Recent Comments

Comment by FrancesMC on Here's Why You Should X-Ray Your Computer (February 20, 2025 07:28 AM)
@ Mike, if you use Firefox, try ReaderView. Look on the URL line just to the left of the bookmark star, it's a little rectangle with horizontal li...
Comment by Enra on Here's Why You Should X-Ray Your Computer (February 19, 2025 10:29 PM)
Do you have any use for dxdiag?...
Comment by Mike on Here's Why You Should X-Ray Your Computer (February 19, 2025 08:45 PM)
I'm sorry, but it getting more difficult to read your column due to the overwhelming amount of intrusive ad popups. ...
Comment by Dave on Here's Why You Should X-Ray Your Computer (February 19, 2025 07:37 PM)
I use Wise System Monitor to monitor CPU temperature, RAM percentage, plus KB's being used, if RAM goes up I close programs to make computer run bette...
Comment by Ken H on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 15, 2025 07:34 PM)
I don't want to memorise a bunch of alternative ways to do something I already know how to do easily enough. I just tried Ctrl+rt. arrow and it crashe...
Comment by Mike H on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 14, 2025 09:30 PM)
I often use CTRL + Shift + T to restore a browser tab I closed in error. ...
Comment by Ian on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 14, 2025 08:04 PM)
Many, many thanks for this:- after using a Mac since the late 1990s, I have just bought a Microsoft Surface with Windows 11 so these are really useful...
Comment by David Serfass on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 14, 2025 07:26 PM)
This isn't a keyboard shortcut, but it is useful and it has been available for quite a while.Click the mouse button and a small circle will appear wit...
Comment by Jeri on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 14, 2025 07:25 PM)
One I use all the time: Paste without Formatting CTRL + SHIFT + V...
Comment by Michelle on How to Do Online Genealogy Research (your family tree) (February 14, 2025 01:54 AM)
The FTDNA Rankin Project is a great research tool using Y-DNA to assist in family research. It helped my family locate Rankin's relatives in County Ty...

Linux Articles


Are You Sick and Tired of Windows?

For millions of people still running Windows 7, a decision will need to be made this coming January, when Microsoft's support for that operating system ends. Moving to Windows 10 will mean learning something new, and may require updates to both hardware and software. One may as well consider other operating systems if there's going to be a learning curve anyway. Your options include Linux, Mac OS X, Android, Chrome OS, and others. Here are several alternatives to running Windows on your desktop, laptop or mobile device...


A Free Windows XP Alternative

Okay... you know that sticking with Windows XP is like driving with bald tires on an icy highway. But you don't want to spend even a dime on another version of Windows. Fortunately, there's a free alternative operating system that will do pretty much everything that Windows XP does. Read on to learn if it's the right choice for you...


Time to Upgrade Your Computer?

A reader asks: 'My Dell computer is almost 4 years old and is starting to feel slower than when it was new. Is it time to buy a new one, or should I upgrade it? I'm currently running Windows Vista, if that factors in somehow...


Download Linux For Free

I see Linux mentioned in online forums, and people talking about dumping Microsoft Windows. I understand Linux is free, but I'm not clear on exactly what it is! Can I really replace Windows with Linux, and still have the web, email, word processing and all the other programs I currently use?


Which Linux Version Is Right For Me?

I understand there are many variations on the Linux theme. I want to try Linux as a free alternative to Windows, but I feel like I'm in a diner with too many options on the menu. Can you give me a quick guide to selecting a Linux that meets my needs?


Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope

Ubuntu, the Linux-based operating system, is slick freeware with a web browser, office tools, games and a ton of other software. If you are hesitant to adopt Windows Vista or the new Win7, some of the recent Ubuntu updates may help you make the switch to a Linux desktop...


Wanna Wubi?

If you've always wanted to try out Linux but were afraid it would mess up your current Windows system, Wubi is a free, painless solution for installing Ubuntu Linux. Here's how...


Ubuntu Hardy Heron

I'm hearing good things about the latest Ubuntu Linux. Is there anything compelling enough in the latest release to save me from installing Vista on my next machine? Kinda hoping so...


Ubuntu Linux Gutsy Gibbon

Is Linux ready for the masses? Or is it still a geeks club? The new Ubuntu Linux Gutsy Gibbon puts a little more polish on the Linux desktop and moves the focus toward everyday users. Check out the new features in Ubuntu Linux version 7.10 ...


Running Linux In Windows

So you're ready to explore Linux, an operating system alternative to Windows or Mac. But you don't have an extra computer laying around. No problem... you can run Linux on your existing computer, without messing up your Windows system. Here's how...


Ubuntu Linux Feisty Fawn

Ubuntu Linux 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), was recently released, and from installation to every day use, this version is the best so far. Read on to see what's new in this release for diehard Linux users and tire kickers, too...


Running Windows on Linux

You run Linux... Maybe it's because no big company is going to dictate to you which OS you choose. Maybe you like Linux for its reliability, or for the fact it’s less apt to be a target for malware. Or maybe you like the lower cost of ownership compared to running Windows. But what about your favorite Windows programs? Is there any way to run them on your Linux system?


Switching From Windows To Linux

If you thought computers only came in two flavors, think again. There are other operating systems besides Mac and Windows. In fact, most of the computers that power the Internet are running Linux. This free operating system is robust, secure and runs great even on older computers. Here are some tips on switching from Windows to Linux...


Linux Help

I've heard a lot of buzz about Linux as a free alternative to Windows, but have hesitated because it seems a little geeky. Can you recommend an easy way to get started with Linux?


Shell Script Programming - Loops

I'm just starting to program shell scripts in Linux. I can handle basic IF ... THEN ... ELSE stuff, but I'm having trouble with looping? Can you give me some examples?


History of Linux

I know that Linux is an alternative to the Microsoft Windows operating system, but when and where did it originate, and why is it free?


Help with Basic Linux Commands

New to linux? A reader today said I need to know some of the basic commands for a linux server that I accquired. Turns out I wrote the book on Linux. Well, one of them anyway...


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