Recent Comments

Comment by FrancesMC on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 21, 2024 06:45 AM)
I use irfanview and find it very satisfactory. Been using it for years. Another one you didn't mention is XnView. I like it but it's very similar...
Comment by Colin on Here's How to Consolidate Email Accounts (October 20, 2024 09:52 PM)
The import from hotamil/outlook does not seem to to work. Is there are a new trick to this?...
Comment by Ahmad on The Most Common Computing Mistakes (how many have you made?) (October 19, 2024 07:32 PM)
@Tony I watched (or probably rewatched) the Rob Braxman antivirus video from October 2023. There are two major and obvious mistakes he is making ther...
Comment by Tony on The Most Common Computing Mistakes (how many have you made?) (October 18, 2024 08:15 PM)
Anybody heard of Rob Braxman? He's a computer 'expert' who says that anti malware does not protect you. I am a no nothing at computers but he seems to...
Comment by Bill Funkhouser on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 18, 2024 02:44 PM)
I still Picasa as my main editor as well as Irfanview and like having the programs on my pc. For my phone, I use the Pixlr app as my main editor. I ha...
Comment by Jerry Chandler on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 01:13 PM)
Thank you so much for the emails. I have learned so much from your post. I really loved the online photo editors. My favorite was "Pixlr" it was grea...
Comment by Dave on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 07:21 AM)
I use Irfanview, I find it sharpens and photos can be resized for newsletters, it has a print on picture feature which is very hard to use, does anyon...
Comment by Marge Teilhaber on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 03:17 AM)
I edit with Picasa and have the exe file which will hopefully work on my next PC which will have W11. I crop, lighten, and add text to pictures like ...
Comment by Bill K on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 12, 2024 12:08 AM)
@Fred is my 'Go-To' program on Windows for quick photo prints as well as more elaborate editing duties. I do not recall when was...
Comment by Pete on Try These Free Online Photo Editors (October 11, 2024 09:24 PM)
Thanks! You saved me some time! I was just going to look for an editor and now you have provided me with options! Thanks again for coming through!!...

Finance Articles


How Accurate are Zillow's Free Home Appraisals?

Whether you are buying or selling a home, it’s important to seek independent opinions of the property’s value. Historically, buyers and sellers have relied on real estate agents, “the neighborhood professionals” who have years of experience with local markets. But today, online real estate price estimators such as Zillow are considered by many to be more objective and honest than the appraisals of real estate agents. But who is right? Read on to learn why computerized home valuations are not always on the mark...


[SCAM AHEAD?] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

Should you buy insurance, protection plans, or extended warranties for electronic devices or appliances? I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Why else would they try so hard to sell these plans at the point of purchase? Here's what you need to know about mobile device insurance, extended warranties for your gadgets or appliances, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


How to Get Your Credit Score (without getting ripped off)

Do you know your credit score? It's just a three-digit number, but it's not a matter of luck or chance. It's actually one of the most important numbers in your financial life. That's because it summarizes your creditworthiness, and it's the first (and often the last) thing lenders look at when you apply for a loan. Learn how a credit SCORE is different from a credit REPORT, find out how to get your credit score for free, and get some tips for boosting your credit score, without getting lucky...


Auto Insurance Online: Tips to Save You Money

If you get the feeling your car insurance premiums are getting higher all the time, you're probably right. According to Consumer Reports, the average premium increase over the past two years was about 18%. Auto insurance rates for drivers in Florida spiked by 88%, while those in Colorado, Nevada, and New York were up about 50%. Read on for my tips on how you can reduce your car insurance costs...


LifeLock: Will it Save Your Digital Bacon?

If you're concerned about identity theft these days, you're not necessarily paranoid. Frequent and massive data breaches provide scammers with the personal information they need to pull it off. If someone assumes your identity they can open new credit cards, raid your bank accounts, ruin your employment prospects, or even commit crimes for which you are blamed. With so much at stake, many people are paying $20 or more a month for identity theft protection services. But are they wasting their money? Here's the scoop...


Have You Made These Identity Theft Mistakes?

Identity fraud affected over 27 million U.S. consumers in 2021, with losses over $28 billion. Spikes have been noted in 'new account fraud' and 'account takeover fraud' -- two of the most damaging types of ID theft. In addition, more than 1400 data breaches at major corporations had consumers vulnerable to phishing and other forms of fraud. I haven’t found stats for 2022 yet, but we can assume they’re equally dismal. Read on for my tips on avoiding fraud and identity theft, and see if you've made any mistakes that can make it easier for scammers to victimize you...


