Recent Comments
Comment by Wayne on Geekly Update - 26 February 2025 (March 21, 2025 06:20 PM)
I have limited experience with Win 11 right now but I noticed that copy and paste is now not so smooth as it once was. You have to right click on the ...
Comment by stella jamie on Beware the Fedex Shipment Notification Scam (March 17, 2025 02:18 PM)
I actually made lots of profits at prime scratchcard here a few months ago but I was unable to make a single withdrawal. I met lilo grace 75 @ gmail *...
Comment by Henry on Here's How Creepy Marketers Capture Your Email Address (March 10, 2025 05:49 PM)
This is informative, but very ironic. It seems like SafeOpt would only need your email address and that you visited a website without buying something...
Comment by FrancesMC on [HOWTO] Boost Your Laptop Security Now (March 8, 2025 08:10 AM)
Michael, if you use Firefox, try Reader View. (On the URL line, it's the second character to the left of the star.) ...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by cho on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 11:51 AM)
@WildBill .. JPs comment was about Bob's statment ".. laser printer models that used to work with aftermarket ink, ..".. ...
Comment by Wild Bill 99 on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 04:06 AM)
@jp I can't speak to the truth of the story but from what I've read most of the complaints are from users having issues, especially with color printi...
Comment by Robert T Deloyd on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 03:24 AM)
That's all I want to do is go around sniffing mummies... not! ...
Comment by JP on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 5, 2025 10:56 PM)
Last time I checked, my laser printer didn't use ink. ;)...
Software Articles
[RECOMMENDED] 10 Free Software Programs
So, you got a new computer, or maybe you're looking to spiff up your current model. It's a good idea to remove all those non-essential programs that came preloaded, and then install the best freeware for everyday computing. Here are some of my top free software recommendations for your computer. Read on!
...Still Using Microsoft Office? Stop Now, Here’s Why…
Since the Dark Ages of personal computing, Microsoft Office has been the standard for home, school, and office productivity suites. But it's always been a rather expensive software package. Today's prices range from $249 for Office Home & Business, up to $439 for Microsoft Office Professional. The subscription-based Microsoft 365 Family product costs $100/year. Fortunately, there are plenty of good, compatible (even free) alternatives to Microsoft's word processor, spreadsheet, and related office tools. Here are some of the best free and low-cost office suites to replace Microsoft Office...
...How To Become a Tech Support Superhero
A well-prepared adventurer never leaves home without his trusty Swiss Army knife. Similarly, you need a portable arsenal of troubleshooting tools to solve the most common computer problems. Load these tech support utilities on a USB flash drive and your friends and family will think you're a tech support superhero! Read on for your tech support toolkit...
...Software Piracy: A Victimless Crime?
An AskBob reader says: “Some of my friends are using commercial software without paying for it. They say it's no big deal to get pirated (cracked) versions of games from 'warez' sites, and that I'm a fool to pay for Windows, Microsoft Office, and video games when I can download them for free. Software piracy seems like one of those 'victimless crimes', so why is it illegal?” Read on for my analysis...
...10 Things That Cause Computer Crashes
Have you ever experienced the dreaded Blue Screen of Death? Does your computer lock up, freeze, crash, or display cryptic error messages?. This sort of problem can be very difficult to diagnose, because many things can cause a computer to crash (and even burn!). Before you blame those mischievous gremlins, here are ten common causes of computer crashes and some tips on how to deal with them...
...New PC? You MUST Take These Steps Now...
Setting up a new computer is something to get excited about. It’s tempting to open the box, plug it in, start it up, and just begin exploring. But a new PC requires some initial fine-tuning in order to optimize performance and avoid problems later on. Here is my list of things you should do to a new desktop or laptop PC as soon as it comes out of the box...
...New PC? NINE Things You MUST Do NOW
A shiny new computer is something to get excited about. It’s tempting to open the box, plug it in, start it up, and just begin exploring. But a new computer requires some initial fine-tuning in order to optimize performance and avoid problems later on. Here's my list of things you should do to a new desktop or laptop PC as soon as it comes out of the box, and also some tips on whipping a used, but new-to-you computer insto shape. Read on...
...System Restore: Will it Cure Your PC Problem?
Your computer suddenly starts to misbehave for reasons unknown... what to do? You could spend hours tracking down the subtle change that caused the problem, or you could climb into your time machine and go back to an earlier date when everything worked perfectly. That may be possible with the System Restore feature in Windows. Here's how it works...
...[TIP] Is it Time to Update Your Drivers?
One common question from AskBob readers is “Do I need to update my drivers?” They mention popups appearing on their screen, with warnings like 'Your drivers are out of date.' Some are getting emails or even phone calls to that effect. Some users upgrading to Windows 11 have experienced driver issues. Here's the scoop on device drivers, what they are, what they do, when (and when not) to update them...
...Seven MORE Free Software Recommendations
Recently, I recommended seven of my favorite free software tools, and many of you chimed in with suggestions of your own. But as I mentioned, I wasn't done; here are seven more must-have software freebies...
...[RECOMMENDED] Seven Free Software Programs
Here's one common AskBob reader question: “I just got a new computer, and I want to remove all the non-essential programs that came preloaded, and then install the best freeware for everday computing. What do you recommend?” Here are some of my free software recommendations for your computer. Read on!
...Time For a PC Tuneup? Try These Free Tools
A perspicacious AskBob reader says: “I know I need to clean up my hard drive every once in a while. But are there any other regular PC maintenance tasks you recommend doing on a regular basis?” Well, yes! Here are more than ten free programs you can use to clean up and tune up your Windows computer...
...Stop Using Microsoft Office - Here's Why...
