Recent Comments

Comment by Wayne on Geekly Update - 26 February 2025 (March 21, 2025 06:20 PM)
I have limited experience with Win 11 right now but I noticed that copy and paste is now not so smooth as it once was. You have to right click on the ...
Comment by stella jamie on Beware the Fedex Shipment Notification Scam (March 17, 2025 02:18 PM)
I actually made lots of profits at prime scratchcard here a few months ago but I was unable to make a single withdrawal. I met lilo grace 75 @ gmail *...
Comment by Henry on Here's How Creepy Marketers Capture Your Email Address (March 10, 2025 05:49 PM)
This is informative, but very ironic. It seems like SafeOpt would only need your email address and that you visited a website without buying something...
Comment by FrancesMC on [HOWTO] Boost Your Laptop Security Now (March 8, 2025 08:10 AM)
Michael, if you use Firefox, try Reader View. (On the URL line, it's the second character to the left of the star.) ...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by Mcgregor on [ALERT] Fake Facebook Profile - What to do? (March 7, 2025 10:08 PM)
Infinite Digital Recovery — A Trusted Partner in Bitcoin Recovery. In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, losing access to your Bitcoin walle...
Comment by cho on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 11:51 AM)
@WildBill .. JPs comment was about Bob's statment ".. laser printer models that used to work with aftermarket ink, ..".. ...
Comment by Wild Bill 99 on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 04:06 AM)
@jp I can't speak to the truth of the story but from what I've read most of the complaints are from users having issues, especially with color printi...
Comment by Robert T Deloyd on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 6, 2025 03:24 AM)
That's all I want to do is go around sniffing mummies... not! ...
Comment by JP on Geekly Update - 05 March 2025 (March 5, 2025 10:56 PM)
Last time I checked, my laser printer didn't use ink. ;)...

Email Articles


Here's How Creepy Marketers Capture Your Email Address

Has this ever happened to you? You visit an online store, and later get an email from that website, even though you never provided your email address? I find this disturbing, and you probably will too, when you learn how this is happening. Read on to learn the source of mystery marketing messages, and steps you can take to protect your inbox...


Yes, You Do Need a Disposable Email Address

It seems everyone wants your email address -- shopping sites, your bank, your doctor, the grocery store, even the vendors at the local farmer’s market. It’s no wonder our spam filters are so busy! But I do wonder which of the many entities that have my email address gave it away, sold it, or carelessly lost it in a data breach. A disposable email address provides a handy solution to this and other privacy problems. Read on to learn more...


Here's How to Consolidate Email Accounts

An AskBob reader asks: 'I have several email accounts, and it is a nuisance to check each one. I also have trouble keeping my address books in sync, and when I am looking for a certain message, I have to check in several inboxes. Is there an easy way to consolidate all my email accounts in one place?' Yes, here's my suggestion...


How to Trace a Spammy Email

Thud... another unwanted email with a potentially fake “From” address just landed in your inbox. And you wish you could find out where it actually came from. Or maybe you got an email several days after it was sent? Read on to learn about some free tools that can help with both situations...


[HOWTO] Tame Your Overflowing Email Inbox

Is your inbox overflowing? Are important messages getting lost in the shuffle? Are you spending too much time managing your email? If so, it's likely you're not using filters to direct the flow of incoming emails. Learn how to automatically file messages in folders, forward them to someone else, or dump them straight into the trash. Oh, and if your Spam folder is gobbling up messages that don't belong there, I'll also show you how to solve that problem too...


The Curious Case of the Accidental Spammer

An anxious AskBob reader says: “Several of my email friends are complaining that I’m sending them spam emails. I’ve looked in my Sent folder and nothing odd shows up there. How can this be happening? Am I spamming in my sleep? Is it possible that someone has hacked into my email account, or is there another explanation?” Read on for the most likely answers to this mystery...


Do You Know the Preferred Tool of Online Criminals?

It's been 45 years since the first spam email was sent, and it's still the favorite tool of crooks and criminals online. A report from security group F-Secure says that spam is the most common method used to distribute malware, phishing attacks, malicious URLs, and scams. Read on to learn the tell-tale indicators of malicious emails, and the true origin of spam...


