Free Satellite TV on PC? - Comments Page 1
Posted by:
| is a good site providing live tv on your computer from all over the world and told from the viewpoint of the ethnic group telling the story. 1st class for those who want all points of view |
Posted by:
I bought tv on pc elite: Cant get it running-shows error429 Active x coponents can't create object. I have tried to contact them about it but never get an answer, from either of their e-mail addrs. Has anybody ever been able to contact them or is that the scam as mentioned before. EDITOR'S NOTE: Sounds exactly like the scam I mentioned... |
Posted by:
TV on PC looks iffy. Is it a scam? Are there any positive testimonials? I only see 1 negative here. Thinking about ordering it..... Unless you can CONFIRM it's a scam. EDITOR'S NOTE: You might want to re-read the article above. If that doesn't convince you it's a waste of money, then ummm, read it again. :-) |
Posted by:
all satelite pc 'deals' are scams. i do find it amusing that if you read the disclaimers and terms of use on the sites offering these 'wonder products' they tell you it's a scam(not as simply stated, but if you can't figure it out/be arsed to read up on what you're paying for, you probably shouldn't be making purchases online :D) |
Posted by:
I read everything about satellite on computer is it true?why b'coz i heard about the satellite, through this we can watch the events but through the pc it was really wondering providing all live tv on computer.some says that all satellite pc are scams. Is it true? EDITOR'S NOTE: Flatlining today? |
Posted by:
I was able to get a copy of one of the "TV on PC" programs (I didn't pay for it :)). It is a scam but there were a few channels that were actually kind of cool, that I hadn't seen before. One was QVC-UK. That was different. It's just an interface that ties together different streams and video players (Real, WM and so on - assumed that you already have them on your PC). The feeds are mostly well known ones. Save your money and look for free feeds. |
Posted by:
It amuse me everytime when someone tells me that the TV PC is going to replace satellite TV or the cables. I wonder have they ever tried the product themselves before. For the one that i tried, there are error codes in most of the "3,000 TV programs", there's no customer service at all, and heck, most TV channels are some crap programs. HBO? ESPN? the best I can get are CCTV series where EPL is broadcast in mandarin. Just too bad that i read this article after, but not before i got myself that piece of junk. |
Posted by:
Thanks for the useful info I was never sure whether to try satellite tv on pc or not but a review I found on Squidoo made it much easier for me. |
Posted by:
I am researching this topic for a publication I own and I have not found one legitimate review (there are many that say it's a scam but that these special 3 or 4 are the 'REAL DEAL"...they are LYING!) After researching, we purchased one to test (that was one of the 3/4 "best" ones) and of course, it was exactly what we were expecting. They may have boasted about "as seen on cnn, msnbc, etc." but they were terrible. No channels relate truly to what you receive on cable or satellite. You truly will get better channels on some of the free sites that just link you to real channel feeds. We are writing this up as a huge scam and I'm hoping our local news will pick it up as well and start educating the public. It's really difficult (it saddens me) to get your money back from Belize, Japan, etc. Don't just be cautious...RUN!!! DON'T WALK! away from all of these programs. They are all scams, everyone! |
Posted by:
you can also check out and browse the list of shoutcast streams (simpsons, family guy, futurama, house, ...) it is really FREE! EDITOR'S NOTE: And certainly illegal. You risk a lawsuit by using this. |
Posted by:
guys & gals Thank you all for the comments on satellite TV!you all saved me all my monies.Like they say if it sounds to good to be true ran like hell-o. Thanks again |
Posted by:
Have any of you heard of Joost? It is a free download (beta) where you can watch some channels on your PC. I've tried it an it works pretty well - and it is free. EDITOR'S NOTE: Yes, this is a peer-to-peer TV application from the same people that created Kazaa and then Skype. You can pause a show, chat live, or view a show when you like. |
Posted by:
You guys should Try SOPCAST its not exactly Satelite on Tv but its free feeds of tv stations from around the world. Best of all its free so it cant really be a scam. |
Posted by:
Hi everyone, thanks for the great info, I found a cool review on satellite tv pc that helped me decide. It's at [URL Deleted]. Hope it helps. EDITOR'S NOTE: I hope it helped you decide that this is a huge SCAM. There simply is no truth to the claims that you can dump your satellite dish and get the same set of channels for free with some piece of software. |
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Posted by:
Satellite TV on PC is definately not a scam. Yea, it is just a collection of live feeds, but they are organized into categories for easy access. Also, some of these programs will notify you when certain worldwide sporting events are being broadcasted. The one I bought was from {URL Deleted} and I use it mainly to watch soccer (because most games aren't offered in the U.S.) and HBO (because it's Free). EDITOR'S NOTE: So bottom line: you're paying for something that you can get for free. If paying for easy access to the soccer programming (that you can get for free) makes your life better, then fine. But if you are getting HBO for free, it's not legal. HBO is a subscriber-only channel, and they have sued various internet companies that were providing a free feed. They could very well start going after the viewers directly, just like the RIAA, MPAA, and NBC are doing to people who download illegally. |
Posted by:
Been checking out the sites you mentioned. Nothing comes close to -- has hundreds of free recorded programmes and movies. EDITOR'S NOTE: True enough... just be aware that most of them are commercial copyrighted content, and you run the risk of getting sued if you download and view them. |
Posted by:
STOP DONT BUY: I purchased a software from this site for $49.95 and all was terrible. Buffering and rebuffering terrible. Most of 3000 channels they announce are not known tv stations with just garbage. I Contacted their support to get my money back and of course I did not get any response. It does not look a decent operation. It looks more like a scam. DO NOT BUY FROM THESE GUYS. |
Posted by:
Can someone please give me an invitation to Joost? It's the only way to access their site. Thank you. |
Posted by:
Sounds like bob is a direct tv exec. He gets a little pissy about any free tv on pc info. Take it easy bob, its just the internet. EDITOR'S NOTE: The advice I offer is meant to protect people, not line the pockets of the entertainment providers. If you don't believe that lawyers for the entertainment industry are going after individuals who download copyrighted broadcasts, that's fine with me. |
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