Can You Spot A Fake Product Review? - Comments Page 3

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Posted by:

23 Oct 2015

Like others here, I usually head straight to the 1-star comments.

Some 10 years ago (maybe more? maybe less?), there was an Amazon reviewer with tongue-in-cheek texts so witty that articles about the gentleman appeared in the media. His reviews turned out to be so hilarious that my jaws were hurting. If anyone knows/remembers his name, I would love to hear from you… (However, I believe I added him to some kind of Amazon "Following" list (which I can't find him on anymore), so maybe his reviews were taken down — by himself? — for some reason.)

Posted by:

24 Oct 2015

I'm another person who looks at 1 & 2-star reviews on Amazon to see if there is a pattern in the responses. I also look at other websites and pay more attention to Consumer Reports. And I don't pay much attention to verified purchase or Vine reviews. I have been satisfied with Amazon; I buy mostly music and books & I have a pretty good idea on what I'm getting before I click on "place order."

Posted by:

07 Nov 2015

If a poor review is based on a buyer's treatment by the seller, a shipping problems, a pricing issue, or the condition of the product received, I'll typically ignore the review. As other buyers, I look for similar evaluations of product quality, such as parts that break consistently, electrical problems that show up often, and so on. I pay less attention to Consumer Reports than I used to because products reviewed by them are often obsolete (no longer made) by the time their reviews are published.

Posted by:

15 Nov 2015

The more specific the dings or praises are, the more likely I am to give credence to the review. To be credible, I expect either some unknown aspect of the product, or how the product worked or how it affected the area in which it was to be used. And with things electronic, I know there are always some Luddites who will NEVER understand how to use the product, so always discount those as the lunatic fringe. Ditto for the "praise to the heavens" reviews. I generally will only leave negative reviews if I feel I'm being ripped off by the seller.

Posted by:

25 Jun 2019

@Don: I am *not* "like everyone" *nor* do I "shop [at] Amazon all the time."

Posted by:

25 Jun 2019

I too hoped to hone my detecting skills! I just spent much of today trying to research kitchen faucets w/motion sensors. Scrolling thru many reviews on HomeDepot and Amazon as well as the manufacturers sites and looking for independent reviewing sources.

I already use most of the techniques mentioned. Reading lower reviews, a few higher and mostly 3's and 4's. Some reviewers are just not overly bright when they complain about things that if they read directions they would know what was wrong or fault the product for something it states it does not do, or they measured wrong and it doesn't fit...
It is hard to know what complaints to trust at times, especially if it is a small percentage. I do add the 1's and 2's together to look at what % of the total they comprise. I also look to see if the manufacturer or distributor offers a reasonable response to problems and it it satisfied the poster. Some only respond to the very low complaints, not the ones listed in 4's or 3's with a problem that really should be addressed (tho the person should try customer service).
And the last thing I look for is how hard a time people have trying to contact customer service.
Sigh, I still don't know which faucet to try!

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