Since the Dark Ages, Microsoft Office has been the standard for home, school, and office productivity suites. But it's always been a rather expensive software package. Today's prices range from $249 for Office Home & Business, up to $439 for Microsoft Office Professional. The subscription-based Microsoft 365 Family product costs $100/year. Fortunately, there are plenty of good, compatible alternatives to Microsoft's word processor, spreadsheet tools and related office tools. Many are free, and even those that are not cost much less than Microsoft Office. Here are some of the best free and low-cost office suites to replace Microsoft Office.
...New PC? SIX Things You MUST Do Now
A new computer is something to get excited about. It’s tempting to open the box, plug it in, start it up, and just begin exploring. But a new computer requires some initial fine-tuning in order to optimize performance and avoid problems later on. Here are six things you should do to a new desktop or laptop PC as soon as it comes out of the box...
...How Fast Is Your CPU? Benchmark it!
How fast is your computer's central processing unit (CPU) compared to others? That's one question that CPU benchmarking can help you answer. Another good question is whether your particular CPU is performing up to manufacturer's specs; CPU benchmarking can answer that one too. Here's how to test your own CPU, with free software. Read on...
...Your Free Tech Support Toolkit
A well-prepared adventurer never goes anywhere without his trusty Swiss Army knife. Similarly, you need a portable arsenal of troubleshooting tools to solve common computer problems. Load these free tech support utilities on a USB flash drive and your friends and family will think you're a tech support superhero! Read on for your tech support toolkit...
...Is Software Piracy a Victimless Crime?
An AskBob reader asks: “I know some of my friends are using commercial software without paying for it. They say it's no big deal to get pirated versions of games from 'warez' sites, and that I'm a fool to pay for Windows, Microsoft Office, and video games when I can download them for free. Software piracy seems like one of those 'victimless crimes', so why is it illegal?” Read on for my analysis...
...Can You UN-erase a File or Folder?
A reader asks: “I accidentally deleted two folders that contained some very important files. I tried one of those free undelete programs, but it didn't find my files. Can you recommend a more powerful recovery tool? I'm willing to spend a few bucks if it really works.” Yes, I do have a recommendation. Read on to learn about this data recovery power tool...
...Here's Why You Must Keep Your Software Updated (and how to do it for free)
The most common computer problems can be fixed or avoided altogether, simply by keeping all of your software up to date. Updates include patches for security vulnerabilities as well as fixes for bugs, new features, and improvements of existing features. Check out these free programs that will help you keep all your software updated, with just a few clicks...
...Seven MORE Free Software Tools
Recently, I recommended seven of my favorite free software tools, and many of you chimed in with suggestions of your own. But as I mentioned, I wasn't done; here are seven more must-have software freebies...
...[SPEED] Is Your PC Fast Enough?
An AskBob reader with a need for speed asks: “I'm shopping for a new PC, and it's difficult to get an overall rating for how fast a computer is, under real world conditions. Some listings show raw CPU speed, but I'm looking for more than that. Can you recommend any free software to measure overall system performance?” Yes, that and more! Read on...
...[TIP] Time to Update Your Drivers?
A question that I get occasionally from AskBob readers is “Do I need to update my drivers?” They mention popups appearing on their screen, with warnings like 'Your drivers are out of date.' Some are getting emails or phone calls to that effect. Some upgrading to Window 11 have experienced driver issues. Here's the scoop on device drivers, what they are, what they do, when (and when not) to update them...
...[RECOMMENDED] Seven Free Software Downloads
An AskBob reader says: “I just got a new computer, and I want to do two things. First is to remove all the non-essential programs that came preloaded. Next, I want to load the best freeware for everday computing. I'd love to know what free software you recommend and use on your own computer.” I'm happy to oblige, read on!
...What's The Reason For Free Software?
An AskBob reader wonders: “I've used the free Libre Office suite and other freeware programs for a long time, and I think they're brilliant. But I'm still not sure why they even exist! Can you tell me why all of this good software is free, and what is the motivation for those who create it?” Read on for my answer to this interesting question...
...Need a PC Tuneup? Free PC Maintenance Tools
An astute AskBob reader asks: 'I know I need to clean up my hard drive every once in a while. But are there any other regular PC maintenance tasks you recommend doing on a regular basis?' Well, yes! Here are more than ten free programs you can use to clean up and tune up your Windows computer...
...Try VLC: A Better Media Player
Do you like to play music, videos, CDs or DVDs on your computer or mobile device? Are you frustrated with the limitations of iTunes or Windows Media Player? Tired of having to convert audio or video formats? Here comes VLC Media Player to the rescue! Read on…
...What’s New in PC Matic 4.0?
PC Matic 4.0 was just released, and is a major update that improves the usability, stability, and appearance of the program, read on for my review of the computer security tool that I use and recommend...
...Still Using Microsoft Office… Why?
For many decades, Microsoft Office has been the gold standard for productivity suites. But it can cost a lot of gold. Today's prices range from $249 for Office Home & Business, up to $439 for Office Professional 2019. The subscription-based Microsoft 365 Family product costs $100/year. Fortunately, there are plenty of good, compatible alternatives to Microsoft Office; many are free, and even those that are not cost much less than Microsoft Office. Here are some of the best alternative office suites…
...Moving Your Files To A New PC
Great, you got a new PC! Now that it’s out of the box and powered on, it’s time for you to move into it and make it your own. That means moving your personal files, customized settings, and the applications that you have come to depend on, from your old computer to the new one. Here are several ways to move files and programs to a new PC...
