[RED ALERT] Would You Pay for YouTube? - Comments Page 1
Posted by:
I have just one word for Google on this. NO! |
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Nope. I am with you Bob. So much other stuff out there free and paid! |
Posted by:
I use ABP on Firefox and ABL on Pale Moon and I don't see ads on YouTube at all. As for content, I haven't seen anything that would be a contender for what I see on the internet or TV. So, no. |
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Two words for Google. No Way |
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Heh... What? Is Google so low on funds they have to charge for content? Sheesh. So much for Do No Evil... |
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I might if it were better than Netflix and can guarantee quality of stream and content, otherwise I would have no interest and I would want that guarantee in writing... |
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I didn't realize there are ads on Youtube! uBlock Origin must be doing a very good job. As for paying for the special content, I'll pass. |
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No: I would not pay more than Netflix wants...Do not own any apple product, so not worried about the extra 30%...I am sure the apple legion will have no problem with the extra costs involved! |
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2 more words. "Absolutely NOT!" |
Posted by:
I mostly am interested in music and some political videos. Would probably never watch 99% of the Red stuff. No thanks. |
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No, way!... |
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Not only will I not buy it, but if I ever find out anyone has to pay to see the few things I've uploaded (not likely) I'll yank them immediately. |
Posted by:
Well, as polls go, you're batting 1000! |
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Absolutely not! |
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Just another money grab. Not interested! |
Posted by:
I more than agree with you Bob! If I were to subscribe to each and every streaming service that is currently being offered to me, I would be spending at least $120 per month on them. Cable and Uverse or Fios are actually cheaper. Joining the streamer revolution is not a cost effective way to go. Even CBS is now charging if you want their "FREE BROADCASTS" streamed onto you portable devices or even you wall mounted flat screen TV. |
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NO |
Posted by:
Not just "no," but "hell no!" I'm with Ed - $10/month here, $12/month there and pretty soon you're paying more than you would be for satellite or cable! |
Posted by:
They're pricing themselves out of the market. While I happily pay $9.99 a month for Netflix, the caliber of what is on YouTube doesn't even come close to justifying the same price tag. As for putting up with ads on basic content, there is of course the elephant in the room: we can use an Ad Blocker to simply eliminate the annoyance if we're not willing to put up with it. I will be using YouTube to develop an indie channel for women, and while the ad revenue is a tempting carrot, I am curious about whatever revenue sharing model they must have in place to attract the current major players into an exclusive YouTube Red deal to give that up when some of them (PewDiePie, for instance) are making significant profits. At the moment, my answer would be no to YouTube Red, both as a consumer and content producer. Thanks a bunch for sharing this, Bob! Sue. |
Posted by:
I don't watch that much free YouTube. Why would I pay for it? Obviously I wouldn't pay for it. |
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