Recent Comments
Comment by Wayne on Geekly Update - 26 February 2025 (March 21, 2025 06:20 PM)
I have limited experience with Win 11 right now but I noticed that copy and paste is now not so smooth as it once was. You have to right click on the ...
Comment by stella jamie on Beware the Fedex Shipment Notification Scam (March 17, 2025 02:18 PM)
I actually made lots of profits at prime scratchcard here a few months ago but I was unable to make a single withdrawal. I met lilo grace 75 @ gmail *...
Comment by Henry on Here's How Creepy Marketers Capture Your Email Address (March 10, 2025 05:49 PM)
This is informative, but very ironic. It seems like SafeOpt would only need your email address and that you visited a website without buying something...
Comment by FrancesMC on [HOWTO] Boost Your Laptop Security Now (March 8, 2025 08:10 AM)
Michael, if you use Firefox, try Reader View. (On the URL line, it's the second character to the left of the star.) ...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by cho on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 11:51 AM)
@WildBill .. JPs comment was about Bob's statment ".. laser printer models that used to work with aftermarket ink, ..".. ...
Comment by Wild Bill 99 on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 04:06 AM)
@jp I can't speak to the truth of the story but from what I've read most of the complaints are from users having issues, especially with color printi...
Comment by Robert T Deloyd on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 03:24 AM)
That's all I want to do is go around sniffing mummies... not! ...
Comment by JP on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 5, 2025 10:56 PM)
Last time I checked, my laser printer didn't use ink. ;)...
Networking Articles
How to TurboCharge Your Internet Connection
It's a common question: “How can I speed up my Internet connection?” Unless you enjoy watching paint dry, a slow internet connection can be very frustrating, especially when you're trying to stream a movie, play an online game, or download a file. Sometimes the slowdown is beyond your control; the Internet is subject to traffic jams and congestion, just like any other highway. However, there are several steps you can take to speed up your internet connection. Here's a trove of tips and tools that can turbocharge your telecommunication tranmissions. Or maybe just increase the speed of your Internet connection...
...[TIP] Boost Your Laptop Wifi Reception
Boosting your laptop's WiFi signal is a good idea, no matter where you are. Away from town and cities, wireless Internet hotspots can be few and far between. But even in urban areas where WiFi hotspots are plentiful it's good to have more networks from which to choose. Here's how to get a stronger wifi signal…gain antenna
...SLOW Internet? Here's Why...
A frustrated AskBob reader says: “My Internet connection is usually pretty fast, but sometimes it slows down to a crawl, for no apparent reason. Do I have a virus, is it a WiFi problem, or are there other possible explanations for the slowdowns?” Yes, several! Read on for my advice on diagnosing (and fixing) a slow Internet connection...
...[SPEED] Is Satellite Internet Getting Faster?
If you live in a rural area, your Internet access options are limited. DSL, cable and fiber internet service are not available in many thinly-populated areas. Forget about 5G and even 4G cellular access. For many rural residents, Internet access boils down to a choice between miserably slow dial-up and slightly better satellite Internet access. The latter option is showing greater promise, though. Read on to learn about the pros and cons of satellite internet service...
...Here's How to Speed Up Your Internet Connection
An AskBob reader asked me for tips to speed up his Internet connection. Unless you enjoy watching paint dry, a slow internet connection can be very frustrating, especially when you're trying to stream a movie, play an online game, or just browse the web. Sometimes the slowdown is beyond your control; the Internet is subject to traffic jams and congestion, just like any other highway. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to speed up your internet connection. Here's a bucket of tips and tools that can help you go faster on the information highway...
...Eggs and Router Security (my advice...)
“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” some wise person opined. Yet most of us do exactly that with all of our expensive “smart” home electronics, and the consequences can be as calamitous as the old proverb implies. In addition to attacking your computer, cyber-crooks are targeting home internet routers. Here's my advice on what you need to know to defend yourself against router attacks...
...Why Is My Internet Connection SLOW Sometimes?
A frustrated AskBob reader says: 'My Internet connection is usually pretty fast, but sometimes it slows to a crawl, for no apparent reason. Is it likely that I have a virus, or are there other possible explanations for the slowdowns?' Yes, several! Read on for my advice on diagnosing (and fixing) a slow Internet connection...