Unwanted Gift Cards? Here's what to do...

Remember that gift card you got from Aunt Martha for Christmas or your birthday last year? Yeah, the one for that seafood place that's 2 hours away? You know you'll never use it. But rather than throw it away, here’s how to convert it, and other unwanted gift cards to cash. You can even cash in a pre-paid Visa, MasterCard, or American Express debit card that's collecting lint in your wallet. Read on for details, and some bonus tips on how to buy gift cards at a discount!


Get Your Credit Score (without getting ripped off)

Your credit score is just a three-digit number, but it's not a matter of luck or chance. It's actually one of the most important numbers in your financial life. That's because it summarizes your creditworthiness, and it's the first (and often the last) thing lenders look at when you apply for a loan. Learn how a credit SCORE is different from a credit REPORT, find out how to get your credit score for free, and get some tips for boosting your credit score, without getting lucky...


Telltale Signs Your Identity Been Stolen

A missing wallet or purse sets off an instant alarm, but many victims of identity theft don't realize it until months after the fact, when the damage has been done to their finances and credit. Nobody wants to be a victim of identity theft, but if you're lucky (or you know the signs), you'll quickly realize when your identity has been stolen. Here's what to look for if you're concerned about possible identity theft...


[ALERT] ATM Skimmer Scammers

What is the biggest threat to financial networks? It's not ransomware, phishing, or denial-of-service attacks. It’s “ATM skimming,” the illegal capture of debit card data and PIN numbers by a “skimmer” device inserted into an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Here's how to spot a skimmer and how to protect against this type of scam...


[SCAM WARNING] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

I've never been a proponent of insurance, protection plans, or extended warranties for electronic devices or even appliances. In fact, I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Why else would they try so hard to sell these plans at the point of purchase? Here's what you need to know about mobile device insurance, extended warranties, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


Is Unclaimed Money Waiting For You?

It never hurts to check under your couch cushions or car seats, but you're not likely to find more than coffee money by doing so. However, some experts estimate that $32 billion worth of lost, forgotten, or unclaimed money is waiting for consumers to find it. It could be a dormant bank account, stock dividends, a forgotten inheritance, or proceeds from a class action lawsuit settlement. But it doesn’t wait forever. Start the new year by checking out more than a DOZEN places to look online to see if there's money waiting for you to claim...


Free Credit Reports Online (have you checked all FOUR?)

Just like politicians, cybercriminals never let a crisis go to waste. So it's no surprise that we're seeing scams related to the current pandemic. Add to that, massive and frequent data breaches, and many people are asking how to get free credit reports, so they can check for fraudulent entries. So is it true that you can get FOUR credit reports every year for free? YES! Read on to learn how it's done, how to avoid the potential pitfalls, and pick up some tips on avoiding scams and identity theft...


Selling Your Digital Soul for Cash

Privacy concerns have left many consumers fed up with Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and other centralized data collectors. Some tech startups are trying to build alternatives that leave consumers in control of their data. Digital marketers want your data, but are you willing to sell it (and your privacy) for cold hard cash? Let's take a look…


Will LifeLock Save Your Bacon?

If you're worried about identity theft these days, you're not paranoid. Frequent and massive data breaches provide scammers with the personal information they need to pull it off. If someone assumes your identity they can open new credit cards, raid your bank accounts, ruin your employment prospects, or even commit crimes for which you are blamed. With so much at stake, many people are paying $20 or more a month for identity theft protection services. But are they wasting their money? Here's the scoop…


Do You Have a Digital Will?

I’m sure you’ve heard the old cliche about death and taxes. Sooner or later, we'll all kick the bucket, cash in our chips, or shed the mortal coil. Sure, you have a will, but what happens to your digital assets – your data and online accounts? That's where digital estate planning comes into play. Think of it as having a backup plan to give those left behind, so they can access your data. Here’s what you need to know…


Try These 10 Tips To Prevent Identity Theft

Identity fraud affected over 14 million U.S. consumers in 2019, with losses totaling $16.9 billion. Spikes have been noted in 'new account fraud' and 'account takeover fraud' -- two of the most damaging types of ID theft. In addition, more than 1400 data breaches at major corporations had consumers vulnerable to phishing and other forms of fraud. I haven’t found stats for 2020 yet, but we can assume they’re equally dismal. Read on for my tips on avoiding fraud and identity theft…


[HOWTO] Cash In Unwanted Gift Cards

Remember that gift card you got from Aunt Betty for Christmas or your birthday last year? The one for that steakhouse that's 2 hours away? You know you'll never use it. But rather than throw it away, here’s how to convert it, and other unwanted gift cards to cash. Read on for details, and some bonus tips on how to buy gift cards at a discount!


