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Comment by FrancesMC on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 21, 2024 06:45 AM)
I use irfanview and find it very satisfactory. Been using it for years. Another one you didn't mention is XnView. I like it but it's very similar...
Comment by Colin on Here's How to Consolidate Email Accounts (October 20, 2024 09:52 PM)
The import from hotamil/outlook does not seem to to work. Is there are a new trick to this?...
Comment by Ahmad on The Most Common Computing Mistakes (how many have you made?) (October 19, 2024 07:32 PM)
@Tony I watched (or probably rewatched) the Rob Braxman antivirus video from October 2023. There are two major and obvious mistakes he is making ther...
Comment by Tony on The Most Common Computing Mistakes (how many have you made?) (October 18, 2024 08:15 PM)
Anybody heard of Rob Braxman? He's a computer 'expert' who says that anti malware does not protect you. I am a no nothing at computers but he seems to...
Comment by Bill Funkhouser on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 18, 2024 02:44 PM)
I still Picasa as my main editor as well as Irfanview and like having the programs on my pc. For my phone, I use the Pixlr app as my main editor. I ha...
Comment by Jerry Chandler on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 01:13 PM)
Thank you so much for the emails. I have learned so much from your post. I really loved the online photo editors. My favorite was "Pixlr" it was grea...
Comment by Dave on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 07:21 AM)
I use Irfanview, I find it sharpens and photos can be resized for newsletters, it has a print on picture feature which is very hard to use, does anyon...
Comment by Marge Teilhaber on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 03:17 AM)
I edit with Picasa and have the exe file which will hopefully work on my next PC which will have W11. I crop, lighten, and add text to pictures like ...
Comment by Bill K on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 12:08 AM)
@Fred is my 'Go-To' program on Windows for quick photo prints as well as more elaborate editing duties. I do not recall when was...
Comment by Pete on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 11, 2024 09:24 PM)
Thanks! You saved me some time! I was just going to look for an editor and now you have provided me with options! Thanks again for coming through!!...

Laptops Articles


Is Your Laptop Secure? (find out now)

Laptops are popular because they offer computing with convenience and mobility. But that makes it imperative for laptop owners to take steps to secure their laptops, and the sensitive data often stored on them. There are several simple things that you can do to keep your laptop safe. Read on to learn how to protect your laptop from theft, snooping and data loss...


Speed Up My Laptop

An AskBob reader with a need for speed asks: “How can I speed up my laptop? It's so much slower than my desktop for most tasks, and it bogs down when I try to open more than one program. Should I replace the hard drive, add more memory, or just buy a newer model?” Check out my advice on how to improve the performance of your trusty laptop. Most of these tips will help if you have a desktop, too! Read on...


[HOWTO] Boost Your Laptop Security Now

Laptops are great because they offer computing with convenience and mobility. But that makes it imperative for users to take steps to secure their laptops, and the sensitive data often stored on them. There are several simple things that you can do to keep your laptop safe. Read on to learn how to protect your laptop from theft, snooping and data loss...


Battery Low? Extend Your Laptop Battery Life

Uh oh... "Your battery is running low. You might want to plug in." We take electrical outlets for granted; they're everywhere -- until they're not. If you forget your laptop's charger at home, or get stuck far from a power outlet (quite common if you use your laptop in a coffee shop, airport, plane, train or car) follow these tips to maximize battery life of your PC or Mac laptop. Read on...


Speed Tips for Your Laptop

An AskBob reader wonders: “How can I speed up my laptop? It's so much slower than my desktop for most tasks, and it bogs down when I try to open more than one program. Should I replace the hard drive, add more memory, or take some other actions?” Check out my advice on how to improve the performance of your trusty laptop. Most of these tips will help if you have a desktop, too! Read on...


Is Your Laptop Secure?

We love our laptops because they offer computing with convenience and mobility. But that makes it imperative for users to take steps to secure their laptops, and the sensitive data often stored on them. There are several simple things that you can do to keep your laptop safe. Read on to learn how to protect your laptop from theft, snooping and data loss...