...[SPEED] How Fast Is Satellite Internet?
If you live in a rural or remote area, your Internet access options are limited. DSL, fiber and cable internet service are not available in many thinly-populated areas. Forget about 5G and even 4G cellular access. For many rural residents, Internet access boils down to a choice between miserably slow dial-up and satellite Internet access. Read on to learn about the pros and cons of satellite internet service...
...How Does Your Internet Speed Measure Up?
When your Internet seems sluggish, you might be wondering “How fast is my internet speed?” or “Why is my internet slow?” These are common questions, and there are quite a few definitions of internet speed, as well as several free ways to test it. Here's the scoop on Internet speed tests, and why you definitely should check your speed every once in a while. Read on...
...Here’s How to Boost Your WiFi Signal
A frustrated AskBob reader says: 'How can I boost or extend the wifi signal in my home? I finally got high-speed internet with a wireless router, but the wifi signal is very weak in some rooms. What tweaks, tricks or gadgets do you recommend to boost wireless signal strength and distance?' I've got some, read on!
...Want to Speed Up Your Internet Connection?
Are you looking for ways to speed up your Internet? A slow, crawling Internet connection can be a source of great frustration. Sometimes the slowdown is beyond your control; the Internet is subject to traffic jams just like any other highway. But there are some things you can do to maximize whatever speed you are able to get. Here's a bucket of tips and tools that can help you go faster on the information highway…
...Slow Internet Sometimes? Here's Why...
An AskBob reader says: 'My Internet connection is usually great, but it seems to slow to a crawl at certain times, for no apparent reason. Is it likely that I have a virus, or are there other possible explanations for the slowdowns?' Yes, several! Read on...
...[SPEED] Is Satellite Internet Fast Enough?
If you live in a rural or remote area, your Internet access options are limited. Cable internet service is not available in many thinly-populated areas. Forget about 5G and even 4G cellular access. For many rural residents, Internet access boils down to a choice between miserably slow dial-up and satellite Internet access. Read on to learn about the pros and cons of satellite internet service...
...Try This Solution for Weak Wifi Signals
Wireless networking is now common for home and office networks, but there are some circumstances in which WiFi is not enough. You may have 'dead zones' in your home or building where wireless signals are either very weak or cannot penetrate at all. In such cases, a technology called Powerline Ethernet can solve the problem. Read on to learn all about it...
...Need to Speed Up Your Internet Connection?
Looking for ways to speed up your Internet? A slow, crawling Internet connection is a source of great frustration. Sometimes the slowdown is beyond your control; the Internet is subject to traffic jams just like any other highway. But there are some things you can do to maximize whatever speed you are able to get. Here's a bucket of tips and tools that can help you go faster on the information highway...
...Here's How to Monitor Your Data Usage
The days of unlimited Internet use are drawing to a close for many people. As metered bandwidth billing, data caps, and exorbitant overage fees become more common, it behooves everyone who has such an Internet service plan to continually keep track of how many megabytes they’re using. Here's how to keep tabs on your data usage...
...Free Screen Sharing and Remote Access Tools
If you occasionally need to access your own computer or someone else's from a remote location, you may already know about GoToMyPC or LogMeIn. These services are really handy if you have a friend who needs help, or you're away from home and need something from your computer. GotoMyPC's remote access service costs $44/month, and LogMeIn's free version was killed off several years ago. But you can still do remote access and screen sharing for free! Read on to learn how it works...
...Here's How to Measure Your Internet Speed
You might be wondering 'How fast is my internet speed?' or 'Why is my internet slow?' These are common questions, and there are quite a few definitions of internet speed and several free ways to test it. Here's the scoop on Internet speed tests, and why you definitely should check your speed every once in a while. Read on...
...Bob Explains: How Does The Internet Work?
It's easy to take the Internet for granted, using it as naturally as we use electricity or city water. But when you peek under the hood to see what’s really going on out there 'on the net' or 'in the cloud,' you’ll find an elegantly simple yet infinitely complex system. Read on for a layman's explanation of how it all works...
...Here's Why Your Internet is Slow Sometimes
A reader asks: 'I notice that my Internet connection seems to slow to a crawl at certain times, for no apparent reason. Is it likely that I have a virus, or are there other possible explanations for the slowdowns?' Yes, several! Read on...
