Recent Comments
Comment by Wayne on Geekly Update - 26 February 2025 (March 21, 2025 06:20 PM)
I have limited experience with Win 11 right now but I noticed that copy and paste is now not so smooth as it once was. You have to right click on the ...
Comment by stella jamie on Beware the Fedex Shipment Notification Scam (March 17, 2025 02:18 PM)
I actually made lots of profits at prime scratchcard here a few months ago but I was unable to make a single withdrawal. I met lilo grace 75 @ gmail *...
Comment by Henry on Here's How Creepy Marketers Capture Your Email Address (March 10, 2025 05:49 PM)
This is informative, but very ironic. It seems like SafeOpt would only need your email address and that you visited a website without buying something...
Comment by FrancesMC on [HOWTO] Boost Your Laptop Security Now (March 8, 2025 08:10 AM)
Michael, if you use Firefox, try Reader View. (On the URL line, it's the second character to the left of the star.) ...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by cho on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 11:51 AM)
@WildBill .. JPs comment was about Bob's statment ".. laser printer models that used to work with aftermarket ink, ..".. ...
Comment by Wild Bill 99 on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 04:06 AM)
@jp I can't speak to the truth of the story but from what I've read most of the complaints are from users having issues, especially with color printi...
Comment by Robert T Deloyd on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 03:24 AM)
That's all I want to do is go around sniffing mummies... not! ...
Comment by JP on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 5, 2025 10:56 PM)
Last time I checked, my laser printer didn't use ink. ;)...
Television Articles
Where to Find Free Movies and TV Shows Online
I’ve written previously about various options for watching TV shows and movies via online streaming services. The good news today is that while Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney and YouTube are constantly raising prices and cracking down on password sharing, a bunch of free options are popping up. Read on to learn how you can get local television channels, movies and popular shows without a subscription or monthly fees...
...Can I Get Free Satellite TV?
A thrifty AskBob reader says: “Can I really get satellite TV for free? I've heard about free satellite TV channels one can receive with a free-to-air satellite receiver and dish. Is this true? If so, what satellite channels can I get, what equipment do I need, and is it legal?” The short answer is 'YES, NO, and MAYBE,' depending on your expectations. Read on to learn about free satellite TV options...
...Is Your Smart TV Spying On You? (yes, and here's how to stop it)
Almost every television sold these days is advertised as a Smart TV. Behind the screen, these TVs are computers with an operating system, a hard drive, and Internet connectivity. They also have cameras, a microphone, and sophisticated software that allows them to collect and sell your viewing data. And because they are constantly connected, the same risks (malware and hacking) that apply to computers also apply to smart TVs. Read on to learn about the privacy and security risks of smart TVs, and what you can do to minimize them...
...Cable TV Too Expensive? Try These Free TV Options
I’ve written before about various options for watching TV shows and movies via online streaming services. The good news today is that while Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and Youtube are constantly raising prices for their services, a bunch of free options are popping up. Read on to learn how you can get local television channels, movies and popular shows without a subscription or monthly fees...
...Yes, You Can Get Free Satellite TV
An AskBob reader asks: “Can I really get satellite TV for free? I've heard about free satellite TV channels one can receive with a free-to-air satellite receiver and dish. Is this true? If so, what satellite channels can I get, what equipment do I need, and is it legal?” The short answer is YES, you can. Read on to learn about free satellite TV options...
...Yes, Your Smart TV is Spying On You (here's how to stop it)
Every television sold these days is advertised as a Smart TV. Behind the screen, these TVs are computers with an operating system, a hard drive, and Internet connectivity. They also have cameras, a microphone, and sophisticated software that allows them to collect and sell your viewing data. And because they are constantly connected, the same risks (malware and hacking) that apply to computers also apply to smart TVs. Read on to learn about the privacy and security risks of smart TVs, and what you can do to minimize them...
...Tired of Paying for TV? Try These Free TV Options
I’ve written before about various options for watching TV shows and movies via online streaming services. The good news today is that while Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and Youtube are constantly raising prices for their services, a bunch of free options are popping up. Read on to learn how you can get local television channels, movies and popular shows without a subscription or monthly fees...
