Recent Comments

Comment by Wayne on Geekly Update - 26 February 2025 (March 21, 2025 06:20 PM)
I have limited experience with Win 11 right now but I noticed that copy and paste is now not so smooth as it once was. You have to right click on the ...
Comment by stella jamie on Beware the Fedex Shipment Notification Scam (March 17, 2025 02:18 PM)
I actually made lots of profits at prime scratchcard here a few months ago but I was unable to make a single withdrawal. I met lilo grace 75 @ gmail *...
Comment by Henry on Here's How Creepy Marketers Capture Your Email Address (March 10, 2025 05:49 PM)
This is informative, but very ironic. It seems like SafeOpt would only need your email address and that you visited a website without buying something...
Comment by FrancesMC on [HOWTO] Boost Your Laptop Security Now (March 8, 2025 08:10 AM)
Michael, if you use Firefox, try Reader View. (On the URL line, it's the second character to the left of the star.) ...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by cho on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 11:51 AM)
@WildBill .. JPs comment was about Bob's statment ".. laser printer models that used to work with aftermarket ink, ..".. ...
Comment by Wild Bill 99 on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 04:06 AM)
@jp I can't speak to the truth of the story but from what I've read most of the complaints are from users having issues, especially with color printi...
Comment by Robert T Deloyd on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 03:24 AM)
That's all I want to do is go around sniffing mummies... not! ...
Comment by JP on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 5, 2025 10:56 PM)
Last time I checked, my laser printer didn't use ink. ;)...

Browsers Articles


Turbocharge Your Chrome (or Edge) Browser

Google Chrome is the most popular Web browser, with a dominant worldwide market share. Perhaps you've been using it for years, but there's always a new trick to discover. And now that Microsoft Edge is built on the same Chromium codebase, they look and work much the same. Read on to learn about some awesome, advanced, and semi-secret features of Chrome, Edge (and other Chromium-based browsers) that can make them even more useful...


Tips and Tricks For Chrome (and Edge) Browsers

Google Chrome is the most popular browser, with a dominant worldwide market share. Perhaps you've been using it for years, but there's always a new trick to discover. And now that Microsoft Edge is built on the same Chromium codebase, they look and work much the same. Read on to learn about some awesome, advanced, and semi-secret features of Chrome and Edge that can make them even more useful...


[TUNEUP] It Might Be Time to Reset Your Web Browser

Chrome... Edge... Firefox... Opera... Safari... all web browsers misbehave in mysterious and frustrating ways occasionally. You could spend hours trying to troubleshoot the problem, but sometimes the Reset Button is the answer. Here are my tips on when (and when NOT) to reset your browser...


[TUNEUP] It Might Be Time to Reset Your Web Browser

Chrome... Edge... Firefox... Opera... Safari... all web browsers misbehave in mysterious and frustrating ways occasionally. You could spend hours trying to troubleshoot the problem, but sometimes the Reset Button is the answer. Here are my tips on when (and when NOT) to reset your browser...


[TUNEUP] It Might Be Time to Reset Your Web Browser

Chrome... Edge... Firefox... Opera... Safari... all web browsers misbehave in mysterious and frustrating ways occasionally. You could spend hours trying to troubleshoot the problem, but sometimes the Reset Button is the answer. Here are my tips on when (and when NOT) to reset your browser...


Guest Mode Solves a Privacy Problem

Have you ever offered a friend or family member to use your Web browser “just for a minute” and returned to find things in total disarray? Perhaps your guest logged you out of your webmail or social media account. Maybe they changed your settings, or installed a sketchy browser addon. Yuck. Or snooped around? Double Yuck. Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to clean up after guests, or worry about them seeing things that are not their business? Guest Mode solves the problem -- read on…


Is It Time to Reset Your Web Browser?

Google Chrome... Microsoft Edge... Mozilla Firefox... Apple Safari... all web browsers misbehave in mysterious and frustrating ways occasionally. You could spend hours trying to troubleshoot the problem, but sometimes the Reset Button is the answer. Here are my tips on when (and when NOT) to reset your browser…


Fun With Chrome (and Edge) - Tips and Tricks

Google’s Chrome browser is the most widely used browser, worldwide. Perhaps you've been using it for years, but there's always a new trick to discover. And now that Microsoft Edge is built on the same Chromium codebase, they look and work much the same. Read on to learn about some awesome, advanced, and semi-secret features of Chrome and Edge that can make them even more useful…


Is Microsoft Edge Taking Over?

Yesterday I awoke to find that my Windows 10 computer had been restarted, and some updates applied. After logging in, I was surprised to see a Microsoft Edge browser window open on my screen. But it looked REALLY similar to the Google Chrome browser I've been using for years. Read on to learn about the updated Microsoft Edge browser, and if you should accept Microsoft's urging to switch...