...Dead Zone? Try a WiFi Extender
Many homes have WiFi “dead zones” where radio signals are weak or non-existent. WiFi extenders (also called wifi repeaters, range extenders, or wireless signal boosters) can fill such gaps, enabling your teenagers to keep their video gaming in the basement instead of taking over the living room couch. An extender can also let you live the dream of Web surfing in a hammock out in the back yard. Here is some recommended gear to make it happen...
...Do You Really Need an ISP?
Did you know that you can get fast Internet access without paying a faceless corporate internet service provider? There's a grassroots movement that's connecting people via community mesh networks, and it's exciting to see it grow. Here's the scoop on mesh networking...
...Is Satellite Internet a Good Choice?
If you live in a rural area, your Internet access options are limited. DSL and cable internet service are not available in many thinly-populated areas. Forget about 4G and even 3G cellular access. For many rural residents, Internet access boils down to a choice between miserably slow dial-up and satellite Internet access. Read on to learn about the pros and cons of satellite internet service...
...Should You Care About Net Neutrality?
Several readers have contacted me for my take on the Net Neutrality debate, which is currently being considered by the Federal Communications Commission. I've read opinions both in favor of, and in opposition to, the repeal of Net Neutrality rules. Some of them made good arguments for their side, and some of them sounded unbalanced, or overblown. But a friend of mine has written an opinion on Net Neutrality that is thoughtful and deserves your consideration. Please read on...
...Does Your ISP Have a Data Cap?
A reader named Ray writes, 'My ISP (Cox Communications) recently announced a monthly data usage limit of 1TB, with a surcharge of $10 for every 50 GB above the limit. I checked my data usage and found that at my present rate this will cost an extra $100 per month.' Does YOUR internet provider have a data cap? Find out now, and get some tips on reducing your data usage…
...[POOF] What if Google Disappeared?
A recent tech kerfluffle involving a home-automation service first got me irritated because the media, again, inaccurately spun a story to create FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). Then I got thinking, “What if this happened to something that matters, like Google?” Let's explore that thought...
...Is the Internet Getting Faster?
I still remember the days of dialup. Back in the mid 1990s, it was a big deal to move from a 14.4K modem to a 56K model. Download times were measured in hours, not seconds. And web pages loaded at approximately the same speed as paint drying on a wall. Now high-speed broadband Internet that's hundreds of times faster is nearly ubiquitous. Let's take a look at how far we've come, and where things need to improve most…
...Your ISP's Worst Nightmare...
The worst nightmare of Verizon, Comcast, and other commercial broadband providers is coming true. Across the USA, their customers are voting to establish municipally owned and operated networks. The tide is turning overwhelmingly in favor of public alternatives to private broadband. Here's what you need to know, if you'd like low-cost, super-fast Internet in YOUR town...
...Hacking Airplanes: Fact or Fiction?
Is it really possible to seize control of a flying airliner from your coach class seat? Did a security researcher stretch the truth when he told the FBI he did so, or did the FBI exaggerate in its search warrant application? This week’s FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) is more tangled than usual. Read on to unravel it, maybe...
...HOWTO: Measure Your Internet Speed
'How fast is my internet speed?' is a common question. There are quite a few definitions of internet speed and several free ways to test it. Here's the scoop on Internet speed tests, and why you definitely should check your speed every once in a while...
...Is the USA Giving Up Control of the Internet?
On March 14, 2014, the United States announced its intention to turn over control of the Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS) to someone else. But exactly who or what will take over? And will it make the Internet better or worse? Here is my analysis of what’s really happening…
...What is the Internet of Things?
During and after the recent Consumer Electronics Show, the number of Google searches for the phrase, 'Internet of things' skyrocketed. If you are one of the many people wondering what that buzzphrase means, you’ve come to the right place. Here is what the Internet of Things, or IoT, is all about, and why it’s a big deal...
...Free Remote Access and Screen Sharing
If you need to access your own computer or someone else's from a remote location, you probably already know about GoToMyPC or, which are advertised on radio and TV. GotoMyPC's remote access service costs $10/month, and LogMeIn's free version was recently killed off. But you can still do remote access and screen sharing for free! Here's how...
