Recent Comments

Comment by Wayne on Geekly Update - 26 February 2025 (March 21, 2025 06:20 PM)
I have limited experience with Win 11 right now but I noticed that copy and paste is now not so smooth as it once was. You have to right click on the ...
Comment by stella jamie on Beware the Fedex Shipment Notification Scam (March 17, 2025 02:18 PM)
I actually made lots of profits at prime scratchcard here a few months ago but I was unable to make a single withdrawal. I met lilo grace 75 @ gmail *...
Comment by Henry on Here's How Creepy Marketers Capture Your Email Address (March 10, 2025 05:49 PM)
This is informative, but very ironic. It seems like SafeOpt would only need your email address and that you visited a website without buying something...
Comment by FrancesMC on [HOWTO] Boost Your Laptop Security Now (March 8, 2025 08:10 AM)
Michael, if you use Firefox, try Reader View. (On the URL line, it's the second character to the left of the star.) ...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by cho on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 11:51 AM)
@WildBill .. JPs comment was about Bob's statment ".. laser printer models that used to work with aftermarket ink, ..".. ...
Comment by Wild Bill 99 on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 04:06 AM)
@jp I can't speak to the truth of the story but from what I've read most of the complaints are from users having issues, especially with color printi...
Comment by Robert T Deloyd on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 03:24 AM)
That's all I want to do is go around sniffing mummies... not! ...
Comment by JP on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 5, 2025 10:56 PM)
Last time I checked, my laser printer didn't use ink. ;)...

Gadgets Articles


Will a Smartwatch Save Your Life?

The common wristwatch has had a technological metamorphosis in recent years, changing from a basic timepiece to an advanced, multipurpose gadget that can display notifications, make phone calls, receive messages, and play music. But in addition to those functions, the latest smartwatches can track your fitness, and even your health. With their abundance of sensors, apps, and connectivity, smartwatches are quickly taking over as a necessary component of contemporary life. Even though tracking steps and alerting users to incoming messages may have been their main functions, they now contain life-saving features that you may not have known about. But can a smartwatch actually save your life? Read on to learn some of the amazing things a smartwatch can do...


[SCAM AHEAD?] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

Should you buy insurance, protection plans, or extended warranties for electronic devices or appliances? I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Why else would they try so hard to sell these plans at the point of purchase? Here's what you need to know about mobile device insurance, extended warranties for your gadgets or appliances, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


How to Sell Your iPhone, Android Smartphone, or Other Gadget

Have you noticed that mobile phones and other electronic gadgets become obsolete almost as fast as the news these days. If you like to stay on the bleeding edge, you'll upgrade your tech gadgets at every opportunity. But what's the best way to get cash for your used phone or other electronics, without getting scammed? And is it a good idea to buy a used phone? Here are several ways you can sell (or buy) a used cell phone, tablet, laptop, digital camera, video game, or other gear...


How to Sell Your iPhone, Android Smartphone, or Other Gadget

Have you noticed that mobile phones and other electronic gadgets become obsolete almost as fast as the news these days. If you like to stay on the bleeding edge, you'll upgrade your tech gadgets at every opportunity. But what's the best way to get cash for your used phone or other electronics, without getting scammed? And is it a good idea to buy a used phone? Here are several ways you can sell (or buy) a used cell phone, tablet, laptop, digital camera, video game, or other gear...


Geekly Update - 29 March 2023 (Are we doomed?)

Would you spend almost two hundred million dollars to add ten years to your life? Are you sharing too much with your mobile phone provider? When is a cropped photo NOT a cropped photo? And has artificial intelligence gone too far already? Get answers in today's Geekly Update... it's jam-packed with the latest tech news. This issue is guaranteed to make you 146% smarter -- you'll see why. Read, think, and, comment!


How to Sell Your Phone, Tablet, Laptop, Camera, or Other Gadget

Sadly, mobile phones and other electronic gadgets become obsolete almost as fast as the news these days. If you like to stay on the bleeding edge, you'll upgrade your tech gadgets at every opportunity. But what's the best way to get cash for your used phone or other electronics, without getting scammed? And is it a good idea to buy a used phone? Here are several ways you can sell (or buy) a used cell phone, tablet, laptop, digital camera, video game, or other gear...


[SCAM WARNING] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

I've never been a proponent of insurance, protection plans, or extended warranties for electronic devices or even appliances. In fact, I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Why else would they try so hard to sell these plans at the point of purchase? Here's what you need to know about mobile device insurance, extended warranties, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


Here's How to Sell Your Phone (or almost any other gadget)

Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets become obsolete almost as fast as the news these days. If you like to stay on the bleeding edge, you'll upgrade your tech gadgets at every opportunity. But what's the best way to get cash for your used phone or other electronics, without getting scammed? And is it a good idea to buy a used phone? Here are several ways you can sell (or buy) a used mobile phone, tablet, laptop, video game, or other gear..


The Worst Place to Buy a Smartphone?