[REVEALED] How Spammers Get Your Email Address

It's maddening when your email inbox gets a fresh, steaming load of spam dumped on it. Equally frustrating is when spammers spoof YOUR address as the sender, and all your friends start asking why YOU are sending them unwanted sales pitches for dubious products. Understanding how spammers get your email address can help to prevent both of these problems. Here's the scoop on how spammers get ahold of your email addresses, and steps you can take to protect your inbox...


Can You Get a Virus By Opening an Email?

A concerned AskBob reader wants to know... “Is it possible to get a computer virus by simply opening an email?” It's true that email has been and remains one of the most popular attack vectors for hackers, spammers, scammers, phishers and other cyber-miscreants that are jiggling the latches on the door of your inbox. But is it really that easy to slip in, and wreak havoc on your computer? Let's find out...


Was Your Email Inbox Hijacked?

A concerned AskBob reader says: 'Please help... it seems my email account got hijacked, and now all my friends are getting spam, FROM ME! I am always careful with my password and online activities. How could this have happened, and what should I do?' Read on for my answer...


Forward Emails to Your Phone Via Text Message

You may not prefer to be notified (bothered) by your phone every time an email hits your inbox. But email from a spouse, child, boss, or other important contact may be something you want to know about right away. Here is a free, easy way to forward selected emails via text message when those things happen...


Would You Click This Link?

Your mouse hovers over a link... your trembling finger is poised to click... but you stop to think. Is there danger lurking behind that link? Do you know how to tell right away if a website (or link) is going to lead you into a world of hurt? A single click can trigger an unwanted download, a malware infection, stolen login credentials, ransomware, or identity theft. Here are some practical tips and tools you can use to click smarter...


REVEALED: How Creepy Marketers Get Your Email Address

Have you ever visited an online store, and later got an email from that website, even though you never provided your email address? I find this disturbing, and you probably will too, when you learn how and why this is happening. Read on to learn the source of mystery marketing messages...


Sending a Mass Email? (read this first)

An AskBob reader says: 'I need to send occasional email updates to a large group of people. But I've heard that if you do it wrong, you'll get flagged as a spammer, or your emails may never get delivered. What software or services do you recommend to safely and reliably send emails to a list of people?' Read on for some good mass email options, and a few you definitely want to avoid...


Here's How to (Maybe) Trace an Email

Thud... an unwanted, spammy email with an obviously fake “From” name just landed in your inbox, and you wish you could find out where it actually came from. Or maybe you got an email several days after it was sent? Read on to learn about some free tools that can help with both situations...


Can Simply Opening an Email Trigger a Virus?

Is it possible to get a computer virus by simply opening an email? It's true that email has been and remains one of the most popular attack vectors. Hackers, spammers, scammers, phishers and other cyber-miscreants are all knocking on the door of your inbox. But is it really that easy to slip in, and wreak havoc on your computer? Let's find out...


Backup For Gmail and Other Webmail Accounts

An AskBob reader says: “I've been using Gmail for over a year, and it works great. But I'm a little nervous that there's no obvious way to backup my contacts and email messages, just in case. Is there a solution you can recommend?” Yes, read on to learn how to back up your Gmail, Yahoo and email data.


Your Email Inbox Overfloweth?

Are you spending too much time managing your email inbox? If so, it's likely you're not using filters to direct the flow of incoming emails. Learn how to automatically file messages in folders, forward them to someone else, or dump them straight into the trash. Oh, and if your Spam folder is gobbling up messages that don't belong there, I'll also show you how to solve that problem...


Hey, Are You an Accidental Spammer?

An anxious AskBob reader says: “Several of my email friends are complaining that I’m sending them spam emails. I’ve looked in my Sent folder and nothing odd shows up there. How can this be happening? Is it possible that someone has hacked into my email account, or is there another explanation?” Read on for the most likely answers to this mystery...


Time to Start Encrypting Your Email?

Interest in secure, encrypted email has skyrocketed since 2013 when Ed Snowden revealed the NSA’s widespread surveillance of electronic communications. And more recently, there has been an epidemic of data breaches and ransomware attacks that can expose sensitive data. Here is the low-down on email encryption, and some free tools to help you send and receive secure emails...


Was Your Email Account Just Hijacked?

A concerned AskBob reader asks: 'Please help... I think my email account got hijacked, and now all my friends are getting spam, FROM ME! I am always careful with my password and online activities. How could this have happened, and what should I do?' Read on for my answer...


Report a Spammer? (Read this FIRST...)