...Save Money With Hybrid Cellular Phone Service
How does this sound to you, savvy mobile communications customer? A mobile smartphone that does talk, text, and web over WiFi for only $5/month? Or unlimited talk & text even without WiFi for $10 a month? Or talk, text and data for $25/month? Read on to learn how it's possible...
...The Fastest Internet Connection?
Everyone wants the fastest Internet connection they can get. Today, the giants in high-speed Internet are DSL (digital subscriber line) and cable modem service. But a newer technology called fiber optics blows them both out of the water, if you can get it. Here's how they stack up, speed-wise...
...Monitor Your Bandwidth Usage
The days of unlimited Internet use are drawing to a close for many people. As metered bandwidth billing, data allowances, and exorbitant overage fees become more common, it behooves everyone who has such an Internet service plan to continually keep track of how many bytes they’re using. Here's how to keep tabs on your data usage...
...Speed Up Web Surfing with Alternate DNS
Can you speed up your web surfing by making a simple change to the settings on your computer or router? YES! Using an alternate DNS server, instead of the DNS provided by your internet service provider. I know it sounds geeky, but I promise to explain it all in plain English, and show you how to make it happen...
...TeamViewer: Free Tech Support Software
A reader asks: 'My friends and family members rely on me for computer support, but diagnosing and fixing their problems over the phone can be maddening. I've heard about GotoMyPC, but it's too expensive for me. Are there any similar, but free, remote access tools I can use for remote tech support over the Internet?
...Satellite Internet - A Good Choice?
If you live in a rural area, your Internet access options may be limited. DSL and cable internet service are not available in many thinly-populated areas. Forget about 4G and even 3G cellular access. For many rural residents, Internet access boils down to a choice between miserably slow dial-up and satellite Internet access. Read on learn about the pros and cons of satellite internet service...
...Google Fiber: Ultra-Fast Internet
How would you like an Internet connection that's 100 times faster than the 'high-speed' connection you have now? Google Fiber is an experiment in providing 'Gigabit Internet' service over fiber-optic lines to residential users, and it blows away anything that your cable or telephone company can offer. Read on to learn more about Google Fiber...
...4G Mobile Hotspots
What exactly is a 4G mobile hotspot? I have a 4G phone and a wireless router at home. Am I correct in thinking that this device would somehow enable me to take my wireless internet connection with me when I leave the house?
...Free Screen Sharing Apps
The term screen-sharing includes more than just showing other people what's on your computer screen. It also encompasses remote control of another computer, remote access to files on another computer, and communication between multiple people while they are looking at the same computer screen from different locations. Read on to learn about some free and commercial apps that can be used for screen sharing and remote support...
...Renew Your IP Address
Once in a while I have trouble accessing the Internet. If I turn off my cable modem router, wait a few seconds, then turn it back on, the problem is resolved. But there must be a simpler way. What do you suggest?
...TeamViewer Remote Access Software
My friends and family members rely on me for computer support, but diagnosing and fixing their problems over the phone can be maddening. I've heard about GotoMyPC, but it's too expensive for me. Are there any similar, but free, remote access tools I can use to control other computers over the Internet?
...The Internet Is Full... Go Away
You probably know that every computer, router, smartphone, coffee maker, and other device connected to the Internet is assigned a unique IP address, such as, which is used to deliver data to it and identify the origin of data that it sends. Without an IP address, you can't get on the Internet. What you may not know is that the world is almost out of IP addresses...
...Network Security Monitoring
I have a home network, but I'm nervous about hackers getting into my computers. What can I do to monitor my network for suspicious activity and breakins?
...T1 Service Provider
A T1 line is a data communications connection between two points. Unlike other types of Internet connections, where many parts (packets) of many users' data share every connection, a T1 line is dedicated exclusively to the use of the parties it connects physically. A dedicated T1 line offers several benefits as part of this exclusivity. Here are some things to know when shopping for a T1 service provider...
...Virtual Private Networks
In the past, I've written about anonymizer services that effectively act as a buffer between your computer and the rest of the Internet, concealing your IP address so that Web sites, email servers, and other things with which you interact cannot identify you. That is one way to protect your privacy online, but it is incomplete. With a virtual private network, your online security is greatly enhanced...