A 72 year-old man went to a Verizon store with a friend to buy a new phone. Shortly after they entered, the place was invaded by three armed men who shot out the glass front door. 'I felt helpless,' the man said, despite having the presence of mind to shield his friend and dial 911. The suspects were quickly captured. And then the real robbery began...


HOWTO: Sell Your Phone (or Other Gadget)

Mobile phones become obsolete almost as fast as the news these days. If you like to stay on the bleeding edge, you'll upgrade your tech gadgets at every opportunity. But what's the best way to get cash for your used phone or other electronics, without getting scammed? Here are several ways you can sell an unwanted mobile phone, tablet, computer or other gear...


What To Do if Your Phone is Lost or Stolen

A concerned reader asks: 'Yesterday I lost my smartphone in a taxi cab, and have not been able to recover it. Before I get a new one, are there any tricks I can try to locate a lost or stolen phone? And for the future, what options do I have BEFORE a phone is lost, that will help me get it back?' Read on for my tips...


Does Your TV Need Antivirus?

One maker of popular laptops and smartphones, recently advised customers to run a virus scan. That's good advice for anyone who owns a computer or mobile device, but this warning was directed at “smart TV” owners. Wait, your TV can get a virus? Do smart TV sets really need anti-malware protection? Here's what you need to know...


10 Easy Ways to Destroy Your Mobile Phone

Too often, smartphones make you feel dumb. All but the most imperturbable Zen Masters among us have felt the perfectly understandable urge to wreak utter destruction upon that pocket-sized device that makes us feel so clumsy and stupid. But in most cases, a phone’s demise is deemed “accidental.” Here are ten easy ways to destroy a smartphone, and how to avoid those inconvenient mishaps…


Oops! I Dropped My Phone AGAIN

For a variety of reasons, millions of phones are “drowned” each year. When your phone stops working after falling into the sink, toilet, bathtub, swimming pool, muddy puddle, lake or the ocean, can it be saved? In many cases the answer is “yes,” if you do the right things and don’t do the wrong things. Hold the rice... here's what you need to know if your device is dunked, and the tale of my unsuccessful attempt to teach my phone to swim...


[SCAM ALERT] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

I've never been a fan of insurance, protection plans, or extended warranties for electronic devices or even appliances. In fact, I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Why else would they try so hard to sell these plans at the point of purchase? Here's what you need to know about mobile device insurance, extended warranties, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


Robots Knockin' On the Door?

Hordes of delivery robots may soon join bicyclists, electric scooters, skateboards, and other things that don’t belong on sidewalks (at least, in the opinions of pedestrians). A whopping 80% of last-mile deliveries will be performed by autonomous robot delivery vehicles in 2025, predicts management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. What will these delivery bots look like, and how will they get along with humans and other vehicles? Let's peer into the future...


Can a Smart Watch Save Your Life?

An AskBob reader recently wrote to me asking about smartwatches. “There are so many on the market now, it is most confusing. What do I need to look for?” The latest smart watches can alert wearers to potential health problems, and call 911 if you slip and fall. Here is my advice on which of these gadgets may fit best into your digital life, and of course, on your wrist. Read on...


Foldable Phones Are Here - But Why?

The smartphone market has shown signs of saturation for well over a year. It seems that almost everyone who wants a smartphone has one, and buyers are holding onto their phones longer instead of upgrading. The industry needs a ground-breaking innovation, a new paradigm that will get consumers excited enough to open their wallets again. Some think that breakthrough will be foldable phones. Read on for the scoop...


Here's Your Geekly Black Friday Preview

It’s that frenetic time of year again, when retailers and e-tailers slash prices on everything in an effort to win your holiday shopping dollars! Black Friday officially begins on Thursday (even before the turkey is ready) and continues through Cyber Monday. But lots of sellers have started discounting early. Here are some my favorite digital deals for geeks and normal people...


Will Amazon Control Your Microwave and Your Car?

Amazon announced more than a dozen new hardware products on September 20, 2018. Along with a slew of software updates, the e-commerce giant pushed is digital assistant, “’Alexa,” much deeper into every corner of consumers’ homes and even their cars.


Best Streaming Devices for 2018

Elmer Fudd predicted that smellevision would replace television by the year 2000. That didn't happen, but streaming online content is fast outpacing the viewership of traditional broadcast TV. It’s been a while since my last roundup of streaming devices. So let’s take a look at the state of streaming in 2018...


Is Smartphone Addiction Real?

Once brushed aside as “Luddite hysteria,” the addictive power of technology (and smartphones in particular) is now taken quite seriously by scientists, policymakers, and even Apple shareholders. Research has shown decisively that too much “screen time” is harmful, especially to children. Here's an analysis of the problem, and some tips on breaking free...


Et tu, Intel? Vaunt Smartglasses Better Than Google Glass?