[HOWTO] Extend Your Laptop Battery Power

We tend to take electrical outlets for granted; they're everywhere -- until they're not. If you forget your laptop's charger at home, or get stuck far from a power outlet -- quite common if you use your laptop in a coffee shop, or in an airport, plane, train or car. Follow these tips to maximize battery life of your PC or Mac laptop…


Turbocharge Your Laptop (speed tips)

A frustrated AskBob reader says: “How can I make my laptop faster? It is so much slower than my desktop for most tasks, and it bogs down when I try to open more than one program. Should I replace the hard drive, add more memory, or take some other actions?” Read on for my advice on how to improve the performance of your trusty laptop (even if it's new).


[DEAL TIME] Laptops for School, Work and Play

August is prime time for back-to-school sales on everything from pencils to computers. Even if you're not a student, this can be a great time to upgrade your tech. Here are some of the hottest deals around for laptops right now...


Here's How to Extend Laptop Battery Life

It's so easy to take electrical outlets for granted; they're everywhere, until they're not, right? If you forget your laptop's charger at home, or get stuck far from a power outlet -- quite common if you use your laptop in a coffee shop, or in an airport, plane, train or car. Follow these tips to maximize the run time of your PC or Mac laptop's battery...


Laptop Security 101 (and 102)

The convenience and portability that laptop computers offer has made it imperative for users to take steps to secure their laptops, and the sensitive data often stored on them. There are several simple things that you can do to keep your laptop safe. Read on to learn how to protect your laptop from theft, snooping and data loss...


Rev Up Your Laptop (more speed tips)

A frustrated reader asks: 'How can I make my laptop faster? It is definitely slower than my desktop for most tasks, and it bogs down when I try to open more than one program. Should I replace the hard drive, add more memory, or take some other actions?' Read on for my advice on how to improve the performance of your trusty laptop...


Here's How to Speed Up Your Laptop

Lots of people spend more time on their laptop computers than they do on desktop models. For them, speed is just as important. Unfortunately, laptops generally make a trade-off between weight, price, and performance that can leave them running slower than their desktop counterparts. Here are some things you can do to squeeze more speed out of your laptop...


Are You Securing Your Laptop? (Here's how...)

The convenience and portability that laptop computers provide has made it imperative for users to take steps to secure their laptops, and the sensitive data often stored on them. There are several simple things that you can do to keep your laptop safe. Read on to learn how to protect your laptop from theft, snooping and data loss...


[DEAL TIME] Back to School Laptops

August is when back-to-school sales begin on everything from pencils to computers. Even if you're not a student, this can be a great time to upgrade your tech. Here are some of the hottest deals going on for laptops right now...


Does Chromebook Deserve Laptop Respect?

The first Chromebooks began shipping from Acer and Samsung in June 2011. During the intervening seven years, Chromebooks have come to dominate the K-12 education market, accounting for 60% of units sold. But elsewhere, people still think laptops come only with Windows or Mac OS installed; they don’t consider a Chromebook to be adequate for “serious work.” Allow me to set that record straight.


[HOWTO] Security for Your Laptop

The mobility and convenience that laptop computers provide has made it imperative for users to take steps to secure their laptops, and the sensitive data often stored on them. There are several simple things that you can do to keep your laptop safe. Read on to learn how to protect your laptop from theft, snooping and data loss...


Best Chromebooks for Back-to-School

There are few students who can legitimately claim they need a full-blown desktop or laptop computer. That's because inexpensive, lightweight Chromebooks are just about ideal for both scholarly and extracurricular activities. Here's a roundup of Chromebooks you should consider…


Laptops With Longest Battery Life

No matter how powerful your laptop is, it becomes useless when it runs out of electricity. If you spend much your day unplugged from AC current, you want a battery that will last until you get back to civilization (or at least a wall plug). Unfortunately, battery life tests and laptop rankings are extremely variable. Here are some laptops that are good for the long haul…


Should You Get a Laplet?