...Google Public DNS
Google recently announced its Public DNS service, which provides an alternative Domain Name Service (DNS) for any user connected to the Internet. Read on to find out why using this service could speed up your web surfing and provide other benefits as well...
Hubs, Switches and Routers
Many people wonder what the difference is between a networking hub, switch, and router. Some people don't know and don't want to know. But if you need to know, here is what you need to know...
...Free Alternatives to GoToMyPC
If you need to access your own computer or someone else's from a remote location, you probably already know about GoToMyPC, which is often advertised on radio and TV. GotoMyPC's remote access service costs $20/month. But did you know that you can do the same thing for free? Here's how...
...Securing Your Router
Your router is the box that feeds your high-speed internet connection into your computer. But is it also an open door to hackers, crackers and wifi moochers? Learn how to secure your router…
...What is OpenDNS?
What exactly is OpenDNS? I've heard that it can be used to make your Internet access faster, but I'm a little fuzzy on how it works, and if there are any gotchas I should know about.
...Online Meeting Services
I need to share Powerpoint presentations with a large group of people. Which online meeting service should I use?
...Sharing A Hard Drive Online
I have photos, MP3s and some Word documents on my hard drive. How can I share my hard drive online so that just certain people can access my files? My colleagues have Internet access but we do not share a computer network. Can I share my hard drive folders and files over the Inernet?
...What is Slingbox?
Imagine you're in a hotel room, on another continent... you fire up the laptop, and with a few clicks, you're watching the same cable or satellite TV programming that's in your living room at home. You can change the channel, or even view the shows that your Tivo recorded for you last night. It's not smoke and mirrors, it's Slingbox...
...What is Bluetooth?
This is the age of wireless devices. Information is relevant only if it is accessible anywhere and everywhere. From phones to computers, every device is aiming at becoming wireless and providing more accessibility to the users. Read on to learn how Bluetooth technology is making wireless connections at home, at the office, and on the go...
...Hide Your SSID?
I have a wireless network at home, which lets me get an internet connection on my laptop all over the house. But I'm concerned that neighbors or people driving by can hack into my computer. A friend said that hiding my SSID will solve the problem. What's a wireless SSID, how do I hide it, and will it help?
...Wireless Printing
I have a laptop with no printer attached. But I do have a wireless network in my home, and one of the desktop computers on the network has a printer. How can I print from the laptop, over the wireless network, to the printer that's hooked up to my desktop?
...What is Broadband?
I see commercials on TV telling me to switch to broadband, but I'm not sure what that means. They talk about DSL lines, cable access, satellites and megabits, which further confuses me. I've had dialup access through AOL for years and I'm pretty happy with the service. What is broadband, and do I need it?
...Wireless Laptop
Currently in my home I have a desktop computer that is for family use, and I have a laptop for work. When I bring my laptop home, I have to unhook my DSL line and hook it to my laptop. My laptop has a wireless card built in -- can I get a router that can go wireless, and have a line to go to my desktop, that is not wireless?
...Wasting Bandwidth?
A friend asked about downloading a file from a website and going to bed while the file downloads. If the download finishes and I'm still on that site without actively doing anything for hours, does this waste that site's bandwidth or ability to handle more users?
...Remote Assistance
My friends often call or email and ask computer questions that are hard to answer without actually sitting in front of their computer. I've heard radio commercials for a product that lets you control another computer over the Internet. But there's a monthly fee, software to download, and I'm not sure it'll be secure. Is there a free, secure tool to access a friend's computer remotely?
...802.11n Wireless Networking
I've seen a new wi-fi adapter that claims to be a HUNDRED TIMES FASTER than the currently available ones. Is this new 802.11N technology really that fast, and will it work with Windows XP?
...Sharing a Printer
I have two computers but only one printer. I understand there is a way to share the printer so both can print to it. Can you tell me how to do that?
...Home Networking
We just purchased a second computer and now we'd like to share the printer and Internet connection between them. How do I set up a simple home network?
...Slow Downloads with Broadband
I have broadband, and when I run a speed test, my system passes with numbers that approach the speed of light. However, when I download a file, the download speed always hovers around 500k. What am I overlooking?