At 4:30am, I don’t normally jerk straight up at my desk and blurt, “Whoa!” at news of yet another tech gizmo that’s “coming later this year.” But that’s what I did when I watched the video demo of Intel’s prototype Vaunt smartglasses. I truly believe you will too! Here's the scoop on this new gadget that has me all googly-eyed…


[GADGETS] Best of CES 2018

The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is where tech giants and startups converge to hype what they’re planning to release within the next year (or so). While few of these products or services are actually available right now, they do serve to illustrate where the tech world is going, and in some cases, where it has gone astray. Let's take a look at the highlights of CES 2018...


Is This the Answer to Screen Addiction?

Parents concerned about child predators, sexting, and the dangers of “screen addiction” may be well served by a forthcoming product from Republic Wireless. Let's take a look at Relay, how it works, and who else might find it useful...


Google’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy (and new products)

Google launched a slew of new hardware products at its “Made By Google” conference last week. But the secret sauce in most of them is the software. Artificial intelligence (AI) is what powers these new devices. Actually, it’s no secret. Here's what you need to know about the new Google phones, laptops, and Google Home virtual assistants…


New Roku Models for Cord Cutters

Roku, fresh off its NASDAQ debut, is re-invigorating its product line with faster hardware, nifty software upgrades, and lower prices. Let’s see if one of these new streaming media players can turn you into a cord cutter...


Yes, There *IS* an Echo in Here

Amazon is bombarding the upcoming holiday shopping season with a slew of new and improved Echo products for the home. All of them work through Alexa, the voice-activated personal digital assistant. It may seem like overkill to release this many products at once, but it’s part of Amazon’s aggressive strategy to dominate the home automation market and the Internet of Things. Here's what you need to know...


Nest Cam Offers Simplified Video Monitoring

Surveillance cameras and video monitoring systems can be expensive, and difficult to install. Now you can solve both of those problems with an innovative wireless camera that can do some pretty cool things. Here's the scoop on this clever, affordable gadget...


Is This the Essential Gadget?

The inventor of the Android operating system isn't happy with the current crop of mobile devices that run the software he created. So he's doing something about it. If you like the idea of a phone that evolves, instead of becoming obsolete almost as soon as you turn it on, then continue reading...


Replace Your Landline With MagicJack?

A reader asks: “I've seen those commercials for Magic Jack, a gadget you can plug into your computer for really cheap phone service. It sounds too good to be true... is MagicJack a scam, or does it actually work? Can it really replace my landline?” Read on for answers...


Can You Live Without This New Gadget?

Amazon introduced its first Alexa-enabled digital speaker in June 2015. In 2016, the Amazon Echo was joined by Amazon Tap and Echo Dot. Now, another Alexa product has debuted in May 2017. Will this new personal digital assistant become a central part of your life, your family and your home? Read on for the scoop...


Are Your Devices Listening and Recording Everything?

As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, many people are becoming concerned about which of these “smart” devices are listening to them, what they are recording, what is transmitted to their creators, and how to stop the eavesdropping. So-called “digital assistants” such as Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa are under heightened suspicion because they are voice-activated. Are these tools always listening, recording, and sharing our private conversations with unknown parties? Read on for answers...


[ALERT] USB Malware and The Kill Stick

Back in August 2014, I wrote about a “Serious Security Flaw In USB Drives.” Short story: it’s possbile to overwrite the firmware of a USB flash drive (or other USB device) so that it injects malware into the host machine when plugged into a USB port. Since anti-malware software can’t check firmware, this type of exploit cannot be detected. And lately, the story has gotten worse. Read on for the scoop on why you should be EXTRA-careful with USB sticks...


[SCAM] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

I've never been a fan of insurance, protection plans, or extended warranties for electronic devices or even appliances. In fact, I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Here's what you need to know about mobile device insurance, extended warranties, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


Oh No! I Dropped My Phone in The...

For a variety of reasons, tens of millions of phones are “drowned” each year. When your phone stops working after falling into the sink, toilet, bathtub, swimming pool, muddy puddle, lake or the ocean, can it be saved? In many cases the answer is “yes,” if you do the right things and don’t do the wrong things. Hold the rice... here's what you need to know if your device is dunked...


Tech That Spies On You

Your phone, your television, your child's toys, and other gadgets in your home may be listening to your every word -- ready to serve, inform or entertain you. But what happens to those words once they've been digested by those devices? Let's take a look at voice-activated technology, and their privacy implications. Read on…


Securing Your Internet of Things

Right behind every cyber-scare comes a gaggle of “new” solutions. Sure enough, we’re seeing new security appliances purportedly designed to protect the IoT devices on your home network. But are they new, and do they protect? Do you even need another separate device? Read on to get the straight story…


Google Home vs Amazon Echo

Google Home, the search giant’s voice-activated “smart speaker,” began shipping November 4, 2016. It competes head to head with Amazon Echo, which debuted almost exactly two years earlier. Other “digital assistants” are awaiting their incarnations as speakers or other objects; Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and an unnamed AI service that Samsung plans to bake into its Galaxy 8 smartphone. But for now, let’s see how Google Home and Amazon Echo compare…


Can This Gadget Suck Money Out of Your Wallet?

