Recent Comments

Comment by FrancesMC on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 21, 2024 06:45 AM)
I use irfanview and find it very satisfactory. Been using it for years. Another one you didn't mention is XnView. I like it but it's very similar...
Comment by Colin on Here's How to Consolidate Email Accounts (October 20, 2024 09:52 PM)
The import from hotamil/outlook does not seem to to work. Is there are a new trick to this?...
Comment by Ahmad on The Most Common Computing Mistakes (how many have you made?) (October 19, 2024 07:32 PM)
@Tony I watched (or probably rewatched) the Rob Braxman antivirus video from October 2023. There are two major and obvious mistakes he is making ther...
Comment by Tony on The Most Common Computing Mistakes (how many have you made?) (October 18, 2024 08:15 PM)
Anybody heard of Rob Braxman? He's a computer 'expert' who says that anti malware does not protect you. I am a no nothing at computers but he seems to...
Comment by Bill Funkhouser on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 18, 2024 02:44 PM)
I still Picasa as my main editor as well as Irfanview and like having the programs on my pc. For my phone, I use the Pixlr app as my main editor. I ha...
Comment by Jerry Chandler on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 01:13 PM)
Thank you so much for the emails. I have learned so much from your post. I really loved the online photo editors. My favorite was "Pixlr" it was grea...
Comment by Dave on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 07:21 AM)
I use Irfanview, I find it sharpens and photos can be resized for newsletters, it has a print on picture feature which is very hard to use, does anyon...
Comment by Marge Teilhaber on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 03:17 AM)
I edit with Picasa and have the exe file which will hopefully work on my next PC which will have W11. I crop, lighten, and add text to pictures like ...
Comment by Bill K on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 12:08 AM)
@Fred is my 'Go-To' program on Windows for quick photo prints as well as more elaborate editing duties. I do not recall when was...
Comment by Pete on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 11, 2024 09:24 PM)
Thanks! You saved me some time! I was just going to look for an editor and now you have provided me with options! Thanks again for coming through!!...

Windows-7 Articles


Windows 7: Unsafe at Any Speed?

Three years remain until the end of Windows 7’s life cycle. Starting in January 2020, even security patches will no longer be released; Windows 7 will steadily become more vulnerable to hackers and malware. But until then, those who choose to stick with the aging operating system are good, right? Read on for the scoop…


[LAST CALL] For Windows 7 PCs

So you've been happily using Windows 7 for years, but your computer is getting old, and really should be replaced. However, you don't want to buy one with Windows 8 or Windows 10. Good news -- you can still get a brand-new PC with Windows 7 pre-installed. But you’d better buy it soon. Here's the scoop...


Uninstall These Windows Patches NOW!

On August 2, Microsoft began pushing out its monthly bundle of Windows security patches and feature updates via Windows Update. By August 5, hundreds of users’ PCs were failing to boot after being powered off; the infamous Blue Screen of Death appeared. Some tech-savvy users traced the problem to a handful of patches in the August 2 release. On August 15, Microsoft pulled the flawed patches from Windows Update and advised users to uninstall them. Here is what you need to do:


Speed Up Your Startup

Lots of readers are curious if there's anything they can do to make their computer get up and running faster. Sometimes it seems to take forever for the Windows 7 desktop to appear, and then the system runs slowly while the hard drive grinds away, running other startup tasks behind the scenes. Here are some tips to speed up the process...


Free Windows 7 Repair and Recovery Tools

A hard drive glitch, virus, or other data catastrophe can delete or damage critical system files in any operating system. Windows 7 offers free repair and recovery tools that can fix damaged Windows 7 installations without having to reformat and reinstall everything from scratch...


The Windows 7 Problem Steps Recorder

The Problem Steps Recorder (PSR) is one of the more obscure features of Windows 7, but it can be a very useful one. If you've ever tried to solve a computer problem over the phone, you understand how frustrating and time-consuming that can be. If you're a user who needs to show a problem scenario to a tech support rep, or someone who wants to visually document a how-to process for training purposes, you should know about the Problem Steps Recorder, and other alternatives...