...Keep Your Software Up To Date (or else…)
Many computer problems can be fixed or avoided altogether, simply by keeping all of your software up to date. Updates include patches for security vulnerabilities as well as fixes for bugs, new features, and improvements of existing features. Check out these free programs that will help you keep all your software updated, with just a few clicks...
...Wow, You Can Do That With Excel?
Microsoft Excel, now in its 33rd year, is the veritable king of spreadsheet apps for home and business. But I’ll wager most people spend less than 33 minutes learning how to use it. As a result, you may be missing out on some nifty features that could help boost your productivity. Read on to pick up some spreadsheet tips...
...SEVEN Reasons Your Computer Might Crash
It’s a major nuisance when your computer locks up, freezes, crashes, or displays the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death" with some cryptic error message. This sort of problem can be devilishly difficult to diagnose, because many things can cause a computer to crash (and even burn!). Here are seven common causes of computer crashes and some tips on how to deal with them...
...[ALERT] Time to Update Your Drivers?
AskBob readers sometimes ask me if they need to update their drivers. Do popups keep appearing on your screen, with warnings like 'Your drivers are out of date'? Are you getting emails or phone calls to that effect? One reader said 'I am not even sure what a driver is, but if everything seems to be working fine, do I really need to update them?' Here's the scoop on device drivers, what they are, what they do, and when to update them...
...[SCAM ALERT] Microsoft Office Ripoffs
Pirated office software is nothing new, nor is its presence on eBay. But in this age of Software-as-a-Service, there are new ways to scam users and cheat software developers out of licensing fees. Here is a look at some recent eBay scams involving Microsoft Office, and some truly free, legit Office alternatives you should know about...
...Call The Geek Squad? (yes or no)
A reader asks: 'My computer is running really slow, and I think it might have a virus. There's also a ticking sound inside the computer. I'm not very technical, so I'm thinking about calling the Geek Squad. Do you think that's a good idea?' Here is my advice...
...Does Your Computer Need a Sandbox?
Any time you install software, you run the risk of damage to your computer system. Even if the software is not designed to make mischief, there's still a chance that it has flaws or is vulnerable to exploits that could wreak havoc. Here's how to insulate your computer from software that may pose potential security threats...
...Free Software: Why Does it Exist?
A reader asks: I've used Libre Office and other freeware programs for a long time, and I think they're brilliant. But I'm still not sure why they even exist! Can you tell me why all of this this good software is free, and what is the motivation for those who create free software? Read on for my answer to this interesting question...
...Software Piracy: Is it Really a Crime?
A reader asks: I know some of my friends are using commercial software without paying for it. They say it's no big deal to get pirated versions of games from 'warez' sites, and that I'm a fool to pay for Windows or Microsoft Office, when I can download them for free. Software piracy seems like one of those 'victimless crimes', so why is it illegal? Read on for my analysis...
...[SECURITY] Foistware Blocker in Windows 10
Did you know that Windows 10 has a little-known feature that will block installation of 'potentially unwanted apps' that try to install themselves during another program’s installation? This feature is the answer to one of my most fervent tech prayers! I also have a solution for people still using Windows 7 or 8. Here's what you need to know...
...Try These Free Tech Support Tools
A well-prepared explorer never goes anywhere without his trusty Swiss Army knife. Similarly, you need a portable arsenal of troubleshooting tools to solve common computer problems. You never know when your laptop, or a friend's computer, may start acting up. Load these free tech support utilities on a USB flash drive and they'll think you're a tech support superhero!
...New PC? Here are Five Things You MUST Do Now
A brand-new computer is something to get excited about. It’s tempting to plug it in, start it up, and just begin exploring. But a new computer requires some initial fine-tuning in order to optimize performance and avoid problems later on. Here are five things you should do to a new desktop or laptop PC as soon as it comes out of the box...
...Are You Sick and Tired of Windows?
For millions of people still running Windows 7, a decision will need to be made this coming January, when Microsoft's support for that operating system ends. Moving to Windows 10 will mean learning something new, and may require updates to both hardware and software. One may as well consider other operating systems if there's going to be a learning curve anyway. Your options include Linux, Mac OS X, Android, Chrome OS, and others. Here are several alternatives to running Windows on your desktop, laptop or mobile device...
...Replace Your Paid Software with Free Alternatives
My software strategy for several years has been to move away from commercial (paid) programs to free alternatives, preferably open source or web-based. I'll share my reasons for doing this, and some free software options that you can explore. Read on!
...How to Become Dangerous (and more productive)
Over the last thirty years, one piece of software has stood out – head and shoulders – over any other piece of software. In fact, for many people this ubiquitous software has been the first thing installed on any new computer and is often used every time the computer is turned on. Can you guess what it is...?
...Try These Ten+ Free PC Maintenance Tools
A reader asks: 'I know I need to clean up my hard drive every once in a while. Are there any other regular PC maintenance tasks you recommend doing on a regular basis?' Yes! Here are more than ten free programs you can use to clean up and tune up your Windows computer...
...[SPEED TIP] Are Autoruns Slowing Down Your PC?
When you start up your Windows computer, there are a bunch of programs that automatically run, before the familiar desktop appears. Most of them are essential; some are dispensable; and others may be malicious. Learn how to tweak your autoruns to improve performance and security...
...Free Graphic Design and Drawing Software
Buying a drawing or graphic design program makes sense if you draw or design graphics for a living. But for most of us, the need for such software comes seldom, and paying hundreds for a dust-collecting program is not very smart. Fortunately, there are plenty of good and free drawing, graphic design and photo editing programs available to help you create a logo, make a brochure, or touch up a photo. Here are some of the best...
