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Comment by Frances on Geekly Update - 23 July 2024 (July 26, 2024 07:45 AM)
Loco, if you use Firefox, bring up Reader View and read the posts on that. No ads! (Sorry, Bob!) On my old win7 laptop, the toggle switch is at the...
Comment by Jonathan on [TIP] Boost Your Laptop Wifi Reception (July 25, 2024 07:49 PM)
Is there anyway to extend Bluetooth range? Whenever I check all I get is info on wifi extenders and no mention of bluetooth. I wear a bluetooth earpie...
Comment by Loco on [TIP] Boost Your Laptop Wifi Reception (July 25, 2024 05:08 PM)
your postings are worthless due to all the advertisings covering it up...
Comment by Loco on Geekly Update - 23 July 2024 (July 25, 2024 04:41 PM)
The advertisements on your posting make it unreadable....
Comment by Emily Booth on [TIP] Boost Your Laptop Wifi Reception (July 25, 2024 04:29 PM)
Amtrak does not have WiFi. I'm wondering if any of these boosters would work when the train stops for a fresh air break or at a stop? ...
Comment by 1 on Hard Drive Partitioning: Myths, Mistakes and Misconceptions (July 25, 2024 12:41 AM)
Comment by 1 on Free Online College Courses (July 25, 2024 12:41 AM)
Comment by 1 on Geekly Update - 17 July 2024 (July 25, 2024 12:41 AM)
Comment by on [TIP] Boost Your Laptop Wifi Reception (July 24, 2024 11:11 PM)
Bob, I am looking to reinstall a fresh copy of Windows10 without loosing installed programs or any apps. Would you explain how this is done. Thank yo...
Comment by Charley on Is This the Worst Place to Buy a Smartphone? (July 24, 2024 09:37 PM)
As you said, usually carrier deals are terrible. However, when the Samsung S23 came out, I got a GREAT deal at T-Mobile. Even though I had been a T-Mo...

Spyware Articles


Geekly Update - 19 February 2014

What would you do if your laptop or smartphone suddenly became 1000 times faster? Why are neighborhood dogs protesting a new technology that improves Internet security? And why are robots generating 60 percent of all Web traffic? Get answers to these burning questions, and the scoop on the latest tech news, in this edition of the Geekly Update. It's guaranteed to make you 146% smarter. Read, think and comment!


Fake Anti-Spyware Programs

Browsing the web for free anti-spyware programs can get you into more trouble than an accidental spyware infection. Bad guys are actually disguising their malware as beneficial anti-malware utilities, and inducing the gullible to not only install their malware, but even pay them for it! Here's how to tell the difference...


Top 10 Spyware Blockers

A good spyware blocker program protects you from online marketers who want to know where you go online; identity thieves who want to steal your usernames, passwords, and sensitive personal information; and hackers who want to seize control of your computer and Internet connection to distribute spam and more spyware. Which spyware blocker is best for you?


Best Spyware Protection

Spyware is a type of malicious software, distinct from viruses, Trojan horses, and other cybernasties. Spyware does no damage to your computer and does not bombard you with annoyances like popup advertisements, generally speaking. Spyware is designed to go totally unnoticed, in fact. But in the background, spyware is spying on you and reporting back to its master. Here's how to protect and defend against spyware...


Google Toolbar is Spyware?

I just got a new computer at work. On my last one I had downloaded the google toolbar. The tech people here have now blocked it because they say it contains spyware. Is this true? It was so convenient to have the toolbar. Thanks for your help!


Malware Scanners

There are so many malware scanners to choose from, when trying to protect against adware, spyware and other online threats. Which one(s) do you recommend?


Removing Winfixer Popups

I've been getting those very annoying Winfixer popups. My popup blocker is set to High. I have Ad-Aware, Spybot Search & Destroy and even Microsoft AntiSpyware. But no matter what I try they keep coming back. I’ve searched for help on removing Winfixer, but all the info I found is too technical for me. Can you help?


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