In June 2016, it was revealed that the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety has purchased and tested handheld electronic devices that allow law enforcement agents to collect data from any magnetic-stripe card. The alarming news is that police can now tell how much money is “stored” on a prepaid debit card, freeze it so that no one can access it, or even transfer the stored funds to the police department’s own bank account. But that’s only part of the story…


Is Google Your Overly Attached Girlfriend?

The Google Hardware Event 2016 revealed the search giant’s vision of a future in which everything you do will be “Googlified,” and the company will know even more about you. That has some privacy advocates concerned. Here's the scoop...


[STREAM] The New Roku Family

One of the oldest streaming media player families is getting a major face-lift. Roku, Inc., has completely revised all of its Roku streaming boxes (the company’s “streaming stick” player remains the same). The changes are radical, not merely cosmetic, and ensure Roku’s continued place as the most popular and cost-effective dedicated streaming solution. Here's the scoop…


[WHOA...] Amazon Echo Dot Has ESP?

Amazon isn’t satisfied with a home run; it has to have a grand slam. The e-commerce giant seems have hit one with three blockbuster releases of its voice-powered personal assistant. Read on to learn about the newest member of the Echo family. And does it have ESP? Hmmm...


[MEME] The Screenless Future?

Recently, I came across a new phrase - new to me, at least. Are we headed for a future when screens, keyboards and mice are obsolete? We've already traveled quite far down a road where voice computing is becoming commonplace. Here's what you need to know...


[SIZZLE] Grill Gadgets For Geeks

Summer is in full swing and that means the air is full of the tangy, smoky, delicious aroma of barbecue. There’s meat (and veggie-kabobs) on the grill for hungry omnivores. All that’s missing to make a geek’s contentment complete are some gadgets. Well, here they are!


[LIES!] The Truth About Warranties

If you try to fix, upgrade (or even dare to look inside) your smartphone, laptop, desktop or other gadgets, does that act void the warranty? Read on to learn the liberating truth about “warranty void if sticker removed” and other dire warnings you may see on the things you own...


Geek Dads Will Love These Gifts

Father’s Day 2016 falls on Sunday, June 19th this year. If you have a geeky dad in the family, you may find the ideal gift for him among these delightful, bizarre, and just plain cool ideas. Read on...


[GADGETS] Is There an ECHO in Here?

What’s better than the Amazon Echo (a.k.a. “Alexa”) digital home assistant? The answer can only be, “Amazon Echo and something to compete with it!” Competition spurs innovation and helps to discourage price-gouging; competition is the consumer’s best friend. So of course, I am pleased to see Echo get a new competitor. Read on for the scoop on Google Home...


[ALERT] Gadget Insurance and Extended Warranties

I have never been a fan of insurance or extended warranties (both referred to as simply “insurance” henceforth) for electronic devices or even appliances. In fact, I make no bones about my disdain for these “protection rackets,” which are all heavily rigged in the seller’s favor. Here are the latest “innovations” in device insurance, and my thoughts on what’s wrong with them...


[BRAINS!] Are Humans Ready For Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality gear is “the next big thing,” and it’s already here. Oculus Rift, the most advanced and highly touted VR headset, was officially released on March 28, 2016. More VR headsets are coming from Samsung, Google, Valve and HTC, and others. The hardware and software are finally ready, say the geeks. But is the human brain prepared for the experience? Read on...


[OUCH] 10 Ways to Destroy Your Phone

All but the most imperturbable Zen Masters among us have felt the perfectly understandable urge to wreak utter destruction upon that pocket-sized device that makes us feel so clumsy and stupid. But in most cases, a phone’s demise is deemed “accidental.” Here are ten easy ways to destroy a smartphone, and how to avoid those inconvenient mishaps…


Got Your Critical Amazon Kindle Update?

Did your Amazon Kindle e-book reader stop working on March 22, 2016? Are you unable to download Kindle books from the cloud, access the Kindle Store, and use other Kindle services? If so, you may need to manually download a critical software update and install it on your Kindle. Read on for the scoop...


[SHARK] Are Tablets Dead?

The IBM-Mobile World Congress wrapped up recently. And remarkably, virtually no new tablets were hawked at the world’s biggest trade show for mobile device makers. Apple was entirely absent. Samsung, Sony, HTC and LG had no new tablets to announce, and didn’t even mention tablets in their presentations. Have tablets jumped the shark, gone the way of the 8-track, or become obsolete? Read on to see what's happening here...


[IoT] Things That Should NOT Be Connected To The Internet

The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to be the biggest explosion of mostly useless stuff since domain names first went on sale. You name it, and someone is giving it an IP address. But in the headlong rush to connect every particle of matter on Earth to the Internet, we really need to pause and consider all the things that should not be connected…


How Smart is Your Thermostat?