...Check Out These Free TV Options
I’ve written previously about options for getting TV shows and movies via online streaming. The good news today is that while Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and Youtube are raising prices for their streaming services, a bunch of free options are popping up. Read on to learn how you can get local television channels, movies and popular shows without a subscription or monthly fees...
...Cord-Cutting: Does it Really Cut Costs?
It’s been more than a decade since “cord-cutting” entered our vocabulary. The term refers to consumers who have canceled their cable TV services and rely on Internet streaming video services such as Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Video, Sling, Hulu, over-the-air broadcast TV, or some combination of the above. The promise of cord-cutting was “big savings.” But have those savings materialized? Let's do the math -- read on...
...Free Local TV - No Antenna, No Cable, No Problem
Locast, a service that brings free over-the-air local TV to Internet users is gathering lots of attention. Locast claims it is different from the ill-fated Aereo service that was sued out of existence by national broadcasters in 2016. Is this the perfect fix for cord cutters who miss their local channels? Can it coexist peacefully with broadcasters and cable companies? Read on to learn more about Locast, and if it's available in your area...
...Check Out These Roku Models for Cord Cutters
The Roku family of streaming video players has become the go-to product for those who want to drop cable TV and rely on Internet video sources like Netflix, Hulu and Youtube for their entertainment needs. Let’s see if one of these Roku devices can turn you into a cord cutter...
...Here's How to Get Free Satellite TV
A reader asks: 'Can I get satellite TV for free? I have heard about free satellite TV channels one can receive with a free-to-air satellite receiver and dish. Is this true? If so, what satellite channels can I get, what equipment do I need, and is it legal?' The short answer is YES, you can. Read on to learn about free satellite TV options...
...Get Free TV With Hulu?
We'd all love to cancel our expensive cable TV service, if only we could watch our favorite shows for free. Hulu is an online video service that just might deliver on the promise of free TV. But it depends on what, where, and how you want to watch your television. Read on to learn more about Hulu...
...Will Philo Replace Your Cable TV Subscription?
Are you bored with broadcast TV networks like CBS, NBC, and ABC? Are you tired of paying the a big chunk of your cable or streaming TV bill for sports channels that you never watch? Then you may be interesting in trying Philo’s new “over-the-top” streaming service that costs a fraction of what YouTube TV, Hulu Live, and others charge.
...Will YouTube TV Turn You Into A Cord-Cutter?
If you've tuned in to the 2017 World Series, you couldn't help but notice Google's multi-front marketing blitz pitching YouTube TV on Fox Sports, digital ads on MLB sites, player promos of YouTube TV across social media sites, and banner ads on the fence behind home plate. So is YouTube TV a cord-cutting option that will save you money? Read on…
...Save Money With These Cordcutting Options
The options for TV viewing without paying an arm and leg to a cable company just keep expanding. Many of the subscription streaming options are offered by TV networks, who seem to be delighting in their ability to bypass the gatekeepers who stand between themselves and their audiences. Here is a roundup of current offerings for cordcutters...
...[BUSTED] Vizio is Watching What YOU are Watching
Vizio, the second-largest seller of smart TVs, recently agreed to pay $20 million to settle a Federal Trade Commission complaint alleging the company sold the TV viewing habits data of individually identifiable customers to third-party data broker and advertisers without the customers’ informed consent. Here is what you need to know, even if you don’t own a Vizio smart TV…
...A New Choice for Cord Cutters: DirecTV Now
Cord-cutting is gathering momentum; more and more people of all ages are canceling expensive cable and satellite TV subscriptions, and cobbling together their own mixtures of on-demand and live streaming services delivered over the Internet. Many report saving over $100 per month this way. Will DirecTV Now be part of YOUR money-saving, cord-cutting entertainment solution? Read on...
...Free TV Channels Online?
