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Comment by Wayne on Geekly Update - 26 February 2025 (March 21, 2025 06:20 PM)
I have limited experience with Win 11 right now but I noticed that copy and paste is now not so smooth as it once was. You have to right click on the ...
Comment by stella jamie on Beware the Fedex Shipment Notification Scam (March 17, 2025 02:18 PM)
I actually made lots of profits at prime scratchcard here a few months ago but I was unable to make a single withdrawal. I met lilo grace 75 @ gmail *...
Comment by Henry on Here's How Creepy Marketers Capture Your Email Address (March 10, 2025 05:49 PM)
This is informative, but very ironic. It seems like SafeOpt would only need your email address and that you visited a website without buying something...
Comment by FrancesMC on [HOWTO] Boost Your Laptop Security Now (March 8, 2025 08:10 AM)
Michael, if you use Firefox, try Reader View. (On the URL line, it's the second character to the left of the star.) ...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by cho on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 11:51 AM)
@WildBill .. JPs comment was about Bob's statment ".. laser printer models that used to work with aftermarket ink, ..".. ...
Comment by Wild Bill 99 on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 04:06 AM)
@jp I can't speak to the truth of the story but from what I've read most of the complaints are from users having issues, especially with color printi...
Comment by Robert T Deloyd on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 03:24 AM)
That's all I want to do is go around sniffing mummies... not! ...
Comment by JP on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 5, 2025 10:56 PM)
Last time I checked, my laser printer didn't use ink. ;)...
Photography Articles
Try These Free Online Photo Editors
An AskBob reader says: 'I don’t have Adobe Photoshop and I’m looking for a photo editor that I can use on the go. What do you recommend for photo editing when I’m away from my home computer?' It turns out there are quite a few online image and photo editors, and the features they offer are quite impressive. Check out these free web-based image editing tools that are just a click away...
...Here's How to Take Better Smartphone Photos
The smartphone has replaced dedicated digital cameras amongst all but professionals and photography hobbyists. Here are some tips for taking great photos with your iPhone or Android smartphone. (Actually most of them apply to those old-school digital cameras as well.) Read on...
...[TIPS] Start Taking Better Smartphone Pictures
The ubiquitous smartphone seems to have replaced dedicated cameras among all but professionals and photography hobbyists. Here are some tips for taking great photos with your iPhone or Android smartphone. (Actually most of them apply to old-school digital cameras as well.) Read on...
...Check Out These Free Online Photo Editors
An AskBob reader says: 'I don’t have Photoshop and I’m looking for a photo editor that I can use on the go. What do you recommend for photo editing when I’m away from my home computer?' It turns out there are quite a few online image and photo editors, and the features they offer are quite impressive. Check out these free web-based image editing tools that are just a click away…
...Try a Free Online Photography Class
An AskBob reader says: 'I am retired and want to learn more about photography, but I don't have money to take classes. Are there any free photography courses online that I can explore at my own pace?' Well, yes! There are some awesome (and free) online photography classes. Read on...
...Deep Fakes: Getting Too Real?
Most people realize that photographs are easily faked. Audio recordings, too, can be manipulated or even created from whole cloth. Now it seems video is becoming a new frontier in which what you see and hear cannot be trusted. I’m not talking about simply editing video to omit or re-order parts of it. I mean computer-generated video that realistically depicts a real person doing things he or she never really did. Here's what you need to know about deep fake videos...
...Try These Free Online Photography Classes
A long-time AskBob reader asks: 'I really want to learn more about photography, but I don't have the time or money to take classes at the local community college. Are there any free photography courses online that I can explore at my own pace?' Well, yes! There are some awesome (and free) online photography classes. Read on...
...Wow, Free Online Photo Editors
A reader asks: 'What tool do you recommend for photo editing when you're away from your own computer and you don't have PhotoShop or something similar available?' It turns out there are quite a few online image and photo editors, and the features they offer are quite impressive. Check out these free web-based image editing tools that are just a click away...
...[SNAP] Awesome Apps for Photographers
Every modern smartphone packs a pretty powerful digital camera these days. But the camera app that comes with your Android or iPhone does not provide all the features that photographers need. If you want to take the best photos during your next vacation, nature walk, concert, etc., and spruce them up later, check out some of these useful photography apps...
...[HOWTO] Take Great Smartphone Pictures
The smartphone seems to have replaced dedicated cameras among all but professionals and photography hobbyists. And the Android operating system powers 88% of all smartphones. So here are some tips for taking great photos with an Android smartphone. (Actually most of them apply to iPhones and old-school DSLR cameras as well.) Read on...
...Should You Buy Discount Inkjet Cartridges?
A reader asks: 'Are discount inkjet cartridges really a good deal? I've heard they can ruin your printer, void your warranty, and that the quality is lacking. Others have told me they're great and can save you lots of money. What's the scoop on those cheap ink cartridges?' Read on for my advice about refilled or remanufactured inkjet cartridges...
...[SNAP!] Photo Editing Apps
Photos rarely are rarely perfect straight out of the camera. That’s why Photoshop is one of the most successful apps ever. But Photoshop is overly expensive and complicated for casual photographers. Fortunately, there are many free and inexpensive alternatives that do most of the things Photoshop does. Here are a few of them for desktop and mobile platforms...
