AskBob's Best of 2017 - Part Two

Category: Reference

Yesterday I published Part One of my Best of 2017. Today, I've got another batch of ten very popular articles, which have been selected using input from drones, robots, trained monkeys, eye-tracking and the latest fake artificial intelligence technology. I hope you'll read each one, leave your own comments, and share them with your Email, Facebook and Twitter friends.

In AskBob's Best of 2017 - Part One I focused on living with Windows 10, improving security, and going wireless. Looking at today, I see some of the same themes, but other key concepts that jump out at me are protecting your data and identity, saving money on your cable and phone bills, and keeping your computer running optimally. I hope you'll enjoy today's final Top Ten of 2017...

1. How To Eliminate 94% of Windows Vulnerabilities Easily

A new report from security experts at Avecto highlights hundreds of critical vulnerabilities discovered in Microsoft Windows just in the past year. Any of them could allow a hacker to take full control of an unpatched PC. But one simple trick can create a roadblock to neutralize more than 94% of these threats. Read on for the scoop…

2. TEN Common Computing Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

Sorry if this sounds unsympathetic, but most computer problems are caused by users. There are a few basic steps you can take to avoid malware infections, data loss, and performance issues. Too often, people try to save time or money by cutting corners, and they end up paying the price. Check out my list of common computing mistakes, and how to fix (or even better, avoid) them. Read on...

AskBob - Best of 2017

3. Yes, You Need a Disposable Email Address!

Have you ever visited a website that demanded your email address to make a purchase, create an account or gain access to information? I'm sure you have, and in some cases you've probably done so hesitantly, thinking that you might be opening your inbox to a flood of spam. A disposable email address provides a handy solution to this problem. Read on to learn more...

4. Yes, You Need Image Backups (and here's how)

Did you know that online backup services like Mozy or Carbonite don't backup ALL your files? If your backup strategy only covers what you've got stashed in your Documents folder, you could be in for a rude awakening if a data disaster strikes. It's the same with manual, haphazard "pick and choose" local backups you make on a flash drive or external hard drive. Here's what you need to know about system image backups...

5. Can MagicJack Replace Your Landline?

Have you seen those commercials for Magic Jack, a device you can plug into your computer for really cheap phone service? It sounds too good to be true... so is MagicJack a scam, or does it actually work? Can it really replace your landline? Read on for answers...

6. Beware Fake Tech Support Scammers

Have you received an unexpected phone call from a helpful customer service rep of Microsoft, or perhaps your ISP? I didn't think so. But many people have received calls from scammers posing as tech support reps, warning that their computers are infected with malware and offering help to fix the purported problem. Here's what you should do if they call you...

7. How to Get Free Wireless Internet

One common reader question: 'Is there a way to get free wireless Internet access? My budget is limited, so I'd like a solution that works both at home and with my mobile phone.' Everyone knows you can get a free wifi connection at your local Starbucks, the public library, and possibly even at your dentist's office. Using free wifi can save you money by helping to limit the amount of data you consume on your smartphone. Read on to learn about free wireless Internet -- it's not just in coffee shops anymore...

8. Are Password Rules Making Us LESS Secure?

Isn't it maddening when your bank, insurance company, grocery store and a dozen other websites demand that you follow a complicated set of rules when coming up with a new password? It's bad enough that these passwords are hard to remember. But new research shows they actually make it EASIER for hackers to compromise your account. Read on for the scoop…

9. Equifax Takes The Data Breach Cake

On September 7, credit reporting agency Equifax reported one the worst data breaches in history, compromising an estimated 143 million Americans, 44 British citizens, and an uncertain number of Canadians. Names, addresses, Social Security Numbers, birth dates, and in some cases driver’s license and credit card numbers were leaked. Read on to learn if your personal information leaked to hackers, and how Equifax actually made things WORSE with their response to the breach...

10. Save Money With These Cordcutting Options

Millions of consumers are "cutting the cord" by cancelling their expensive cable TV subscriptions. Instead, they use a streaming media gadget like Roku to bring movies, TV shows and online video to their television screens. The options for TV viewing without paying an arm and leg to a cable company just keep expanding. Here is a roundup of current offerings for cordcutters. Along those lines, I recommend that you read New Roku Models for Cord Cutters.

I hope you've enjoyed reviewing the most popular topics from the last twelve months. Please leave a comment, and don't forget to tell a friend about, or share a link via Email or Facebook. Happy New Year!

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This article was posted by on 29 Dec 2017

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AskBob's Best of 2017 - Part One

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Most recent comments on "AskBob's Best of 2017 - Part Two"

Posted by:

29 Dec 2017

Thank you for these end of year compilations of some of your most popular articles. If possible, this second part contained more that was of interest to me than part one did!

Seems like even after I have read your words I still need the occasional reminder to stay on top of things.

I have been following you since the Tourbus days and your articles are the main source of my computer literacy, so THANK YOU!

May I wish a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you, your friends and family, and to all your readers.

Posted by:

29 Dec 2017

Thanks for your great site Bob!
Wishing you a Happy New Year!!

Posted by:

29 Dec 2017

Bob, Excellent articles. I am from Canada and have been using MagicJack for quite some time, probably more than 5 years. It works great. The only time there is a glitch is when there is a break in the Internet connection. However, since it is free, we just call the party back. Happy New Year to You and all readers on AskBob.

Posted by:

30 Dec 2017

Well, thanks for all you've provided this 2017. Have a prosperous 2018.
Just froze 3 credit union accounts. Now that i financed another car. My older vehicle was repaired and not totaled. Sold privately for less than the repair or KBB value. So it's sale will make some car payments.

Posted by:

Stella St Amour
04 Jan 2018

Thank you, Bob, for all the info. you've shared with us over the years. V'been with you since your debut with Tourbus. Wish all that info. could be used in Canada. A very Happy New Year to you.

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