, okay? If, you don't have a lot of data, it really doesn't take long, at all. Plus, my regular scanning schedule, remember I have a paid version, doesn't interfere with whatever I am doing, at the time. I really do like that!!! My Casual Games may "lag" here and there, but, overall the scanning doesn't seem to interfere. Bottom line ... It's FREE!!! Try it and play around with the settings, to get it the way you want it ... I think, most will be pleased. I am not trying to be argumentative, but, I have been using the Chrome browser, for a long time and Avast! has not deleted it, yet. However, I do try to keep my Chrome, very minimal, without a lot of Toolbars and Extensions. |
Posted by:
I stopped using Avast when they started pushing unwanted tool bars and browsers. I accidentally allowed it to automatically update once and could not reset without the toolbar and browser reappearing. So this product is forever off my computer. Good riddance! |
Posted by:
I use the free version of Avast for my tablet. It seems to do the job without slowing down performance. I think when my current anti-virus for my laptop expires, I will switch to Avast as a much more economical option even in the paid version. As always, Bob, thanks for the information! |
Posted by:
I have been using Avast since you recommended it and I am totally happy. I did have a problem with a program on another computer that Avast was tagging as Malware, Otherwise, I like Avast. |
Posted by:
When you install a program you don't have to keep it. I like Advanced System Care but it HOUNDS me (it seems like) every day to upgrade, or inform me that I need the rest of their tools (I do keep IOBIT DEGRAG though, and just know that it's a minor annoyance, it's ASC that seems to cause all the hounding). I'll instal it, run it, let it clean things up, then delete it. After all that's what programs like Revo Uninstall are for: getting rid of programs you don't want. Not knowing if Avast! does any real time scanning, I generally stay away from it except for my old computers which chug away at World Community Grid 24/7 and run it every couple of days. At home I run the free AV program given to me by my ISP, though I do double check it every couple of days with MBAM. Panda takes FOREVER to run on my computer - too long for me. Just because a program does good things and has some side effects that bother you - doesn't mean you have to keep it - just use it for what you want to use it for -- then dump it. I run CCleaner everyday, add Privazer a couple of times a week or so depending on how much public surfing I've been doing, Run Glary about once every week or two, then once a month down load ASC run it, delete it, then defrag over night. Remember you can be like a mechanic: get the tool you need, then 'put it back on the shelf' (delete it). Yes, it takes about 10 minutes longer to down load and uninstall (AND you have to cold-boot after you uninstall it) - but you did use a good tool for the right job - and put it back where it belongs, on the tool rack. I like what ASC does, but HATE the harassing (it seems to me) to use ALL their tools. So, I treat it just like the engineers who built the pyramids: I use their skill, then kill them. Not a problem. |
Posted by:
Be aware of the gruesome problem with avast and the KB3000850 windows 8+ patch. I switched to avira. |
Posted by:
I can't remember how long I've used Avast, both paid & free versions. It is my first go-to program to get a new user to install on a non-protected unit. I've found it easy to install and use. I'll stck with the program for now. It has been the least obnoxious for me of the vendors that try to get you to upgrade. Thanks for the review of the new features. |
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You covered everything. Except how it performs in the core functions. |
Posted by:
I updated my paid version of Avast to 2015 version and 3 days later I uninstalled it and went back to AVG where I was for years.The new program was interfering with websites and Chrome browser.I am 76 years old and my memory is not what it was. It is too late in life to fight with a bully. |
Posted by:
Hi, I used Avast in the past before it became a Norton look alike.. Now it is is the realm of Norton and MacAfee. I it on my DO NOT USE LIST!!! It locked my Email and other thing in my computer (Microsoft office Outlook)... I could change the settings. I deleted it the registry to no avail... Good thing I had a System Image to restore my computer... Will not use their Product again!!!!! not worth the trouble!!!! |
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