Get Your Free Credit Score (here's how...)

Your credit score is just a three-digit number, but it is one of the most important numbers in your financial life. This one number summarizes your creditworthiness, and it's the first thing lenders look at when you apply for a loan, and often the last. Learn how a credit SCORE is different from a credit REPORT, and find out how to get your credit score, for free…


[ALERT] Freeze Your Credit Files Now

Massive data breaches that reveal personal information on millions of consumers make it much easier for crooks to engage in identity theft. As individuals, we have little or no control over over data breaches, and what criminals do with that information. But we do have one important tool to defend ourselves. Today you'll learn how credit freezes work, and how they are different than 'fraud alerts' or 'credit locks'. Oh, and should you freeze ALL FIVE of your credit report files now. All five? Yes, read on!


Beware the ATM Skimmer Scam

One of the biggest threats to financial networks is not malware, phishing, or denial-of-service attacks. It’s “ATM skimming,” the illegal capture of debit card data including PIN numbers by a “skimmer” device inserted into an ATM. Here's what you need to know...


FOUR Free Credit Reports Online (have you checked yours?)

Cybercriminals never let a crisis go to waste. So it's no surprise that we're seeing scams related to the current pandemic. Add to that, massive and frequent data breaches, and many people are asking how to get free credit reports, so they can check for fraudulent entries. So is it true that you can get FOUR credit reports every year for free? YES! Read on to learn how it's done, how to avoid the potential pitfalls, and pick up some tips on avoiding scams and identity theft...


What (NOT) To Do When Your Credit Card is Stolen

What should you do to protect yourself from fraud or identity theft when your walletful of credit cards is lost or stolen? There is a bulletin of advice that’s been floating around the Internet for at least 15 years. Purportedly written by an attorney, the copy I received recently is entitled, “ATTORNEY'S ADVICE - NO CHARGE.” Yes, it's free, but is it good advice? Here's the scoop on that, and my best advice for how to handle a lost or stolen credit card...


Is There Unclaimed Money Waiting For You?

Did you know... if you have a bank or investment account with no activity for as few as two years, it may be declared abandoned, and turned over to the government? That sounds outrageous, but fortunately there are ways to get that money back. Government experts estimate that $32 billion worth of lost, forgotten, or unclaimed money is waiting for consumers to find it. It could be a dormant bank account, stock dividends, a forgotten inheritance, or proceeds from a class action lawsuit settlement. But it doesn’t wait forever. Here are more than a DOZEN places to look online to see if there's money waiting for you to claim...


Are Zillow's Free Home Appraisals Accurate?

When you are buying or selling a home, it’s important to seek independent opinions of the property’s value. Historically, buyers and sellers have relied on real estate agents, “the neighborhood professionals” who have years of experience with local markets. But today, online real estate price estimators such as Zillow are considered by many to be more objective and honest than the appraisals of real estate agents. But who is right? Read on to learn why computerized home valuations are not always on the mark...


Are Identity Theft Protection Services Worth It?

You may be concerned about identity theft these days, and with good reason. If someone assumes your identity they can open new credit cards, raid your bank accounts, ruin your employment prospects, or even commit crimes for which you are blamed. With so much at stake, many people are paying $20 or more a month for identity theft protection services. But are they wasting their money? Here's the scoop...


Do You Know the Signs of Identity Theft?

Nobody wants to be a victim of identity theft, but if you're lucky, you'll know immediately when your identity has been stolen. A missing wallet or purse sets off an instant alarm. But many victims of identity theft don't learn of it until months after the fact, when enormous damage has been done to their finances and credit. Here's what to look for if you're concerned about possible identity theft...


10 Money Saving Tips For Holiday Shoppers

In 2019, an estimated 1.92 billion people will purchase something online. Online sales will total $3.5 trillion dollars worldwide, up more than 21% from the previous year. As online sales have soared, a number of tools have emerged to help consumers find the best deals. Shopping online for Christmas, Hanukkah (or any time of year) is easy and convenient, but when you use the right tools, you can also save a lot of cash. Here are some money-saving tips for the smart online shopper...