...Check Out These Free PowerPoint Alternatives
If you need to prepare a presentation, you probably want to supplement it with visual aids. The standard for creating graphic presentations – usually slideshows – is the Microsoft Office PowerPoint application. Many business users are familiar with PowerPoint, and they either love it or hate it. But there are alternatives to PowerPoint. Here are some of the most popular ones for Windows and other platforms...
...Free Tools to Manage PDF Files
Adobe has taken a lot of flack for its eminently hackable Flash/Shockwave animation file format. But Adobe also gave us the PDF - Portable Document Format. This handy file format was developed in the early 1990s to enable team members to share documents, including inline formatting and images, even though the members did not have the same file-handling software. Read today's issue to find some free tools for creating, editing, managing, redacting, and otherwise slicing and dicing your PDF files...
...See These Free Microsoft Office Alternatives
For decades, Microsoft Office has been the gold standard for business productivity suites. But it can cost a lot of gold. Today's prices range from $249 for Office Home & Business, up to $439 for Office Professional 2019. The subscription-based Office 365 Home product costs $100/year. Fortunately, there are plenty of good alternatives to Microsoft Office; many are free, and even those that are not cost much less than Microsoft Office. Here are some of the best alternative office suites...
...Keep Your Software Updated (or else...)
Many computer problems can be avoided or fixed simply by keeping all of your software up to date. Updates include patches for security vulnerabilities as well as fixes for bugs, new features, and improvements of existing features. Check out these free programs that will help you keep all your software updated, with just a few clicks...
...PC Matic - An Overdue Review
Having vowed never to pay another licensing fee to iObit Corp., as I have done since 2011 for its Advanced System Care Pro optimizer/antimalware program, I went in search of a replacement. I didn’t have to look farther than the comments sections on my own articles. Here is my assessment and review of PC Matic…
...Can MIT's AI Make You Disappear?
The eggheads at MIT’s Media Lab are at it again. This time, they have mixed some artificial intelligence with some image editing tech and named the result “Deep Angel.” They claim it can make people, animals, and other objects disappear. Let’s see what the Deep Angel actually does and decide if it’s worth getting excited over it.
...Free Software Is Costing Me Too Much
Only a few days before writing this article I published another, asking the bold question “Is AVG AntiVirus Malware?” But that was not enough to relieve the full burden of annoyance that weighs upon my spirit. Now I will take to task the entire “freemium” software industry, including a trusted partner whose annual fee I have paid for many years but will not pay again. Read on to learn who I am boycotting and why...
...Has Artificial Intelligence Gone Too Far?
An artificial intelligence fooled a human being during a phone conversation in which the machine chatted convincingly with the receptionist of a hair salon while making an appointment for its owner. The apparently all-male crowd of Google workers who listened to this exchange thought it was great, to judge by their cries and claps of delight. But not everyone agrees that the rapid advance of AI is a good thing.
...Microsoft Takes on the Scammers
Starting March 1, 2018, programs that attempt to coerce users into paying for dubious protection or PC performance “optimization” will be removed automatically by Microsoft Windows Defender Antivirus and other Microsoft security products. I can think of several rogues that will be hopefully out of business soon. Here's what you need to know...
...[SCAM?] Time to Update Your Drivers?
Lately, readers have been asking me if they need to update their drivers. Do popups keep appearing on your screen, with warnings like 'Your drivers are out of date'? Are you getting phone calls to that effect? One reader said 'I am not even sure what a driver is, but if everything seems to be working fine, do I really need to update them?' Here's the scoop on device drivers, and when to update them...
...[ALERT] Is Your Microsoft Word Vulnerable to Hackers?
If you use Microsoft Word, you need to know it has security vulnerabilities previously undisclosed. There are patches available now and it is critical that you apply them. Here is what’s wrong and how to make it right. Read on...
...Should You Buy Gray Market Goods?
In between Walmart’s everyday low prices and the sketchy fellow in Walmart’s parking lot who’s selling brand-new, boxed iPads for $50 lies a vast gray area appropriately called the “gray market.” Here you’ll find prices lower than those of any mainstream merchant but not quite low enough to scream “stolen” or “counterfeit.” How do gray markets work, and are they legal?
...Time to Call The Geek Squad?
A reader asks: 'My computer is running really slow, and I think it might have a virus. I also hear a ticking sound inside the computer. I am not very technical, so thinking about calling the Geek Squad. Do you think that is a good idea?' Here's my take on Geek Squad and other computer repair services...
...Notepad Apps to Boost Your Productivity
The lack of a native notepad app is one of Android’s little surprises. Sure, I could write draft emails to myself, but there’s more to a good notepad app than stashing words away where no one ever remembers to look for them. Fortunately, there's an app (several, actually) for that. Read on for some of the best options, on Android, iPhone, and desktop devices...
...Beware the Driver Update Scam
Lately, quite a few readers have been asking me if they need to update their drivers. Do popups keep appearing on your screen, with warnings like 'Your drivers are out of date'? One reader said 'I am not even sure what a driver is, but if everything seems to be working fine, do I really need to update them?' Here's the scoop on device drivers, and when to update them...
...Do You Need a PUP Cleaner?
Today's article has nothing to do with smelly dogs or canine shampoo. In the context of software, a PUP is a Potentially Unwanted Program. Read on to learn how they can sneak into your system, what they can do, and how to find and remove these pests…
When White Hats Collide
Has your security software suddenly disappeared? There's a nasty battle brewing among some popular anti-virus software vendors, and it's escalated to the point where they are classifying each others' products as malware, and deleting them on sight! Here's what you need to know...
