MagicTalk Free Phone Calls
I've seen something called MagicTalk that's supposed to give you free phone calls to landlines and mobile phones. Can I really make free phone calls, or is MagicTalk a scam? |
Is MagicTalk a Scam?
For a limited time, you can download a "softphone" application called magicTalk and use it to call any landline or mobile phone in the US or Canada, free of charge. You can also talk to any other magicTalk user anywhere in the world for free. So what exactly is magicTalk, and is it worth trying?
MagicTalk is a new software-only delivery platform for a VoIP service provided by Vocaltec Communications, one of the oldest and well-regarded competitors of Vonage, Skype, and other alternatives to landlines and cell phones. VoIP is an acronym for "voice over IP" and for all practical purposes it means "voice calling over the Internet."
I've downloaded and tested out the MagicTalk software on my laptop, and it seems to do exactly what it promises. I made phone calls to a landline and a mobile phone, using a headset with built-in microphone. Voice quality seemed fine, even though my laptop was connected via wifi. I didn't even have to register or provide any personal info in order to try it out. The software allows you 30 minutes of talk time, or 48 hours, whichever comes first, before you are required to register.
Once you register, you'll get a phone number that can be used for incoming phone calls. When people call your MagicTalk number, your computer will make a ringing sound, and you answer the call by clicking on the screen. Registered users get call waiting, caller ID and call forwarding features.
On that basis, I'd have to say this is no scam. But I do recommend that you read the MagicTalk Terms of Service and the MagicTalk FAQ to fully inform yourself. Some users may be concerned that the TOS allows the company to provide your contact info to "affiliates and business partners".
Comparing MagicTalk and MagicJack
The company's original product, MagicJack, is a compact USB device that accepts a standard telephone handset to make VoIP calls plug-and-talk easy. But with the magicTalk softphone, you will need a headset with a microphone that plugs into mini-jacks on your computer. Dialing, accepting incoming calls, and other user interaction is done on-screen.
The magicTalk softphone and headset system is ideal for mobile users who don't have room in their notebook cases for a magicJack and a phone handset. The magicJack and phone system is good for stationary home and office users. Just plug them in once and they work like a regular desktop phone.
The MagicJack hardware costs $40 one time. The magicTalk software is free, because it eliminates the cost of manufacturing and delivering hardware for the company.
A MagicTalk Basic account is free, and allows you to receive calls from US and Canadian landlines and mobile phones. You also get free outbound calling until January 1, 2011. Users who wish to call you must call a MagicTalk access number, then enter your unique MagicTalk number. Upgrading to the Premium account ($19.95/year) gets you a US-based landline number, which can be called directly, and also includes voicemail.
MagicTalk and MagicJack are strictly voice-based services. Unlike Google Voice, you can't do text messaging or have transcripts of voicemail messages forwarded to your email inbox. But your voicemail will take messages even when your computer is offline, and call-forwarding to another number lets you receive calls when your computer is turned off.
Vocaltec maintains an extensive U. S. network of VoIP servers and dedicated connections between them, so the quality of its voice calls tends to be higher than some other carriers. However, there has been a recent wave of user complaints about not being able to get through to Vocaltec customers from other carriers such as Verizon, AT&T, etc.
The bottom line is that magicTalk is a high-quality VoIP softphone that's free of charge through January 1, 2011. After that, you can still call other MagicTalk or MagicJack users for free, or upgrade to a paid account to get unlimited calling for $19.95 a year. Is it a "Skype killer"? Perhaps not, but it's worth considering among the other VoIP options out there.
Do you have something to say about MagicTalk? Post your comment or question below...
This article was posted by Bob Rankin on 7 Dec 2010
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Article information: AskBobRankin -- MagicTalk Free Phone Calls (Posted: 7 Dec 2010)
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Most recent comments on "MagicTalk Free Phone Calls"
Posted by:
07 Dec 2010
The big downside to Magic Jack and other VOIP calls are the irritating beeps that appear at random and
that have no solution at present. Unusable for business calls!
Posted by:
07 Dec 2010
I've used Magic Jack for over 2 yrs in the USA and outside and it is a wonderful gadget that works despite being bashed in and the faceplate cracked.Contrary to what Bob said about packing a phone with you all you will need is a headphone /microphone setup as you would with any VOIP service or you can use your computers built in Mic/Spker set up and pack nothing but Magic Jack.Voice Quality is much better than Vonage, calls go through and stay through.I also use Skype on my Iphone convenient to move around with but calls feel different and cut offs are frequent.M jacks price is incredible and I have never needed customer service and wonder why you would.
Posted by:
Hank Massey
07 Dec 2010
Magic Jack is a piece of crap. I have rental property and bought 3 for use in these. They don't work half the time. You are constantly having to re boot the computer plus it slows the computer down. My advice is DON'T BOTHER TO TRY THEM.
Posted by:
07 Dec 2010
Unless I misread the following, the following is not 100% accurate. MagicTalk and MagicJack are strictly voice-based services. Unlike Google Voice, you can't do text messaging or have transcripts of voicemail messages forwarded to your email inbox. Magic Jack DOES forward voicemail messages to email inbox.
Posted by:
07 Dec 2010
I bought the MJack, and I love it! I needed help updating my drivers for it,through their customer service, I was quite relieved with their help.
