Why You Should Never Login With Facebook - Comments Page 2

Category: Social-Networking

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Posted by:

02 Dec 2014

I sign into things with Twitter IF it says it will not post anything in my name. (I've also sometimes signed in with Facebook, 2nd preference, same condition.) I've never been burnt yet, that I know of. Comments?

Posted by:

Joyce Naffier
02 Dec 2014

I would appreciate a further discussion and clarification of this topic.

Posted by:

Marc de Piolenc
02 Dec 2014

It's good to hear some sense on this subject from a recognized authority. I've been fulminating against this kind of linking, and especially against sites that ONLY allow you to sign in with outside credentials (Disqus, for example). They are an ongoing security hazard, but I am usually treated like a tinfoil-hat-wearing crank if I mention it.

Posted by:

02 Dec 2014

I used My Permissions to clear a Google app, and it asked me if, er, I wanted to share it on Facebook or Twitter, neither of which I belong to.

Posted by:

02 Dec 2014

Lots of interesting articles on the Internet, if one signs in to every one which requires a log-in, the inbox would quickly fill to the brim with continued info from each site.
I find best way is to use a disposable address in case more site visits are not required.
SpamGourmet.com has a function to allow the user to dictate how many email messages to accept.
Hasn't failed yet, and used on dozens of newspaper, technical, scientific web sites.

Posted by:

02 Dec 2014

I assume MyPermissions is just for mobile devices? At least, I tried to download it to my desktop (Windows 7) and got an error message.

Thanks for your many articles!

Posted by:

02 Dec 2014

Please excuse me for commenting again but there are so many comments above along the lines of "I must use Facebook to keep in contact with....." Why not try plain old email and/or Skype?

Posted by:

Jim Lewis
02 Dec 2014

I appreciate your information on a daily basis but at times I'm unsure just what you are telling me.

For example, in this article is mentioned this;
"The handy service MyPermissions will identify all apps that you currently have authorized and let you remove those you don’t need".

I clicked "MyPermissions" and found 18 different options that I could click.

How am I to know what to click in order to receive only the info you mentioned? Having multiple choices with no ideal which one I'm after causes me to choose none.

EDITOR'S NOTE: What do you mean when you say you "clicked MyPermissions"? If you visit MyPermissions.com you'll find the desktop and mobile versions of the program.

Posted by:

03 Dec 2014

Good thing the Facebook account I use to sign in to sites is not real. FB is not a problem if you take the time to lock it down.

Facebook is the best for staying abreast of what is going on in your friends and families lives. It's like having that gossiping aunt that tells you what your cousins and other family have been up to. There's no way you could/would take the time to email or Skype the 100's of people you know.

Who only has 1 email address? Everyone should have AT LEAST 3 email addresses.
1 for professional
1 for friends and family
1 for spam. I find Hotmail is great for signing up for stuff.

I don't get spam from anywhere. And I sign up for EVERYTHING.

Posted by:

David Ream
03 Dec 2014

Thanks for a useful and informative article. In light of what you said, I was surprised to see a box next to your article that allows readers to sign in to "AskBobRankin.Com" via Facebook, Twitter or Google+. As the Czar of your own web page, do you have control over OAuth using it as a stepping stone to other sites?

EDITOR'S NOTE: As I mentioned on Monday (when you posted the same comment) it's just a picture to go along with the article. There's no login at AskBobRankin.com. I thought that emblazoning the word SAMPLE on the image would dispel any further confusion.

Posted by:

Greg Burgess
13 Dec 2014

I have another curly one and don't know how to fix. Someone is impersonating me, using my email address as well as my Facebook picture. I don't know who the emails are going to, but I am receiving them as well. (My picture and also sent from my email address), but not sent by me.
This person is marketing and sending people to sales links. I did email one link and asked who was the person who was the affiliate. Never received a reply.
I hope someone has an answer.

Posted by:

14 Dec 2014

People seem to worry about keeping in touch with family/friends if they get rid of FB why not use Skype as I have since its inception?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because Skype isn't a social network. It doesn't help you find friends with whom you have lost contact for 20-30 years. It doesn't let you share news and photos with a group. Facebook does those things well.

Posted by:

Dr Ryan James
15 Dec 2014

I used My Permissions on my Win7 with great results, so I am not sure why some had a error message.

It was rather disturbing to see how many programs and services I had used various services like FB and Gmail to tap into only for have stopped using them and forgotten about them. Thankfully with My Permissions, it raised a red flag for me to be more vigilant.

Thanks Bob!

Posted by:

15 Dec 2014

It's ALL about the MONEY.!!

Just about everywhere you go on the internet now is laced with tons of adware.

I hate those little video ads that automaticaly run with no option to pause or stop them.

Every once in a while you'll find one that gives you an option to close it. If you do it brings up an add from the webpage stating that adds are required for the operation of that network. If you want to view the page without adds you must purchase a subscription or "donate" x-amount to the website.

Even PC Pitstop is loaded with adds. Some of which come in the middle of articles and can look like a link to additional info from the article.

Now, I know that, adds are needed to keep free things free. Sometimes this use leads to abuse.

Take network TV...
A 30 minute program is maybe 15 - 20 minutes of program and 10 - 20 minutes of adds. If you have cable or satelite TV you STILL have the adds and pay extra to get them. Then you have the PREMIUM cable stations like HBO, SHOWTIME, CINIMAX, STARZ etc. That run their own adds and such for promotion, and will have the adds streaming across the screen in such a way that the movie basicaly becomes unviewable as IT becomes unwatchable due to the large writing across the middle of the screen. Now that should be called criminal behavior.

We now live in a society where ONLY advertisers have rights. The general public only haas the right to NOT turn on their computer or TV set.

Posted by:

Mark Roehrich
17 Dec 2014

I tried to share this article on facebook as a warning, since it has happened to me with Farmers Only. But to share it they wanted me to Login with Facebook. I won't make that mistake again.

EDITOR'S NOTE: You don't have to use the ShareThis widget. Copy the article address, and paste it directly to your Facebook page.

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