Computer Humor

Category: Cool-Stuff

Every day I get the same lame jokes in my email that have been making the rounds for years. Are there some websites you can recommend for really good computer humor?

I Believe I Can Fly!

Do you remember the TV commercials for Windows XP where enraptured users would spread their arms and fly? Apparently this was no marketing gimmick. According to a story in BBSpot Technology News, the MSFlight technology can in fact propel users to greater heights. But some experts are warning that flaws in XP can result in serious injury. If the system crashes, you do too...

Okay, okay... hold the letters. It's only satire, but I think you'll enjoy reading some of the other BBSpot "news" features, such as "Shocking Software Boosts Productivity" and "ICQ Log Study Shows Americans Have Ungood Grammer". You can find them all by doing a search of the BBSpot Archives here:

Humor That's Actually Funny

Since 1987, Brad Templeton has been collecting jokes and distributing them through the rec.humor.funny newsgroup on Usenet. You can find an archive of the best Computer, Science and Math Jokes here:

You can visit the RHF home page for more (non-geeky) jokes, but be forewarned that some of the material on RHF may not be suitable for young children.

Satire On The Wire

Cited as "Pure lunacy" (Fast Company), "Hilarious" (Wired), and a "Pick of the Year" by the likes of BusinessWeek, SatireWire produced some of the best workplace and computer humor from 1999 to 2002. SatireWire is no longer published, but the archives are still there, and still very funny. Search or browse the archives for "Napster Ordered to Stop As Soon As Judges Finish Downloading", "Silicon Pines: Assisted Computing Facility" and "Employee-Slapping Widespread, Effective".

Re: RE: Fwd: FW: Fwd:

Back in my IBM days, I used to moan whenever I encountered a new instance of "verbing" -- when a noun became a commonly used verb. My favorite was when my manager would tell us to "solution" something. But it works both ways. The verb "forward" has become a noun, and may even evoke fear and loathing in the minds of those whose inboxes are filled with those endlessly forwarded missives. Just in case you feel you may have missed one, my friend Leo collects these things and posts the ones HE thinks are funny on his website:

Most of the jokes are clean, but Leo tags each one with a G, PG, R or X rating so you can select items with your own criteria.

Didja Ever Just Wanna Break Something?

In the Illustrated Guide To Breaking Computers - you'll learn now to defrag your hard drive with a hacksaw, or adjust your monitor settings with a hammer.

Is It Funny Yet?

Rather than list sites that throw ANY old joke into the mix, I like to point people to sites that offer a human touch, a refined selection process, and bit of judicious editing. For that, you can't beat JumboJoke! Chief Jokester Randy Cassingham describes it as "Well-edited jokes and humorous stories. No junk, no registration, no subscription fees, and no popups! Just big laughs ...and big groans."


Everyone has a different opinion about what's funny and what's not. If none of the above tickled your funny bone, then try Yahoo's humor directory. In the Computer and Internet category you'll find jokes about clams and the International Monetary Fund.

Got a Great Joke Site?

If you know of a website with truly funny jokes, stories or satires that are related to computers or technology, post a comment here!

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