...Top 10 Security Vulnerabilities of 2016
What software currently running on your computer is the MOST vulnerable to attacks by cybercrime exploit kits? Software made by Adobe Systems and Microsoft provided the most zero-day vulnerability targets during the past year, according to Recorded Future, a real-time cyber-threat detection and mitigation firm. Read on to learn which of those programs you should avoid...
...[HOWTO] Move Your Files To A New PC
So, you bought that new PC - congratulations! Now that it’s out of the box and set up, it’s time for you to move into it and make it your own. That means transferring to the new machine your personal data files, customized settings, and the applications that you have come to depend on. Here are several ways to move files and programs to a new PC…
...[FREE] Alternatives to Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is the gold standard for business productivity suites. But it can cost a lot of gold; even today's low street prices range from $119 for the 2013 Professional version to $399 for the 2016 Pro version. Fortunately, there are plenty of good alternatives to Microsoft Office; many are free, and even those that are not cost much less than Office. Here are some of the best alternative office suites...
...Free Drawing and Graphic Design Programs
Buying a drawing or graphic design program makes sense if you draw or design graphics for a living. But for most of us, the need for such software comes seldom, and paying hundreds for a dust-collecting program is not very smart. Fortunately, there are plenty of good, free drawing/graphic design programs available to help you create a logo, brochure or website image. Here are some of the best...
...[HANDY] Free Tools for PDF files
Adobe takes a lot of flack for its eminently hackable Flash/Shockwave animation file format. But Adobe also gave us the PDF - Portable Document Format. This handy file format was developed in the early 1990s to enable team members to share documents, including inline formatting and images, even though the members did not have the same file-handling software. Read today's issue to find some free tools to creating, managing, slicing and dicing your PDF files...
...[QUICK] Uninstall QuickTime for Windows
Windows PC users who have the Apple QuickTime video player installed should uninstall it immediately to prevent its exploitation by hackers, says Apple, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, security experts at Trend Micro, and anyone else you may ask. Here's why, and how…
...Is Desktop Software Dying?
I have noticed a disheartening trend in software development lately. New mobile apps are popping up faster than dandelions in April, but innovations for desktop computer users are few and far between. Even improvements to existing apps seem to come first to mobile versions, while desktop software gets the same upgrade “at a later date” or sometimes never...
...Voice Typing In Google Docs
Look, Ma, no hands! Google has added “voice typing” to its free, cloud-based Google Docs word processor. In addition to the speech-to-text as an alternative to typing, you now have control over cursor navigation and formatting options like text selection, punctuation, and copy/paste. All you need to use it is a Chrome browser, a Google account, and a microphone. Here's the scoop...
...ISO Means Equal
Today in the USA, we honor Martin Luther King, a man who fought for equality. I've been waiting for the right time to publish an article about the ISO file format, and it struck me that ISO means equal. Yes, it's a bit of a lexical stretch, but I like to play with words. So let's learn all about ISO files...
...PUP ALERT: Potentially Unwanted Programs
The phrase “potentially unwanted program” (PUP) is popping up more frequently in discussions of security and anti-malware protection. To me, PUP means malware; it’s software that I didn’t deliberately install, and adds no value. Here's what you need to know about PUPs, how they sneak in, how to remove them, and how to avoid PUPs in the first place...
...Is This TrueCrypt's Fatal Flaw?
For many years, TrueCrypt was the gold standard in free encryption software. But in May 2014, the software’s developers abruptly quit, warning users of unspecified “security issues” in TrueCrypt. Security luminaries declared there was nothing wrong with the last version of TrueCrypt so it has remained in use. But now, there's a problem. A big one, in fact...
...Lenovo Caught Installing Immortal Crapware
Lenovo has again been caught playing fast and loose with customers’ privacy and security. First, it was Superfish. Now, it's vulnerable crapware that won't go away, even if you reformat or replace your hard drive. Read on for the full story...
...What Happened at Google I/O 2015?
Google I/O, the company’s annual software developers’ conference, is a geekfest that delves deeply into the search giant’s forthcoming products and explores some far-out tech that Google is betting will come to fruition. Here are the most interesting things that came out of this year’s I/O, held May 28-29 in San Francisco...
...7 Reasons to Use Google Calendar
Are you using Google Calendar to keep track of appointments, meetings and birthdays? I started using it a few years ago, on both my desktop computer and my smartphone. It's made a big difference in my ability to stay on track and remember important tasks. Read on for more tips on Google Calendar...
...Do You Need a Download Manager?
A reader asks: “I download files often, and sometimes wonder if I should be using one of those 'download manager' or 'download accelerator' programs that are promoted online. What exactly do they do, and should I use one?” Here's what you need to know...
...Is This The End For Crapware?
In the wake of Lenovo's Superfish disaster, the company has vowed to “become the leader in providing cleaner, safer PCs,” by significantly reducing the number of “preloaded applications” -- what everyone else calls crapware or bloatware. Are they serious, and will the trend catch on with other vendors?
...Keeping Software Updated Simply
Many computer problems can be avoided or cured simply by keeping all of your software up to date. Updates include patches for security vulnerabilities as well as fixes for bugs, new features, and improvements of existing features. Check out these free programs that will do the job for you...
...REVIEW: Advanced System Care Pro 8
Version 8.0 of Advanced SystemCare (ASC) by IObit Software, one of my favorite system maintenance programs, was released in mid-November. After running this major update for a couple of weeks, I am pleased to report that it is a significant improvement of an already great program. Here's my review of this free PC maintenance tool...
...Get Organized With Evernote or OneNote
Often in your online travels, you'll finds bit of information that you want to save for later use or sharing. Cutting and pasting into a word processor file works fine for snippets of text, but not so well when you want to annotate, categorize, search and share. Read on to learn how a “personal information organizer” can help...
