[HOWTO] Stopping Fake News - Comments Page 1
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It's sad and a reflection on America's demise due to PC running amok that CNN and MSLSD were both prime purveyors of Fake News the last year, and big time. |
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I got caught by a fake news story because it was posted on a usually reliable site. I found out too late (by which I mean I stupidly posted it with comments to a forum I frequented until someone gently pointed out the story was bogus. I was so embarressed I quickly removed the story, apologized to the group, and left the forum so I wouldn't be tempted to do such a foolish thing again. The problem is that people seem to want to believe the worst of other people so they are delighted to see anything that confirms their opion and they help spread the news--it seems fake news spreads faster than the truth. And they won't admit they are wrong. Even the guy who attacked the pizza parlor will only admit to having the wrong technique, but he still thinks there must be something to the false news story. It has come to this that truth is no longer valued, and facts are dismissed as being an unnecessary inconveniences. It is a sad time. I don't understand how being respectful and empathetic to others can be blamed for this fake news....it appears to me that the biggest promoters are bullies and trolls. |
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I like fake news because it upsets the libturds, whom have been feeding the liberal media fake news for years...TRUMP! |
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I offer that Fake News is just the politically correct name for gossip, and that has been around since the cave man said more that "ugh". |
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What about the ads Chrome plasters all over the sites I visit? This one is no exception. Obama's Ticking Time Bomb, Obama's Hidden Rebate Bombshell-Taxpayers claim before Dec 16 are two ads that appear on the left side of this article just before the comments section. I will not click on them to avoid passing them on to the fake news stream. However, in the past I have found that just about any email or ad that has the name Obama anywhere in it is bound to be fake and derogatory and inflammatory. How can we trust Googling a possible fake news story when the ads Google Chrome foists off on us are themselves fake?? |
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Is the Donald real? |
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The mainstream media, for the most part, ignores news that doesn't align with their progressive agenda. Thus, one must be wary when all the info one receives is from the biased left wing media. Much more harm caused by them than fake news. |
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Props to Vulcan: ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, New York Times - every news outlet that said all the POLLS predicted a landslide win for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election: ALL FAKE NEWS. Lies, if you want my opinion. |
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dmac, |
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Good article Bob but, only good for the people that already do check. From reading the comments on MSM articles that debunk some of these false news stories the people that believe the false news will not be swayed because any argument is just a lie to them. As KellyAnn Conway said: "there is no such thing as fact anymore" and she should know. |
Posted by:
No doubt there is a lot of mis-information being put out on Facebook and other social media, but it's also true that nearly all the mainstream media is extremely biased to the left, and often the radical left. This includes CNN, MSNBC (the very worst), ABC, CBS, and NBC. The only reasonably balanced mainstream media source is Fox News, which has been the #1 cable news channel for some time now because it's not simply a left wing, Democrat Party propaganda shill like all the others. It's not perfect, but the closest available. Anything online should be listed as "reader beware". Some is legit, a lot is garbage. |
Posted by:
So in an article about Fake News you recommend an App maintained by an outfit that is owned by someone with distinctly one sided views (Left, go figure)to help guide you to the truth ? I must say, I am confused. No news is good news, my folks would say, and it turns out they are right. Due diligence is they only way to know the truth. |
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Mozilla Firefox won't accept the BS detector. Says it's malware. |
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Mozilla Firefox won't accept the BS detector. Says it's malware. |
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@evildoctor. What about the bubble of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, others of his ilk? Also, FACT: all Mainstream Media Outlets are owned by Conservative GOP-oriented companies, which are managed or controlled by GOP CEOs. This "fake" notion that the media is controlled by leftwing Libs is totally bogus. I comment with all due respect. |
Posted by:
Frank, IMO it's quite obvious to any impartial observer today that the mainstream media is certainly very biased to the left. Why do you think than only 2 newspapers out of nearly 60 endorsed Trump, all the rest went with Hillary. All the major newspapers, NYT, Washington Post, LA Times, etc. are very biased left. Simply the undeniable facts and why Fox News, born just 20 years ago in 1996 is now the choice of most viewers. I wish the media was more balanced, but it just ain't so today, so watch out for that fake news and lefty propaganda, both are rampant. |
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Firefox won't let me apply the Add On BS Detector plugin as it appears to be corrupt and has not been tested |
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I thought this was a good article. Should have included sites like snopes.com however. The comments, however, are pure crap. |
Posted by:
So, if Donald Trump states something as fact with no supporting evidence, it must be true but if someone actually takes the time to check the facts, they are guilty of liberal bias. Well, you can consider me a biased liberal. Researchers always have be wary of confirmation bias - the willingness to accept results that support their hypothesis while rejecting results that falsify it. There are obviously people on the right who will believe anything unfavorable about the Obamas and the Clintons because it agrees with their biases. Similarly, there are people on the left who will believe anything unfavorable about Donald Trump. Like it or not, Trump is our elected president. We'll have to see how the next four years play out. As that happens, why can't we treat each other with respect? There is a weekly news digest magazine called "The Week" that does an excellent job of presenting both sides to its news. I strongly recommend it. |
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Where are the Mrs Arnolds today? |
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