Traditional Anti-Virus May No Longer Protect You - Comments Page 1

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All Comments on: "Traditional Anti-Virus May No Longer Protect You"

Posted by:

28 Aug 2011

Surf the web only in a "sandboxie" or similar, on exit all is deleted no infection possible as of yet.

Posted by:

28 Aug 2011

Wow, it's hard to believe sometimes that anti-viruses alone can't always protect you...

Posted by:

29 Aug 2011

If they can be found the writers of any malicious programing should be executed. I say that because of the billions of dollars of damage and time lost to the innocent computer users of the world. Plus they annoy me.

Posted by:

29 Aug 2011

I live in NZ, where nearly the whole country was recently hit by a polar blast of air and a truly rare episode of snowfall over much of the country. Lots of New Zealanders visited our metservice site, and were infected with fake anti-virus drive-by malware, which apparently came from ads on the site.
Several people commented that using a combination of Firefox and the AdBlock + add-on effectively prevented them from getting this infestation.
I have personally been using this combination for some considerable time, and suspect this is why I have never contracted one of these infections.
I'm interested in other people's experiences with this combination of protection. And, by the way, Bob, yes, MBAM is a fantastic tool for getting rid of such malware in my experience too.

Posted by:

29 Aug 2011

For several years now, I've successfully used ESET's NOD32 AV, along with the paid versions of MalwareBytes & SuperAntispyware, and WinPatrol Plus. Those, along with SpywareBlaster to care for my hosts file and Online Armor as my firewall, have thus far defended me against any and all threats.

Posted by:

29 Aug 2011

Frankly, I'm tired of the disruption, damage and outright expense caused by malware, spyware and hackers, regardless of what excuse (anger, fun, proving a point) that they use to justify their criminal behavior.

It's time to up the ante on these jerks. I propose SERIOUS jail time for a first offense. Possibly going up to life in prison or the death penalty for repeaters. Sounds harsh, but what are these "funsters" doing to the economy, national security, small business or just personal lives?If the penalty is harsh enough, most will think harder before they attack.

Just my opinion

Posted by:

Bob Pegram
29 Aug 2011

It amazes me how many people wait until they are infected to call me. It would be much easier (and cheaper) to download free antivirus and antispyware programs and install them. I usually install PC-Tools Free or Avira antivirus and SuperAntiSpyware. I then usually install Advanced System Care. That combination usually maintains the computer well. It takes a few minutes to download and install them to prevent infection - way less time than trying to dig out and delete various spyware, viruses, Trojans, and the worst - rootkits, and then installing the free software.

Posted by:

Rakibuzzaman Ashik
29 Aug 2011

Hi,, I have been using Kaspersky for a while and now I am protected against any viruses or malware. I think Kaspersky is a great virus protection.

Posted by:

29 Aug 2011

What a timely article, as usual, Bob.

I have been concerned about the Internet, for sometime now. I have been using WOT (Web of Trust), to help me find the 'bad' websites. Oh, I know WOT is not 100% accurate, but overall it does a good job.

I also, use avast! Anti-Virus, the free version, and noticed that it also, has a 'website' rating. I now, see that both WOT and avast! are doing a pretty good job, and both seem to be on the 'same page', in regards to websites.

I also, use both Ad-Block Plus and Ad-Block Plus Pop-Up Addon, for Firefox. I have found that they do a 'jam up' job, of eliminating ads, especially pop-up ads. I also, found a Ad-Block 'gadget or addon' for iChrome, which I use now and then.

Am I 100% protected, of course not. Am I better protected, yes. You must keep up with the latest issues and programs, when trying to protect your computer.

Posted by:

David Permenter
29 Aug 2011

Hi Bob - great article but I am still left wondering what a good combination of tools is. What is compatible with what. I'm somewhat of a do-do in this arena and would really appreciate a specific combination recommendation. I am running Vista home and have AVG (paid) AV software running a scan nightly. Any and all help appreciated, thanks!

Posted by:

Dave Ruedeman
29 Aug 2011

I personally don't think that any av or even anti-malware is 100% effective. My working hypothesis is that there is always someone out there is who is smarter than you who will figure out how to get past any defenses. (Just google joanna Rutkowska).
It is similar to the fact that if a good auto thief wants your car enough he will get it. All we can do is make it hard for them so that they move on...
Some colleges recommend that you use a a cd/dvd based Linux Live distribution to do any on-line banking.

Posted by:

Patty Bennett
29 Aug 2011

Hello Bob, when you had your recent nightmare with a virus on your machine were you using ThreatFire on that machine? (I read your very helpful article on ThreatFire. Thanks!)Just wondering if ThreatFire would possibly have protected you in that particular instance.

Posted by:

30 Aug 2011

I have not been hit in several years. My home PC is XP SP3! I always have Microsoft Security Essentials AND the free AVG 2011 running simultaneously! No Conflicts! I have the scans and updates scheduled to run at different times of the day.

As an added weapon, I periodically run a Malwarebytes scan and clean my PC once a month with the free Advance System Care and then run selected scans with the free Glary Utilities.

I would use Super Antispyware but I get more than adequate protection for my old XP unit with these totally fine and free programs! Thanks Bob, for a great article! A Long-time Subscriber!!!

Posted by:

30 Aug 2011

Bob, thank you so much for your warnings.

I've learned the hard way about the multi-approach to protection. Currently I use PC PITSTOP'S program for my running anti-virus program but the following is what I do to "clean up" after my browsing and such:

(a) I run the CLEANING function on CCLEANER after every website visited. I know it takes a bit more time, but better this than the time it takes to remove a problem.

On the same CCLEANER capability, I run the REGISTRY cleaner before I turn off the computer.

(b) I run MALWAREBYTES' Anti-Malware
about twice a week

(c) I run the SPYBOT SEARCH AND DESTROY once to twice a week.

(d) I run Microsoft's MRT function about once a week.

(e) And I run the TIZER ROOT KIT SECURITY program once a week.

I am also careful to perform other maintenance functions like CHKDSK, disc cleaning, optimizing, driver updates, defragging, etc once a week

Not only does my computer run very quickly, I don't have anymore problems with "evils".


Posted by:

Harvey Houghton
30 Aug 2011

Another informative article, but one which raises more questions than it answers. You refer to the need "to 'layer up' with two or more techniques". This tells us WHAT to do but not HOW to do it. Many antivirus programs will not work with other detection software. Perhaps, some suggestions as to what additional "techniques" that can operate simultaneously would be enormously and genuinely helpful.

Posted by:

30 Aug 2011

I am currently using Webroot AntiVirus with Spy Sweeeper as my antivirus protection. I also have Windows Defender turned on as well as the Windows Firewall.
In addition,I have the free version of MBAM (thanks for the suggestion) installed on my computer. Would I be better off if I installed the paid version of MBAM? If so, will the paid version interfere with the Webroot antivirus or Windows Defender or the Windows Firewall? Thanks much for all of the info that you send out.

Posted by:

John Mihaljev
10 Dec 2011

Something that can't be stressed enough is that YOUR best defence is YOU. The biggest determinant of how likely YOU are to be infected by malware is what YOU do online.

Specifically, what sites you go to. Try to confine your browsing to sites you know you can trust - if in doubt, stay away.

Read the article that everyone's commenting on.

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