...Seven Free PC Maintenance Tools
A reader asks: 'I know I need to clean up my hard drive every once in a while. Are there any other regular PC maintenance tasks you recommend doing on a regular basis?' Yes! Here are seven free programs you can use to clean up and tune up your Windows computer...
...TrueCrypt Is Dead -- Long Live TrueCrypt!
A shockwave rolled through the Internet’s cryptographic community on May 28. TrueCrypt, a highly respected, open-source, on-the-fly encryption program, was abruptly abandoned by its developers. It’s not unusual for programmers to give up on their free software. What shocked everyone is the going-away present that TrueCrypt’s parents gave to the world.
...Learn More and Become Dangerous
Over the last few decades, one piece of software has stood out – head and shoulders – over any other piece of software. In fact, for many people this software has been the first thing installed on any new computer and is often used every time the computer is turned on. Can you guess what it is...?
...Time to Boycott Java?
In January 2013, a reader asked me if Java was safe to use. My answer then was somewhat equivocal; yes, Java complicates PC security, but you may want to keep it – carefully – if you run into situations where you need it. Basically, I felt the risk/reward ratio of Java was a toss-up. But my assessment is changing now. Read on to find out if you should keep Java or dump it…
...Beware of Key Generators
Twenty years ago, a key generator was a machine in the hardware store that made duplicates of your house keys. Today, a key generator (or keygen) is a tool that software pirates use to illegally activate or unlock commercial software. Aside from the obvious ethical issues, there's another reason why you should steer clear of these things. Read on to learn about the hazards of keygens…
...Free Microsoft Office Online?
A reader asks: 'Can I really get Microsoft Office online for free? I bought a new computer that has no word processor or spreadsheet program, and I don't want to pay $250 for Office 2013 if that's true. Please tell me if this online version is the real thing.' Read on for the answer...
...HOWTO: Make a System Repair Disk, NOW!
When something goes horribly wrong with your hard drive, a system repair, recovery or rescue disk can get you back up and running. But there are several types, and vendors don't always provide these when you buy a new PC. If you don't have one handy for your Windows operating system, now is the time to make one. Read on to learn how...
...Downloading? Watch Out For These Danger Signs
A while ago, I wrote about the problem of foistware, software that sneaks in during a download, without your knowledge or explicit consent. I fingered CNET for their Six-Part Horror Story that downloaders must endure. Today we'll look at two other popular download sites, to see if they are guilty of the same shenangigans...
...Five Things You MUST Do On a New PC
A brand-new computer is something to get excited about. It’s tempting to plug it in and just start exploring. But a new computer requires some initial fine-tuning in order to optimize performance and avoid problems later on. Here are five things every user should do to a new desktop or laptop PC as soon as it comes out of the box...
...Seven Free Software Downloads
A reader asks: 'I just got a new laptop, and I want to do two things. First is to remove all the non-essential programs that came preloaded. Next, I want to load the best freeware for everday computing. I'd love to know what free software you recommend and use on your own computer.'
...Alternatives to Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is the gold standard for business productivity suites. But it can cost a lot of gold, even at today's low street prices. The Office Home and Business edition costs $219, and the Professional edition goes for $399. Fortunately, there are plenty of good alternatives to Microsoft Office; many are free, and even those that are not cost much less than Office. Here are some of the best alternative office suites...
...Free Desktop Publishing Tools
Desktop publishing software makes creation of printed materials easier and enables professional-grade design, layout, and printing. But leading commercial software DTP is expensive. Fortunately, there are free and budget-minded desktop publishing programs for non-profit and low-budget publishers. Here's a roundup of your best options...
...Online Computer Repair and Fix-it-Yourself Options
A reader asks: 'My computer is running slow and I think it might have a virus. What do you think of those online computer repair services? Are they reliable, or should I take it to a local computer repair shop?' Here's the scoop on remote computer repair services, and some free alternatives...
...GOING FREE: Replacing Your Paid Software
In a recent article on migrating away from Windows XP, I mentioned that my strategy was to move away from commercial software to free alternatives, either open source or web-based. I'll share my reasons for doing this, and some free software that you can explore. Read on!
...Finally: The End of Next, Next, Next...
When installing new software, you're often presented with a seemingly endless series of 'Next' or 'OK' buttons. Most of us mindlessly click through them, just to get it over with. But that can lead to some nasty surprises. Here's a tool that makes it super simple to safely install new software, and keep it all up to date...
...Office 2013: Fear, Loathing and Misinformation
An alarming story about Office 2013 is flying around the Web: Once you install a retail copy of Microsoft Office 2013, you can never install it on another PC without paying Microsoft for a whole new license. And the reason, the pundits say, is to herd the masses into a "software rental" mindset. Is it true? Read on...
...DOWNLOAD ALERT: Foistware Warning
A reader asks: 'My browser is filling up with unwanted toolbars, and I can no longer search with Google. I have anti-virus protection, but these things still creep in somehow, and I don't recall ever asking for them. Where do they come from, and how can I avoid this problem?'
...Seven Reasons For Computer Crashes
It’s a real pain when your computer just stops working, locks up, or crashes. This sort of problem can be devilishly difficult to diagnose, because many things can cause a computer to crash. Here are seven common causes of computer crashes and some tips on how to deal with them...
...Fix and Optimize Your PC with Free Glary Utilities
Many of my readers have recommended the free Glary Utilities suite of computer maintenance tools, so I decided a review was in order. Glary Utilities does all the maintenance chores that you'd expect to find in such a package, is free for personal use, and throws in some non-standard functions as well. Here's the scoop on what Glary does well, its limitations and some pointers to other 'one-click fix' tools...