Here's How to Get Your Free Credit Score

Your credit score is just a number, but it is one of the most important numbers in your financial life. This one number summarizes your creditworthiness, and it's the first thing lenders look at when you apply for a loan, and often the last. Learn how a credit SCORE is different from a credit REPORT, and find out how to get your credit score, for free...


Try These TEN TIPS for Identity Theft Protection

A report from Javelin Research from shows that identity fraud affects over 14 million U.S. consumers per year. Spikes have been noted in 'new account fraud' and 'account takeover fraud' -- two of the most damaging types of ID theft. In addition, a series of massive data breaches at major corporations has left consumers vulnerable to phishing and other forms of fraud. Poor password practices are a factor as well. Read on for my tips on avoiding fraud and identity theft...


Here's How to Compare Prescription Drug Prices Online

Did you know...? Retail prices for the same prescription can vary significantly from one drugstore to another; there may even be big differences between stores of the same brand. It can pay big dividends to shop around, but shopping prescription prices is pretty difficult. Unless you know a few secrets... Read on!


Free Bank Accounts at Walmart?

I'm sure you know that Walmart is a discount department store, and an online retailer as well. But did you know they offer banking services too? Here's the scoop on the services offered by WalMart partner GoBank and other online banks…


Free Credit Reports Online (have you checked yours?)

In the wake of massive and frequent data breaches, many people are asking how to get free credit reports, so they can check for fraudulent entries. So is it true that you can get FOUR credit reports every year for free? YES! Read on to learn how it's done, how to avoid the potential pitfalls, and pick up some tips on avoiding scams and identity theft...


[SCAM ALERT] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

I've never been a fan of insurance, protection plans, or extended warranties for electronic devices or even appliances. In fact, I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Why else would they try so hard to sell these plans at the point of purchase? Here's what you need to know about mobile device insurance, extended warranties, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


Free Tax Filing Options for 2019

It's tax time, but the good news is: about 70% of U.S. taxpayers can get free tax preparation and e-filing this year. The bad news is: you have to pick your online tax service very carefully. Here's what you need to know...


Can You Sell Your Digital Soul for Cash?

Years of massive data breaches, shady dealings, and an epidemic of identity theft have left many consumers fed up with Facebook, Google, and other centralized data collectors. Some tech frontiersmen are trying to build alternatives that leave consumers in control of their data. But marketers still want our data, so they will come to us asking to buy it. Is that something we really want? Let's take a look...


Be Careful of “Innovative” Financial Services

Is there a cyberspace equivalent of Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor? “Fintech” is short for “financial technology,” a nebulous term for Internet-enabled new-fangled financial services. Fintech innovations are often couched in terms that imply they will benefit you; but that’s not the way it turns out, generally. Read on for the scoop…


Virtual Payment Cards - What You Need to Know

The year 2018 is on pace to be the second-worst ever in terms of data breaches, with over 3600 breaches that compromised more than 3 billion records. Corporate America is either unwilling or unable to protect consumers from the theft of credit/debit card data entrusted to e-commerce sites. So here are some tips to help you protect yourself...


More Amazon Prime Benefits?

Did you know that Amazon handles 50 percent of all online purchases? Amazon Prime is the foundation of the e-commerce giant’s success. A Prime membership locks in customer loyalty with the promise of fast and free shipping for many items. But the list of other Prime perks is long and just got longer. Here is what's new with Amazon Prime...


Robo-Saving For Retirement

Regularly setting aside money for retirement or a rainy day is a good habit to form at any stage of life, but it’s especially effective if the habit begins as early as possible. An Internet-driven savings technique is implemented in different ways by several companies. Here I am going to explain how what I call “robo-saving” works and examine several firms that offer it...


[GOTCHA] P2P Payment Systems

Recently, I paid a contractor via the Square Cash peer-to-peer online money transfer service. We’d done this many times before and payments had appeared in his bank account instantly after I sent them. But this time, something went wrong. Let's take a look at some of the built-in 'gotchas' in Square, Paypal, and other popular P2P payment services...


[SCAM] Beware the ATM Skimmer Scammers

One of the fastest-growing threats to financial networks is not malware, phishing, or denial-of-service attacks. It’s ATM “skimming,” the illegal capture of debit card data including PIN numbers by a “skimmer” device inserted into an ATM. Here's what you need to know...