Tor Browser: Polished and Private

I don't spend much time in dark corners of the Web, but news of the latest privacy-focused Tor browser caught my eye, so I installed it and spent some time wandering through the Tor network. It was an interesting and surprisingly non-geeky sojourn! Here's what you need to know about the Tor network and web browser...


Time to Reset Your Web Browser?

Google Chrome... Internet Explorer... Edge... Firefox... Safari... all web browsers misbehave in mysterious and frustrating ways occasionally. You could spend hours trying to troubleshoot the problem, but sometimes the Reset button is the answer. Here are my tips on when (and when NOT) to reset your browser...


[HOWTO] Speed Up Google Chrome

Google's Chrome is the most popular browser in the world, and it's where I spend most of my work day. But Chrome is known to consume vast amounts of system resources, and various factors can slow its performance, as well as everything else running on the same computer. Here's how to speed things up...


[HOWTO] Fix the Chrome Update Bug

Some Chrome browser users are plagued by updates that fail to complete. They relaunch Chrome when prompted but then are prompted to relaunch again, in an endless loop. Others may not be getting important Chrome updates and not even know it. This article details how to fix the update bug, hopefully forever. Read on...


Got Malicious Chrome Extensions?

Your web browser is your first line of defense against all manner of cyber attacks. But some disturbing reports of malicious Chrome extensions that resist most manual removal efforts have led me to wonder just how good Google is at keeping malicious extensions out of the Play Store, and how committed Google is to doing so. Read on for the scoop…


Edge Browser: Finally Ready For Prime Time?

Microsoft released its all-new “Edge” browser in July, 2015, to very little fanfare. The nicest thing reviewers could find to say about Edge was, “It’s better than Internet Explorer.” After more than three years of work, there are some noteworthy improvements, but it's still a hard sell. Here is what's new and notable in the Edge web browser...


[BROWSER WARS] Vivaldi 2.0 Takes on Chrome

The latest version of the Vivaldi browser adds syncing, end-to-end encryption, dramatically faster startup speeds, and some nifty new features. Vivaldi is still famous as “the most configurable browser on the web” and a zealous guardian of privacy. What’s not to like? Here's what you need to know...


New Tor Browser Is Surprisingly Polished

I don't spend much time behind Web proxies, but news of the latest privacy-focused Tor browser caught my eye, so I installed it and spent a couple of hours wandering through the Tor network. It was an interesting and surprisingly non-geeky sojourn! Here's what you need to know about the Tor network and web browser…


Ten Years of Google Chrome (And Why I Cannot Quit)

Google launched its Chrome web browser on September 2, 2008. As I noted Chrome’s tenth anniversary, it was hard not to notice how difficult it is to stop using Chrome. After pondering this matter for a few days I conclude that it is unnecessary to switch browsers. Read on to see why; your comments are most welcome whether you agree with me or not...


Is Opera's Free VPN Going Away?

Back in February, I wrote about the latest release of the Opera web browser, and some thought I was a bit too harsh. Among the many comments on my February article, “Earth to Opera... The Browser War is Over (and you lost),” there were fourteen references to Opera’s built-in “free VPN.” I wasn’t sure if readers were more excited about the VPN or about getting one for free. Now it looks like we’re about to find out for sure...


Vivaldi May Be The Real Chrome-Killer

I received so many comments mentioning the Vivaldi browser on my article about Opera that I just had to take it for a week-long test drive. The short story: Vivaldi is an excellent alternative to Chrome! I would switch to Vivaldi permanently if not for one shortcoming, which may not matter to you at all. Read on to learn why I highly recommend Vivaldi and what that shortcoming is...


Earth to Opera... The Browser War is Over (and you lost)

Yesterday I came across a news item touting a new and improved version of the Opera browser. Apparently, it's even faster than Firefox! But does it really matter? Read on for my take on what's new in Opera, and why I think this announcement hit a sour note...


Fun With Google Chrome: Tips and Tricks

Google’s Chrome browser is the most widely used browser, worldwide. Perhaps you've been using it for years, but there's always a new trick to discover. Read on to learn about some awesome, advanced, and secret features of Chrome that can make it even more useful...


Security (and other) Improvements in Google Chrome

The latest version of Google’s Chrome browser was released from beta testing on October 17. It contains some nifty new features that will make using the Web safer, faster, and more fun; but mostly, safer. Read on to see what’s new in Chrome 62…


Firefox Quantum: Comeback or Flameout?