Windows 7 Backup and Restore

Microsoft has a long history of bundling really bad backup software with its Windows operating system. That's why many people are pleasantly surprised to learn that Windows 7 Backup and Restore is actually pretty good. Here's how it works...


Five Annoying Things About Windows 7

If you've recently moved from an XP system to Windows 7, you've already found that it's a feature-rich operating system. But one person's feature can be another's annoyance. Here are five Windows 7 features that many users find annoying, and how to fix them...


Is Windows 7 More Secure Than XP or Vista?

I am still running Windows XP on my 5-year-old computer. I have installed all the service packs and recommended security patches. Is my computer as secure as a newer one running Windows 7, or is there some compelling reason for me to upgrade?


Webcams for Windows 7

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 and my webcam doesn't work. It wasn't the best quality anyway, so I'd like to buy a new one. Can you recommend some good webcams that are certified to work on a Windows 7 computer?


Reformat Windows 7 Hard Drive

If you need to reformat a hard drive using Windows 7, the method you should use depends on whether you want to reformat a bootable drive or a secondary drive. Here are the steps for both procedures...


Recovering Deleted Files on Windows 7

Sooner or later, everyone deletes a file which they wish to recover. Recovering deleted files on Windows 7 systems is often possible, but it requires a gentle touch and a bit of luck. Here are some things try when you want to recover a deleted file...


System Restore for Windows 7

Sometimes Windows 7 suddenly starts to misbehave for reasons unknown. You could spend hours tracking down the subtle change that caused the problem, or you could just go back to an earlier, pleasanter time when everything worked perfectly. That latter option is possible with System Restore. Here's how it works...


Best Registry Cleaner for Windows 7

After upgrading to Windows 7, you may be looking for a registry cleaner that takes full advantage of the latest Microsoft operating system's capabilities. Here are my recommendations for registry cleaners that are certified to work with Windows 7 computers...


Blue Screen of Death on Windows 7

Windows 7 is the most stable version of the operating system to date. Still, it's not unheard of to see the dreaded Blue Screen of Death suddenly pop up. It's a serious warning of a major problem in your system and should not be ignored. Here's what to do if you encounter the Blue Screen of Death on Windows 7...


Free Anti-Virus For Windows 7

Free anti-virus programs for Windows 7 abound online, but if your anti-virus software has not been updated since 2009 it may have some incompatibilities with Windows 7. You should update to the latest version of your anti-virus program, at least. While you're at it, you may want to try one of these popular free anti-virus programs for Windows 7...


Windows 7 Hard Drive Errors

Hard drive errors slow the performance of your computer and may render some data unreadable. Windows 7 includes utilities that can check your hard drive for errors and fix some of them. Here's the scoop on hard drive errors and how to repair them using Windows 7...


Free Software for Windows 7

I'm just getting started with Windows 7, and I'm interested in downloading some good freeware that's designed for Windows 7. Can you point me to some of the best free Windows 7 software and apps?


Free Windows 7

I've heard there are ways to get a free copy of Windows 7, but I don't want to break any laws, or get a hacked version from some file sharing site. Can I really get a free, legal copy of Windows 7?


Windows 7 Hard Drive Recovery

Windows 7 users (of all editions) have an ace in the hole in case their hard drives crash. It's called the Windows Recovery Environment (RE), a bundle of automated and manual system tools that can repair a corrupted hard drive to recover data or make the drive bootable again...


Cannot Connect to Wireless Router

I ran into a very odd problem with a public WiFi hotspot recently. I learned from it something I didn't know about Windows Vista and Windows 7: their default configuration settings don't work with older wireless networking equipment. Fortunately, there is a fix. Here are the symptoms I encountered and the solutions I found...


