Geekly Update - 23 June 2021
Who will do the laundry when we set up a human colony on Mars? Is tomorrow's big software announcement going to help you transcend time and space? And is someone watching when you enter your PIN number at the automated teller machine in your local convenience store? Get answers in today's Geekly Update... it's jam-packed with the latest tech news. This issue is guaranteed to make you 146% smarter -- you'll see why. Read, think, and, comment! |
The AskBobRankin Geekly Update
Brian Krebs tells the story of How Cyber Sleuths Cracked an ATM Shimmer Gang.
For a few years law enforcement has been struggling with ATMs (automatic teller machines) compromised with “shimming” devices that can steal data from chipped cards. These tiny devices inserted into ATMs can work in conjuction with cameras hidden in fake overhead and side panels on the ATMs.
Researchers from The Australian National University claim they have revolutionized night-vision, making the invisible visible, with new tech that could work on standard glasses. The researchers say it’s not just for police and security guards, but will make walking home in the dark or driving at night safer.
The end of the pandemic won’t mean a decline in PC sales. Gartner says the opposite is expected, reporting that worldwide PC shipments grew 32% in the first quarter of 2021. It’s the fastest year-over-year growth in twenty years.
Did Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella just say that Windows 11 will allow users to transcend time and even space? The big announcement is slated for tomorrow, June 24th.
But then there's this... Watch Cortana tell a person actually using an unreleased version of Windows 11 that Windows 11 is not real.
Going to Mars sounds cool, but someone still has to do the laundry on the Red Planet. So Tide is partnering with NASA to design Laundry Detergent for Space. They’ll also begin Stain Removal Testing on the International Space Station. When you consider that rockets can travel as fast as 25,000 mph, you can understand the occasional stain on the wardrobe.
Prime Day is not just on Amazon these days. Everyone wants to score some cool gadgets and save money but not everyone wants to feed the Amazon monster. WalMart is one example of a website with Anti-Prime Day deals.
How much screen real estate do you need? If a 30-inch monitor doesn’t cut it for you, Popular Mechanics has a list of the best ultrawide monitors (34 inches and larger) available today. They base their picks on size, resolution, refresh rate and connectivity. Prices range from $400 to $2000.
Bitcoin fell below $30,000 for the first time in more than five months, and has lost more than 50% of its value since reaching a high of over $64,000 in April 2021. China is cracking down on Bitcoin mining, and has told banks to stop supporting digital currency transactions.
Snapchat is moving at 123 MPH to drop their “speed filter,” a feature that shows how fast a user is going when taking a picture or video. The company said the feature is being removed because it is "barely used". But it might have more to do with lawsuits alleging that the filter encouraged users to drive at dangerous speeds. Several deaths and injuries have been reported in connection with those using the filter.
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This article was posted by Bob Rankin on 23 Jun 2021
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Article information: AskBobRankin -- Geekly Update - 23 June 2021 (Posted: 23 Jun 2021)
Copyright © 2005 - Bob Rankin - All Rights Reserved
Most recent comments on "Geekly Update - 23 June 2021"
Posted by:
23 Jun 2021
I have cabled tv . There are channels who's audio is soo much louder .
Question , who controls (aside from me) the audio ? Cable or Tv station ?
Posted by:
Robert A.
23 Jun 2021
Roland: Probably neither. It's likely that the individual channels, or the producers of the programs apply audio compression, during the post-production process. Your local cable or satellite provider likely takes the signal off the satellite and sends it through to the customers just as they receive it. Many newer TVs offer a sound setting in the TVs set-up menu, that can equalize the action sounds at a lower level, often named "Late Night Viewing, or, other similar names, so the various channels may come out sounding more balanced. You might try calling your cable TV provider, and ask to speak to a technician about the issue, but, I have a feeling they feel there are other issues they would rather work on, especially if there are not a lot of complaints on the topic.
Posted by:
Robert A.
23 Jun 2021
Apparently Cortana is not the all-knowing feature Microsoft would like the user to believe. I've seen over a half-dozen YouTube videos of computer techs and geeks installing a so-called "leaked" beta version of Windows 11, and, after the installation, flipping through various apps and tabs on the new OS, the "Windows 11" term is mentioned prominently.
Windows 11 is very similar to 10, with some new operating and safety features, never available on 10. Also, the "look-and-feel" has been updated, with newer, "easier-to-read" screen fonts, and new, updated set of designs for most of the screen icons.
The task bar is now centered on the bottom of the screen, ala Apple IOS, as opposed to being flush-left, as is now the case, in 10, although one tech reported that somewhere in the menus, one can change it back to sit on the left, for those who can't stomach the change.
On the right of the taskbar, which is now a bit taller, the time feature now also shows the day of the week, too. Finally, after many years, the outdated Internet Explorer web browser has left the auditorium, never too return, so that only Edge Chromium, based on open-source Chromium browser, and a near clone of Google Chrome, will be the only installed browser. Users will still be able to install alternate browsers, if they so wish.
One change that 10 users will see immediately, is the new splash screen for 11, when the OS boots up. Changing from the trapezoidal Windows logo, with the four light beams spilling out, on the right side of the screen, the Windows 11 logo is now a square icon, identical to the Microsoft multi-colored logo, minus the four colors, and has moved to the left side, with only two beams of light spilling out, to the right, forming a stylized "11," on the screen.
The YouTube geeks say that 11 will likely be released in late 2021, but rolled out slowly, as has been many of the most recent updates, of 10, and that Microsoft will contact the computer owner as to when they can download and update the new OS, likely, for the home and small business users, beginning in late March/early May, 2022.
Posted by:
Brian B
23 Jun 2021
Re the revolutionized night-vision. That's probably the last you'll hear of that. Someone's military is going to snap that up before a potential enemy gets their hands on it. It's military potential is too great to ignore.
Posted by:
24 Jun 2021
"When you consider that rockets can travel as fast as 25,000 mph, you can understand the occasional stain on the wardrobe."
Posted by:
24 Jun 2021
Bob, this entire paragraph is hard to ready, due to missing words, and incorrect words:
"Snapchat is moving at 123 MPH to drop their “speed filter,” a feature that shows fast a user is going when taking a picture or video. The company said the feature is begin removed because it is "barely used". But it might have more to do with lawsuits alleging that the filter encouraged users to drive at dangerous speeds. Several deaths and injuries have been reported in connection with those using the filter."
1. "shows fast a user" s/b "shows HOW fast a user".
2. "is begin removed" s/b "is BEING removed".
Great post as always!