Are the Bad Guys Winning the Malware Wars? - Comments Page 1
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Why wasn't Malwarebytes tested? I use it and have no problems. It also has an anti-exploit program which protects against ransomware. |
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I have the same question as Steven Bulger. Was Malwarebytes tested? If I remember correctly, you recommend Malwarebytes in the past. ??? |
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Same question as above, yes i know about the dispute |
Posted by:
Same question here. How does Malwarebytes fair? EDITOR'S NOTE: Those tests are voluntary. MBAM has chosen not to participate. You'll have to ask them why. |
Posted by:
And the same site lists PC Pitstop as an overall fail. Stability shows as "buggy". EDITOR'S NOTE: The failing grade was due to the number of false positives, an issue I addressed in the article. |
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I was using Panda years ago. Why it is not in the test? |
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What happened to Kaspersky? |
Posted by:
Curious about malwarebytes, too. I recently installed version 3.0.6 (I think). It ran over 29 hours and never finished. I emailed mbam and they acknowledged getting my inquiry. It's been four days and they have not replied with any susstance. I pay for premiuim so I am not happy. |
Posted by:
I know that in the past that you worked at PCPS. Is there any relationship between y'all now? After frying one PC, I am very careful about where I go. Avast Free, MBAM for money, and Sophos (run at random) have kept me out of trouble. Thank you for all that you do. It almost as good as living next door to a guru. EDITOR'S NOTE: What??? I have never worked with, for, or at PC Pitstop. My first job out of college was as a computer programmer at IBM (1984-1997). Since then I have been a happily SELF-employed online publisher. |
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I'll join the "What happened to" parade with Webroot, which I just bought based on recommendations and or reviews which may have included this site. |
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Hi Bob, |
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My first reaction is that Reactive results should be deterministic and Proactive results more probabilistic. However I'm guessing different products compute "signatures" differently and malware makers constantly adjust their products to avoid detection. So all identification attempts must be probabilistic with the AV vendor setting the "fences" for positive/negative where they like. Why not make these settings available in an Advanced Settings area so that individual users can customize behavior. Finally, these processes seem like opportunities for "big data" techniques to supplant hard coded algorithms. Sharing data among AV vendors would help the customers (us). |
Posted by:
I've been using Bullguard for the past 4+ years and have been very happy with it. I receive a few false positives occasionally, but not enough to be an issue. I used Bitdefender prior to that. I didn't care for the functional changes they made and quit using it. |
Posted by:
Why wasn't Kaspersky tested? |
Posted by:
Eyebrow raising or not, this article would lead one to believe PC Matic is God's gift to antivirus. But, Virus Bulletin referenced in the article gives it a failing grade. EDITOR'S NOTE: The failing grade was due to the number of false positives, an issue I addressed in the article. |
Posted by:
Another informative article, but no mention of the growing trend of Ransomware via social media: |
Posted by:
I use Advance Systems Care Ultimate(paid) and BitDefender(Free); they "play nice" together as someone mentioned. I have only been using them for about 4-months, and they caught the one (1) virus that attempted to invade my system. I went with ASC because of something you posted nearly a year ago. Totally satisfied with how my machine functions. Wondering why ASC was not tested. BTW, I run Win7 Home Edition -64-bits. So perhaps because this was a Win10 test, it doesn't apply to me. For the record, I dumped Avast, Avila, AVG, Kasperksy(paid), Norton(totally locked up my system). Finally, tried the PCMatic test run offered and quickly uninstalled. Same problem as Kaspersky. Again, perhaps my Win7 is the reason. Any way, keep up the good work; like some others on your thread, I am a "old school fixed income" guy and rely on your judgement and recommendations. Hope you will not have run out of copies of your new "Backup" book before I can spell able. |
Posted by:
I Use free versions of SUPERAntiSpyware and Malware Bytes. One finds things the other misses and vice versa. Also use the free version of Avast. Win 10 is kept up to date. I don't open attachments I'm not expecting. |
Posted by:
Your favorite program does not even show up on the reviews I am reading. Is there a something we are missing that excludes some of the good products listed in comments above? EDITOR'S NOTE: I never said anything about PC Matic being my favorite, nor did I endorse it. It's one of many alternatives I want you to know about. |
Posted by:
I don't understand people using Kaspersky. With it being a Russian company staffed with exKGB security people and Russia's supposed hacking of our elections (and God knows what else) would make me wonder what was going on inside my machine! |
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