...What's New in Microsoft Office 13?
Windows 8 is not the only radically different product coming from Microsoft. The company’s cash cow productivity suite is also getting a major revamp. Here are some of the new features you’ll find in Office 13...
...Five Free PowerPoint Alternatives
If you have to make a presentation, you probably want to supplement it with visual aids. The standard for creating graphic presentations – usually slideshows – is the Microsoft Office PowerPoint application. Many business users are familiar with PowerPoint, and they either love it or hate it. But there are alternatives to PowerPoint. Here are some of the most popular ones for Windows and other platforms...
...Is Chrome OS the Next Big Thing?
Did you know that Google has two operating systems? Android, of course, is Google's well-known mobile OS which powers most of the world's smartphones and quite a few of its tablets. The other Google operating system, Chrome OS, is not so popular. And depending on how you see the future, it will either take over the world, or disappear entirely within three years. Learn more about the Chrome operating system...
...Do Those 'Speed Up Your PC' Programs Really Work?
I see commercials everywhere for products that promise to speed up my computer. Are they legit? If so, can you recommend any specific product?
...Will Slimcleaner Optimize Your PC?
There has been a lot of buzz about Slimcleaner, a free system cleaning and optimization suite developed by Slimware Utilities. Slimcleaner has received editor's choice awards, five stars, and other high honors from a number of well-respected computer publications. But I really don't understand why. Here's my take on this free download...
...Microsoft Word vs Google Docs
Is Google Docs a good alternative to Word? My new computer has no word processing software, and I'm thinking about just using Google's online word processor instead of spending the money on Microsoft Word. Are there are significant features I'd have to live without, or other factors to consider?
...Why Does Free Software Exist?
I've used Open Office and other freeware programs for a long time, and I think they're brilliant. But I'm still not sure why they even exist! Can you tell me why all of this this good software is free, and what is the motivation for those who create free software?
...Seven MORE Free Software Downloads
Recently, I recommended seven of my favorite free software packages, and many of you chimed in with suggestions of your own. But as I mentioned, I wasn't done; here are seven more must-have software freebies...
...Free Anti-Virus Programs
I've been using the free Norton antivirus package that came with my computer, but the subscription will expire in a few days. Are the free anti-virus programs any good? What do you recommend?
...Free Alternatives to Adobe Photoshop
I need to do some graphics editing and make relatively simple updates to photos. My friend is an art professional and swears by Adobe Photoshop. But the price tag is outrageous! Can you recommend some low-cost or free alternatives?
...Do Download Accelerators Really Work?
I've heard about download accelerator programs that claim to increase download speed by 300 percent or more. Are these scams, or for real? And if they can do that, how does it work? I'd like to know your advice on whether to use one or not.
...Free PC Maintenance Tools
I know I need to defrag my hard drive every once in a while. Are there any other regular PC maintenance tasks you recommend doing on a regular basis?
...Free Word Processing Software
Microsoft Word is the standard word processor of the business world. But with a list price of $140, MS Word is rather pricey for students, nonprofits, and casual writers. Here are some very capable word processor programs that are priced right for consumers - in fact, they're free...
...Microsoft Office 365
I've been hearing some buzz in online forums about a new product from Microsoft called Office 365. It sounds like an online version of Microsoft Word and other Office programs. I'm interested in your opinion of this product, and what type of users it is intended for.
...Discounts on Software
I need to purchase software for graphic design and word processing. But it's so expensive! Where can I find discounts on popular software packages?
...Document Management Solutions
Many businesses generate and receive documents in lots of different formats: paper, email, PDF files, graphic image files, faxes, HTML, etc. Document management solutions have never been more important, or more complex. Here's an overview of the various types of document management systems available to home users, businesses and webmasters...
...Internet Meeting Software
Internet meeting software allows a group of people to interact almost as if they were in the same conference room, no matter where they are. Depending on its features, Internet meeting software may support text-only chat; audio/video conferencing; whiteboard-style presentations of graphics to all participants; and even the ability to edit or mark up other participants' presentations. What more could you want in a meeting?
...What is Virtualization?
Virtualization is a computer term you may hear often, if you're in the IT business. Small business and home computer users are exposed to virtualization rarely, if at all. But virtualization can come in handy for even casual computer users under certain circumstances, so here's a simplified explanation of the term...
...Computer Repair Software
Does your computer seem to be slowing down? Does it freeze unexpectedly, or give you cryptic error messages? Do you suspect malware is hogging some of your Internet bandwidth? Computer repair software offered on many Web sites promises to fix some of these problems. But do they really work?
...Change Screen Resolution
The fonts and icons on my new computer are so small that I have trouble seeing them. How do I adjust or magnify my screen for easier viewing?
...Shopping Cart Software
Some e-commerce ventures need shopping cart software, while others don't. If you sell only one product or service then you just need a buy now button. But if you plan to sell multiple items in your online store, you probably need a shopping cart. Here are some of the best options for free shopping cart software and commercial offerings as well...
...What Is Picasa?
Picasa is a free photo editing and management application offered by Google. It offers many photo editing, organization and online storage features that photo buffs will find useful. Here's my review of Picasa...
...Free DVD Burning Software
I want to create a backup of my photos and home videos, but I have several gigabytes of data, so I want to put it all on DVD discs. Can you recommend any free DVD burning software?
...Microsoft Office Web Apps
Office Web Apps is Microsoft's answer to Google Docs and other online office apps. Even if you don't have MS Office installed on your computer, you will be able to create, edit, save, and share Office documents with other people - all in your web browser...
