Geekly Update - 20 Jul 2017

Category: Tech-News

Why is Google breeding millions of mosquitos in a California lab? How accurate has Bill Gates been about his predictions for the future? And can you end up cleaning sewers if you don't read your Internet provider's terms of service carefully? Get answers in today's Geekly Update -- it's jam-packed with the latest tech news. This issue is guaranteed to make you 146% smarter -- you'll see why. Read, think, and, comment!

The AskBobRankin Geekly Update

Crappy service? Thousands of Brits agreed to clean sewer lines because they didn’t read the fine print in the terms of service of a free public WiFi service.

An umbrella-sharing startup launched in 11 Chinese cities with 300,000 umbrellas. It ended (or folded) the way you would expect.

You'd expect that people who work at Google might be involved in debugging software. But they're also trying to eliminate real bugs. Google's biotech division is participating the Debug Project in Fresno California. That involves breeding and releasing a million sterile male mosquitos each week, in an effort to kill off the dangerous ones that carry Zika, Dengue and other diseases.

Geekly Update 07-20-2017

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates made some uncannily accurate predictions in the last century. Read about them and what Bill predicts for the future.

Privacy issues can always be worse. Would-be p**n viewers in Russia must first sign up with a social network that serves as their age-authenticator. But it also collects their addresses, phone numbers, and even passport data.

First we had data, then Big Data, and now ENORMOUS DATA! Have tech giants like Google and Facebook amassed so much data about users that it’s impossible for startups to catch up and topple them?

“Insanely accurate” lip-syncing tech could help fake news sites produce totally made-up videos that are virtually indistinguishable from the real people featured in them.

Genetic engineers have embedded an animated GIF of a running horse in living bacteria… because they can. Send some of those genetic engineers over here to mow my lawn if they have so much free time.

Discover a new book every time you visit your home page with this Chrome extension.

“Honey” is a Chrome extension that automatically finds the coupon code that saves you the most money on any item you’re about to purchase.

Samsung is targeting movie theaters with a gigantic 4K resolution LED display that measures more than 33 feet diagonally.

A Chinese mall offers husband storage pods in which men can relax and play video games or surf the Web while their wives shop. I wonder which spouse controls the door lock?

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Most recent comments on "Geekly Update - 20 Jul 2017"

Posted by:

20 Jul 2017

The article about embedding a GIF into a cell via its DNA could be useful in the world of medicine.

They could program a cell (such as e-coli) so that it's benign and will not harm anyone.

This technology could possibly cure many diseases, even the common cold! :-)

Posted by:

21 Jul 2017

My problem was my WiFi Bandwidth was being eaten. Network a free download showed my use at 25G...but my supplier said 85G. I was given the run around for 2 months before they sorted the problem. A technician found the SIM in my modem was faulty, and replace it with a new one. I have only added this comment as it might be of use to know that SIM's in Modems can give up and your supplier will make all kinds of claims like your bandwidth is being stolen by your neighbor! Network is a useful tool to keep check.

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