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Comment by Frances on Geekly Update - 23 July 2024 (July 26, 2024 07:45 AM)
Loco, if you use Firefox, bring up Reader View and read the posts on that. No ads! (Sorry, Bob!) On my old win7 laptop, the toggle switch is at the...
Comment by Jonathan on [TIP] Boost Your Laptop Wifi Reception (July 25, 2024 07:49 PM)
Is there anyway to extend Bluetooth range? Whenever I check all I get is info on wifi extenders and no mention of bluetooth. I wear a bluetooth earpie...
Comment by Loco on [TIP] Boost Your Laptop Wifi Reception (July 25, 2024 05:08 PM)
your postings are worthless due to all the advertisings covering it up...
Comment by Loco on Geekly Update - 23 July 2024 (July 25, 2024 04:41 PM)
The advertisements on your posting make it unreadable....
Comment by Emily Booth on [TIP] Boost Your Laptop Wifi Reception (July 25, 2024 04:29 PM)
Amtrak does not have WiFi. I'm wondering if any of these boosters would work when the train stops for a fresh air break or at a stop? ...
Comment by 1 on Hard Drive Partitioning: Myths, Mistakes and Misconceptions (July 25, 2024 12:41 AM)
Comment by 1 on Free Online College Courses (July 25, 2024 12:41 AM)
Comment by 1 on Geekly Update - 17 July 2024 (July 25, 2024 12:41 AM)
Comment by on [TIP] Boost Your Laptop Wifi Reception (July 24, 2024 11:11 PM)
Bob, I am looking to reinstall a fresh copy of Windows10 without loosing installed programs or any apps. Would you explain how this is done. Thank yo...
Comment by Charley on Is This the Worst Place to Buy a Smartphone? (July 24, 2024 09:37 PM)
As you said, usually carrier deals are terrible. However, when the Samsung S23 came out, I got a GREAT deal at T-Mobile. Even though I had been a T-Mo...

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What Is The Ultimate Gaming PC?

I spend a lot of time playing WoW, Call of Duty, and other PC games. My rig is almost three years old, and I'm starting to think about a new system for my gaming. I actually don't live in my parents' basement, and have money to spend. What would you say is the ultimate PC gaming machine?


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If you're a hard-core game you want dive into your favorite game wherever you are. Gaming laptops are the mobile solution for playing Half Life, Call of Duty 4, Halo, and other highly immersive massively multi-player role-playing games. But gaming laptops are not cheap, and finding the perfect balance of performance versus cost and portability takes a lot of factors into consideration...


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Online Games

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