Are Keyless Cars Hackable? - Comments Page 2

Category: Auto , Security

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Posted by:

03 May 2017

how bout a thumbprint scanner like they have on guns n laptops? how hard can that be?

Posted by:

03 May 2017

This calls for another corollary to Murphy's Law - Call it law of diminishing returns. The fob is a zillion times more complex than a 5 or 6 pin key-lock system. And costs way more. The fob does the same thing, but you can still lose it, it can still be stolen and if it breaks it costs a fortune to replace and you need to reprogram the car's computer to get it to work. Plus as Bob points out it can get hacked.

I am getting sick of high tech. IMO, with a few exceptions, high tech is just high hype - more stuff for people to buy that does not improve their lives, but makes it more complicated. Like glittering but useless toys that fascinate children.

Posted by:

03 May 2017

useless glitter is what drives the worldwide economy. i say let em have all the toys they want.

Posted by:

03 May 2017

"I am getting sick of high tech. IMO, with a few exceptions, high tech is just high hype - more stuff for people to buy that does not improve their lives, but makes it more complicated. Like glittering but useless toys that fascinate children."

Indeed, but the world is being dumbed down by too many people with more money than commen sense.

Posted by:

03 May 2017

"My solution is owning a car that while it meets all my needs living in a four season area is not nearly as desirable to thieves as a sports or luxury car. I also live in an area that while thieves certainly exist, very few if any are as industrious or intelligent as the big city thieves Bob describes above."

Famous last words!

Posted by:

03 May 2017

WHY, not use the knowledge of those reading to create a 'fob' that fits snuggly into the hand.
It would lie flat in the fingers, with the wrist turning to the left. The thumb on top.. (A golf club thingy :))
Where the 'thumb' depression is, have an indent to 'read' the 'thumbprint' of the holder.
By depressing the 'thumb depression' a scan is done of the thumb, if not correct, access NOT granted....
On the bottom side, (under the thumb & holder) there could be 2 or 3 buttons.(1,2 or/if 3..)
By selecting either/iether (lol) you, by use of your thumb 'authorize' the action on the buttons. : e.g.
1/. (top) 'Start car'.
2/. (middle) 'Unlock door'.
3/. (bottom) '????'.
By depressing the appropriate button on the bottom, (1,2 or/if 3..) and having the thumb give the okay, then the action, (1,2 or/if 3..) is activated.
:) Simples:)

**YOU own the 'fob', YOU own the 'control' of your Car. (or etc.!)**
~~CAN they yet scan and transmit a 'thumbprint'??~~
I would like about 2 dozen of these please, when you make your 1st 'squillion' :)

Posted by:

15 Jun 2017

When I upgrade to a newer car I will simply buy an ammo box and store my key fob(s) in it while at home even though my car is usually parked in a garage.

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