An irritated AskBob reader says: 'Every morning I find a load of unwanted spam emails have been dumped on my inbox. They advertise dubious nutritional supplements, fake watches and even attempts to steal my online banking passwords. I have tried filtering them out, but they keep on coming. I really want to report these crooks, but I don't know how or where. Can you help?' Read on for my tips on dealing with spammers…


This is How Spammers Get Your Email Address

It can be maddening when your email inbox gets a fresh, steaming load of spam dumped on it. Equally frustrating is when spammers spoof YOUR address as the sender, and your friends all start asking why YOU are sending them unwanted sales pitches for dubious products. Understanding how spammers get your email address can help to prevent both of these problems. Here's the scoop on how spammers get ahold of your email addresses, and steps you can take to protect your inbox…


Here’s How Creepy Marketers Get Your Email Address

Have you ever visited a website, and later got an email from that site, even though you never provided your email address? I find this disturbing, and you probably will too, when you learn how and why this is happening. Read on to learn the source of mystery marketing messages…


Here's How to Send a Mass Email (and how NOT to...)

An AskBob reader says: 'I need to send email updates to a large group of people on a regular basis. But I've heard that if you do it wrong, you'll get tagged as a spammer, and your emails may not be delivered. What software or services do you recommend for sending emails to a list of people?' Read on for some good options, and a few you definitely want to avoid...


Are You in the 51 Percent Club?

Over forty years since the first spam email was sent, it is still the favorite tool of crooks and criminals online. A report from security group F-Secure says that spam is the most common method used to distribute malware, phishing attacks, malicious URLs, and scams. Read on to see if you're in the 51 Percent Club, learn the tell-tale indicators of malicious emails, and the true origin of spam...


How to Send REALLY Big Files by Email

An AskBob reader says: 'I tried to email a batch of digital photos (JPEG files), but I got an error saying EMAIL IS TOO LARGE. Sending them one at a time is a nuisance -- is there an easier way?' Well, yes! Read on to learn how to send large files by email, even if your email program says you can't...


Can You Trace an Email? Maybe, Here's how…

So you just got unwanted, spammy email with an obviously fake “From” name, and you wish you could find out where it actually came from? Or maybe you got an email several days after it was sent? Read on to learn about some free tools that can help with both situations…


Time to Encrypt Your Email?

Interest in email encryption has skyrocketed since 2013 when Ed Snowden revealed the NSA’s widespread surveillance of electronic communications. And more recently, there's been an ongoing spate of data breaches and ransomware attacks that can expose sensitive data. Here is the low-down on email encryption, and some free tools to help you send and receive secure emails…


HELP, Evil Spammers Hijacked my Email!

A desperate AskBob reader asks: 'Can you please help me, I think my email account got hijacked, and now all my friends are getting spam, FROM ME! I am always careful with my password. How could this have happened, and what should I do?' Read on for the answer…


Try These Nifty Gmail Tips

I’ve been using Gmail since it first came out back in 2004. I love the convenience of web-based email, which allows me to send and receive email from any computer or mobile phone with an internet connection. And recently I found two Gmail extensions that make my life a little easier, and boost my daily productivity as well. Are you curious? Read on to see what they are...


Here's How Spammers Get Your Email Address

Spammers, scammers, and cyber-miscreants appear to have supernatural powers that enable them to guess email addresses accurately and quickly. But in reality, the bad guys harvest email addresses by pretty mundane means. YOU may even be contributing to the problem without realizing it. Here's the scoop on how spammers get ahold of your email addresses, and steps you can take to protect your inbox...


Revealed: The Source of Mystery Messages

Today I heard the story of a man who visited a website, and later got an email from that site, even though he never provided his email address. He found it disturbing, and you probably will too, when you learn how and why this is happening. Read on to learn the source of mystery messages...


[HOWTO] Fight Spam With a Disposable Email Address

Have you ever visited a website that demanded your email address to make a purchase, create an account or gain access to information? I'm sure you have, and in some cases you've probably done so hesitantly, thinking that you might be opening your inbox to a flood of spam. A disposable email address provides a handy solution to this and other privacy problems. Read on to learn more...


How to Consolidate Email Accounts

A reader asks: 'I have several email accounts, and it is a nuisance to check each one. I also have trouble keeping my address books in sync, and when I am looking for a certain message, I have to check in several inboxes. Is there an easy way to consolidate all my email accounts in one place?' Yes, here's my suggestion...