Square Cash Goes Paypal In Reverse

It has been quite a while since the money-transfer service, Square Cash, did anything really exciting. It just worked, perfectly, for quick and easy person-to-person cash payments. But there are some new developments you should know about. Read on for the scoop on what's new with Square Cash, and how it stacks up with Paypal...


Avoid These Online Tax Scams

Economist Milton Friedman once wrote: “The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward.” Today, we can add “tax scams” to that list of things to avoid. Just as Americans gear up for the tax season, so do fraudsters all over the world. Here are the biggest tax cons to watch out for...


[P2P] Send and Receive Money Online

There are many occasions when people need to exchange small sums of money: a group dinner, after-work happy hour, a shared taxi ride or a “friends and family” phone account. Typically, cash is used to settle debts like these, but there is always that one guy who forgot his wallet and says, “I’ll have to owe you.” That's where person-to-person payment systems come in very handy. Here's what you need to know...


[MONEY] Are You a Smart Philanthropist?

Even in tough times, Americans make giving back a high priority. About 95% of American households give to charities, according to the National Philanthropic Trust, and nearly 20 percent of charitable giving happens in December. But smart donors favor charities that actually benefit needy people, not the execs and administrators. Here's how to tell them apart...


What's All the Buzz About CoinHive?

A new way to monetize “free” digital content has popped up -- secretly using visitors’ CPUs to mine cryptocurrency while they visit pages in the darker corners of the Web. But recently, this questionable moneymaking scheme has been found on mainstream sites such as Showtime and Politifact, property of the staid Washington Post. Here's what you need to know…


Get Your Free Credit Reports Online

In the wake of the massive Equifax data breach, many people are asking how to get free credit reports, so they can check for fraudulent entries. So is it true that you can get THREE credit reports every year for free? YES! Read on to learn how it's done, how to avoid the potential pitfalls, and pick up some tips on avoiding scams and identity theft...


Is it Time to Invest In Bitcoin?

Google searches for “bitcoin” outnumber searches for “Beyonce’” these days. That’s because word is spreading that Bitcoin, the unregulated crypto-currency, has appreciated in value by more than 600% in the past year alone. So is investing in Bitcoin a good way to secure your financial future? Read on for my analysis…


[SCAM] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

I've never been a fan of insurance, protection plans, or extended warranties for electronic devices or even appliances. In fact, I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Here's what you need to know about mobile device insurance, extended warranties, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


Avoiding Online Tax Scams

“The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward,” observed economist Milton Friedman many years ago. Today, we can add “tax scams” to that list. Just as Americans gear up for the tax season, so do fraudsters all over the world. Here are the biggest cons to watch out for in 2017...


Hey, Is This Your Money?

Did you know that if you have a bank account that has had no activity for as few as two years, it may be declared abandoned, and turned over to the government? Fortunately, there are ways to get that money back. Government experts estimate that $32 billion worth of lost, forgotten, or unclaimed money is waiting for consumers to find it. But it doesn’t wait forever. Here's where to look online to see if there's money waiting for you to claim...


12 Tips for Online Holiday Shoppers

Shopping online for Christmas, Hanukkah (or any time of year) is easy and convenient, but when you use the right tools, you can also save a lot of cash. Here are some money-saving tips for the smart online shopper...


Be A Smart Philanthropist

Even in hard times, Americans make giving back a high priority. About 95% of American households give to charities, according to surveys by the National Philanthropic Trust, a nonprofit that tracks charitable donations and activities. Smart donors favor charities that actually benefit needy people, and not the execs and administrators. Here's how to tell them apart...


How to Spot a Cryptocurrency Scam

Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, has gone from media sensation to quiet afterthought in just a few years. But in Bitcoin’s wake, an estimated 700 new crypto-currencies have sprung up, like mushrooms after a thunderstorm. A very few Bitcoin alternatives are legit. The others rest upon traditional mushroom food - manure. Read on to see how to tell the edible monetary mushrooms from the poisonous varieties.


Brother, Can You Spare a Digital Dollar?

There are many occasions when people need to exchange small sums of money: a group dinner, after-work happy hour, a shared taxi ride or shared “friends and family” phone account. Typically, cash is used to settle debts like these, but there is always that one guy who’s short of cash and says, “I’ll have to owe you.” That's where person-to-person payment systems come in very handy. Here's what you need to know...