USTVnow is an online service that claims you can watch all your favorite US television channels from anywhere around the world, via your computer, smartphone or smart TV. But does it really work, and is it legal? Let's take a look...
...[STREAM] The New Roku Family
One of the oldest streaming media player families is getting a major face-lift. Roku, Inc., has completely revised all of its Roku streaming boxes (the company’s “streaming stick” player remains the same). The changes are radical, not merely cosmetic, and ensure Roku’s continued place as the most popular and cost-effective dedicated streaming solution. Here's the scoop…
...A Better Way to Watch TV
Pay TV has been losing subscribers steadily for several years. The response of cable companies has been to raise prices on the same old product. Dish Network’s response is to create a new, cheaper product that follows customers to where they are now going for their video entertainment. Read on to see how it works, and if Sling TV can save you money…
...[KA-CHING] Time to Drop Netflix?
About 17 million long-time Netflix subscribers will get a sticker shock in May, 2016. That’s when price hikes targeting “grandfathered” accounts will take effect, boosting your monthly fee for the video streaming service. Read on to learn why it’s increasing and how Netflix’s new prices and offerings compare to its competitors...
...[MONOPOLY] Cable Set-Top Boxes
The FCC threw a $20 billion scare into the cable TV industry on February 18, 2016. On that date, the Commission began making new rules that would allow cable customers to get their set-top boxes from vendors other than their cable TV service providers. Read on to learn how much money you could save as a result…
...[SNIP] Streaming Media Gadgets
Cable TV subscribers have their set-top boxes to bring them all the content they want and can afford. “Cord-cutters” have streaming media players that do the same things via the Internet instead of a cable company’s network. Here's a look at some of the most popular streaming gadgets and the nifty features they offer…
...Apple TV vs. Chromecast
If a streaming media player is on your Christmas shopping list, you've probably narrowed the field down to a few market leaders. Google Chromecast accounted for 35% of media player purchases in Q3 of this year, and another 20% of buyers went with Apple TV. These products do much the same things in entirely different ways. Here’s how they compare:
...Is Your Smart TV Spying On You?
Smart TVs promise to enhance your viewing experience by connecting your television to the Internet. Streaming video, easier program searches, and interactive features sound great. But what if your TV is watching you? Read on to learn if your new-fangled TV is up to something sneaky...
...Amazon Says: You're Fired!
Amazon has banned two very popular products that compete with its new Fire TV product. Read on to learn about the Fire TV, and which products Amazon doesn't want you to know about…
...Is It Time For 4K TV?
Adoption of the bleeding-edge 4K Ultra-HD TV resolution standard is accelerating. According to industry analysts at IHS, Inc. over 3 million 4K TV sets were sold in April, 2015, alone. That’s two-thirds of the number sold in the last six months of 2014. Consumers are getting 4K fever, it seems. Here's what you need to know...
...The 411 on 4K TV
If you've gone TV shopping lately, you've probably encountered what some are calling 4K or Ultra-High Def TV models. Perhaps you've wondered how “triluminous quantum dots” will enhance your viewing experience. These high-tech sets are definitely pricey, but do they really offer a noticeably better picture? Let's take a look…
...Best HDTVs Under $500
There are more good HD TVs in the under-$500 price bracket than ever before. This “low-budget” segment is full of TVs that provide excellent pictures, “smart” features,” and ever-larger screen dimensions. Here are five top picks in the under-$500 HD TV category…
...HOWTO: Connect Your PC to TV, Wirelessly!
Wouldn't it be great to beam whatever is on your computer screen directly to your big-screen TV? Now you can wirelessly send Netflix, Hulu, YouTube videos, photos and computer games from your PC screen directly to your television screen. Even browse the web on your fancy big-screen HDTV. Here's how to make a wireless PC to TV connection...
...Cord Cutter's Cost Comparison Calculator
More and more consumers are becoming cord cutters -- dropping expensive cable TV and satellite subscriptions in favor of Internet streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. For some, it's a definite money saver. But it depends on what you want to watch. Read on to learn about Sling TV, a new streaming service, and check out this handy cord cutter's cost comparison calculator...
