All Your Privacy Are Belong to Us - Comments Page 1

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Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

Screw that! The whole, entire construct of people (ANY people) "gathering info" - SCREW THEM ALL! NO.

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

Actually, I don't see where this changes anything. The government can access anything on anybody at anytime. They're just trying to legitimize it.
they're the government and they're here to help.....right?
Yeah, right!

Posted by:

Rick Aleshire
05 Nov 2015

And, this is all "different" from what NSA was accused of doing!?

Posted by:

Dwight Simmons
05 Nov 2015

I have given up expecting any privacy on the web. The best defense is not to do anything on line you would not want on the front page of your local newspaper. As for banking info, the banks have a liability too. When the costs go up enough they will do something about it.

Posted by:

Dick Martin
05 Nov 2015

The Orwellian state is here. Orwell only missed the year by 31 years. Not bad. My wife put it best
when she said " We were born at the right time and we will die at the right time".

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

Is it 1984 yet?

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

Computers and software should be designed to be secure. You say this is not possible, but there are hardware methods, ID of the CPU methods, that would greatly increase security. Such methods are not common today and the result of this potential loss of privacy results in hacking. And frequent hacking results in laws like this one that can not be very effective, that are enormously expensive to create and implement. The obvious solution is to step back. And build secure silicon. An ID can be built into every CPU, implemented with software, and required with every internet packet.

Posted by:

Mark Hartry
05 Nov 2015

It's a little late, but "1984" is slowly and surely working its way here.

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

Shades of George Orwell's book "1984." "Big Brother is watching you" in spades! This will expose all of us to persecution from the government if we simply express an opinion they don't like. We should not only contact our elected officials to protest but should also find a group to mount a legal attack against the bill. A careful reading of the Constitution convinces me this violates our constitutional rights to privacy and rights against self-incrimination (for their imagined crimes).

Posted by:

Mac 'n' Cheese
05 Nov 2015

Heaven help us. Where are the true conservatives and libertarians in Congress?


Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

So, another way for Big Brother to keep an eye on us (spy on us). Smacks of socialism to me.

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

It is becoming more and more apparent (to me, at least) that Americans have other fish to fry than to worry about their privacy and they are more inclined to favor security over privacy.
This war will never be won by us; as there will be a new acronym soup version if this law gets shut [shot?] down, as there has been similar alphabet soup names for such attempts previously.
A similar law was just passed in England but they have less respect for citizens’ privacy as they have more pressing 'concerns' and are more vigilant AND feel their citizen’s security is more important than their privacy!

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

Unfortunately, if we want to be protected from the badguys, we have to tolerate the scrutiny needed to ascertain who said badguy is. They don't wear a name tag.

Posted by:

Hosea McAdoo
05 Nov 2015

What does "All Your Privacy Are Belong to Us" mean? Is it a typo?

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

Bob the government will pass all the laws they want to take away our privacy rights and the public for the most part don't see or understand the immense problem this will be for them. They don't even understand that Snowden's revelations were an early warning about this theft of our freedoms.

Posted by:

Fallon T Gordon Sr MD
05 Nov 2015

The US Constitution is the law of the land. Homeland "insecurity" and the Patriot Act and spying on Americans anyway at all are UNCONSTITUTIONAL1 This will surely lead to secession, civil war or a return to real Constitutional government. The entire length and breadth of the powers of the US Constitution are expressed in James Madison's Federalist Paper #45. The Federal government is limited to war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce and taxation.

Posted by:

Robert Kemper
05 Nov 2015

The battle for continued government control of the internet apparently is going to be a never ending one that I believe we must never stop fighting.

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

"YES... spelling, punctuation, grammar and proper use of UPPER/lower case are important! "

Interesting article, but, perhaps, you'd better check the title.

EDITOR'S NOTE: You must have missed the paragraph where I explained that. Look again...

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

Big Brother is here.'re not one of those companies required to share this information, are you? cuz then I meant MY Big Brother is here!! ;)

Posted by:

05 Nov 2015

This bill is not in any way, shape or form a cyber-security bill. Like Bob said, this is in reaction to the recent data breaches, but it would not have stopped ANY of them. It is a surveillance bill only.
We all need to contact our congress people to stop this from passing.
There are many articles describing what this bill does and does not do. This is a link to one article that explains it:

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