“Smart” thermostats are the latest thing in energy conservation and home automation. But if you’ve struggled with earlier programmable thermostats, you may hesitate to upgrade to something even more complicated. It’s a pleasant surprise to learn that smart thermostats are actually much easier to live with than programmables, and can save you even more money. Here's what you need to know…


Apple TV vs. Chromecast

If a streaming media player is on your Christmas shopping list, you've probably narrowed the field down to a few market leaders. Google Chromecast accounted for 35% of media player purchases in Q3 of this year, and another 20% of buyers went with Apple TV. These products do much the same things in entirely different ways. Here’s how they compare:


GRANTED: Permission to Tinker, Copy and Explore

For the past several years, it's been illegal to tinker with or modify certain electronic gadgets you own, or even explore how they work. It's also been a big no-no to make personal copies of music, videos and games you own. But that's changing. Read on to learn the latest news about the laws that govern your car, mobile phone, medical devices, music, movies… and your John Deere Series 8000 farm tractor.


A Kangaroo In Your Pocket?

Oregon-based InFocus has launched a $99 Windows 10 PC that fits in your pocket. The company says its new Kangaroo mobile desktop PC “goes anywhere and works with any screen.” Let's take a look at this claim, and what's included in the Kangaroo's pouch...


Gadgets for Geezers?

The bad news is, we’re all getting older. The good news is, we are not getting older alone. That makes older folks a market whose needs can’t be ignored. This has inspired a broad spectrum of “assistive technology” that make computing, Web surfing, and enjoying digital media easier. Here are some of the best options...


7 New Products Unveiled by Amazon

Layoffs and canceled projects in Amazon’s Lab126 hardware development division in late August sparked rumors that the e-commerce giant was backing out of the hardware market. But just two weeks later, Amazon unveiled seven new gadgets. Here are their highlights...


Best Ebook Readers of 2015

It may seem odd that dedicated e-book readers like the Kindle and Nook still exist in this age of multi-purpose tablets and big-screen smartphones. But just as golfers tote many clubs, each finely engineered for optimal performance on different shots, serious bibliophiles like to have an e-book reader that is specifically designed for reading text. Read on for my notes on the best e-readers available now...


Tech to the Rescue for Insomnia

More than 70 million Americans suffer from insomnia, according to the National Institutes of Health, and over 55 million prescriptions for sleep-aid drugs are written each year. But there's an interesting technology that may do the job even better, without pills. Read on to learn about binaural sleep aids...


Geeky Gifts For Dads and Grads

Father’s Day, which falls on Sunday June 21, roughly coincides with graduation season. Here is a variety of gift ideas for the geeky Dad or gadget-loving grad. Check them out, and post your own ideas…


Meet MICA: Intel's Smart (Looking) Watch

The epitome of the old-school, conservative Silicon Valley establishment, Intel Corp., threw a screwball into the wearable tech game on November 17. While everyone else is rolling out products for geeks, jocks, and hypochondriacs, the Santa Clara-based chipmaker is going after fashion-conscious women. And they even beat Apple to the punch with MICA. Here's the scoop on Intel's high-tech jewelry for the wrist...


Is There an Echo in Here?

Amazon just tossed a strange bone to the ever-ravenous tech media pack -- the Amazon Echo. Pundits have been scuffling over it, gnawing at it, and running with it eagerly. I’m going to worry at it in a moment, but first let’s see what it is...


NEW: Amazon's Fire TV Stick

When is a tech gadget too popular? When pre-orders placed on November 1 won’t be fulfilled until after Christmas. That is the current state of Amazon’s new Fire TV Stick, a streaming media player on a thumb-sized, HDMI-compatible computer – and steroids. Read on to see what makes the Fire TV Stick almost too good for its own good...


Microsoft’s Time(piece) Has Come

“How do you like them apples, Apple?” The folks in Redmond have beaten Cupertino to the market with a smartwatch, just in time for the holiday shopping season. Read on to learn all about the Microsoft Band -- a watch, fitness monitor and wrist-wearable computer...


Belkin WeMo Home Automation

Belkin's WeMo is a family of switches and motion sensors that allow you to connect with and control home appliances via the Internet. In the near future, it promises to give you remote control of your lighting, kitchen appliances and other devices. But at what price? Let's take a look at this emerging technology...


Amazon No Longer Kindles Its Fire

Amazon recently reshuffled its mobile device product lines, adding new models and renaming everything to draw a bright line between tablets and ereaders. If you're confused about what is and isn't a Kindle, or what makes a Fire so hot, now is a good time to review the Amazon mobile gadget lineup…


ALERT: Serious Security Flaw in USB Drives

Undetectable malware can be hidden in any USB flash drive, according to security researchers Karsten Nohl and Jakob Lell. This is very bad news for home users who pass around USB drives, and for corporate IT managers who may have to ban the popular devices from business networks. Read on to learn more about the USB devices, and what you need to do...


