Geekly Update - 23 July 2024

Category: Tech-News

Are you ready for Windows XP on your iPad? Why are scientists making Moon dust on Earth? How many mushrooms must die to make a luxury Cadillac? And would you trust a self-driving vehicle without a steering wheel? Get answers in today's Geekly Update... it's jam-packed with the latest tech news. This issue is guaranteed to make you 146% smarter -- you'll see why. Read, think, and comment!

The AskBobRankin Geekly Update

"Kirk to Enterprise. - Spock here, captain." A long-lost Star Trek phaser and communicator, props from the original Star Trek series, have been found in the collection of a recently-deceased man and are headed to auction on November 9.

A faulty software update from cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike caused a massive IT blackout, affecting banks, airlines, and media companies around the world. The problem lead to system failures and widespread "blue screen of death" errors on affected Microsoft computers.

Microsoft recommended rebooting your computer 15 times to fix the Blue Screen Of Death problem. "Here's something you can do while the IT guys try to figure out what's going on."

Geekly Update 07-23-2024

This BBC video explains why scientists are making Moon dust (regolith) here on earth. It turns out there's lots of oxygen on our Moon.

In other space news, NASA has announced that they will pay SpaceX $843 million to develop the U.S. Deorbit Vehicle, to safely bring down the International Space Station after it reaches the end of its operational life in 2030.

Cadillac’s Sollei is an extra-long, extra-yellow electric vehicle with a fridge in the back seat. The concept car derived from Cadillac's ultra-luxury Celestiq line has a 55-inch infotainment screen and biodegradable mushroom-based mycelium seats.

If you've been dreaming of running Windows XP on your Apple iPad, then UTM SE is your dream come true. UTM SE is an Apple-approved app that enables your iPad (or iPhone) to emulate PC hardware and run Windows or other computer desktop operating systems (poorly).

An article on TechNewsWorld cautions that Windows 10 End-of-Life Could Flood Landfills With E-Waste. Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 10 in October 2025, leaving about 200 million PCs unable to meet the hardware requirements of Windows 11. At that time, users running Windows 10 will face the choice of continuing without security patches (unsafe), switching to Linux (untenable for most), or ditching their older machines in favor of new hardware. Remember when Microsoft said "Windows 10 will be the last version of Windows"?

In January, a technology exec in the process of buying a house was tricked into sending almost $400,000 to a cyber criminal. Ironically, Rana Robillard was a 25-year veteran of tech companies, including a cybersecurity firm. She's still trying to get her funds returned, but decided to share her story to help others avoid getting scammed.

And finally, this week's Just Here For the Headline item: GM Puts Self-Driving Vehicle Without Steering Wheel On Hold.

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Most recent comments on "Geekly Update - 23 July 2024"

Posted by:

23 Jul 2024

Bob, sure seems like your weekly update leaves people speechless. I mean what CAN you say about a vehicle without a steering wheel being put on 'hold'? Some things don't have words to describe them. Thanks for the weekly updates!

Posted by:

Jr Hengst
23 Jul 2024

I have 4 computers ( one is a real old tablet) that don't have the requirements for win 11 that I have running it. Two are really SLOW but work for the programs I run on them. I also have two other old windows computers that I have converted to Linux and they run better than they ever did on Windows.

Posted by:

23 Jul 2024

Actually, I converted all but one of my computers to various versions of Linux. If an ignoramus like me can do it pretty easily with MOST versions of Linux, anyone can.

Posted by:

23 Jul 2024

Thank you Bob for heads up on the end of Window's 10. Must start saving now for a new computer . Quite interesting articles and I'm leaning something new every day .

Posted by:

24 Jul 2024

There are ways to install Win 11 on older computers. I know because I have many I've installed Win 11 on.
It's not that complicated. You have to edit one file and make sure you don't click on "Windows update while installing." There are videos out there that you can watch that go into greater detail than I can give here. I'd post a link but I don't know if Bob would like that. Maybe he can write an article here on how to do it.
Right now, you can get Lenovo laptops that Microsoft says can't update to 11 for very low prices and put 11 on them like many of us have done.

Posted by:

24 Jul 2024

This is a good Geek article! I find it stupefying that better ways of recycling the components, especially the metals, in old computers and other electronic waste has not been improved. [I guess that one of those days, they will have to mine the landfills to extract resources.] Yes! We definitely live in a throw-away society. Also, when are they planning on "retiring" Windows 11? What is the next Windows operating system coming out? Windows 12? Thank you for the informative Geek article!

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