Run Older Programs on Windows 7

Some software is hard to give up -- that old accounting program that saves everything in its proprietary format; that cross-stitch pattern maker you downloaded on a slow dialup modem in 1998; and that awesome DOS-based Jill of the Jungle adventure game. But some of these ancient programs have trouble running under the latest versions of Windows. Here's how to run older programs on Windows 7...


Windows 7 Service Pack 1

The first Service Pack for Windows 7 since that operating system’s release is due to any day now. In fact, beta copies of Windows 7 SP1 have already leaked to reviewers and into peer-to-peer file sharing networks like Bittorrent. Here's what you need to know...


Best Laptops for Windows 7

I am getting ready to buy a laptop, and I want to run Windows 7. Are netbooks powerful enough to run Win7, or should I go for a larger and more powerful laptop?


Speed Up Windows 7

I loved your tips on making XP run faster. But I just upgraded to Windows 7, so now I'm looking for ideas on how to make Windows 7 faster. Can you share any tips and tricks?


Should You Get 64-Bit Windows?

Most computer users, and new computers sold, use 32-bit technology and can only run 32-bit Windows. But faster 64-bit computers and 64-bit versions of the Windows operating system are also available. Is moving to 64-bit Windows the right move? Let's look at the pros and cons...


Five Things You Didn't Know Windows 7 Could Do

Windows 7 is still fairly new. It's full of little differences from earlier Windows versions, and surprises buried deeply in its complex features. Here are a few things you can do with Windows 7 that many people don't know about...


Recovery Disc for Windows Vista or Windows 7

When you buy a new PC these days, it is rare to receive a bundled CD-ROM or DVD disc containing the Recovery Disc software that you can use to try to repair or reinstall your operating system in the event of a catastrophe. Here's how to create a Recovery disk that you can use when your computer won't boot up normally from the hard drive...


Repair Vista or Windows 7

A hard drive glitch, virus, or other data catastrophe can delete or damage critical system files in any operating system. Windows Vista and Windows 7 offer new repair procedures not found in earlier versions of Windows. Here are a couple ways to attempt repairs of Vista and Windows 7 installations without having to reformat and reinstall Windows from scratch...


Windows 7 Libraries

When you open Explorer in Windows 7 you will see a tree of Libraries in the left sidebar. Libraries are a new feature of Windows 7 and may cause confusion among users of earlier versions. But Libraries are quite handy, easy to understand, and fun to work with. Here's how they work…


Transfer Programs from XP or Vista to Windows 7

I'm moving to Windows 7, but I'm worried about transferring all my existing programs to the new system. I would be a major hassle to re-install all my programs… what do you recommend?


Windows 7 Upgrade Cost

I've heard so many different stories about the cost of upgrading to Windows 7, that I don't know what to think. Can you clarify the Win7 upgrade price for me?


Upgrade Vista to Windows 7

I'm currently running Vista on my home computer, but I've heard that Windows 7 is faster. Should I upgrade my Vista to Windows 7, or leave well enough alone?


Upgrade From Windows XP to Windows 7

I've heard good things about Windows 7, and I want to upgrade my XP system as soon as I can. What's the best way to move from Windows XP to Windows 7?


Windows 7 Desktop Customization

I downloaded the Windows 7 beta and have been trying out all the cool new desktop customization features. Here are some of the highlights...


Windows 7 Half Price Offer

Thinking about upgrading to Windows 7? Microsoft is offering users of Windows XP and Vista a chance to get the Windows 7 Upgrade for half price...


Windows 7 XP Mode

I'm getting ready to upgrade my XP system to Windows 7. I've heard there is something called 'XP Mode' that will allow me to run XP programs. What exactly is XP Mode and which programs will need it?


Upgrading to Windows 7

Will I be able to upgrade my XP system to Windows 7? I'm hoping I don't have to upgrade to Vista in
order to install Windows 7. What's the scoop?


Windows 7 is Coming

Windows 7 does not sleep... it waits. Will the eagerly awaited successor to Vista be a winner in the marketplace? Read on for a preview of what to expect in Windows 7...


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