Do Not Call Registry - Comments Page 1

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Posted by:

19 Jul 2007

When,in spite of being on the federal no call list I still get such calls. Fewer perhaps but they still come. What do I do about ascertaining if they are in violations of the rules.

EDITOR'S NOTE: If they are not political organizations or charities, or a company you have a recent prior relationship with, they are violating the law.

Posted by:

Martin Green
19 Jul 2007

Bob, You may care to update your "Do Not Call Registry" article with the following?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Done, thanks!

Posted by:

24 Jul 2007

Bob,another related site Gives you information on who is calling you.

Posted by:

Richard L
24 Jul 2007

I have come to a dead end with reporting cell phone violations. I get several a week the majority are recordings in spanish, some with caller id 888-888-8888, and none of the give the required instuctions on how to get removed, being in spanish I would not understand.

When I do have a live person calling occasionally when I mention that they are calling a cell phone, they appoligize and hang up. Usually tho they argue with me on why their call is legal. I have not figured out how to report cell phone violations, since they do not have to be registered the normal DONOTCALL violation page will not work. Has anybody figured out how to do this?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Get the name of the company when they call, then report them on the FCC website. Also notify your mobile carrier.

Posted by:

24 Jul 2007

I understand that politicals are not encluded, to bad, I really do not care to listen to the recorded hipe I receive from them on my cell phone. Is there any possible way to stop this?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would notify the mobile carrier and see what they suggest.

Posted by:

24 Jul 2007

Thanks for the tips. I registered my cell phone number with the Do Not Call Registry, but now, instead of phone calls, I'm getting spam text messaging on my cell phone. Are text messages also supposed to be covered? Or how else can I stop these (which I pay for!)?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Contact your mobile carrier and ask them to block it.

Posted by:

27 Jul 2007

I can understand why a business that you have had a previous relationship with can have permission to call you. Even though I am the type of person that, if I want to do business with you again, I will contact you; you contacting me feels pushy and desperate for another sale.

On the other hand, I DO NOT understand why it is acceptable for political groups and charities to contact you. Some of us don't want to be bothered with that kind of stuff. The charities are like businesses; if I want to contribute to you, I will. Don't call me begging; that only makes NOT want to help. If your group can afford to waste money on postal mail spam and long distance telephone calls, then clearly you don't need money from me; you just need to manage your money better!

Same goes for politicians; I know what my position on the "issues" are and I know what candidates support those positions. I don't need you to call my house pushing your beliefs on me and trying to change my mind. Some of the recorded messages are very offensive, such as ones for or against very sensitive issues such as gay marriage, abortion, etc. They're usually recorded messages, so they have no idea who they're reaching.

Anyway, the point is, I feel no one should be exempt from the do-not-call list; if people don't want to be called, they don't want to be called, period! There ARE other ways to get in touch with people and some people are REALLY uncomfortable talking on the phone.

Posted by:

28 Jul 2008

At the top of it says 'Your registration will not expire. Telephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently due to the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in February 2008. So, you may want to delete your sentence in 3rd paragraph stating it expires after 5 years.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Done, thanks for the update!

Posted by:

12 Sep 2008

One problem we have is getting recorded messages and having no clue who they are from or a phone number to report. Being on the Do Not Call list has not stopped these messages.

EDITOR'S NOTE: If you have Caller ID, you can Google the phone number. Various sites list nuisance callers, so you can report them.

Posted by:

James Thomas
22 Nov 2008

T-Mobile prepaid will NOT block spam text messages. I suggest that you provide as much info as possible in an FCC complaint. If there is prepaid wireless that will block this spam, post their names: perhaps i'll migrate my business to them!

Posted by:

Judy Tooley
17 Aug 2010

I'm supposed to have signed up for this and I still get text messeges that wipe out my minutes after I purchase them.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I don't think text messages fall under the "do not call" registry.

Posted by:

27 Oct 2010

According to the National Do Not Call List website, texts ARE covered the same as phone calls.

Posted by:

Richard Brown
07 Nov 2010

I've been getting spam texts thru my prepaid phone from T-Mobile 3-4 times a week even tho I'm on the do not call list. Each time they cost me about 90 minutes. If T-Mobile says they wont block them I also will switch companies.

Posted by:

10 Feb 2011

> EDITOR'S NOTE: I don't think text messages fall under the "do not call" registry.

Maybe they are now, I hope. says "you do not wish to receive these calls or text messages, you can register your cell phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry." says "autodialers and any artificial or prerecorded voice messages may not be used to contact numbers assigned to: ... a paging service, wireless phone service (including both voice calls and text messages) ..."

Posted by:

Michael Bian
30 Nov 2013

Great article. Thank you for sharing this one...

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