Antispam Software
Your Internet service provider has a spam filter, your email program has antispam filters built in, but still you get plenty of unwanted emails. One solution is to add another layer of defense to your inbox. Dozens of free and commercial antispam software programs are on the market, and millions of people use them. Here are some of the best anti-spam solutions... |
Filter Spam With AntiSpam Software
Redundancy, customization, and the ability to retaliate against spammers are the main selling points of add-on antispam software. My community has police who keep an eye out for burglars. My house has a front door I can lock. But inside the house I may still have an alarm system that detects suspicious motion, scares off intruders with lights and alarms, and even calls the cops automatically. That's what add-on antispam software can do for your email inbox.
If you use a desktop email client such as Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail, there are several programs that you can use to put the brakes on spam. Among the most popular spam filtering solutions are Spam Bully, MailWasher, Comodo AntiSpam, and Cloudmark Desktop. Let's take a look at each:
- Spam Bully is a widely used program that works with Outlook and Outlook Express. It screens your incoming email against lists of known spam sources and keywords just like other spam filters. But it also learns from your response to email what you want to read and what you don't. With a week or so of "training" Spam Bully becomes nearly perfect at filtering spam. It can quarantine suspicious email in a separate folder for later review or automatically delete it. It also lets you report spammers to the FTC, the spammer's ISP, and the keepers of spammer blacklists. So you can be part of the antispam police community. Spam Bully is free to try for 14 days; and a one-year subscription costs $29.95.
- MailWasher Free lets you check your email at the server before it gets to your inbox. This enables you to delete unwanted email, viruses or huge attachments so they never reach your computer in the first place. MailWasher learns as you go, and becomes very good at recognizing spam. It also supports blacklists, friend lists, and lets you add your own custom filters.
- Comodo Antipsam Desktop is a free antispam software solution from the Comodo security software team. It requires everyone who sends you email to prove they're human and not an automated spam-spewing robot. When a new sender's mail arrives, Comodo Antispam sends an authentication code to the sender which must be echoed back before the sender's mail is allowed into your inbox. It's like having a voicemail system that requires callers to press "1" before they're put through to you, effectively eliminating automated calling machines. Comodo also works with any POP3 account or email client, not just the big names like Outlook, Outlook Express, and Thunderbird.
- Cloudmark DesktopOne works with Mozilla Thunderbird as well as Outlook and Outlook Express. Spam, viruses and phising attempts are not identified by lists or sources or keywords, but by the entire community of Cloudmark antispam users worldwide. When you tag a message as spam it's added to the filter lists of every Cloudmark user. That could be good or bad; one man's spam is another's steak. But the idea is that with a large pool of actual humans, the bad stuff will be identified with a high degree of accuracy. DesktopOne works on Outlook, Windows Mail, Outlook Express, and Thunderbird. It can also be used as a pre-filter for web-based email accounts that have IMAP/POP access capability.
Do you have experience with any of these anti-spam software tools, or a favorite that's not mentioned here? Post your comment or question below...
This article was posted by Bob Rankin on 8 Oct 2010
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Article information: AskBobRankin -- Antispam Software (Posted: 8 Oct 2010)
Copyright © 2005 - Bob Rankin - All Rights Reserved
Most recent comments on "Antispam Software"
Posted by:
08 Oct 2010
I am a Cloudmark user - and have been for several years. It's great! Very rare that something goes to my sp*m folder by mistake. I can move it back to my 'in' box and notify Cloudmark that it isn't junk and then it no longer gets junked.
Posted by:
08 Oct 2010
I am a big proponent of letting SPAMCOP do my filtering. it is a DNS-based filtering list.
SPAMCOP uses a combination of:
> SPAMASSASIN filtering(I have the score on mine set to 5)
> 10 external lists (I use them ALL)
> An option to block all Russian (and other Cyrillic messages), which I use
> Greylist filtering which I set ON
This HAS elimnated most of my SPAM.
It takes some getting used to! I have had to 'whitelist' many of my senders.
I think it is a GREAT tool @ $30 / year.
I use it by letting SPAMCOP 'pop' all my mail and then I 'pop' from SPAMCOP. There are other ways to use it.
It is now part of the CISCO organization.
Posted by:
francis reilly
09 Oct 2010
I have Trend Micro Titanium 2010.It's very good but I still get unwanted e-mail.Mostly because I have opened junk mail in the past.I understand you can't use another program when you already have one
Posted by:
09 Oct 2010
My favorite spam blocker is to have a junk email address and only give my real one to friends. Also, use an email name high up in the alphabet.
Posted by:
10 Oct 2010
Help, a friend who seldom uses his computer without me holding his hand keeps emailing me a link for mail order vitamins and male enhancement meds, it's being sent to me and 3 others from his Yahoo email account. He's not doing it I tried to remove myself from list but they still come 3-4 times a day, I'removed him from my address book but some still sneak through. How do I stop and correct it? Thanx
EDITOR'S NOTE: Your friend's email account has been compromised, and emails are being sent to people in HIS address book. He should change his email password right away, and do a thorough anti-virus sweep.
Posted by:
11 Oct 2010
I use and recommend SpamArrest which is a challenge and response service similar to Comodo Antispam as Bob describes it. The difference is that it is server-based, so the challenge is immediate rather than when you next collect mail on your desktop. A secondary benefit is that the service also acts as a webmail client, so you can check and send email from any internet connection and the server store acts as a backup for your desktop mailbase.
Posted by:
20 Oct 2010
If there are other Mac users reading this, I recommend SpamSieve which is a learn as you go program.
Posted by:
Email Hosting
25 Mar 2011
Great post. Thanks for sharing. Fortunately my email system is protected and i havent got any major issues. Am with Rackspace, and their hosted email system already have anti-spam features. It's all good for now, even if i realy like to know what kind of probs others normally have.