Smartpens Wise Up

What's a smartpen? Think of it as a handwriting instrument for the Internet era. The basic idea is to capture everything you jot down in digital form immediately, then manipulate it with software and store it locally or in the cloud. Some smartpens include audio recording and tie what you said or heard to what you wrote at the same time. The combination can be awesome! Read on...


Your Thermostat and the Internet

Google recently announced that it is spending $3.2 billion in cash on… thermostats. To many, their purchase of Nest Labs seems incongruent with their search engine and advertising business. What’s so special about these mundane appliances? And what in the world is Google going to do with them?


The Best Seven-Inch Tablet?

As 7-inch tablets become more popular, three products have emerged as the leaders in this category: Amazon’s Kindle Fire HDX, Apple’s Ipad Mini, and Google’s Nexus 7. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s compare these products and consider who should buy what...


What is Google TV?

Wouldn't it be cool if you could just talk into your TV remote, tell it what you want to watch, and see it pop up on your big-screen TV? Wouldn't you like a single search box to find TV shows or movies, whether they're on cable, satellite, broadcast TV, Netflix or other online streaming video sources? Your wish is granted...


What To Do if Your Phone is Stolen

A reader asks: 'Yesterday I lost my smartphone in a taxi cab, and have not been able to recover it. Before I get a new one, are there any tricks I can try to locate a stolen phone? And for the future, what options do I have BEFORE a phone is lost, that will help me get it back?'


SCAM ALERT: Mobile Device Insurance and Extended Warranties

Conventional 'wisdom' gives many people the false impression that insurance is always necessary and prudent. Corporations prey upon this vulnerability to sell insurance against all manner of catastrophes that have as much likelihood as a geek getting a date with Selena Gomez. It's especially irksome in the realm of smartphones, tablets, laptops and TVs. Here's why you should say NO to paying extra for gadget insurance...


Easy Home Security and Surveillance Cameras

Home security camera systems are becoming more important to homeowners. Houses equipped with home security systems benefit from lower insurance rates and higher resale values. And thanks to the march of technology, you can enjoy the additional peace of mind at amazingly low prices, and even install it yourself. Learn more about home security camera systems...


HOWTO: Sell Your Cell Phone (or Other Gadget)

Smartphones become obsolete almost as fast as the news these days. If you like to stay on the bleeding edge, you'll upgrade your tech gadgets at every opportunity. But what's the best way to get cash for your used electronics, without getting scammed? Here several ways you can sell an unwanted mobile phone, tablet, computer or other gear...


Google + Motorola = Moto X

The first smartphone born of Google’s marriage to Motorola was as hotly anticipated as the latest UK Royal baby. Let’s take a look at the coolness of the Moto X...


Is Google Nexus 7 the Best Tablet?

If you have been waiting patiently for the 'perfect' 7-inch Android tablet, your wait may be over. Google’s revamped Nexus 7 nails it, setting a new standard for build quality, features, and price. For just $229 you can own what is NOT arguably the best 7-inch Android tablet on the market; it definitely is the best. Here's why...


Should I Buy a Laptop or a Tablet?

'My old PC finally died, and I need to replace it with something portable. But it still needs to be powerful enough to handle email, web and typical office software. For someone with my requirements, would you suggest a laptop, an Ultrabook, the iPad or an Android-based tablet?'


Wearable Tech: Going Too Far?

Is there anything else that tech companies can get you to buy, now that you have a PC, a laptop, a smartphone, and a tablet? How about eyeglasses, wristwatches, hats, belts, shoes, shirts, pants, underwear, socks, and shoes full of electronics? Welcome to the Next Big Thing: wearable tech with internet connectivity...


Can Roku Replace Cable TV Service?

If you're thinking about dropping your cable TV in favor of online TV and movie streaming, you should know about the Roku 3 box, which makes it simple to bring online video to your big screen TV. Here's a review of the latest Roku model, and my take on whether it can replace your cable TV subscription...


Eleven Great Gifts for Geeks

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, when you ponder what to give the geek in your life. An iPad is too obvious; besides, every geek already has one. But I'm taking the stress out of selecting a Christmas or Hanukkah gift for the geeky guy or gal on your list. Here are some thoroughly geeky gift ideas that are sure to please...


Do They Really Work?

The world is full of stuff that sounds too good to be true, and the tech world has its own share of these dubious products. They run the gamut, from software products that make enticing claims, to gadgets that promise a bounty of free services. Some of them are outright scams, shams or ripoffs. And surprisingly, some of them actually work. Read on to get the low-down on six tech tools, and my verdict on each one...


The $199 Acer C7 Chromebook

Acer has just released a new sub-$200 Chromebook, a netbook which runs Google's Chrome OS. There are some appealing things about the Acer C7, but other aspects seem like steps backward. Let's take a closer look at the Acer C7 Chromebook and see exactly what comes in that package with the tiny price tag...


The iPad Mini is Here!