Firefox is poised to make a comeback, at least among fans who switched to Chrome only reluctantly. The public beta version of Firefox 57, also known as Firefox Quantum, is now available to download and test drive. It really is pretty impressive. Let's take a closer look...


Is It Too Late For Firefox?

The latest major update to Firefox, v.54, was released on June 13, 2017. Its developer, the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation, calls it “the best Firefox ever.” After using v.54 for a day, I have to agree; this Firefox is the best I’ve ever seen. But will it be able to halt or even reverse Firefox’s decline? Read on for the full story…


[HOWTO] Fix Chrome Annoyances

Google Chrome is the leading web browser by a good margin. It’s been around since 2008 and is now on version 56. But it still has some rough edges and annoying “features.” Read on to learn how to smooth out those rough edges and tweak Chrome to your liking...


Don't Touch That Dial...

A new variation of the “tech support” scam is on the loose. What makes this one noteworthy is that it exploits a bug in the Google Chrome browser that has gone unpatched since its discovery in 2014. Here's what you need to know...


Google Chrome, Ungoogled?

If you love the Google Chrome browser, but you have nagging doubts about how much data Google is able to collect from you while you're online, then you might be interested in a new web browser that has (almost) everything you like about Chrome, but doesn't phone home to the mothership. Read on to learn about Ungoogled-Chromium...


Is Google Chrome Slowing You Down?

So you're browsing the Web, reading news or email, checking the weather, doing a little online shopping. You close your Chrome browser to do some word processing, but things seem a bit sluggish. You open Task Manager and hey... a bunch of Chrome tasks are still running. What's up with that? Read on to see why that happens and what to do about it...


Tricks You Didn’t Know Google Chrome Can Do

Google’s Chrome browser is the most widely used browser, worldwide. Perhaps you've been using it for years, but there's always a new trick to discover. Read on to learn about some awesome, advanced, and hidden features of Chrome that can make it even more useful...


[SPEED] Improving Google Chrome Performance

Google's Chrome is the most popular browser in the world, and it's where I spend most of my work day. But Chrome is known to consume vast amounts of system resources, sometimes slowing its own performance and that of everything else running on the same computer. Here's how to speed things up...


Browser Alert: Will You Switch?

There is a new Web browser for Windows, Linux, and Mac computers. It’s called Vivaldi, and version 1.0 emerged from beta testing in early April, 2016. Vivaldi offers some interesting features, some never seen before in a browser. Here is a look at Vivaldi and my opinion of its chances of becoming a major player...


Internet Explorer 11 Or Bust!

Beginning January 12, 2016, Microsoft will end tech support and security updates for versions of Internet Explorer earlier than version 11. To be sure your browser is as safe as possible, you should upgrade to the latest version of IE that your version of Windows supports, if you haven’t already done so. (Chrome and Firefox users may need to take action as well.) Read on...


Microsoft Edge Needs Sharpening

Windows 10 includes an “all new” web browser called Edge that replaces the much-maligned Internet Explorer as the default browser. Microsoft is hyping Edge as a revolutionary product, but so far it seems only half-baked. Here are my impressions of Edge compared to Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox...


Microsoft Edge: New Browser on the Block

The new browser that will replace Internet Explorer in Windows 10 has been called “Project Spartan” during its earliest development phase. But now it has an official name – “Edge.” At Microsoft’s Build 2015 developer conference, held during the first week of May, the company unveiled Edge completely. Here's what you can expect in the newest web browser...


Internet Explorer is Dead

Love it or hate it, Internet Explorer has been the king of browsers since it was introduced in 1995. So why is Microsoft planning to replace Internet Explorer? And what new features will its replacement offer? Read on to learn about the browser that Microsoft has code-named Spartan...


Is Firefox Burning Out?

Mozilla Firefox, once the sole reason why Web browsers evolved, is in danger of going extinct, according to the latest statistics from Net Applications and other researchers. A long, steady decline in desktop market share and an inability to gain the favor of mobile users add up to trouble for the venerable alternative to Microsoft Internet Explorer. Let's take a deeper look...


Guest Mode to the Rescue!

Have you ever let someone use your Web browser “just for a minute” and returned to find things in total disarray? Perhaps your guest logged you out of Facebook or Gmail. Maybe they changed your settings or installed a toolbar. Yuck. Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to clean up after guests, or worry about them seeing things that are not their business? Guest Mode solves the problem -- read on...


Internet Explorer: The LEAST Secure Browser?

One website is reporting that a record number of security vulnerabilities were discovered in Internet Explorer during the first half of 2014, far more than in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Should alarms be sounded across the land? Should you tell Mom to switch browsers? Let's find out...


