[RED ALERT] Would You Pay for YouTube? - Comments Page 4
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The problem with ads-- any ads-- is they too often abuse the privilege of display on the screen. Pushing the ad envelope occurs in stages. First, it's an enjoyable, humorous 10-second ad, but that somehow devolves into an interminable 20-second or even 30-second ad. At that point, the YouTube channel becomes a bother, and fewer people watch. For all intents and purposes, that channel is dead, and even YouTube requires a sustained level of interest to continue hosting. The current FIAT commercial ("I can make your hands clap") is too good to watch only once, so I don't mind repetition-- at least, so far. The older Fiat "Vi*gra" commercial quickly wore out its welcome-- probably not enough lively music to sustain interest. |
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Don't mind the ads enough to justify an extra $10 a month. Besides there's some mom/pop/granny/teen out there making a penny a day on me so what the heck, let them earn their pennies and keep it free for the rest of us! |
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I don't think so. As a fatter of mact - no way, Pedro! I go to Youtube to download videos from various guys who show me, note for note with all the fingerings, on a six-banger gitfiddle so I can play some of those old classic rock songs I grew up. Fer instance - Pink Floyds 'Wish You Were Here' or The Eagles 'Peaceful Easy Feeling'. They can stick those cute cat videos and the idiots doing stupid stuff up their ... noses. My woman likes to watch movies on her laptop. Ok by me. |
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It had better be really good for that price. |
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Yes. I don't mind paying. I live on YouTube. I get music in whatever language I like. I get news and educational documentaries and religious music and other programming. BTW, I do not have cable TV. I have Netflix but find myself living on YouTube. |
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I tried the red and found it very worth while. No commercials better categorization of my interests, etc. . Dump your sat/cable fees and go Red, very recomendable! |
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