Is This the Essential Gadget? - Comments Page 2

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Posted by:

05 Jun 2017

Kirill, I'm not sure but your second post sounds like we may be coming down on the same side of this discussion.

I'm for solid built phones, or tools, that can be upgraded. I'm not for being the first on the block to have one. If you are on the cutting edge it's always expensive. I wouldn't pay $700 for a phone, regardless of what name is on it. Heck, I've never paid $200 for a phone. But I do agree with the inventor that phones are too complicated and difficult to use. They should not force programs on you. They should play well with others. Should not be outdated every year. And Simple is better.

I like the thought of other manufacturers adopting these ideas.

I expect items to last for more than a couple of years. If they don't I'm off that brand, won't be back.

Posted by:

05 Jun 2017

Chuck, I just see controversy in your wishes. I'm for solid long lasting things too, but there is a catch. If a thing is close to its ideal, it can work for generations, like a hammer. Also if it's upgradable, the cost of upgrade isn't crazy, like a change of a hammer handle to something more ergonomically made.

New things are completely different game. They are still evolving and who knows what will require upgrade literally tomorrow. So for their upgradeability you need to make them super flexible and that costs. This is why that phone cost already crazy money (The PH-1 phone costs $699). And I bet you need to pay for any module of upgrade. And that is the reason why such projects usually die quietly. I remember at least 2 project with similar principles. Don't hear from them after about a year after their announcements.

If you aren't going to pay even $200 for a phone I bet you use it as a phone only. In this case you need to shop at aliexpress for simple key phone with calling functions only. With their prices they can be considered disposable. But some of them built pretty tough and can last long. Modern smartphones are actually computers and this is why I'm ready to pay $250 for that. It gives me access to Internet services that I use pretty often. But I don't see any reason to pay for that more, than $300. And since both smartphones and services evolving pretty fast, I also don't see any reason for upgradeability of smartphones. It's too complicated and since that too expensive feature. Also I think, their upgradeability won't last long enough to make their extra cost reasonable. I'd better just buy a new one, like previous generation starship or something close by (My Nexus 5X is a predecessor of modern Google Pixel, that cost as I remember, $700 and originally Nexus' price was if I'm right, above $500).

I'm afraid, with your approach you'll run out of brands pretty soon... Everything goes south... errr... to the future and according to trends, this would be disposable future. Maybe this is the main reason to invent a time machine.

Posted by:

11 Jun 2017

I paid 49 bucks for my phone. I am happy as a clam. I dont surf the web on it for security reasons. It isnt attached to my hand . I dont need to pay 699 for something I dont need MOST of the time.

Posted by:

12 Jun 2017

How about this for an idea?? Just get rid of the bloat in the Android O/S???

I get angry when a phone sold with 8Gb of RAM becomes almost unusable before the equipment payment plan is paid off. i.e.8Gb RAM and Android OS with last update uses over 10Gb (with a new update waiting) now rendering texts not coming through, emails not coming through and even compromising phone calls and voicemails which is what a phone is supposed to be used for.

Have deleted bloateware and disabled everything possible on this phone, removed apps, keep email from bloating and no storing of photos or music. And this is on a phone that was basically used for calls/text, email, and the occasional photo & game. Now it's barely useable for anything. Will try a factory reset before we shop for a new phone that we haven't even owned for 2 years.

The problem is the OS & carriers, not the phones.

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