Is Your Computer Obsolete? - Comments Page 2

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Posted by:

Jillian S
05 Jun 2024

I agree with Jeanine and others about the planned obsolescence of equipment! And it ought to be easier and cheaper to dispose of devices no longer needed. As for longevity, I used my initial laptop (Toshiba) for eleven years and then bought this one three years ago (HP). I had Windows 11 installed last year, and of course griped about the changes, even though they were small. This laptop is quite small, which would be handy for transport, except that I use it as a desktop and don't take it anywhere.

Posted by:

05 Jun 2024

It is always good to see more articles with interesting information from Bob. Like Jeanine and others, I find the planned obsolescence disgusting. [It will be interesting to see what an archaeologist 5,000 year from now "discovers" after excavating our landfills!] In my case, my ASUS desktop computer was purchased in December 2015, which had Windows 8. I upgraded it to Windows 10. Then, when Windows 11 came out, I did that check for hardware compatibility. Since that failed, I replaced the motherboard, upgraded to Windows 11, and installed Ubuntu Linux, where I have a dual boot system. All works GREAT. The result: I didn't have to waste money on a new computer and save resources. The future: Will a Windows 12 come out? If so, when? When is Windows 11 supposed to be "decommissioned? It is better to be checking the computer, instead if chucking the computer! We live in interesting times! Thank you Bob for another informative article!

Posted by:

05 Jun 2024

My wife has a Dell laptop that needed a new hard drive. We took it a computer repair store. They replaced the hard drive and at the same time upgraded the OS to Windows 11 even though it was not "upgradeable" It seems to work great. As noted in a previous post above there IS a way to up grade to Windows 11.

I wonder why MS doesn't release a version that can be used to upgrade older OSs and say "Take your chances"?

Posted by:

08 Jun 2024

I'm using a Dell Vostro laptop, running windows 7, bought in 2012. The hard drive has been replaced with a SSD. And I just had to replace the electric socket because the plug wouldn't stay connected; cost me a whole $20. So far, it does the job.

I do have a Windows 11 computer that belonged to my late husband and I need to learn how to use it because I'm sure the Dell will eventually give up the ghost.

Posted by:

09 Jun 2024

Windows 12 looks like it will happen, as it was mentioned in passing on a TV news report a couple of days ago, in conjunction with news that Microsoft is going to invest heavily in their Chat AI program. I had read that all this (Win12, AI) can be / will be best supported with updated hardware features.

I'm really curious about all this AI. At this moment, I think I'll wait as long as I can (shortly after MS ends Win10 support) and seriously consider buying a new computer with Win12 and AI enhancements built in....

Posted by:

23 Jun 2024

Thanks, Bob, for the laughs: some of those obsolete computers you mention even make mine sound modern!
That said, this is being written on an XP desktop which is over 20 years old. I have some Windows 10 machines too, but this one remains my favourite, as I like the look of the XP interface and have all my programs on it.
There are disadvantages: apart from the potential security issues, it needs niche browsers to function on the web and some research to keep my emails going on Outlook Express.
If I were into gaming or social media, I would have to upgrade, but as I'm not, I'm not in a hurry.
Most websites, like Bob's, present no problems, even with my 14" monitor.

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