Drowning in Your Email Inbox?

Do you sometimes feel like you're slowly being buried under a pile of unread, unanswered email? Are you starting to run out of free storage space in your Gmail account? It's time to go on an email diet and shed a few gigabytes. Read on for my advice...


Help, My Friends Think I'm a Spammer

A concerned email user asks: 'Several of my friends have complained that I am sending them spam emails. I have looked in my Sent folder and nothing odd shows up there. How can this be happening? Is it possible that someone has hacked into my email account, or is there another explanation?' Read on for the answer to this mystery...


Can You Get a Virus Just By Opening an Email?

Is it possible to get a computer virus by simply opening an email? It's true that email has been and remains one of the most popular attack vectors. Hackers, spammers, phishers and scammers are all knocking on the door of your inbox. But how easily can they slip in, and wreak havoc on your computer? Let's find out...


Here's How to Email REALLY Big Files

A frustrated AskBob reader asks: 'I tried to email a bunch of digital photos to my daughter, but I got an error saying EMAIL IS TOO LARGE. Sending them one at a time is a nuisance -- is there an easier way?' Well, yes! Read on to learn how to send large files by email, even if your email program says you can't...


Trace an Email? Here's how...

Have you ever received an unwanted, spammy email with a fake “From” name, and wished you could find out where it actually came from? Have you ever gotten an email several days after it was sent? Read on to learn about some free tools that can help with both situations...


Here's Why You Need a Disposable Email Address

Have you ever used a website that demanded your email address to make a purchase, create an account or gain access to information? I'm sure you have, and in some cases you've probably done so hesitantly, thinking that you might be opening your inbox to a flood of spam. A disposable email address provides a handy solution to this and other privacy problems. Read on to learn more...


Missing Emails? Tweak Your Spam Filter

Email spam is an annoying fact of online life that can never be avoided entirely. No matter how good your defenses, an unwanted message is going to appear in your inbox occasionally. Spam is irritating but relatively harmless if you simply delete it. The flip side of spam can be more serious. What if a legitimate message that you DO want to receive gets trapped in your spam filter? Here's the answer...


Help, Spammers Hijacked my Email Account!

A desperate reader asks: 'Can you please help me, somehow my email account got hijacked, and now all my friends are getting spam, FROM ME! I am always careful with my password. How could this have happened, and what should I do?' Read on for the answer...


How to Send a Mass Email (and how NOT to...)

A reader asks: 'I need to send emails to a large group of people on a regular basis. But I've heard that if you do it wrong, you'll get tagged as a spammer, and your emails will never be delivered. What software or services do you recommend for sending emails to a list of people?' Read on for some good options, and a few you definitely want to avoid...


Use Google Apps Without a Gmail Address?

Many people think they must use a Gmail (Google Mail) email address if they also want to use Google services such as Docs, Drive, Calendar, Photos, etc. I thought so myself, but that’s not true. The fact is, you can use Google services with your existing home email address, your work email address, or with just about any email address. Read on to learn how...


Is Google Reading Your Email?

Summer is traditionally a slow time for tech news. Big conferences, where important research and product releases are officially announced, are held in the Spring and Fall. But publishers need stories to publish, so if news does not materialize it must be manufactured, and if its manufactured outrage, all the better. Outrage gets more clicks than anything rated “G” on the Internet. Read on the see why I'm ranting today...


Get Ready For Big Gmail Changes

Google's Gmail service is getting some major updates that will begin rolling out over the coming weeks. But don’t panic; the “send” button won’t move out of your sight (hopefully). Several of the changes look quite welcome, so let’s take a look at what’s in store...


[HOWTO] Send Email to a Group

A reader asks: 'I want to send emails to a fairly large group of people on a regular basis. But I've heard that if you do it wrong, you'll get tagged as a spammer, and your emails will never be delivered. What software or services do you recommend for sending email to a list of people?' Read on for some good options, and a few you definitely want to avoid...


[HOWTO] Change Your Email Address (or not)

A reader asks: “I have had the same email address for years, and now I'm thinking about changing Internet providers. But I'm afraid that changing my email address might cause some unintended problems. What do you recommend?”


Time to Switch From Yahoo to Gmail?