Apple unveiled the long-awaited iPad Mini on October 23, 2012. The smaller, cheaper version of the popular tablet will be available for pre-order on November 1. Here's what you need to know about the Mini, and how it compares to other 7-inch tablets...


The New iPhone 5 is Here

OK, you can breathe again; the iPhone 5 has finally been unveiled. At a media event preceded by unprecedented speculation, Apple showed off the features of its latest smartphone on September 12, 2012. Here's what you can look forward to in the new iPhone device...


ALERT: Kindle Fire HD Takes Aim at iPad

Amazon updated its family of Kindle e-readers and tablets on September 6, 2012, fortifying its turf against an assault by Apple expected later this month. And will the high-end new Kindle Fire HD actually give the iPad a run for its money? Read on for my review and analysis...


Announcing: The Microsoft Surface Tablet

On June 18, 2012, Microsoft unveiled its answer to the iPad, as well as the unspoken question, "What are we supposed to do with Windows 8?" The Microsoft Surface tablet is pretty slick, and may set a new standard for the tablet industry. Here’s a first look at the new device...


Android 4.0 Tablet Roundup

I'm ready to buy an Android powered tablet, but I want one with the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich software. I've considered the iPad, but I'm just not an Apple fan, for various reasons. Which of the current Android tablet offerings do you recommend?


Apple iPad Versus Kindle Fire

Can't decide whether to buy an iPad or the Kindle Fire? Both are hot selling mobile tablets that give you access to email, books, games and entertainment. The Kindle Fire is a couple hundred dollars cheaper, but will it do everything you expect from a tablet? Here's my review of the two popular devices, comparing price, features and some practical considerations...


The New Nook Tablet

How does the Nook Tablet compare to the Kindle Fire? I've owned a Kindle for several years, but now I'm ready to upgrade. The Fire looks nice, but if the new Nook is more of a general purpose tablet, I'd be very tempted. What's your take on these new offerings?


Kindle Fire Review

Should I buy the Kindle Fire or an iPad? I just found out that Amazon is releasing a new tablet, which is Android-based. I love my Android smartphone, but have always wanted an iPad. Now apparently there's some worthy competition. What do you recommend?


Digital Scanners To The Rescue

We're buried in paper, despite all the things we have digitized. Letters, bills, receipts, and other paper documents keep piling up. Some must be kept for years as tax records. What can we do with this growing mountain of paper, besides buy another filing cabinet?


Is Standalone GPS Obsolete?

I'm thinking about buying a GPS for my car. But my smartphone already has Google Maps and it's free. What are the pros and cons of standalone GPS units?


Webcams for Windows 7

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 and my webcam doesn't work. It wasn't the best quality anyway, so I'd like to buy a new one. Can you recommend some good webcams that are certified to work on a Windows 7 computer?


Buying a Tablet Computer

I'm interested in a tablet, but a little confused by all the options. Should I get an iPad, one of those Android tablets, or a Windows-based tablet? I'd appreciate a little advice on which platform is best, and what features to look for.


Windows on the iPad?

I was in a coffee shop today, and I swear I saw a guy running Windows on his iPad. I didn't want to be rude, so I didn't ask him about it. Is that really possible, or was I dreaming?


Mobile Payments with Smartphone

Starbucks recently introduced its mobile payment solution, letting customers pay with a wave of their mobile device. But other mobile payment systems are vying for dominance, in the U.S. and abroad. Learn about making mobile payments with your smartphone and other devices.


Home Automation

I'm looking for a home automation system that will let me control my lights and security system via the Internet. I like gadgets, but I'm not terribly technical. What do you suggest?


Is it Legal to Jailbreak an iPhone?

My friend has some cool apps on his iPhone that he got by 'jailbreaking' his phone. I'm a little nervous about doing that because I heard it's not legal. What's the truth?


Microsoft Xpad

You may be hearing rumors about the Next Big Thing from Microsoft, code-named Microsoft Xpad. Google the phrase and you will soon be totally confused about what an Xpad is. That's because it doesn't exist yet. Or actually, the Xpad or X-pad has existed but doesn't anymore. Also, the Xpad exists but it isn't made by Microsoft yet. See what I mean by confused? Let's clarify things a bit...`


Cellphone Accessories

Whatever people hold dear, they accessorize. There are innumerable add-ons and adornments for cars and trucks; fashion clothing; purses; and, of course, cellphone accessories. Here's the scoop on some cool cell phone add-ons, and where to find them...


Geek Accessories

Geek accessories are rapidly overtaking power tools as the preferred gift for guys. Yes, as humanity evolves geeks are actually gaining an edge in the breeding department over cavemen. And there are plenty of girl geeks too! Odds are there’s an accessory geek on your current gift-shopping list. Here's where to find the best geek gifts and accessories...


Bootable USB Flash Drive

When your hard drive won't boot, you need an emergency backup operating system on a bootable removable medium. CDs or DVDs fill that role most of the time. But optical media has its drawbacks. Here's how to make a reliable boot disk on a flash drive, to use when hard drive problems arise...


