Recent Comments
Comment by Ken H on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 15, 2025 07:34 PM)
I don't want to memorise a bunch of alternative ways to do something I already know how to do easily enough. I just tried Ctrl+rt. arrow and it crashe...
Comment by Ken H on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 15, 2025 07:34 PM)
I don't want to memorise a bunch of alternative ways to do something I already know how to do easily enough. I just tried Ctrl+rt. arrow and it crashe...
Comment by Mike H on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 14, 2025 09:30 PM)
I often use CTRL + Shift + T to restore a browser tab I closed in error. ...
Comment by Ken H on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 14, 2025 08:59 PM)
Just tried to read on my iPhone. Now I see what the people calling this unreadable because of all the ads are talking about. I don’t have the proble...
Comment by Ian on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 14, 2025 08:04 PM)
Many, many thanks for this:- after using a Mac since the late 1990s, I have just bought a Microsoft Surface with Windows 11 so these are really useful...
Comment by David Serfass on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 14, 2025 07:26 PM)
This isn't a keyboard shortcut, but it is useful and it has been available for quite a while.Click the mouse button and a small circle will appear wit...
Comment by Jeri on [TIP] Try These Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (February 14, 2025 07:25 PM)
One I use all the time: Paste without Formatting CTRL + SHIFT + V...
Comment by Michelle on How to Do Online Genealogy Research (your family tree) (February 14, 2025 01:54 AM)
The FTDNA Rankin Project is a great research tool using Y-DNA to assist in family research. It helped my family locate Rankin's relatives in County Ty...
Comment by GARY OMALLEY on How to TurboCharge Your Internet Connection (February 12, 2025 11:26 AM)
Does Microsoft 365 apps cause slowing of internet speed?...
Comment by Robert T Deloyd on How to TurboCharge Your Internet Connection (February 12, 2025 02:44 AM)
Get a good ad blocker that will do the job... “On average, advertising doubles the amount of time it takes to load a webpage. Offending ad quality i...
Personal Articles
Your Electrons Needed (and a favor...)
I love my job. Every day, I help people use computers and the Internet, answering their questions and pointing them to resources that will save them time, trouble, or money. I especially love it when readers become friends and people tell me that they're using what they've learned here to help others. It's very satisfying, but there is one favor I'd like to ask of you. Please read on...
...Doctor, My Eyes!
Hi All! Today I’m taking a break from my usual job as Translator for the Technology Impaired, to share an “eye opening” story with my AskBob readers. If you’ve noticed I haven’t been publishing as regularly as usual lately, read on to see the reason for that. I think you’ll be glad you did...
...Can You Spare a Few Electrons?
I love my job. Every day, I help people use computers and the Internet, answering their questions and pointing them to resources that will save them time, trouble, or money. I especially love it when readers become friends and people tell me that they're using what they've learned here to help others. It's very satisfying, but there is one favor I'd like to ask of you. Please read on...
...Hey, It's My (digital) Birthday!
Today I'm celebrating a birthday. It was 24 years ago, in July 1995, that The Internet Tourbus first rolled out into cyberspace. And ten years later, was born. With thanks to awesome readers like you, I'll keep on keeping on, with my continuing guaranteed to make you better looking and 146% smarter. Read on!
...A Big Milestone + Geekly Update
Today I'm celebrating an anniversary -- 20 years of online publishing! The Internet Tourbus first rolled out into cyberspace in July 1995, and ten years later, was born. With thanks to awesome readers like you, I'll keep on keeping on. Today's Geekly Update is an expanded version, with twenty items that are guaranteed to make you 146% smarter. Read, think and comment!
...Announcing... The Rankin File!
I've started a new website, and what better day to officially announce it than on my birthday? The Rankin File offers 'small business tech and tips' for those who run their own business. If you have a home-based business, a small business with employees, or you're even thinking about starting your own business, The Rankin File is for you! And as the name suggests, it's not just for business owners. If you're a secretary, office manager, or wannabe techie, my tips will help you score points with the boss. Read on to learn more about what you'll find in the Rankin File...
...Tourbus - The Final Bus Stop
In case you haven't heard, The Internet Tourbus is rolling up to its final stop. After 16 years of online publishing, Tourbus is one of the longest-running email newsletters. But two things have happened this year, prompting me to hit the brakes. Here's the full story...
...Who is Bob Rankin?
Every so often, people ask about my background, and how I got started with computers and the Internet. I've published bits and pieces of my bio before, but never a detailed account of my professional life. So here it is, with a few interesting personal asides...
...My Cholesterol Level is Too High!
After a routine physical, I got the news from my doctor that my cholesterol is too high. My diet is pretty healthy, and I'm not in bad shape for a 48-year-old guy. But this LDL and HDL stuff is a wakeup call for me. Clearly I need to exercise more and be aware of foods to avoid high cholesterol. So here's my 4-month plan to knock 40 or 50 points off that cholesterol number, without using any prescription drugs...
...Bonzai - It's a New Puppy!
I know I'm supposed to write about computers, the Internet and nifty gadgets, but life is more than all that electronic stuff. I'm so happy with my new puppy that I've just got to show him off...