[WARNING] Paper Checks Can Lead to Fraud

In March 2016, I wrote about electronic bill payment, and asked “Are You Still Paying Bills With Paper Checks?” The overwhelming majority of readers who left comments said that they do. Some recent news casts serious doubt on the safety of this practice. If you pay bills with paper checks, you MUST read today's article...


[ALERT] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

I have never been a fan of insurance or extended warranties (both referred to as simply “insurance” henceforth) for electronic devices or even appliances. In fact, I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Here are the latest “innovations” in device insurance, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


[SCAM] Have You Been Skimmed?

The fastest-growing threat to financial networks is not malware, phishing, or denial-of-service attacks. It’s ATM “skimming,” the illegal capture of debit card data including PIN numbers by a “skimmer” device inserted into an ATM. Here's what you need to know...


[FAIL] Don't Get Burned By Crowdfailures

Crowdfunding - the raising of capital through small contributions from many people - has grown from an Internet novelty into an SEC-sanctioned financial market. Many successful products have come to the market thanks entirely to crowdfunding. But for every success story there’s a horror story, it seems. Here are some high-profile “crowdfails" and some tips on how to avoid being a part of them…


Who Falls For Phone Scams?

Americans lost an estimated $7.4 billion to phone scams in 2015, according to an online Harris Poll survey. It’s projected that 27 million of us got taken by phone scammers last year, Based on the self-selected survey sample; that number is up 53% from 2014. You'll be surprised to learn who is most likely to fall for a phone scam. Read on!


[MONEY] Still Paying Bills With Paper Checks?

Do you still have a checkbook? If so, you’re in the majority, but only if you’re over age 55. Many young people have never written a paper check. Paper checks are dying, replaced by plastic cards and various forms of electronic money transfer. Will checks eventually be banned altogether? Read on for the scoop…


Cash In On Your Gift Cards

Your well-meaning niece was only thinking of your health and karma when she gave you that gift card from a vegan restaurant for Christmas. But now how do you get rid of the thing? Rather than throw it away, here’s how to convert it and other unwanted gift cards to cash. Read on for details, and some bonus tips on how to buy gift cards at a discount!


Android Pay Is Here

Google announced the roll-out of Android Pay, its mobile payment service for Android devices, about a month ago. But confusion still reigns among eager Android users. How, exactly, can one get Android Pay? What credit/debit cards can it support? And what happened to my Google Wallet app? Read on for answers...


Smoke and Mirrors at

Like millions of other consumers, I buy stuff on The free two-day Prime shipping is convenient, and the prices seem to be competitive. But some eye-opening reports, a class-action lawsuit, and a new competitor are causing me to question my assumptions about Amazon. If you shop online, you'll want to read on for the details...


The Biggest Identity Theft Scam...?

Lifelock, the publicly-traded “identity-theft protection” service, is in trouble with the Federal Trade Commission again. Read on to learn why, how it might affect you, and ten free steps YOU can take to protect your identity...


Poof! Abra Sends Money With Magic

A new “Uber-like” service called Abra is making tech news headlines. According to CNN Money, Abra makes bank accounts obsolete. Who needs a bank or ATMs, Paypal or Western Union, when you have a smartphone? (Hint: you do)...


Automated Shopping Refunds?

A free online service promises to scour the Web for price drops on items you've already purchased, and automate the process of getting refunds for you. It sounds like easy money, but is there a catch? (Hint: Yes.) Read on to learn about Paribus...


Best Daily Deal Websites

Everyone loves to get deal on a purchase, especially if they think others aren’t getting it. That’s the principle behind 'daily deal' websites, where membership has its privileges, and sometimes, hidden costs. Here's what you should know about the most popular deal of the day sites...


10 Things Not To Buy in 2015

Do you make New Year's resolutions? It's a good time to set goals, and since everyone wants to save money, I've got a list of ten things you don't need to buy in the coming year. Some you can get for free, some have much cheaper alternatives, and some are just completely unnecessary. Check out my list and see how much you can save in 2015...


Beware of Personalized Prices

Did you know that prices you pay for online purchases can be affected by your zipcode, your computer's operating system, using a smartphone for shopping, and other mysterious factors? Read on to find out why, and what you can do about it...