Yahoo’s new owner, Verizon, recently revealed that all 3 billion Yahoo accounts have been compromised, greatly upping the admission of damage that Yahoo made before its sale to the telecom giant. So if you have a Yahoo account, it’s time to find another email service provider that will better protect your email privacy and security. Here's my advice on how to switch to Gmail…


Tame Your Overflowing Inbox

Is your email inbox overflowing? Are you spending more time than you should managing your inbox? If so, it's likely you're not using filters to direct the flow of incoming emails. Learn how to automatically file messages in folders, forward them to someone else, or dump them straight into the trash. Oh, and if your Spam folder is gobbling up messages that don't belong there, I'll also show you how to solve that problem...


[HOWTO] Send a Group Email

A reader asks: 'I want to send emails to a large group of people on a regular basis. But I've heard that if you do it wrong, you'll get tagged as a spammer, and your emails will never be delivered. What software or services do you recommend for sending email to a list of people?' Read on for the answer...


Was Your Email Account Hijacked?

A reader asks: 'Can you please help me, somehow my email account got hijacked, and now all my friends are getting spam, FROM ME! I am always careful with my password. How could this have happened, and what should I do?'


Spammers Hijacked Your Email?

A reader asks: 'Can you please help, somehow my email account got hijacked, and now all my friends are getting spam, from me! I am always careful with my password. How could this have happened, and what should I do?' Read on for the answer...


Should You Encrypt Your Email?

Interest in email encryption has skyrocketed since Ed Snowden revealed the NSA’s widespread surveillance of electronic communications. And more recently, there's been lots of noise about Wikileaks and email hacking. Here is the low-down on email encryption, and some free tools to help you send and receive secure emails...


Tools To Trace an Email

Have you ever received an email several days after it was sent? Have you ever gotten an unwanted email with a fake “From” name, and wished you could find out where it came from? Read on to learn about some free tools that can help with both situations...


GMail Tricks You Probably Haven’t Tried

Google's GMail is the world’s best email system, in my opinion. With over a billion active users, it's also the most popular. GMail has many features that make life in your inbox more pleasant and productive, but today I'll show you some tricks it can do that most people have not discovered. Read on for the scoop…


[SIGH] The Phish That Wasn’t

Cybercrooks thrive on FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. When a massive breach of a retailer’s customer database occurs, crooks swoop in to con panicked consumers. Every tax season, when people are tearing their hair out, con artists impersonate the IRS. And when Microsoft reneges on a promise and its customers rebel, phish start flying. Huh, what? Read on for the details; all will be revealed...


Tame Your Inbox With Filters

Is your email inbox overflowing? It's likely you're not using filters to direct the flow of incoming emails, and spending more time than you should managing your inbox. Learn how to automatically file messages in folders, forward them to someone else, or dump them straight into the trash. Oh, and if your Spam folder is gobbling up messages that don't belong there, I'll also show you how to solve that problem...


How To Trace an Email

Have you ever received an email several days after it was sent? Have you ever gotten an unwanted email with a fake “From” name, and wished you could find out where it came from? Read on to learn about some free tools that can help with both situations...


Was Your Email Hijacked?

A reader asks: 'Can you please help, somehow my email account got hijacked, and now all my friends are getting spam, from me! I am always careful with my password. How could this have happened, and what should I do?'


Forward Emails to Your Phone

Most people prefer not to be notified (bothered) by their phones every time an email hits their inbox. But email from a spouse, child, boss, or other important contact may be something you want to know about right now. Here is a free, easy way to receive a text message when those things happen…


Are You Encrypting Your Email?

Interest in email encryption has skyrocketed since Ed Snowden revealed the NSA’s widespread surveillance of electronic communications. Here is the low-down on email encryption, and some methods of doing it.


Learn the Secrets of Gmail Labs

Over half a billion people use Gmail, but only a few know the secret that you'll learn today. Buried deep in Gmail’s settings is a playpen called Gmail Labs. It’s a place for the adventurous, the curious, the geeky, and everyday users who like to try new things. If you like to push the envelope until the bubble pops (and the metaphors mix), then come check out Gmail Labs...


HOWTO: Email Really Big Files

A reader asks: 'I tried to email a bunch of digital photos to my daughter, but I got an error saying EMAIL IS TOO LARGE. Sending them one at a time is a nuisance -- is there an easier way?' Well, yes! Read on to learn how to send large files...


Will This App Replace Gmail?