...Piggyback Downloads
Suddenly my web browser is cluttered with toolbars that I never asked for. I delete them, but sometimes they come back. Why is this happening, and how do I get rid of all those unwanted toolbars?
...What Is Silverlight And Do I Need It?
Whenever I go to Microsoft's website, it nags me to install a thing called Silverlight. What is Silverlight, and do I really need it on my computer?
...Alternatives to Adobe Reader
I have to deal with a lot of PDFs, and Adobe Reader just takes too long to open. Are there any good, free alternatives for PDF viewing?
...Note Taking Tools
When I was a kid, research meant spending hours in the library, poring over dusty tomes, making notes on index cards, and then trying to organize it all. Today the wealth of information on the Internet can be tapped, annotated, and organized with easy-to-use web research and note taking tools. Here's how...
...Portable Apps
Did you know that you can load up a flash drive with your favorite programs and run them on any computer, without installing, directly from the portable drive? Here's the scoop on portable apps...
...Parental Control Software
I have pre-teen children who are just starting to get interested in the Web. What parental control software do you recommend?
...Free Registry Cleaners
I've heard conflicting stories on the effectiveness of registry cleaners. Do they really help? If so, which registry cleaner do you recommend?
...Cloud Computing
I'm hearing the term Cloud Computing more and more. One friend told me that it means computers will soon not need a hard drive. Is that correct?
...Accessing Blocked Websites
If you are a student, employee, or part of the military, you've probably experienced the frustration of not being able to access certain websites or even your webmail. Fortunately there are some things you can do to access these blocked sites. Here's how...
...My Favorite Software
In the course of doing my job, I use certain programs on a regular basis. On any given day, I might be doing word processing, web design, programming, image editing, trouble shooting, and of course email and web surfing. Here are some of my favorite software applications to get the job done...
...Free Online Word Processors
Microsoft Word is so expensive... are there free alternatives? I'd really like a full featured web-based word processor that allows me to access and store documents online, instead of my hard drive.
...What is GnuCash?
I've heard that GnuCash is a free accounting program, similar to Quicken. So it's free, but how does it compare with Quicken or Microsoft Money, for basic household or small business accounting?
...Office Format Converters
I recently upgraded to Microsoft Office 2007, and I have a problem. When I save a document or spreadsheet in an Office 2007 program, other people cannot open it. It seems the file is incompatible with other versions of Office. Do they need a converter to open my files?
...Instant Messaging
Instant Messaging (IM) services allow you to connect directly with other computer users and engage in text, audio or video conversations. Unlike email, blogs or chat rooms, instant messaging provides real time one-to-one conversations. Here's the scoop on the most popular IM software packages...
...Burn ISO Image
I just downloaded an ISO image file for a Linux install, but I can't figure out how to burn the ISO image to a CD. Can you help?
...Photo Editing Software
I take a lot of pictures with my digital camera, but the photo editing software that came with the camera is pretty lame. I looked into Adobe Photoshop but WOW it's expensive! Are there some good photo editors that are more affordable?
...Voice Recognition
Didja ever notice that Captain Kirk never had to fuss with a mouse or keyboard to communicate with the computer on the Star Trek? He simply spoke direct commands at the machine, and the computer complied. Happily, voice recognition technology has moved from the bridge of the Enterprise to your home computer. Here's how to get started with voice computing...
...Run Windows On Mac
Why choose between Windows and Mac? Now you can run BOTH operating systems side-by-side on your Mac desktop. Here's the scoop on how to run Windows on your Mac...
...Switching From Windows to Mac
Devoted fans of Macs and PCs have been in heated debate for years, even before those I'm a Mac, I'm a PC commercials ever appeared. Let's set aside the question of which camp is right and focus on the reasons why some people choose a Mac over a PC, and the major differences between the two operating systems, for the benefit of those who are considering a switch from Windows to a Mac...
...Convert WMA to MP3
I have lots of music in WMA (Windows Media Audio) format but I want to convert it to MP3 for my iPod. How can I convert WMA to MP3?
...Free Office Software
I just got a new computer but it doesn't have Microsoft Word. And the Microsoft Office package is WAY expensive... are there any good alternatives for cheap or free office software?
...Convert iTunes Videos to MPEG
I purchased videos on iTunes, but I can't play them on my video player, because they are in some 'protected' M4V format that only works on iPods. How can I convert iTunes videos to MPEG or WMV format so I can play them on MY portable video device?
...LimeWire - File Sharing
My kids are using something called LimeWire to download music and videos. They call it a a P2P file sharing program. Can you explain what that means, and how safe it is to use?
...Missing or Damaged DLL files
When my uncle's PC is powered up he gets message CAN'T LOAD MSMGR32.DLL -- I have to click on it three times until the message no longer displays. Is there a way to keep the message from displaying, or do I need to reload the whole system?
...Best and Worst Video Games
My ten-year-old son is excited about video games, both online and offline. Like any good citizen of the planet, I want him to have fun and learn to kill aliens, but I worry about some of the graphic violence and objectionable themes in today's video games. Can you recommend some GOOD games, and tell me which ones we might want to avoid?
...Free Internet Software
So, you've got a web browser and an email program... Is that all the Internet software you'll ever need? Maybe, but first take a look at some of the nifty tools that are reviewed in this article. I think you'll find something here to make your online experience even better!
...Remote Access to Your Computer
I carry a laptop when I travel, but I always seem to forget some important files at home on my desktop PC. Is there some way I can access the files on my home computer through the Internet?
...What is RSS?
I keep hearing about RSS, XML and RSS feeds. I have only a vague idea of what they are, but then people start talking about RSS aggregators, and I get really confused. What are they talking about and why would I want one? Should I use an aggregator, and if so, which one?