Black Friday Ad Leaks

Have you made your holiday shopping list and checked it twice? Are you chomping at the bit to hit the stores (online and off) come Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year? Wondering where to go first; who’s open earliest, including Thanksgiving Day? Well, here’s some help planning your expenditure adventure…


What is Apple Pay?

Apple Pay has arrived, and it's the purportedly perfect way to get rid of your money in a jiffy without even thinking twice about it. Just what you’ve always wanted, right? Well, it’s what merchants, banks, and credit card companies want, so Apple wants to make you want it, too. Let’s see what Apple Pay is and what you can (and can't) do with it...


The Final Credit Card or the Last Word In Trolls?

Credit card security is a “trending topic” these days. Large thefts of customers’ card data are making headlines with increasing frequency. Cardholders are anxious, and tired of reacting to each security breach. Is the coming Final Card the answer?


HOWTO: Get Your Free Credit Report Online

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, so here are some tips on avoiding scams and identity theft. Readers often ask me about getting free credit reports online, concerned that they'll be scammed or tricked into paying a fee. So is it true that you can get a free credit REPORT once a year? YES! Read on to learn how it's done, how to avoid the potential pitfalls, and how it's different than your credit SCORE...


Should You Borro?

Do you have a Rembrandt just sitting on your wall, taking up valuable dart board space? Any diamond rings or Rolex watches collecting dust in a drawer? If you wish you had the equivalent worth in cash instead, then I've got a deal for you! Read on…


Why You MUST Check Your Credit Report

You may feel your good credit is safe from thieves because you take good care of your critical personal data. But ironically, it seems you are far more likely to have your credit ruined by the companies who give you credit, than by identity thieves. Here's the how and why of credit monitoring...


Free Tax Prep Software

U. S. citizens are rapidly approaching their annual time to “render unto Caesar” – tax season. It’s too soon to panic, but not too early to think about tax preparation software. The good news is that most people can use free tax software that makes all that form filling easier. Here are some you can try…


Has the Paypal Killer Finally Arrived?

Since Paypal’s debut in 1998, it has become a dominant player in online payments, second only to credit cards. However, many people take exception to Paypal’s tagline, 'the world’s most loved way to pay and get paid.' Actually, some of us spew coffee all over everything when we read that. That's why I'm glad that some serious competition is arising. Here's what you need to know about Square Cash...


SCAM ALERT: Mobile Device Insurance and Extended Warranties

Conventional 'wisdom' gives many people the false impression that insurance is always necessary and prudent. Corporations prey upon this vulnerability to sell insurance against all manner of catastrophes that have as much likelihood as a geek getting a date with Selena Gomez. It's especially irksome in the realm of smartphones, tablets, laptops and TVs. Here's why you should say NO to paying extra for gadget insurance...


Avoid Cable and Phone Company Money Grabs

Approximately 44 percent of U.S. broadband subscribers get their phone, TV or high-speed Internet from one of the top ten companies. Many, probably most of them, pay far more than they should for those services. Here’s why, and how to avoid money grabs from your phone company or cable operator...


Win More With eBay Sniping Services

If you buy on eBay, you have probably suffered the agony of seeing defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. Do you want to find out how they keep outbidding you at the last second, every time? Want to start winning some eBay auctions? Read on to learn all about eBay sniping...


Penny Auctions: Scam or Legit?

You've probably seen those ads, offering popular electronic gadgets for insanely low prices. These so-called 'penny auction' websites offer products for pennies on the dollar. Are they a big scam, or a legitimate way to save money? Let's take a look at how penny auctions work...


Send Money With Gmail

Google has announced a new feature that will make it possible to send money from using Gmail. If you already know how to send a photo or document in an email attachment, you'll have no problem sending money with Gmail. So how does it work, and how does it compare to similar features offered by Paypal? Read on to learn more...


Internet Sales Tax Is Coming

Tax-free Internet shopping is in jeopardy. The U.S. Senate voted 74-20 on April 22 to take up a bill that would permit State and local governments to collect sales and use taxes from online sellers located outside of their borders. If this becomes law, how will it affect you? Here's my analysis...


Should You Invest in Bitcoins?

The banking crisis in Cyprus has some people pulling their cash out of banks and investing them in Bitcoins. Media coverage of this phenomenon leads a number of people to ask, 'What is a Bitcoin, and should I invest in some, too?' Here is my primer on the first subject, a link to in-depth info, and some opinion on the second. Read on to learn more about Bitcoins...