When it comes to computers, there are more choices than ever before: desktop PCs, laptops/notebooks, tablets, “phablets” which fall somewhere between a smartphone and tablet, and “laplets” – a cross between a laptop and a tablet. Let’s take a look at the wonderful world of laplets…


Lenovo Caught Installing Immortal Crapware

Lenovo has again been caught playing fast and loose with customers’ privacy and security. First, it was Superfish. Now, it's vulnerable crapware that won't go away, even if you reformat or replace your hard drive. Read on for the full story...


Are Cheap Windows 10 Laptops “Chromebook Killers?”

Microsoft and PC vendors are striking back at the Chromebook with an array of sub-$200 laptops. Will the latest batch of low-cost Windows 10 machines tempt consumers away from Google's increasingly popular alternative to the traditional Windows laptop? Read on to see which is best for you…


Is 2015 The Year You Buy A Chromebook?

I’m going to put on my Carnac the Magnificent hat and predict that if you buy a new computer this year it will be a Google Chromebook -- not an iPad or even a “normal” laptop running Windows or Mac OS X. Here are my reasons why...


Which Hybrid Laptop Tablet is Best?

The computing industry has finally figured out what Windows 8.1 is good for: selling hybrid laptop-tablet machines. Win 8’s touchscreen interface was made for tablets, not traditional clamshell laptops. Yet Win 8’s strongest market is business, where a keyboard is essential. So manufacturers have settled on a hybrid form factor that just might work. Here are five examples of this breed:


Chromebooks Are Catching On!

Five years ago, Google introduced the browser-like Chrome OS and a new hardware specification dubbed the “Chromebook.” Many scoffed at the lightweight laptop replacement that lacked a hard drive and depended on cloud-based apps and storage. But now the laughter is dying. Should you consider a Chromebook now?


Windows Apps on a Chromebook?

Microsoft seems to be very scared of the Google Chromebook, judging by the disingenuous TV commercials the developer of Windows is running. “You can’t run Windows apps on a Chromebook” is the message, and it’s simply untrue. Here are several ways to run Windows apps on a Chromebook...


Why Do Chromebooks Worry Microsoft?

Have you seen Microsoft’s anti-Google bash ads collectively sneering 'You're Scroogled' at anyone dumb enough to use Google products or services, instead of those from your old buddies in Redmond, WA? The latest attack ad features visitors to a Las Vegas pawn shop saddened to be informed that their Chromebooks are not 'real computers.' But is it true? Read on...


Chromebook Versus Windows 8

There are signs in the market that Chromebooks are preferred as an alternative to laptops running Windows 8. If you’ve been looking for a new laptop, but don't want the learning curve of Windows 8, you may find a Chromebook is the right choice for you. Read on to learn more...


Are Ultrabooks a Smart Buy?

Who would have thought that Apple would inspire competition? But that’s definitely the case in the ultra-portable notebook computer market. Thanks to the success of Apple’s MacBook Air, we now have dozens of Intel-based Ultrabooks from many manufacturers. But how do they compete on price and features? Here's the scoop...


Is This the Future of Laptops?

The folks at Asus seem to be onto something with their Transformer Prime tablet. When attached to its docking keyboard, the Android-based Transformer Prime looks remarkably like a slimmed-down laptop. That resemblance has some wondering if the Transformer Prime can replace their bulky laptops. Let's take a look...


Laptops for Windows 8

My laptop is five years old and still runs XP. I'll be buying a new laptop before summer ends, and I want to make sure it's compatible with Windows 8. Are there any specific features, brands or models you can recommend?


Laptop Batteries: Replace or Revive?

Sooner or later, you will need to replace your laptop battery. Every battery degrades with use, even rechargeable ones. When your laptop battery no longer keeps a charge or the battery life is too short, there are several things you can do...


The Ultimate Laptop

How much would you pay for the ultimate laptop? If you're a hard-core gamer, a mobile professional who needs to crunch serious data, or someone who always dreams about having the absolute best technology - no matter the price -- then read on to find out just how much that dream machine is going to cost...


Replace Desktop With Laptop?

I'm thinking about getting a new computer, because mine is several years old. My friends seem to love their laptops, but I'm not sure they can fully replace my trusty desktop computer. Can a laptop really do everything, and are they as fast and powerful as desktop computers?