...NEW: Amazon's Fire TV Stick
When is a tech gadget too popular? When pre-orders placed on November 1 won’t be fulfilled until after Christmas. That is the current state of Amazon’s new Fire TV Stick, a streaming media player on a thumb-sized, HDMI-compatible computer – and steroids. Read on to see what makes the Fire TV Stick almost too good for its own good...
...Aereo Loses Supreme Court Battle
A business plan based on exploiting perceived loopholes in the law is seldom a good bet. If the powers that be don’t perceive the law the same way you do, it’s game over. Aereo, the upstart would-be broadcast-TV killer, learned that lesson from the U. S. Supreme Court on June 25, 2014.
...The End of Free TV?
Some tech pundits are hysterically claiming that cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Carbonite, and Google Drive may be exposed to ruinous legal liability if the U. S. Supreme Court rules against Aereo in a copyright infringement case. Others say it's the end of free TV, if Aereo wins. Learn more about Aereo, and its legal battle with TV broadcasters...
...HOWTO: Buying an HDTV
Whether you are buying your first HDTV or replacing an older one, there are state-of-the-art specifications that will make your investment more enjoyable today and protect it against early obsolescence. Here are some things to look for in your next HD television set...
...Roku and Friends: Can You Cut the Cable?
The Roku family of streaming media players has become the go-to product for those who want to drop cable TV and rely on Internet video sources like Netflix, Hulu and Youtube for their entertainment needs. But it's not the ONLY choice... check out these seven Roku alternatives that can bring movies, TV shows and Internet content to your HDTV...
...What is Google TV?
Wouldn't it be cool if you could just talk into your TV remote, tell it what you want to watch, and see it pop up on your big-screen TV? Wouldn't you like a single search box to find TV shows or movies, whether they're on cable, satellite, broadcast TV, Netflix or other online streaming video sources? Your wish is granted...
...HOWTO: Get Free Satellite TV
A reader asks: 'I have heard about free satellite TV channels you can receive if you have a free-to-air satellite receiver and dish. Is this true? If so, what satellite channels can I get, what equipment do I need, and is it legal?' Read on to learn about free satellite TV options...
...Can Roku Replace Cable TV Service?
If you're thinking about dropping your cable TV in favor of online TV and movie streaming, you should know about the Roku 3 box, which makes it simple to bring online video to your big screen TV. Here's a review of the latest Roku model, and my take on whether it can replace your cable TV subscription...
...Free TV With Hulu?
We'd all love to cancel our expensive cable TV service, if only we could watch our favorite shows for free. Hulu is an online video service that just might deliver on the promise of free TV. But it depends on what, where, and how you want to watch your television. Read on to learn more about Hulu...
...Can Boxee Outfox Your Set-Top Box?
More and more cable TV subscribers are cutting the cable to save money, and instead opting for free and low-cost Internet TV services. The alternatives to traditional subscription TV services include streaming media players such as Apple TV, Roku and a lesser-known competitor, Boxee. Can a Boxee box bring you enough streaming Internet video to replace your expensive cable TV subscription? Let's take a look...
...Five HDTVs under $500
I need help finding a good HDTV for under $500. The sheer number of brands, features, and confusing buzzwords has left me baffled, even after visiting two stores. What are the most important things to look for, and if you could recommend some specific models, that would be great!
...What is Apple TV?
The Apple TV device is a digital media player sold by Apple Computer, which allows users to play multimedia content from their computer or online sources on high-definition widescreen television sets. In simpler terms, it lets you view on your TV screen what you'd normally see on your computer screen. The Apple TV box has gone through several revisions since its introduction in 2007. Here's what you need to know about Apple TV and competing devices...
...Turn Your PC Into a DVR
I've found that it's almost impossible to buy a standalone DVR to record broadcast TV programming, and I don't want to rent one. I understand there is a way to build your own, but I'm fuzzy on the parts required. Can I turn my old computer into a DVR?
