[RED ALERT] Would You Pay for YouTube? - Comments Page 3
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Maybe it's the weird stuff I watch, or maybe it's the ad-blocking software I use, but I have never seen an ad on You Tube. I wouldn't pay $10/month, regardless. |
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They can keep YouTubeRed as far as I'm concerned. |
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I accepted the trial offer BECAUSE it allows downloading their content for watching or listening offline. I want to bring "oldies" music to a gathering of old friends, and having my own downloaded copies with no ads is definitely worth the 99 cents. The drawback is that downloaded content expires after 30 days unless you continue membership and connect to the account at least once a month. If you lose your copy you can re-download it. When I objected to cost, they recommended Google Play Music (which includes YouTube Red) on a family plan, which allows 6 different accounts to have Google Play Music and YouTube Red for $14.99 per month which is about $2.50 a person if all six people use it.
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I use the Safari browser on my Mac. I also have an extension entitled "Cleaner - for YouTube" which filters out all extraneous junk. Thank you, no. |
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I would not pay to use You-Tube ever.If I need to learn something I can trust,I would visit the local Library.. |
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NOPE! I will watch a You Tube video, when it is something I want to watch. However, I will NOT pay for that once in awhile privilege. I like watching my crochet videos. They help me solve issues with my crocheting. They are free. I also like to watch the coloring videos, for the trendy coloring phase like Colorama. I like to see the difference of using colored pencils for shading, bringing depth to your coloring and listen to the coloring experts. All that I watch is free, so why pay???!!! |
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No! I wouldn't subscribe to this. |
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No way! I watch You Tube for how-to videos and the occasional music video. Can't justify paying for it. |
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I don't have ads when I watch YouTube on my pc, but I do on my "smart" tv. Solution: I don't watch YouTube on the television. Saves me $10/month! |
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I just double-checked on my pc...no ads...I use AdBlockerPlus. Maybe that is why no ads on the pc but ads on the "smart" tv?! |
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Pricing similar to Netflix? Not on your life. If it was 99 cents per month I might bite but even that's not certain. |
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It takes so long to filter my way through all the trash on YT (ads included), that YT should be paying me to watch it, even for free on my part. I do find interesting content at times (certainly not all the time) and I've even found a couple of "keepers" there as well. That said, I won't be subscribing to YT or any other streaming anything. $10 per year would be a stretch for me. Just saying. Oh, and THANK YOU, BOB for another informative e-mail!! |
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Why would you pay ANYTHING for something that is free? If it ever becomes NOT free I think I would go start another YOUBOOB that will be free! |
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NO!!!!!! |
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Absolutely not! AdBlockPlus does an outstanding job of blocking Youtube ads and it's free. They can keep their Youtube Red and stick it in their floppy drive. |
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NO!!! Sounds like an answer to a question nobody asked. It's free because of ads and that works just fine, Vielen danke!! |
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No, no and another no, I love my movie channels on cable, hard enough paying for premium entertainment, but once you start paying for anything that was once free, they'll just get greedier. |
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Better dead than red. I need this like a bad case of inguinal tinea cruris. Perhaps if EweTube didn't have all those cat videos and got some of cute sheep, I would consider it.----For a second or two. I wonder how many other First World Problems are out there that I know nothing about? Love your stuff, Bob. Thank you. |
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I don't like commercials when paying a subscription - it is like the cable industry |
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I primarily use You Tube to watch old music videos. I'm not sure that I want to add another bill, no matter how small, to the automatic deductions to my checking account. |
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