How Long Do Flash Drives Last?

Flash drives are an increasingly popular form of portable storage. Some people predict that flash drives will replace hard drives in time, just as optical disks replaced floppy disks. But are flash drives as safe as other mass storage media for long-term archiving of irreplaceable data? Do flash drives ever wear out and have to be replaced? Are all flash drives created equal -- except for their capacities -- or are there differences in quality and durability to consider?


What is the Apple iPad?

After months of rumor and hype unrivaled since Windows Vista was conceived, Apple finally revealed the final form of its iPad tablet computer on Wednesday, January 27, 2010. What's it all about, and what does it mean to you?


Digital Picture Frames

I want to give my mother a digital picture frame, but she's a senior citizen and not so tech savvy. What do you recommend that works well and is easy to use?


Android Everywhere?

I've been hearing the word 'Android' quite often these days, in connection with mobile phones and other devices. What is Android, and why should I care about it?


What is MiFi?

I'm starting to see some buzz for MiFi, which looks like a mobile WiFi product. Can you explain how this works?


Why I Hate My TomTom GPS

I've had nothing but trouble with my TomTom GO 720 GPS. And the TomTom customer service rep basically told me to go buy a Garmin. Read on!


Five Reasons Blu-Ray Will Fail

There seems to be a buzz lately that consumers are just not buying into Blu-ray. Here are five reasons why I think Blu-ray will ultimately fail in the consumer marketplace...


Best Portable GPS

I want to buy a portable GPS that I can use in multiple cars, or when walking around the city. Which model do you recommend?


My New Phone is an iPod Touch

I had myself talked into buying a new phone, and was eagerly checking out the latest phones, smartphones and PDAs. But something happened on the way to the phone store...


Magic Jack - Good or Evil?

Perhaps you've read reports about spyware in Magic Jack, or heard claims that the company sells your private information to third parties. Here's the scoop...


Portable DVD Players

We want to buy a portable DVD player for the car, since we have kids a travel often. What features should we look for, and do you have any reviews of the best portable DVD players?


Passport 9500ci Radar Detector

Escort bills it as The World's Most Intelligent Custom Installed Radar and Laser Defense System. With a price tag of $1600, the Passport 9500ci had better be. Let's check out what makes this little dashboard device smarter, quieter and more accurate than the competition...


Internet Security Cameras

I have someone in my home during the day to clean and do childcare. Can I install a wireless security camera that can be monitored over the internet? I'd like to be able to look in during the day from my office computer. If so, how expensive are internet security cameras, and what features do you recommend?


Five Geeky Gadgets

Anyone can plug in a computer and attach a printer. But that's not all there is to being a serious computer jockey these days. Are you ready to get your geek on? Check out these five must-have gadgets to enhance your computing experience or find a great Father's Day gift...


Automatic Digital Cameras

Are you a camera klutz? Don't know the difference between an f-stop and a fill flash? Then today's new automated digital cameras are just perfect for you. Just point and click, they do the rest. Here are my picks for the top three digital cameras designed for everyday picture takers...


Get Your Tech Fix

There's so much happening with computers and technology. How do you keep up with all the latest cool stuff without getting information overload?


No iPhone For Me

Apple's iPhone seems like the coolest gadget to hit the streets in a long time. It slices, it dices, it can browse the web, manage your calendar, take pictures, and even make a phone call. But here's why I'm NOT going to buy one...


Goodbye to Analog TV

Many television stations currently broadcast both analog and digital signals. However, the days are numbered for analog signals, picture and sound carried on electromagnetic waves. Digital signals are the way of the future, and if you have a trusty television with an antenna, you'll need to make some changes soon or the screen will go dark...


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

About ten years ago, when I worked as a programmer at IBM, my wrists began to get very sore and painful. Every night I had to come home and ice them down to ease the pain and swelling. The doctor said it was Carpal Tunnel, and I would need drugs, therapy and perhaps surgery to treat it. But I had another plan in mind…


Which GPS Should I Buy?

GPS systems are useful for finding your way around, but choosing the navigation system that's right for you might be just as challenging as traveling without one. Here are some guidelines on the best GPS systems so you don't get lost in the market, or on the road…


What is Blu-Ray?

I've seen ads for movies on Blu-Ray discs but I'm not sure what that means. What is Blu-Ray and how is it different from a regular DVD disc? Do I need a special player to view a Blu-Ray disc?


Radar Detectors

I just got a speeding ticket, and now I'm wishing I had a radar detector. But there are so many different kinds and price ranges. How do radar detectors work, and which one should I buy?


Which PDA Should I Buy?

The proliferation of PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) in the last several years has been staggering, and a wide range of products exists to satisfy the needs of everyone from the busy stay-at-home Mom to the power hungry Internet geek on the go. But with such a wide range of devices available, how do you know which one is right for you?


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