The End of Google Plus? - Comments Page 1

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Posted by:

Jay R
19 Mar 2015

I can't even post my wonderful, erudite comments (IMNSHO) on YouTube without creating a Google+ profile. I have refused to do this, hoping the world will forgive me. RIP!!!!!!!!!!!!

As always, Thanx, Bob.

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

Is is possible the lack of comments here is a testament to how much people care what happens to Google+ ?

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

Although I consider everything Google does to be mass collection of user data to the max, I have great success with Hangouts. The video call feature is a blessing when friends and family need my assistance to (attempt to) fix their PC woes (whether Windows or Apple based). The feature to share desktops is a great utility that allows me to walk others thru their problems!
Just yesterday, I walked a friend thru a corruption with their Drupal blog using Hangouts video. 'nuff said!

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

I agree with you. Most users cannot handle too many platforms doing the same thing; it's too distracting and confusing. Both Facebook and Twitter are so entrenched nowadays that they are unlikely to be dethroned. Reminds me of the beginning days of spreadsheets back in the 1980's: Excel became the default standard, while its biggest rival at that time, Lotus 123, eventually fell into oblivion.

Posted by:

Louis Toscano
19 Mar 2015

I stopped using Google everything. On Google Play, I put music downloads into my shopping cart. However, when I expected to pay for them, they wanted a smartphone number which I do not use. If I am paying for these downloads, then what difference should it make whether or not I have a smartphone?

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

What the heck are "SEO" penalties?

EDITOR'S NOTE: SEO = Search Engine Optimization. The implication is that Google will reward or punish your page rankings based on your adherence to their guidelines.

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

The one google idea/tool that I have Never liked and find to be a nuisance is Google+. I wish it would just go away and take all it's data with it.

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

Any word on how these changes will affect Google+ pages for business? For example:

Posted by:

Jim Guld
19 Mar 2015

I don't have any problem with the social piece going away.
Hangouts, and Hangouts On Air are great tools.
Naming conventions on the Web are always changing. I don't think Google is going away. I wonder what is going to happen to Picasa? It is still the best free tool for working with pictures on a computer.

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

The only thing Google+ did for me was make Picasa harder to use.

Posted by:

Ghenghis McCann
19 Mar 2015

"Google started out by forcing Gmail users to create a Google+ profile". That explains why they had 500 million alleged users. How many people actually signed up of their own free will and used Google+? How many said "What the [expletive deleted] do I have to do this for?" but had to sign up anyway, and never used it?

If I was cynical, I might assume that the high number of alleged users was a ploy to charge higher rates to advertisers. But we all know Google wouldn't do that, don't we?

EDITOR'S NOTE: It's a good thing you're not cynical. :-) Because that's one thing we DO know about Google. Their advertising programs only generate revenue when a user clicks an ad. So inflating user numbers wouldn't make them more money.

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

Never used it, probably never will. But then I am not much on social media either, so I probably don't count.

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

I am like most of the Google+ users ... I simply, did not use it.

I agree, that it really did not make any sense. However, I did setup a Google+ account.

I am now, fed up with Facebook!!! Why can't there be a simple social media site, where we can communicate with just our family and friends???!!! I personally, think that is what most of us want.

I do not have a Twitter account and do not plan on getting one, either.

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

Never wanted it as I don't do social media but have a gmail account. It seems to sign me in without asking, has almost put me off using youtube and is way too complicated to anyway. A simple search on the FAQs brings up endless more pages and links, often going in a loop, it feels as if the software is controlling me rather than the other way around.
As a product it has little appeal to me.

Posted by:

Grada Schadee
19 Mar 2015

Since I never even understood how Google+ worked nor what it was exactly (an email server? photo's program? social media?, nor could easily find an explanation) I never bothered to find out what it was. I for one would be totally OK if Google+ just faded away!
Grada Schadee

Posted by:

19 Mar 2015

Any chance Youtube will revert back to normal?

Posted by:

Mariam Blinkenger
19 Mar 2015

Hangouts are great, and its option to make free calls by simply typing in a telephone number is out of this world! Because Facebook has been around longer, most of my friends didn't care to switch over to Google Plus. Besides that, G+ is confusing to use. To me, Facebook seems more homey and personal while G+ seems like a rat race to read everything that's posted (flipping your eyes back and forth to read two columns at once is insane). I'm hoping Picasa stays forever, but it doesn't matter to me if Picasa uses Picasa Web Albums or Google+ Photos. Who uses MySpace anymore. LOL!

Posted by:

20 Mar 2015

Well, I hated Google + after, Google deleted All my personal messages stored on YouTube, without a Shred of warning. They could have at Least moved them to the Google + (Somewhere) - (wherever your private messages would go, if there Is a place for them) - That's one thing Facebook Does offer, and one of the Many reasons why Google + could never even Begin to make a dent on Facebook, even with all Facebook's problems...

Posted by:

20 Mar 2015

I use Google+ some (for a dormant, long-forgotten anime fan group that I still desperately cling to) and I will miss it when it is gone.

Posted by:

Pierre Laberge
20 Mar 2015

Still cannot make posts to youtube since they did this G+ thing.

I have been told that "something is wrong" with my G+ account but nobody knows what or how to fix it. "It's a set-up issue". That helps!

But if I make a comment on my G+ page, it goes right to the correct youtube place, if one is involved. Go figure.

And I have sent unanswered "user experience" messages to Google. Apparently, I am not famous or rich enough for them to care.

So I wonder if this might fix things for me? I nevver figured out how to use half the features of G+, and never tried hangouts or such.

If these companies made these things easy to use, and user friendly....

They seem to be too concerned with mining our data. And making a buck off off of it. Sometimes value and ease of use must come before money and exploitation.....

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