Surprises in Firefox 29

The Firefox browser is updated so frequently that a new version barely makes the news cycle anymore. Usually, updates are minor tweaks and bug fixes. But the latest release, Firefox 29, startled users and pundits with a major makeover. Will it be enough to propel Firefox past its rivals, or will it turn loyal users away? Here's what's happening...


Help, My Browser Got Hijacked!

A reader asks: 'Every time I open my browser, it goes to an unfamiliar search engine page, and when I search from the toolbar, it no longer uses Google. I also have new toolbars that I didn't ask for. Was my browser hijacked somehow? If so, how do I get my settings back to normal?'


ALERT: Serious Internet Explorer Flaw Discovered

Security holes in Web browsers are hardly unusual, and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer has had more than its fair share exploited and exposed. But the latest flaw is a doozy so dangerous that governments are urging users to switch to alternative browsers until Microsoft issues a patch. And it isn’t clear when that patch will be issued. Find out what you must do NOW...


Have You Been to The Opera Browser Lately?

Opera, the little browser with the little desktop market share, is making some waves. Its latest innovation is an Android app that compresses data to conserve mobile data allowances. If you aren’t entirely happy with any of the Big Three, Opera is worth looking at for your desktop or mobile browser.


Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working!

If Internet Explorer suddenly stops responding; disappears from your screen, leaving a popup error message; or if it closes immediately after you launch it, then you have a problem. Here's how to solve it...


Best Browser for Malware Protection?

Web browsers are used to interact with the Internet more than any other type of software. So it’s no surprise that the latest malware tries to infiltrate computers via Web browsers. But which browser does the best job of protecting you? Read on for some surprising test results...


Chrome 27 and the BLAM! Factor

The latest version of Chrome (version 27 beta) has been released. Google is promising that their popular browser will display web pages 5 percent faster, a significant leap. Read on to find out what else is new in this release, and whether or not 5 percent makes any difference in real-world web surfing...


Google Chrome vs Microsoft Internet Explorer

Google Chrome has dramatically increased its share of the global browser market over the past year, steadily rising from 20 percent to about 35 percent of users. Meanwhile, Microsoft Internet Explorer’s share has steadily dropped, until IE is now in second place by an inch. (Firefox is in third place and its share is shrinking.) Should you consider switching from Internet Explorer to Google Chrome? Here's how they compare...


Should You Download Firefox 15?

Firefox 15 was released recently. It seems to have a couple of cool new improvements. It might even be good enough to make you want to switch. Should you install it? Here are the pros and cons...


Yahoo Axis: A Better Web Browser?

If you've heard about Axis, but find it confusing, join the club. Is it a browser, or just an add-on for your Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome browser? Will it replace your favorite search engine, or fundamentally change the way you search and browse the Web? Read on to learn more about Yahoo Axis...


A Closer Look At Cookies

I often get email from people who misunderstand or fear browser cookies. And that's no wonder, given all the false and misleading information that's out there. Since 1996, I've been working to dispel the cookie myths, and neither the technology nor my opinion of cookies has changed much since then. Read on for a closer look at the good, the bad, and the crumbly aspects of web browser cookies...


What's New in Firefox?

Firefox 11 was officially released on March 13, 2012. It's the third major update of the browser since December. If you haven't bothered to update Firefox lately, here is what you've missed...


The Best Mobile Phone Web Browser?

I use both Firefox and the Google Chrome browser on my desktop computer, so I miss some of the features they offer when I'm using my tablet or smartphone. We have both iPhone and Android devices in our home, and would love to have the same browser across all of them. What do you recommend?


Opera: The Best Worst Browser?

The Opera web browser is an unsung hero of the Internet. It's been around since 1994. Opera is the source of many innovations that competing browsers have copied. Yet many users have never heard of Opera, let alone tried it. Opera ranks dead last among the five major browsers in terms of market share, and yet it has a lot going for it. Should you switch? Let's take a deeper look...


Ten Awesome Chrome Browser Addons

I'm just getting started with Chrome, after becoming fed up with both Internet Explorer and Firefox. What addons do you recommend to make it even more useful? I'm especially interested in productivity apps and things that integrate with other tools on the web.


Time To Upgrade Your Browser?

If I had to guess the most-often used piece of software on most computers, I would have to go with the Web browser. The Internet is an integral part of most people's computing experience these days, and the browser is the primary app for interacting with the online world. So it's surprising to me how lax some people are about keeping their Web browsers up to date. Here's why that's so important, and how to get it done...


Is Chrome the Best Browser?

I'm thinking of switching to the Google Chrome browser. I like Firefox, but lately it has been unstable on my computer, and seems to get bogged down. Yesterday I had to shut it down because it was consuming 825MB of memory! My friend says Chrome is the best - what is your opinion?