...[WHOA...] Is That Picture Real?
Social media of all kinds - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. - are rife with disinformation spread by people with ulterior motives. It’s a huge problem; you never know if what you’re looking at is real or fake. Many users react emotionally to provocative fake photos and posts, sharing and commenting on them, perpetuating the false impressions and outright lies.
...[SNAP] Windows 10 Photos Problems
I have been hearing from many readers who don’t like the Photos app built into Windows 10. It’s the new image file manager in Win 10, and it definitely seems to overreach in many ways. Read on to see are some of the complaints and questions I’ve received, and how to deal with each issue…
...10 Free Online Photo Editors
A reader asks: 'What do you recommend for quick photo editing when you're away from your own computer and you don't have PhotoShop or something similar available?' It turns out there are quite a few online image and photo editors, and the features they offer are quite impressive. Check out these web-based image editing tools that are just a click away...
...Are Digital Cameras Extinct?
It’s no secret that smartphones have clobbered the digital camera market. Worldwide, sales of fixed-lens compact digital cameras fell by over 38% in the first nine months of 2014. Is the traditional digital camera now an endangered species? Maybe not. Read on for my analysis...
...NEW: Check Out Google Photos
Google Photos is a “new” photo and video storage, editing, and organizing tool introduced at the Google I/O conference held in May. Photo management used to be part of Google+, but Google has spun this service off from its languishing social network and added some interesting features. Read on for the scoop…
...Free Photography Classes Online
A reader asks: 'I want to learn more about photography, but I don't have the time or money to take classes at the local community college. Are there any free photography courses online that I can explore at my own pace?' Well, yes! Read on...
...7 Free Online Photo Editors
A reader asks: 'What do you recommend for quick photo editing when you're away from your own computer and you don't have PhotoShop or something similar available?' It turns out there are quite a few online image and photo editors, and the features they offer are quite impressive. Check these out...
...Five Very Affordable Photo Printers
It's true, you can print any photo on your trusty inkjet printer, but photo printers offer some features that make photo printing better and easier. Here are some high-quality, low-cost photo printers you should consider...
...Are Digital Cameras Obsolete?
What goes around comes around. Digital cameras killed the old-school film camera market long ago. Today, some are wondering if standalone digital cameras are in danger of extinction by cameras built into smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Read on to see if they're right...
...Free Online Photo Storage and Sharing
Digital photos, like all important files, need to be backed up regularly. But rather than hide your photos away in an online vault, why not share them with friends and family? A host of online photo storage and backup services double as photo sharing tools. Here are some tips for storing and sharing your photos online...
...Spice Up Your Photos With Instagram
Almost everywhere you look, photos with interesting effects are showing up online. Some are really cool, others are just ugly. Instagram, a popular photo app for iPhone and Android smartphones, is the source. Learn more about Instagram, what it can do, and how to use it without driving all your friends crazy...
...Five Reasons NOT To Buy a Digital SLR Camera
I'm buying a camera to replace my broken compact model, which I had for 10 years. My friend says I should get a DSLR, but the price tag is making me hesitate. What is the advantage of a DSLR over the point-and-shoot that I'm familiar with?
...Free Online Photo Storage and Backup
Digital photos, like all important files, need to be backed up regularly. But rather than hide your photos away in an online vault, why not share them with friends and family? A host of online photo storage and backup services double as photo sharing tools. Here are some tips for storing and sharing your photos online...
...Free Online Photography Classes
I want to learn more about photography, but I don't have the time or money to take classes at the local community college. Are there any free photography courses online that I can explore at my own pace?
...Digital Photo Image Management
If you take a lot of digital photos, it is vital to organize and catalog them properly. That takes a bit of work when you transfer photo image files from your camera to a hard drive or other mass storage medium. But it only needs to be done once, and with the right software tools digital image file management is much easier...
...Online Photo Printing
If you want the best quality paper prints of your digital photos, you have two choices: spend several hundred dollars on your own dedicated photo printer or use a photo-processing service. Since the original photos are in digital files there's no reason you can't deliver them online to the photo-processing service. Here are some of the best online photo printing services...
...Photo Printer Buying Tips
If you want high-quality paper prints of your photos, you need a photo printer. You might be tempted to print your photos on your all-purpose inkjet printer. But photo printers offer several advantages when it comes to at-home printing of your digital photos...
...Photo Editing Software
I take a lot of pictures with my digital camera, but the photo editing software that came with the camera is pretty lame. I looked into Adobe Photoshop but WOW it's expensive! Are there some good photo editors that are more affordable?
...Emailing Photos
Emailing a group of 4 or 5 JPG photos from the 'My Pictures' folder is no problem. But Emailing a group of 50 seems to clog the system for ever and nothing actually sends. The pictures are taken with my digital camera, saved as JPG images, and I'm using MS Digital Images Suite 10 for the photos. How can I fix this please?
...Photo Printing and Sharing
To say that digital cameras have revolutionized photography would be an understatement. It's not just the way we take pictures that has changed, but photo printing, photo storage and photo sharing have all gone digital as well. Free digital photo printing, storage and sharing have become some of the most popular online activities, and a crop of websites have been developed to make all these digital photography tasks a snap. Let's put the lens on some of the best photo printing, photo storage and photo sharing sites...