The demise of email has been predicted for over a decade, yet the volume of email continues to grow even if you don’t count spam. Ironically, the alternative messaging services that were supposed to kill email have instead fueled its exponential growth. Will Google Inbox solve the problem of email overload, and replace the popular Gmail service? Read on to find out...


HOWTO: Send a Mass Email

A reader asks: 'I want to send emails to a large group of people on a regular basis. But I've heard that if you do it wrong, you'll get tagged as a spammer, and your emails will never be delivered. What software or services do you recommend for sending email to a list of people?' Read on for the answer...


Webmail Smackdown: Which Is Best?

Many people have ditched desktop email clients for the convenience of Web-based mail apps. Google's Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Microsoft's are the biggest players in this arena. Find out which one I like best, and why 'none of the above' might be a good choice for you...


How to Change Your Email Address

A reader asks: 'I have had the same email address since high school, and now I want something more professional sounding. But I'm afraid that changing my email address might cause some unintended problems. What do you recommend?'


Power Up Your Gmail!

Don't be afraid of that little gear on your Gmail screen... you can use it to organize your inbox, reduce the time you spend reading junk mail, and customize Gmail to work in ways that make your life easier. Read on to look at some of the fun and useful settings you can customize. I'm sure you'll learn something to make your Gmail experience even better!


What Happens to Inactive Email Accounts?

If you have an email account that you've not logged into for quite a while, it could go poof, and possibly be re-assigned to someone else. That might make sense, but the way that Yahoo is handling their recent announcement about inactive accounts has some people shaking their heads in disbelief. Find out why hackers and scammers are rejoicing, and what this means for you...


FREE: Encryption Tools to Protect Your Data

With the U.S. government ignoring the 4th Amendment, data breaches in the news every week, and identity thieves everywhere, more and more people are wondering how to protect their data and personal information. The answer is encryption, and it's no longer rocket science. Here's what you need to know about using encryption...


HELP... My Email Was Hijacked!

A reader asks: 'Can you please help, somehow my email account got hijacked, and now all my friends are getting spam, from me! I am always careful with my password. How could this have happened, and what should I do?'


Can the Feds Read Your Email?

You might be shocked to learn that there's very little to prevent government snoops from peeking into your email. But a U.S. Senate committee has just approved greater protection against surreptitious and warrantless searches of people’s electronic communications. Here's what you need to know about email privacy...


Gmail on Steroids

If you’ve used Gmail for a while, you’ve seen new features appear in the interface. Many of these goodies come from Gmail Labs, but there are many other nifty tools that you can bolt on to Gmail to make your digital life easier. Here are some of the best Gmail addons...


Hotmail Gets A New Outlook

Microsoft recently gave Hotmail, its free Webmail service, a major makeover. Even the domain name is changing; is morphing into The new look is cleaner, simpler, and aligned with the look and feel of the new Windows 8 interface. Should you make the switch? Let's find out...


Are You Drowning in Your Inbox?

Do you feel like you're slowly being buried under a pile of unread, unanswered email? Are you starting to run out of free storage space in your Gmail account? It's time to go on an email diet and shed a few gigabytes...


How Do I Backup My Gmail?

I've been using Gmail for over a year, and it works great. But I'm a little nervous that there's no obvious way to backup my contacts and email messages, just in case. Is there a solution you can recommend?


How To Backup Thunderbird

I've been using Thunderbird for my email program almost a year, and it's a big improvement over Outlook Express. But now that I've got all these emails, contacts, custom filters and settings, how do I back it up, just in case?


Why You Should Dump Outlook and Windows Live Mail

Are you still struggling with the limitations of Outlook, Outlook Express, or Windows Live Mail? Join the many email users who have dumped desktop email clients for the ease and convenience of web-based email. Here's my advice on why it's time to switch to webmail...


Is Your Email Secure?

Many consumers are blissfully unaware of the threats knocking on the doors of their email inboxes. Popular free email service providers such as Google, Yahoo, and Hotmail, stop a vast number of threats at their mail servers without any attention from end users. But some threats still get through, so consumers using desktop email software, and businesses that operate their own email servers must defend themselves. Here are some of the email security software programs that get the job done...


Email Tracking Programs

You send an email to a friend, acquaintance, or business contact. Perhaps you ask a question in it. But you get no reply. Do you send another email asking, Did you get the first email? What if that annoys a potential customer? Sometimes, you can spend a lot of time wondering and even worrying about whether your email got lost or was read. How can you get an email return receipt, or delivery confirmation that an email was read?


