Recent Comments

Comment by FrancesMC on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 21, 2024 06:45 AM)
I use irfanview and find it very satisfactory. Been using it for years. Another one you didn't mention is XnView. I like it but it's very similar...
Comment by Colin on Here's How to Consolidate Email Accounts (October 20, 2024 09:52 PM)
The import from hotamil/outlook does not seem to to work. Is there are a new trick to this?...
Comment by Ahmad on The Most Common Computing Mistakes (how many have you made?) (October 19, 2024 07:32 PM)
@Tony I watched (or probably rewatched) the Rob Braxman antivirus video from October 2023. There are two major and obvious mistakes he is making ther...
Comment by Tony on The Most Common Computing Mistakes (how many have you made?) (October 18, 2024 08:15 PM)
Anybody heard of Rob Braxman? He's a computer 'expert' who says that anti malware does not protect you. I am a no nothing at computers but he seems to...
Comment by Bill Funkhouser on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 18, 2024 02:44 PM)
I still Picasa as my main editor as well as Irfanview and like having the programs on my pc. For my phone, I use the Pixlr app as my main editor. I ha...
Comment by Jerry Chandler on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 01:13 PM)
Thank you so much for the emails. I have learned so much from your post. I really loved the online photo editors. My favorite was "Pixlr" it was grea...
Comment by Dave on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 07:21 AM)
I use Irfanview, I find it sharpens and photos can be resized for newsletters, it has a print on picture feature which is very hard to use, does anyon...
Comment by Marge Teilhaber on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 03:17 AM)
I edit with Picasa and have the exe file which will hopefully work on my next PC which will have W11. I crop, lighten, and add text to pictures like ...
Comment by Bill K on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 12:08 AM)
@Fred is my 'Go-To' program on Windows for quick photo prints as well as more elaborate editing duties. I do not recall when was...
Comment by Pete on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 11, 2024 09:24 PM)
Thanks! You saved me some time! I was just going to look for an editor and now you have provided me with options! Thanks again for coming through!!...

Windows-8 Articles


Cheap Windows 8 PCs

Earlier this year, Microsoft began to offer a variant of Windows 8.1 to PC vendors at a special, super-secret price that is rumored to be “practically zero.” This “Windows 8.1 with Bing" license has brought a crop of low-cost PCs to the market. Here's the scoop, and what you need to know about the Bing thing...


3 Ways to Repair Windows 8

If your Windows 8 computer isn't working properly, there are three new tools built into the Windows 8 operating system that you can use to attempt repairs. Read on to learn about Restore, Refresh and Reset...


Uninstall These Windows Patches NOW!

On August 2, Microsoft began pushing out its monthly bundle of Windows security patches and feature updates via Windows Update. By August 5, hundreds of users’ PCs were failing to boot after being powered off; the infamous Blue Screen of Death appeared. Some tech-savvy users traced the problem to a handful of patches in the August 2 release. On August 15, Microsoft pulled the flawed patches from Windows Update and advised users to uninstall them. Here is what you need to do:


Crazy Eights? Come on, Microsoft!

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Switching to Windows 8 Made Easier

A reader asks: 'I really need a new laptop computer, but all of them come with Windows 8 now. I've heard many negative things about Windows 8, but my friend says it's not so bad once you get used to it. Are there any tips or tricks you can share to ease the transition to Windows 8?' Actually yes! Read on for my tips on restoring sanity to Windows 8, and some surprising things you'll actually LIKE in Windows 8...


Chromebook Versus Windows 8

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Windows 8 Pricing (Plus Other Confusing Facts and Rumors)

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Why NOW is a Good Time to Buy a New PC

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Windows 8: Will You Be Pleasantly Surprised?

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Download the Free Windows 8 Consumer Preview

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