Twelve Online Tools for Savvy Consumers

The Internet is a fantastic resource for consumers, because an abundance of information helps to level the playing field for buyers and foster competition among the sellers. Here are a dozen online tools to help you save money on financial services and consumer products...


What is Crowdfunding?

A reader asks: 'I see people raising money on crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Is this a legitimate way to raise money, and if so, how can I get in on it?' Get the scoop on crowd funding, and see if it can work to help make your Next Big Thing a reality...


Do Your Taxes Online, For Free!

Doing your taxes online can save you money and time. There are many online tax preparation services that can accommodate most taxpayers' circumstances. Some are even free. However, there are a few gotchas to watch out for when choosing and using an online tax service. Here's what you need to know...


Tap to Pay with Google Wallet?

I was just in Macy's and saw a sign at the checkout, inviting me to pay with Google Wallet, by tapping my smartphone on the credit card reader. It also said something about NFC, which I don't understand. Can you tell me more about this, and how it works?


Five Free Alternatives to Quicken

For years, I've been using Quicken to manage my personal finances, balance the checkbook, and track expenses against my budget goals. I'd also like to manage my investments, but that requires Quicken Premier, which goes for $89. Are there any free Quicken software alternatives that can do it all?


Beware the Free Credit Report Scam

I heard about a government website where I can get a free credit report, but after I log in, it seems they want me to buy a 'credit monitoring' package before I get my 'free' report. Is this a scam, or did I miss something in the process?


Selling Your House

Most home sellers rely on professional real estate agents to handle the legal and marketing details of selling a home. But the realtor's commission takes a big bite out of the proceeds of a home sale. With home prices already depressed, a growing number of sellers are attempting to sell it themselves. Here are some online tools to help you sell your home...


Coupons Online

Discount and special offer coupons are a favorite way to save money at the grocery store. But gathering coupons, clipping them, and keeping them organized are a tedious hassle. Fortunately, we are well into the age of electronic coupons. Here are some tips on finding online coupons and discount offers...


Unsecured Loans Online

John Good owns Bubbles Galore, a successful car wash business in Davison, Michigan. He had good credit and a great idea to add a dog washing service to his business. When the bank said no to a modest $16,000 loan request, Good went looking online for alternative unsecured loan options...


Online Savings Account

I've heard that online banks offer much better interest rates, but all the accounts I've found so far have pitifully low rates. Why are interest rates so low, and are there any online savings accounts that offer higher yields?


Loan Calculators Online

There are hundreds of ways to look at a loan, and an equally bewildering number of loan calculators online. Do you need a home refinance calculator; a home loan payment calculator; a home equity calculator; a home improvement loan calculator; a reverse mortgage calculator; a loan amortization calculator; an interest-only calculator; or a loan comparison calculator? It's out there, if you can find it among all the other loan calculators. Here's where to look...


Online Commodities Trading

There may be no more effortless way to make money than online commodities trading. Buy low, sell high with just a few keystrokes and mouse-clicks. Commodity trading online is as fast and furious as any real-time multiplayer shoot-em-up game; the adrenalin rush itself is fun. But trading commodities online is also fraught with perils for novices who do not understand the game...


Credit Monitoring

Your credit is one of your most important assets in this day and age. It's also vulnerable to identity theft; credit reporting errors; and simple misunderstandings that can damage your credit and adversely impact more than just your ability to borrow money. It's important to monitor your credit and correct any problems you can as quickly as possible. Here's how...


What is Forex?

Forex is short for foreign exchange. It's sometimes abbreviated FX but don't confused that with the gamer's terms for effects. Forex is no game; it's about very real, very large sums of money. But there are a lot of games involving forex being played on the Internet. Be careful; the rules are not always what they seem to be...


What is GnuCash?

I've heard that GnuCash is a free accounting program, similar to Quicken. So it's free, but how does it compare with Quicken or Microsoft Money, for basic household or small business accounting?


Currency Converter

How many Drachmas in a Dinar? How many Rupees can you get for a hundred Rubles? In what countries are the official currencies called the Zloty and the Punt? A visit to the Universal Currency Converter will answer all these questions - read on!


Stock Investing

If you're a stock market investor, there lots of great resources on the Net that will help you keep tabs on your stock portfolio, keep up with the latest market news, do company research, and even do your trading online. This article will point you in the right direction if you're looking for a little help finding the best stock market and financial websites.


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