Which Browser is The Most Secure?

Do you trust your web browser to warn you before you stumble into a malicious Web site? A recent study of six major browsers indicates that you probably shouldn't. Only one browser succeeded at blocking over 90 percent of malicious links. Three runners-up tied at a measly 13 percent! The winner might surprise you, read on...


Should You Install Firefox 5?

Firefox 5 was released on June 21, 2011, just a few months after the debut of its predecessor, Firefox 4. Eventually, Firefox 5 will be pushed out to all users. But if you're tempted to upgrade right away, you may want to read what's new in Firefox 5 and what you may lose by upgrading...


How to Remove Spyware Toolbars

I now have FOUR unwanted toolbars on my browser! In addition to cluttering up my screen, I'm getting 'adult' popups, and it also messes up my searching. I can't figure out how they got there, or how to get rid of them. Help?


Which Browser Is Fastest?

I've been using the Chrome browser because it was rated as the fastest. Now I hear the new IE9 is winning the speed tests. Which browser is fastest in real life situations, and do you recommend one over another?


Firefox 4 Beta

Firefox 4 Beta was released for testing last year. A couple of million volunteers have downloaded the beta and provided feedback that is helping Mozilla finish and improve this latest-generation browser. After 12 iterations of Firefox 4 Beta, it's almost ready for general release. Here's what you can look forward to...


Internet Explorer 9 Beta

Microsoft released the first beta version of Internet Explorer 9 in mid-September, 2010. It's the first major upgrade to IE in about two years - and, it seems, the first real improvement since the late 1990s! Here's the scoop on the upcoming IE9 browser, and how you can take it for a test drive...


Internet Explorer 8 Versus Firefox

Should you use Internet Explorer version 8, or the new Firefox version 3.5? Which is better, faster, easier to use? Read on for my comparison of the latest versions of the two most popular browsers...


Internet Explorer 8 Crashes

Many users report that Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 locks up or even crashes their entire PC, under a variety of circumstances. They want to know why. Here's the scoop...


Internet Explorer 8

Should I upgrade to Internet Explorer 8? How does it compare to Firefox, when it comes to features, speed and security?


Private Browsing

Most web browsers now have a 'private browsing' mode which is supposed to eliminate your tracks while surfing the web. How well does this work in practice, and which browsers support the private browsing feature? Read on to find out...


Best Web Browser?

I have friends who have stopped using Internet Explorer and they're always telling me that Firefox or some other browser is better. What are my choices, and which one is best for the average internet user?


The Chrome Browser

Google is now in the browser business. Chrome is the name of Google's new web browser, aimed squarely at competing with Microsoft Internet Explorer. So how does Chrome differ from IE, Firefox, Safari and other browsers? Read on for details and the Chrome download link...


Firefox Version 3

I just read that Firefox 3 is now available. What new features does it have, and should I upgrade now, or wait a while?


Is Firefox More Secure?

Is Firefox more secure than Internet Explorer? Perhaps, for now, but they seem to be catching up in terms of the numbers of critical flaws discovered. And if you're running Windows Vista, the Firefox security problem gets worse...


Tricking Out Firefox

Firefox is an open source web browser that is rapidly gaining in popularity - approaching 100 million users worldwide and grabbing 15 percent of the browser market from Internet Explorer. A casual user might not even notice the difference between the two browsers, but under the covers, Firefox's focus on flexibility and usability has won it many converts from Internet Explorer. Let's focus on the flexibility factor and see how easy it is to customize your Firefox browser...


Is Firefox For Everyone?

Oh my... I can see the rotten tomatoes flying my way already. But I have a confession to make. I've tried Firefox on numerous occasions but I'm sticking with Internet Explorer, at least for now...


FireFox Extensions

I switched to FireFox because I like some of the unique features it offers. I've heard people talk about Firefox extensions that sound really cool, but I'm not sure if they are safe to use, given all the concerns about spyware now. Can you give a list of popular Firefox add-ons and also address the security issue?


Firefox and Earthlink

I've heard that I should switch to Firefox, but my ISP Earthlink tells me that Earthlink can only use Internet Explorer as its default browser and made it sound like I'd get into a bunch of trouble if I even used Firefox as a secondary browser. Is that true? How do you use Firefox as a secondary browser? When you add Firefox as the default browser, how do you do Microsoft updates?


Sharing Browser Favorites

When I installed Firefox I was able to transfer favourites from Internet Explorer. I still use both browsers, so now that I have added more bookmarks to Firefox is it possible to share or transfer them to Internet Explorer?


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