Business Email Marketing

If you have anything to sell, you really must incorporate email marketing into your online marketing strategy. A savvy email marketing campaign can bring you new customers, increase repeat business, and boost profits enormously. But doing email marketing the wrong way can bring down the wrath of the Internet upon you and have the worst possible effects on your business. Here's how to do it right...


Consolidate Email Accounts

I have three email accounts, and it's a nuisance to check each one. I also have trouble keeping my address books in sync, and when I'm looking for a certain message, I have to check in three places. Is there an easy way to consolidate all my email accounts in one place?


Gmail Labs

Gmail has been my favorite web-based email service for several years, and one of the things I like is that they're always adding new features and experimenting with various options to make it easier to use. Have you heard what's simmering in the secret Gmail Labs?


Gmail - New Features

Google recently added some nifty new features to Gmail, their free web-based email service. Here's a look a what's new in Gmail...


Gmail: Beyond the Basics

You've opened a Gmail account and now you can send and receive email on the web. Lots of email... 5.2 gigs and counting. But beyond all that space, Google's Gmail can give you better control over how you manage your emails. Here are some tips and tricks for the Gmail user who wants to advance beyond the basics...


Is Webmail Better?

I'm thinking about switching from Outlook Express to a webmail service. What are the trade-offs? Are some better than others? Is webmail secure?


Emailing Photos

Emailing a group of 4 or 5 JPG photos from the 'My Pictures' folder is no problem. But Emailing a group of 50 seems to clog the system for ever and nothing actually sends. The pictures are taken with my digital camera, saved as JPG images, and I'm using MS Digital Images Suite 10 for the photos. How can I fix this please?


Nigerian Scammers

Have you gotten a message from someone claiming to be a representative of the Nigerian government, promising a multi-million dollar reward for your help in transferring a huge sum of money? Are you soon to be rich, filthy rich -- or could this be a scam?


Urban Legends and Hoaxes

Is the government or AOL planning to implement an email tax? Does your lipstick contain dangerous levels of lead? Will Microsoft send you money for forwarding an email? Do you need to add your cell phone number to a Do Not Call directory? Should you boycott Pepsi because their new cans are offensive?


Red X appears instead of image?

Sometimes in my emails or websites, the images do not appear, but a little red X shows up. Can you tell me please how to correct this?


Missing Emails

Sometimes I don't get certain emails, or newsletters that I signed up for. It's like they're going into a black hole. Is this a problem on the sending or receiving side?


Thunderbird Email Rules

I really liked Thunderbird and the way I was able to have RSS feeds, email, and newsgroups all in the same program. What I didn't like was the email rules. I could not get the rules to work, except when I set them up. I like having most of my usual email filtered through email rules but was unable to make this feature work. Any suggestions?


Email Sent Multiple Times

Bob, When I send a large attachment, it keeps on resending to the recipients several times. Can you explain to me why this happens? If I notice it is sending more then once sometimes I can delete the email from outbox and trash also and it will stop. I look forward to your newsletters and love them.


Spammer Using My Email Address!

Occasionally I get a bounced, or rejected email sent by someone else, with my email address in the From line. Do I have reason to be concerned? Comcast techs say it is just spam. I find that very weird.


Can't Delete Email in Outlook Express

I received an email recently, with no attachment, and when I tried to open it, my computer froze. Even a ctrl-alt-del wouldn't help. Every time I try to open, or just click on and delete this message my computer freezes. I didn't think it was possible for an email to cause this kind of problem, if there was no attachment. I'm using Outlook Express, and running Windows XP Professional Version, Service Pack 2. I just want to delete this message from my inbox -- I have no idea what is in it and I don't care at this point!


Wrong Font for Outlook Express Printing

When printing email in Outlook Express, all of a sudden the printer has increased the font size from 12 to about 16 or 18. I can find no place to tell Outlook Express to use a smaller font size. What has happened and how can I change it?


Emails converted to attachments

My boss is using Outlook 2000 and sometimes he receives his emails from other employees as plain text email attachments. For example I send him an HTML email in Outlook 2000. He receives a totally blank email and my text has been converted to a plain text attachment. He swears he has not changed anything. He says we must have changed something on the MS Exchange email server. We have not changed anything. He is the only user affected. What causes this? How do I fix this?


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