7 Good Things About Windows 10 - Comments Page 1
Posted by:
Well to me windows 10 is about in the same category as windows ME was.to much of to much average people don't need nor use,me for one,I wish for a very simple system and like to chose my own storage and ease of navigating.Thank you but no thanks to windows 10,bring back XP the best of the whole mess. |
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Hi Bob |
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I especially like the ability to sync both my home computers with each other. Settings and themes are the same on both. Also my networking between both computers seems to also work better than it did on 7. |
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I've upgraded approx. 60 laptops from Win 7 to Win 10 (I support IT at our local school). Had very few issues despite the variety of machines. A few Observations... (a) Edge is not ready for prime time. Cannot install extensions like password managers or ad blockers, so I am still running IE (or Chrome) (b) Ran into an issue while trying to play an American Heart Association DVD (my significant other is an AEMT). Their DVD format won't play using VLC. AHA are aware of the issue.....but.. (c) I need to be very careful with the privacy settings for our school students (Pre-k thru 8th). Wish there was a global setting rather than having to trawl thru each and every option! Otherwise, I'd say its much better than 8/8.1 and more secure than 7. So, I'd recommend upgrading as soon as possible |
Posted by:
Bob, You must be a Microsoft paid reviewer. The seven reasons you listed are all irrelevant if the basic functions of the computer running Win10 do not perform well. I have a brand new Dell I-7 12 GB RAM desktop, brand new Dell I-7 8 GB RAM notebook and a 9 month old HP Envy Desktop all with Win10 OS. I have had nothing but problems in these areas:(1)Internet speed drops from 6.5 to less than 1.0 Mbps. I have Googled till my fingers are raw but have not found any solution to this (2) When I try to print to my HP OJ Pro 8600 network printer the ethernet adapter changes to disabled and will be become enabled when clicked on. I have to delete and go the found hardware process to get back a working internet again. I gave up on Dell support to fix this. I now Use my Win7 or Win 8.1 when I need to print. Don't tell me Win10 is good. EDITOR'S NOTE: Dang it... caught me again! This "Microsoft paid reviewer" gig is really getting hard to pull off. And those Microsoft guys, they haven't sent me a check in over 20 years. I better give them a call... |
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Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've had the default programs reset 3 times. (non-Microsoft programs) |
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Yesterday I finally succumbed to Microsoft's constant nagging, backed up my files, and let the Windows 10 update install on my aging HP. It replaced Windows 7. I am surprised at the results. As you noted, Bob, it did seem to revive my old computer. It is working without a glitch and performs most procedures more quickly. As one who has believed the negative press reports, I am delighted. |
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If your computer starts to crawl or just stops doing anything it probably is because Win 10 is doing an update which you will not know about as there is no indication. And if update is done when you switch on you cannot use your computer for a very long time while it is 'configuring' 'getting ready' etc. This is very very annoying. Yes XP and Win 7 much better in this regard at least. |
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My Win10 favorites: right-click on the start button and get a system menu, get fast access to things this geek uses all the time. And the expanded task manager, ditto. |
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I have updated three times and recovered twice, as the update broke several apps and messed up all my printers. I still like the start arrangement on 8.1 much better than 10 and I'm having to do an awful lot of tweaking to get better speed at anything. Especially annoying is the constant loss of settings every time I reboot. And Cortana, which I've had for some time on a Windows phone, is more aggravating than helpful. For the first time ever, I'm studying the possibility of dual booting. I've used every version except ME and Vista, and 8.1 remains my favorite. |
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@Bryan, regarding your observation 'c': maybe O&O ShutUp10 is the answer to this. You can just select the default settings in the program (or change them if you like) and it will apply them all at once. |
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Your point 3 is the best: "It rejuvenates old computers." |
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Bob, Thanks for this heads up. But has 10 been debugged? |
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Three cheers for XP, I don't need the new technology, and as a bonus the crackers and hackers should now start leaving us XP'ers alone as we become a shrinking target. |
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After carefully turning off the many tattletale features of W10, after downloading the auto updates, some of these are turned back on. |
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After July 29, 2016, Win10 free deadline, will you still be able to downgrade back to Win7 and then upgrade back to Win10 again later from the program stored on your computer when it was free, or will it then cost if choosing to try Win10 again later? And can you later upgrade other laptops from the Win10 you downloaded free on one before 7/29/16? As always, thank you Bob & sharing commenters :) |
Posted by:
. . . And why won't Windows 10 allow me to use the 'free, easily downloaded' version of Acrobat Reader for PDF files? The version that comes with Win10 stinks! Also having to create an account with MS to use Cortana? I have enough trouble keeping track of all the accounts I have to password. It's obvious that MS wants to know about every keystroke we make. I agree MS 8.1 or |
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update free to 10 by 2016 or 2017? |
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I have a new (August 2015) machine, Quad i5Core,8 Megs of ram and 1TB HD, yet I too have problems with the machine slowing or stopping, internet connection speed dropping off and getting held up by updates along with security grinding things to a halt. It appears that I'm not the only one who keeps getting notified some settings were changed back to default, no reason given. My scheduled programs don't start at the time I set them to start. It appears the sundry of problems I have with the machine have more to do with the OS (Win10) than with the machine. So far Microsoft and HP have been no help. Generally speaking, if our cars performed the way our computers do, we'd all be riding bicycles or walking. |
Posted by:
Initially my ASUS laptop was constantly losing the WiFi connection. I thought it was hardware but yet another Win10 upgrade miraculously solved the problem! For Maggie: I use Foxit PDF reader and it works just fine. I had to get a new graphics card for my desktop because the old one wasn't supported, according to the upgrade APP. What IS supported on Win10 is very confusing. Best Buy said "all are supported." Yeh? Well if that was true I wouldn't be standing here looking like an idiot, would I? Now ready to upgrade this desktop, a dual boot system with Ubuntu. Time to start praying again! All in all I have liked Windows10 on the laptop but for Cortana, which continues to run though I do not have and never will have, ever, ever, ever, an MS logon. I did enjoy the Upgrade App informing me my graphics card was forbidden and providing a link to MS to replace my whole dang computer! |
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