...Free TV on PC
A search for free TV on PC turns up thousands of results. But chances are, none of them deliver what you really want: how to watch free TV on your PC. Here's how to find and watch popular TV shows on your computer without paying a monthly fee...
...Streaming Internet Movies to Your TV
I love watching movies and TV on my PC, but it would be really cool to beam them over to my 50-inch HDTV. I'm just confused by all the different hardware and software options for making it happen. What do you suggest for streaming online video content to my TV set?
...Smart TV
What is a Smart TV and is it smart to buy one? Smart TVs generated a lot of buzz at this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Market analysts report that 40 million Smart TVs were sold in 2010, about 21 per cent of all new TV set sales. But what is this new technology all about? Here's the scoop...
...Computer Monitor as TV
I have a 30-inch computer monitor, and it would be great to be able to watch live television in my home office, without having to buy a separate TV set. Is it possible to use a computer monitor as a TV screen?
...HDTVs Under $500
HDTVs are fast becoming the rule when it comes to home entertainment purchases. However, while the number of different models to choose from has increased, prices on these high definition televisions is still significantly higher than a traditional television set. Fortunately, there are a few great HDTVs that are priced under $500...
...Should I Buy an HD Monitor?
The fashionable thing in computer monitors these days is HD or High-Definition. If you don't have an HD monitor the geeks will look at you with puzzlement and pity. Naturally, HD monitors are the most expensive sort now, too. Do you really need a HD monitor?
...Today is DTV Day!
After many delays, the much-anticipated digital television switchover is today. Older TV's with analog receivers will display only snow -- unless you install an analog to digital converter. Here's the scoop...
...Turn Your PC Into a Home Theater
If you have a decent computer, why buy a home theater system that can cost thousands? For a lot less money, I'll show you how to convert your PC into an awesome home theater system at about the quarter of the price...
...What is TiVo?
What's the big deal with TiVo? Is it just a glorified VCR, or is it really a revolutionary new way to watch television? Get the scoop on TiVo here...
...Which DVR Should I Get?
So you want to record movies and your favorite shows from your fancy HD television? Most people think of TiVo first, but you've got options when it comes to selecting a DVR service. Here's the scoop...
...Internet Connected HDTVs
The next wave in television evolution has arrived in the form of the marriage between Internet connectivity and HDTVs. Many television manufacturers have joined this trend by releasing their latest broadband HDTV models with the ability to connect directly to the Internet, bringing some pretty cool interactive online services to your TV screen...
...Watch Television on Your Computer
What's the best way to watch TV on my computer? I know some websites have selected shows, but I've also heard that you can buy a gadget that will pretty much turn your computer into a television set. What are my options for watching TV on the PC?
...What is Hulu?
I checked out Hulu and was impressed by the amount of popular TV shows available for free there. Almost seems too good to be true, so… is it?
...Analog to Digital TV Conversion
Analog TV will cease to exist on June 12, 2009. Is this the end of free TV? Will your current TV set need to be replaced with a digital TV? Find out what the switch to digital television broadcasting means to you...
...What is Joost?
I've heard that Joost offers free online TV, but I'm afraid it's either a scam, or something illegal that will get me in trouble. I don't want to end up like the woman in Minnesota who was fined $200,000 for file sharing. Is Joost's promise of free TV for real?
...Free HDTV on Your PC
HDTV (high definition television) is the wave of the future. Right now many television stations are transitioning to Hi Def, and if you are an avid TV watcher, then you'll want to make this transition as well. But if you don't have a fancy new HDTV, you can still get free HDTV on your PC. Here's how...
...Goodbye to Analog TV
Many television stations currently broadcast both analog and digital signals. However, the days are numbered for analog signals, picture and sound carried on electromagnetic waves. Digital signals are the way of the future, and if you have a trusty television with an antenna, you'll need to make some changes soon or the screen will go dark...
...TV as Computer Monitor
Imagine... putting that big old television set to good use as a secondary, or even primary, monitor for your computer. The thought has certainly crossed the minds of many a technophile. Here's how to hook it up...