Ultrabooks are Here... Yay?

Should I buy an Ultrabook? I've been holding back on the purchase of a new laptop, anticipating the arrival of a thin, light-weight Ultrabook for under $1000. But so far, I'm not that impressed with what I see. Should I give up and buy a MacBook Air, or is there reason to hold out?


Do You Need Laptop Insurance?

I'm considering laptop insurance because my laptop was recently stolen in an airport. Fortunately, all my personal files were on a jump drive that I keep in my pocket, but I still had to replace my $2000 laptop. Do you think insurance is worthwhile? If so, how much should I expect to pay?


What is an Ultrabook?

I've been looking around at new laptops, and I keep coming across the term ultrabook. But I can't actually find any such thing for sale. What exactly is an Ultrabook, and what type of user are they best suited for?


Seven Great Laptops for Business Travelers

I travel often for business, and my 5-year-old laptop is showing signs of age. What are some of the differences that make so-called 'business laptops' worth the extra money, and what laptop brands or models do you recommend for business users?


Is Macbook Air The Best Laptop Ever?

In July 2011, Apple updated its Macbook Air ultraportable laptop family. The new models come with the Intel Sandy Bridge processors, Thunderbolt connectivity, and a backlit keyboard. The new machines all run the latest Mac OS X Lion operating system, too. Does all that make Air the best laptop ever? Read on...


Which Netbooks Cost Under $300?

I'm sending my daughter off to college this fall, and she needs a decent netbook computer for word processing, web browsing, email, etc. But our budget is limited to around $300 - what models do you recommend?


Laptop Data Security

One in ten corporate laptops will be lost or stolen during their three-year lifetimes, according to a study conducted by the Ponemon Institute in 2010. Here are the steps you should take to make sure your laptop, and the sensitive data you carry, is safe from loss or theft...


Should Your Next Laptop Be a Chromebook?

I'm ready for a new laptop or notebook, but of course there's something new to consider, just as I was ready to buy. What do you see as the benefits and weaknesses of the new Chromebook?


Most Reliable Laptops

The reliability of a laptop should be as high on your shopping list as its processor, RAM, screen size, and other criteria. All the bells whistles in the world aren't worth much when they aren't working. So who makes the most reliable laptops, and what models give the least trouble?


Make Your Laptop Faster

Many people spend more time on their laptop computers than they do at desktop models. For them, speed is just as important. Unfortunately, laptops generally make a trade-off between weight, price, and performance that can leave them running slower than their desktop counterparts. Here are some things you can do to squeeze more speed out of your laptop…


Laptop Rentals

Renting a laptop for a day, a week, or a month is easier than you might think. A number of firms specialize in laptop rentals on a local or nationwide basis, and so do some of the rent-to-own stores found in major metropolitan areas. Here's the scoop on renting a laptop...


Gaming Laptops

If you're a hard-core game you want dive into your favorite game wherever you are. Gaming laptops are the mobile solution for playing Half Life, Call of Duty 4, Halo, and other highly immersive massively multi-player role-playing games. But gaming laptops are not cheap, and finding the perfect balance of performance versus cost and portability takes a lot of factors into consideration...


Replace Laptop Hard Drive

My laptop has run out of space on the hard drive and I want to replace it, but I've never done anything like that. Can you give me the steps for replacing a laptop's hard drive?


Calibrate Laptop Battery

Sometimes my laptop's battery power meter shows that I have 10-20% remaining power, but it shuts down unexpectedly. Can I calibrate the battery so that the power meter shows an accurate measure?


Graphics Card For Laptop

Laptops are full of compromises between size, energy efficiency, and performance. The manufacturing cost of components enters into the equation, too. So if you want the best performance possible from any laptop component, you must upgrade the original component with one made by a third party. This is particularly true with graphics cards for laptops...


Laptop Docking Station

A laptop docking station is a powered system of ports into which a laptop computer is plugged, allowing the laptop to recharge its battery and connect to various desktop devices. A laptop docking station allows a laptop to double as a desktop computer with more resources than will fit in a shoulder bag. Learn more about connecting your laptop with a docking station...