I haven't had any problems.
I find it quite fun actually.When I order my prescriptions over the phone, instead of looking for the numbers on phone, I can just hit the numbers on computor with my mouse, makes is so much easier.
I haven't used my mic,but once,I was told sounds too far away,I think thats on my part. I love the fact I won't have to pay a phone bill for the next 5-6 yrs. Total cost was only $123, by the time I bought the MJ and taxes with the 5 yr plan.
I'm a stay at home person, I don't use cell phone, so for me it's quite convienient. I recommend it!
ps..I love Bob Rankin's site, I recommend it to all my friends, I pass on in emails interesting topics.
Posted by:
08 Dec 2010
VOIP via USB connection to a computer with Broadband? I'd like to hear from other users, of whom some seem to love it and some don't. I have two friends who've taken the plunge, one in each category. The one who doesn't like it has an HP nx9010 laptop running XP Home SP3 on a single core 2660 Intel pentium 4 M , with 1 gig of RAM. Already slow as molasses in winter, this machine grinds to a near halt, taking about 3 minutes to boot to windows (not awful), but then more than a dozen additional minutes waiting for Magic Jack to move through its various nuisance screens while connecting. Overall performance of the machine has degraded since connecting Magic Jack. Anyone else have problems like that?
Posted by:
08 Dec 2010
I have nothing but problems with my MagicJack. There is no phone number to call if you have problems. When getting ahold of customer service, I have had to wait for HOURS while they try to fix it. They said they would send another MagicJack but I would have to send them money to do so. I have paid for the 5 year service plan. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't do it.
Posted by:
Jo Auer
08 Dec 2010
"" is a great free service for anyone eligible for about any low-income program (i.e.: HEAP, foodstamps, etc.) You only need to be eligible for ONE program. I just ordered mine online 2 weeks ago and had it in 7 days. No cost at all. I get 125 minutes a month free with Plan #2 which includes free rollover minutes. I received 128 [sic] minutes with my phone for November and a week later received another 125 minutes for December. No charges for phone, yearly, monthly or otherwise. It is a Samsung phone. I was told I can add additional minutes to it through TracPhone or the new SafeLink card; however, their new card is not in stores around where I live yet...but TracPhone is. Great for low income individuals like myself. Go to
Posted by:
Charles Hadle
08 Dec 2010
Perhaps this was why the MagicJack service I had would not renew my device after the first "free" included year had expired (by one day). Received emails stating that it was available to new users only when they cancelled my orders numerous times in early November. After going ten days without phone service I bit the bullet and bought a new magicjack and then purchased the five additional years' service... Their products work, their customer service and care is lacking...
Posted by:
14 Dec 2010
My problem, Bob, is that you all speak another language than I do. Even these few instructions leave me wondering what ARE you all talking about. I make most of my usual long distance calls back East on my cell phone, for which I
don't believe there is a charge (?). I do now
have skype and it seems to be free of charge as
well. Am I going to be awakened with a big fat
bill from someone one of these days? I will now
read above comments in the hopes of understanding
this equipment. Thanks for trying to enlighten!
Posted by:
Salam Ghannam
02 Jan 2011
I have a problem in my Magic Jack. I paid for registration that is supposed to last 2 years for me, but now after almost 3 months it is not working anymore, and I actually don't know the reason for it. I would like to know if i need to recharge it again and why, or is there another technical reason for it, if there is, would you please check it for me?
EDITOR'S NOTE: I have no way to access that info. You'll need to contact Magic Jack customer support for that.
Posted by:
01 Apr 2011
I purchased my Magic Jack years ago but didnt hook it up. After letting it sit in an unprotected boat getting rained, snowed on,and frozen weather, I plugged it in thinking no way will it work. It did. Eventhough I purchased it years ago I didnt have to pay $20 more again to begin service. I registered it and was good to go. I love it. Cant wait to try Magic Talk!
I also have Safe Link from the government but they do not give you near enough minutes for a month. When I am at home I use Magic Jack. For $20 a year you just can't beat it.
I have had text messeges sent to my Magic Jack voice mail before. It is a computer voice that tells you what the people texed you.
Posted by:
31 May 2011
I have been using the Magictalk web application with a air card on my laptop and have had excellent results. We no longer have a phone line at home and go on extended RV trips multiple times a year. I am always on the laptop and the wife is always on the cellphone with her family, so I can receive and place calls without paying for a extra cellphone and a family plan (every little bit of savings helps). I am running windows 7 and it took about 5 mins to download, install and run. To be honest, I was surprised.
Nobody can tell that I am talking through the laptop and my aircard signal has been as low as 47% in some remote areas ! It has voicemail and call forwarding too. I have yet to attempt faxing capabilities but will within the next two weeks and will post the results.
Posted by:
Bradley P
02 Jun 2011
customer service told me that since my computer crashed and that i reloaded windows and the magictalk software that i would have to repay 19.95 to continue my premium years service with them even though my service still had 9 paid months left.
Posted by:
19 Feb 2012
i have problem with my magic talk
Posted by:
Robert C
07 Nov 2013
I've been using macic talk on my laptop for over two years since my computer crashed i can't use it no more,what's the update?
Posted by:
11 Jun 2016