Tech That Stops Distracted Driving - Comments Page 1
Posted by:
The big bugaboo with all the hardware and software solutions is the inability to differentiate between actively driving and being a passenger. Unless that is overcome somehow, a technological solution is impossible. That's why this is a non-starter. Way back in the mid-90s, a friend of mine suggested equipping phones and cars with simple, inexpensive circuitry that let them communicate with each other. “If the wheels are turning, the phone won’t work except for 911 calls,” ... |
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Still don't understand the argument that hands-free calling is more dangerous than talking to a passenger in the car. Besides, based on my daily commute, it's not cell phones that cause accidents, it's jerks (putting it way too nice) that disregard human life to get where they're going 3 seconds sooner. |
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I'm no fan of a nanny state, but this is one area where I agree that the government should step in and mandate software that turns off phone call and text capability at speeds over normal walking speeds. No phone company will ever do this on their own because of how much business they would lose to their competitors if they were the only ones to implement it. Of course, I assume it would be relatively easy to defeat this if you shut off your GPS on the phone, but it's better than nothing. |
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How much more hazardous is it to drive talking on a hands free device versus talking to a passenger in the vehicle? |
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I have been a ham for 48 years and ran mobile for 46 of those including mobile CW. I have never had an accident due to that and have worked all continents of the world but Antarctica. You do not need to be distracted while multitasking. |
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Up front the idea sounds good to disable the phone but then I think, how am I going to use the gps on the phone. It has verbal commands so I don't have to look at it to get driving instructions. This would defeat gps on a lot of phones. |
Posted by:
Until hands free in enforced by the law, people will always text and drive. Florida is struggling to make it a law against texting and driving. Florida won't even consider hands free. I like California as they enforce hands free devices which includes GPS and lipstick in addition to cell phones. |
Posted by:
How do you rate Bluetooth phone technology, not including texting which I am strongly against. To talking to a passenger in the car. Personally I can see no difference, if you are going to say no Bluetooth phone conversations, will it be no passenger conversations next? |
Posted by:
Until hands free in enforced by the law, people will always text and drive. Florida is struggling to make it a law against texting and driving. Florida won't even consider hands free. I like California as they enforce hands free devices which includes GPS and lipstick in addition to cell phones. |
Posted by:
The manufactures of the tech gadgets can sure make a fortune off of stupidity and the human race is making sure the demand will always be there.Will we ever get to the stage where we will be able to sell a second hand human brain.If we do there is a fortune to be made there too. |
Posted by:
Watching a show the other day; I found it quite amusing that a driver would carry-on a conversation with a passenger, making continuous eye contact, still keeping their vehicle on the road. And we wonder where people get the idea of invincibility. Tech can't fix stupid.... |
Posted by:
BR: That leaves adults free to kill themselves and other people’s babies. It’s not good enough. Some variant of my friend’s idea, integrated into the electronics of both the car and the phone, is the only solution that will end the carnage. But that would require the cooperation of auto, phone and law makers. And sadly, none of them are likely to go there, because they know it will be an unpopular move. ZZ: Remember that auto makers also resisted mandatory seat belts, air bags, and almost anything else related to safety that would raise production costs and sticker prices but not increase profit. :-( |
Posted by:
The statistics mentioned in your article Bob indicate to me that distracted driving is a problem. Individuals can argue this until there is a blue moon in the sky. Bottom line for me is that if you are concerned about the well being of other human beings you will not do stuff that makes it unsafe to drive for both you and other humans. It all comes down to good either have it or you want to exclusively pursue your own interests! |
Posted by:
Since the article is about distracted driving (anything that changes the drivers' focus from safely operating the vehicle) we must include the previously not mentioned distractions of eating, drinking, changing clothes, shoes, adjusting hair, applying make-up, chasing the dropped french fries, cussing out the burger drips and the ever popular 'extracurricular activities'. ALL are valid distractions and cannot be brushed aside to only concentrate on playing with PED's. If ya'll plan to thump on a pulpit about wrongs, be realistic, roll up your sleeves and let's put lipstick on that pig. |
Posted by:
The difference between a conversation with a passenger and someone on the phone is that the passenger is in the same situation as the driver, so when a higher level of concentration is required by the driver, the conversation can be paused. It is less socially acceptable to have a sudden stop in the phone conversation and subconsciously the driver places a higher priority on it.It is more dangerous. |
Posted by:
Cellcontrol ( is a solution that works with any car made after 1996. It’s an inexpensive tamper-proof distracted driver solution that blocks Android and iPhone text messages and phone calls when the car is in motion. The product can also alert you to speeding. It's available at their site or at Wal-Mart for a 1-time price of $89. With the addition of the optional Cellcontrol DriveID, only the driver's phone is blocked leaving passengers free to talk, text and browse. DriveID received the CES 2014 Best of Innovations Honors and was featured on a Today Show episode: If we still had teen drivers at home, I would be buying this. Even without teens it might be a worthwhile investment so you can avoid temptation. NOTE: I do not work for this company, but I previously worked for a reseller partner. I tested this extensively and installed it at many customers. It's an excellent product. |
Posted by:
While I am against things that limit our freedom, after having my son killed by a semi-truck driver who felt the need text while going 60 mph, I would agree to many things that limit phone use while driving. I am tired of being run off the road. It's illegal in Illinois to talk/text while driving, yet I see the cops doing it! I think Bluetooth is a little safer. I hate that, I think it is Chevy, has come out with a "safe" way to text in their new models. |
Posted by:
I really, don't have a problem with using a Bluetooth device, while you are driving. You can still concentrate on your driving, with a Bluetooth device. I know, I have done it. As for texting ... Total different problem!!! It is bad, bad, bad to text, while driving. A true story. Back in the mid 90's, I worked in surgery, on the 3-11 shift. One night, we had a procurement (the taking of organs, for human transplantation). The patient was a good looking young man, in his early 30's, who had be declared brain dead. There were no broken bones, he simply looked, like he was sleeping, peacefully. The cause of this tragedy ... Was TEXTING while driving!!! Not a lot of cell phones were in use, at that time, but, there were some, where you could text and there were even beepers, where you could text. I am not sure, if, it was a cell phone or a beeper, but, the bottom line ... Is this man's life was ended ... Because, he had to text!!! The strange thing, the procurement team told me, that texting while driving, was the number one reason, for procurement!!! Texting had replaced Mob-Ped accidents. Bottom line, all most people see is the technology ... Medical/Surgical people see the results of technology, on a daily basis. Technology is both good and bad. Believe me, today's hospitals and doctors could NOT function, without technology!!! It is when technology is abused, that tragedies occur. |
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How about making it compulsory for drivers to wear gloves? |
Posted by:
Phoning & texting are illegal in the UK, although the fine is not as high as it should be. |
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