Slate PCs

The fashionable Apple iPad has sparked renewed interest in a neglected category of computers, the so-called slate PC. It may surprise you to learn that, long before the iPad appeared everywhere, there have been many makes and models of this form factor. And I'm not talking about Fred Flintstone as a technology pioneer. Check out these slate PCs before you run off to the Apple store...


Free Laptop Scam?

Today a flashing popup appeared on my screen saying I was the 999,999 visitor and I should claim my free laptop. I was afraid to click on it, because I assumed it was a scam or possibly a virus/spyware trap. But I guess anything is possible... is there any truth to this free laptop thing?


Best Laptops for Windows 7

I am getting ready to buy a laptop, and I want to run Windows 7. Are netbooks powerful enough to run Win7, or should I go for a larger and more powerful laptop?


Speed Up Your Laptop

My laptop is only a year old, but it seems to be running slower than when it was new. And it's definitely a lot slower than my desktop for most things. What can I do to speed up my laptop?


Is Your Laptop Overheating?

Laptop computers get hot. All those electronic components crammed solidly into a small space generate lots of excess heat. The heat can shorten the life of the electronics, and it can be uncomfortable for the user balancing a laptop on his or her lap. So what can you do to cool your laptop? Read on...


Laptop Battery Replacement

Sooner or later, you will need to replace your laptop battery. Every battery degrades with use, even rechargeable ones. When your laptop battery no longer keeps a charge or the battery life is too short, there are several things you can do…


Laptop Hard Drive Crash

The surprising thing is not a laptop hard drive crash, but the rarity with which it happens. When you think about hard drives and what people do with laptops, it's surprising that laptop hard drives don't crash more often. But it does happen. Here are some things you can do to minimize the risk of a laptop hard drive crash, and to recover if one does happen...


How to Buy a Laptop

A laptop computer makes a popular gift to give or receive. But the laptop landscape is dotted with thousands of species and subspecies. Which one should you choose, and how should you buy it - online or in a big electronics store?


Laptop Encryption

If your laptop was lost or stolen, how bad would that be? Yep, really, really, bad. You need to protect yourself and your files, just in case the laptop falls into the wrong hands. That's where laptop encryption comes in...


Netbook Or Laptop?

What is a netbook? And what's the difference between a netbook and a laptop? You may be standing in a store asking yourself these questions soon. Here are the answers...


Mini Laptops

I'm considering buying one of those netbook mini-laptops for my daughter. Can they do everything that the larger laptops do? Can you recommend any specific mini laptop models?


XO - The $200 Laptop

I've read about the '$200 XO Laptop' that's being promoted by the One Laptop Per Child organization. I think it's great that these will be given to children in poor countries, but is it possible to buy an XO laptop for my own child?


Buying a Laptop

Laptops are a great option for people who need to compute on the move. In the past, laptops were bulky, heavy and slow. But today, laptop technology has advanced and today's models are fast, light and offer nearly the same performance as their desktop counterparts. If you're in the market for a laptop computer, then it makes good sense to learn a few basic facts about important laptop features, as well whether brand makes a difference in the performance and quality of the laptop or not, before you spend any time or money shopping for one.


Wireless Laptop

Currently in my home I have a desktop computer that is for family use, and I have a laptop for work. When I bring my laptop home, I have to unhook my DSL line and hook it to my laptop. My laptop has a wireless card built in -- can I get a router that can go wireless, and have a line to go to my desktop, that is not wireless?


One Laptop Per Child

Nicholas Negroponte has a dream... to provide a laptop with internet access to hundreds of millions of children in developing countries around the world. Negroponte's One Laptop Per Child is a non-profit group that has been working for several years to create a fully functional $100 laptop, powered by a hand crank.


Laptop Monitor is Dead

My old IBM laptop monitor still glows but I can't see anything; I guess the video gave up the ghost. However, I can hear all of the normal things when I turn it on. It served me well but I need to transfer my files to my new laptop. I bought Transfer my PC deluxe software but I wonder if I can use my new laptop to view the files on my old laptop. And how would I do this?


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