Edge Browser: Finally Ready For Prime Time? - Comments Page 1
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Since being forced to upgrade to Windows 10, I have never tried Edge - and don't intend to as Chrome and Firefox meet all my needs. |
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Admittedly, this edition of Ask Bob just arrived in my Inbox, so maybe nobody has had time to comment yet. Still, the Comments section was completely empty when I checked. As for me, I use Firefox, Vivaldi, and Chrome, in that order. I actually have multiple other browsers on my laptops since I like to experiment. It's been a month or two since I even so much as opened Edge (on my Windows laptops, not even on the Linux ones), though. Maybe I should take a look. One of these days. Or whenever. |
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I find I have to use Edge to get some web sites which have occasional problems on Firefox to function properly. I can't be bothered to investigate the Firefox problems so just switch to Edge. I don't like Chrome as Google is just too pushy. I still use Firefox generally but wouldn't be unhappy if I had to use Edge all the time. |
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I use Edge when I have to- when a website won't load because even though I have white listed them in Chrome and Antiminer they insist I don't allow cookies. Like you I am too invested in Chrome to give it up so fat, but if too many banks "upgrade" to not allowing me to do my banking I may have to switch after all, though I might try Vivaldi more thoroughly first. |
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Edge - advanced Microsoft says? So advanced I had to install a substitute icon for the missing, never to be seen again, edge "E"
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Hedge Fund. Edge Fund.Edge Funeral. If MS wasn't such an AH, I might try it. As long as there's an option, the option will always be chosen first. Unless it's Google. Psi. |
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I was always on edge when I used Edge so I switched to the old familiar browsers. The same could be said of Windows 10 Mail, not much better than Pine that I uses to use back in the '80s. |
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Still, nothing jumps out at me from "Tips" about saving in PDF |
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I have tried Edge but it never seems to give me any reason to use it. So I normally use Firefox and sometimes Chrome. I have on occasion used IE when I encounter a strange site where nothing else works. I find tremendous differences in Internet speed when I test it using different browsers. And Edge fails to work for uploads when I use it on dslreports speed test. |
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I switched to Vivaldi about 6 months ago and find its many unique features of benefit. It continues getting better. |
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I don't care what Microsoft does I will never trust them. Windows 10 isn't ready for prome time so how can Edge be either. |
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I don't know - maybe I'm just lazy but I've never tried any browsers other than Firefox, Chrome and Edge. I dropped Firefox years ago when there were all those issues and never went back, even though that's all supposed to be fixed now. |
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dlc has it right. Once bitten, twice shy. I'll never use any Norton product. And Edge will have to be twice as good as Firefox to have me use it. The nags MS have been using is working against it. The more nags I get, the *less* likely I'll ever use Edge. It's installed - but behind FF, Chrome and even IE. |
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When it becomes [possible to organize Edge to what I want, not what MS says I need, then I'll consider going over. I don't need stories that belong in US, National Enquirer and People. I'd rather have NORMAL News and info that are actually useful. When I can organize Edge like I can IE, it may then be useful. Categories are nice, not their mish-mash of stuff. |
Posted by:
What a bunch of faithful whiners who seem to continue believe their opinions count for more than simply a joke for others to laugh at. The basic fact is that Edge works just as Bob states so well. What browser you choose to use serves no valued position and has no relationship to the context of Bob's message. |
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Very interesting that the last two message are dated 10-23 and it is still 10-22. Are those notes from the future?? EDITOR'S NOTE: No, my blog operates on Greenwich Mean Time. It's tomorrow across the Atlantic. |
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I've used Firefox for years but too many problems recent months so finally gave up after reading your review of Vivaldi. Had tried Vivaldi when it was an "infant" but it had too many growing pains, better now. I still much prefer Firefox - as it was - but they seem to have lost ability to fix it. Tried Opera few times but never liked it, still don't. Still working with Vivaldi but not really sold on it. Just call me frustrated! And avoiding WIN 10 as long as possible. Wish someone would produce a simple, basic OS and browser for home users with add-ons to choose for simpler interests. |
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My aversion to multi-process syncing remains: surely data security MUST be compromised by both Ggl and Ms using a single login for all processes on their platforms (if these are the right terms). |
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Edge looks stodgy, I only use it for some sites which don't render well in Chrome, Firefox. Microsoft does not know the art of design. the Hardware design is good but its software icons etc .just plain suck. They need to 3D their icons. The reason OnePlus android sells so well here in India(Asia) is that the screen is AMOLED. The icons stand out fabulously. |
Posted by:
I agree with Tony's comment about Microsoft Edge storing confidential information. I will stick to using Chrome for e-mail, Firefox for general web browsing, and Vivaldi for special projects. NO! I will NOT use Microsoft Edge. I may need to use Internet Explorer only for certain special cases. Thank you for the informative article! |
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