Computer Backup Power - Comments Page 1
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Have a standard UPS and after a few years the battery failed to hold a charge, So far so good, anything i should look into? Thanks |
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The original poster assumed that, if he had a UPS, he could have gotten online. You didn't address that assumption in your reply - I suspect that it is unlikely that his internet connection would have been operational in a power failure such as he described. EDITOR'S NOTE: Not necessarily. If the internet connection comes in over cable, DSL or fiber (FIOS) then it's quite possible that the electrical supply lines might be down, but the cable, telephone or fiber optic lines are working. |
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I purchased a Dell XPS Studio computer 2 years ago. It appears that the power supply was a "Power Factor Corrected Power Supply". The APC(American Power Conversion) people explained to me that these require a "true sine wave" power supply. Most of the affordable battery backups at the time did not produce true sine wave power. A conventional battery backup would just shut the computer down when the power went off. |
Posted by:
Nice article. I have a number of small UPSs and also one big online and one big offline UPS for my laptops, desktops and other electronic equipment. I have seen many persons not using a good UPS for powering their desktops and some of them have lost data as well as some electronic part. I use one UPS for my laptop (this may seem to be an overkill) and a surge protector. My laptop is going strong and I find no power problem. Even sometimes I remove the battery and place it in my fridge and use UPS power only. I agree that APC UPSs are the best and I have a number of them in my home.In India there are other good companies manufacturing good power equipment. Thanks. |
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How do you determine that the battery nees replacement? |
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I live in an area of the Chicago region where we have frequent power outages, and power fluctuations. I have used APC UPS for 12 years now and it has never failed me. Usually during the summer is when I experience most power problems, however a windy winter seems to make the electricity go crazy too. In all cases, my UPS has saved my computer. In the event of a power outage, I am able to safely power down my computer. One cool feature of my UPS is the ability to shutdown automatically in the event I am not around when the power goes out. In most cases it will automatically save any work I had open on various programs so I do not lose anything. In addition it has a nice power management feature, if my pc becomes idle for 2 hours, my UPS will automatically power down, and turn off any devices currently using wattage (printers, external hd, speakers, etc). If you live in an area with frequent power interuptions, I highly recommend a UPS. |
Posted by:
I've also used a UPS for many years. Just replaced one model CyberPower with another CyberPower model. When the first model failed to prevent power-induced reboot, I contacted their support staff. Turns out the model I had produced a simulated sine wave, and my Dell requires a pure sine wave! Talk about w-a-a-y out info. So I'm curious as to why your UPS failed. Something to teach me, perhaps. Thanks. I enjoy your articles very much. |
Posted by:
A UPS is a great investment...for all the reasons Bob mentioned and don't be afraid to get a little more than you need. In this case more is better. I have a UPS on all my electronics (TV, Home theater, CD/DVD players, my home wireless network, etc.) You don't need a UPS for printers (although if you have the cash go for it) but surge protection is recommended. |
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I have a geek squad power back up, it beeps but power goes right out on my comp. Seem to have a lot of power outages, here. On main city street, in city, too. Dont matter if bad weather or not. |
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I'm a huge fan of UPS'. They're not just for computers, though. In the den my TV, theatre amp/stereo, Wii, and cable box are on an APC SmartUPS 1400 and there's an APC SmartUPS 1000 tucked between the recliners for laptops and cordless phone base. Upstairs, the cable/VOIP modem, bastion host, wireless AP, switches and monitors, speakerphone, etc. are on another APC SmartUPS 1400 with monitoring and automatic shutdown and restart on power restore. Each desk in the home office has its own APC 1000VA UPS as well. Several times in hurricane season we've just kept watching Netflix and surfing the web when the neighborhood's gone dark--both DSL and cable typically keep running during outages. Best part is, I have bought each for $1-$5 at local thrift stores. Folks seem to just throw them away rather than replace the batteries. |
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trish, |
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Yes, the UPS is great to have but during power outages it will not keep your computer running indefinitely unless you get one of the big commercial units at a humongous price. Most are designed to give you a shutdown time while the power is out. If you use a modem and the power goes so goes your modem because the modem is supplied by local power. The modem is what gives you the internet connection even though the ISP area may not be affected by the power outage. How do you know when the battery needs replacement? Most UPS units come with a cable that ties into the UPS and your computer plus a software disk. Once the software is loaded on your computer it monitors the voltage and gives a warning when the battery is low. The UPS unit has a charging circuit inside and when the battery gets into such a low state and will no longer charge the software will tell you. Read the UPS instructions thoroughly and you will be OK. Hope this answers some questions. |
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Who sells affordable UPSs with a true sine wave output? My PC power supply requires this. |
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You added an editors note to my earlier comment about the OP's ISP could very well be operational in a power failure. I know for a fact that with my FIOS setup, the interface box (where the fiber enters the house) has an internal battery that keeps the internet alive for only 15 minutes. (It keeps the phone line up for about 2 hours with a 15 minute emergency reserve at the push of a button.) So, unless I ame willing to modify the interface box, I'll have only 15 minutes of internet connectivity in a power failure. I would imagine (but don't know for certain) that cable providers have a similar setup. DSL may be more likely to work, but keep in mind that any routers or switches will also need to be powered by the UPS. |
Posted by:
To marvin alper: My APC UPS comes with optional software you can install (or just use MS power management in control panel), and the expected life period of your battery is approximately 3 years (depending on usage). I have never upgraded my UPS because of an aging battery, I have upgraded due to the power requirements of my PC. APC has a decent calculator on their website which can help you select an appropriate model. |
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In the past APC's pure sinewave UPS's were pretty pricey. I found one that fit my needs for a lot cheaper from Cyberpower. I bought a Cyberpower PT1500T. |
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A UPS is fine as far as it goes. I live in a rural area and have had many power outages lasting several hours and even (in one case) almost 2 days. I have a generator to run such equipment as my pellet stove (for heat) the refrigerator and microwave. It will power my TV, DVD player, computer and some lights too. However ... since I have cable for TV and internet, and the cable runs above ground with the power lines, it usually goes out with the electricity. I rarely have TV and internet when the power is out. If you live in an area like mine, don't count on your cable staying on when the power is out. |
Posted by:
I have had the APC Back-UPS ES 350 for 6 years. My deaktop, router, printers, etc have been attached. We live on a mountain in a remote corner of Cherokee County Alabama where we have frequent fluctuations UP and DOWN, and then some complete outages...from 2 secs to 2 hours! In March 2011, on a beautiful clear day, we had a power outage for exactly 1 hour. When it came back, my (older 2004 HP w/XP) PC would not boot up Windows. I lost everything, all data, lots of family photos, etc! (I now have a 2 TB ext hard drive as backup!!) But I'm guessing my UPS was not working properly then. I should have tested it earlier. Then came the 2011 Alabama tornados, we were without power for 4 days, even up here in the remote corner of the state. What a learning experience for both maintaining "back-ups" and providing some temporary power sources, like a working UPS!! |
Posted by:
I replaced my APC UPS last year when it begin squealing all the time, but I think that was the signal it just needed a new battery. I gives the user time to close all work and gracefully shut down (be sure the cable modem and network get power), but I hesitate to do anything else after the power fails. |
Posted by:
I have found that not only are replacement batteries heavy, they cost almost the same as a new UPS unit. |
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