Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 10

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Posted by:

25 Oct 2009

Is it just me or is there a correlation between the people who've posted on this site that can't string two coherent sentences together having all of the problems with their MagicJack?

"i 've been waitting for athe two phone i am odered from magic jack since three in half day the take my money from from my credit card i havent receive and have no contact since please i wondering uyou guys can call me at"

"why is to mouch problems with Magicjac"


Posted by:

26 Oct 2009

The quality of magicjack is dependant on the quality of your internet connection. If you have a lousy isp you may experience problems. This is not magic jacks fault. I have had to use their customer support a few times and they have been very responsive and helpful. They have always resolved issues to my satisfaction. Overall a terrific product and well worth the price!

Posted by:

30 Oct 2009

I've used the Magic Jack and yes it has its pros and its cons. I have noticed though if you have a home network as I do that magic jack does not work as well on a computer over wifi than just having it on a computer with a ethernet connection. Now I have seen alot of complaints about magic jack and well for the 19.95 a year what more can you ask for. No line charges, no federal communications taxes tagged on and all that crap phone companies add to your bill. For the most part i get good call quality while not using my computer at the same time i'm making the call. So is you want a cheapo service and save some money and not expect the world, MagicJack is for you...if you want uninteruppted service use you local phone company. BTW, using VOIP service from you local cable company is great, but if the net goes down so does the service...that has been my experience with using Cable telephone service...With all their hoopla about having a back up batterie lmao...having a backup battery and internet service down defeats the purpose the the backup battery :/.

Posted by:

Jose M. Martin
30 Oct 2009

With the majic jack can i get a spain phone #


Posted by:

j jensen
02 Nov 2009

I tried three mj and none worked on XP Pro. All ports are good,Is there way to hook a 2nd computer up to same connections and try that.

Posted by:

03 Nov 2009

I have had the magic jack for a couple weeks now with a few minor issues. The biggest was I tried to unplug it, reboot, and then plug it back in and it would come up, it would freeze my computer or eventually say there is nothing plugged in. I found out some burning software conflicts, so I uninstalled that, uninstalled my firewall software (just in case I blocked a service), enabled Windows XP firewall, and finally cleaned up my registry. After this it came up again. I have had at least three calls out of say 20 drop after only 5 to 10 minutes, not sure what is going on here. I have measured 322kbps upload and they require 128 at a minimum. I like the idea, not sure my wife is thrilled at the moment.

Posted by:

10 Nov 2009

thought the Feds passed a law any telecom company had to let you portage over your number but guess it doesnt apply to majic jack

Posted by:

13 Nov 2009

I have had MJ for about 1 1/2 years and use it when I travel (about 4 months of the year). Most of the time it works ok but I never know until connection is made. The most common problem I have had is poor audio quality. However, I have also had problems where I could hear the ringing but the phone at the called party did not ring. This occurred several times. Also had an issue where only 1 side of the conversation was present. And, had a great deal of dificulty making a call on Xmas day.

Posted by:

Lawarn Robinson
14 Nov 2009

How do I get my phone number? I can hear the dial tone but when I dial nothing happens.

Posted by:

16 Nov 2009

Majic jack is responding on laptop but when we dial required number the sound of dialed person is audiable but our voice is not going to the dialed number. IT IS NOT AT ALL WORKING ON MAJIC JACK TELEPHONE CONNTECTION.
Will you kindly comment and solve the problem. Your early action will be highly appreciated.

Posted by:

David M. Miller
20 Nov 2009

My Magic Jack cost me $39.95 plus five years' additional service for $59.95. We use it in our weekend house.

We had been paying maybe $23 per month for basic landline local-only service, plus another $25 or so for long distance service, and both of these were before making any calls.

I signed up for high speed internet with our local cable company for their $30 introductory special for the first year. After that we downgraded to their lower speed offering in order to remain at $30 monthly. NO discernible difference for anything except downloading big files.

Since the computer is too far from the wireless router to run an ethernet cable, I bought a $15 USB WifFi adapter. The machine we are using for this is itself a 2.1 GHz single core AMD running XP Home.

Bottom line: when we arrive for a stay at the house we turn on the cable modem and wireless router and switch on the computer. Within boot time plus maybe a minute (say, 3 minutes total) we have a dial tone.

Although I said weekend house, we occasionally stay there for stretches of time and we have had no problems.

We have never had to reboot the computer or restart the MagicJack software; it just works.

After spending about $110 (with shipping) and I have fully paid-up phone service until 2015.

STRONGLY recommend this!

Posted by:

john rogers
20 Nov 2009

Good Deal

There seems to be a lot of bitching and complaining about MJ but I have to say I have been using mine now in a wide variety of conditions and locations (6 weeks via lousy wifi in Mexico for example) for almost a year.  I have found it to be an excellent product.  Once when I arrived at my cottage it would not start up.  I logged into their web site and tried their "customer service" which I had heard was terrible.  I did the whole thing on line and the chap was great.  It seems that my cd driver was corrupted (that was why my cd drive would not work - go figure?) and this affected the device.  The chap send me a MS link for the new and up to date driver and I did the install and voila both my MJ and my CD were fully functional.  This was about 5 months ago and I have not had a problem since.  I happen to live in Canada and of course we do not have Canadian numbers available but when I go away anywhere I simply forward my Vonage service to the US MJ number and life goes on.  I am a little concerned that they are actually making money on the venture as I plan on purchasing their 5 year plan for 59 bucks (about 1 month for basic service where I live) and I would hate to see them go down.  No you wife might not like it cuz sometimes its not perfect and like the previous writer said it will often drop a call after a while :-)  - I see that as an automatic bonus not a technical problem!  Face it guys "they" do not appreciate our toys.  Get used to it.

Go Magic Jack Go

Posted by:

23 Nov 2009

I bought the magic jack in June 09 and few couple months very pleased with it. now i cant stand it. when im talking on the phone, and want to get on the web or anything, it makes the other people sound like max headroom. where they are repeating the same word or couple words in a row. or when im talking to someone and do something on the pc, it terminates the call and all i get is a beeping noise. i want a phone number since the main site doesnt carry one and which they should. i did talk to a live tech person and all she said was disconnect the thing from the pc. i am still getting calls cause when no one answers it goes to my aol email. so where is the frigging numbers at or snail mail. i think i know why magic jack didnt leave any contact info cause they probably know they would get a lot of complaints. a**holes!!!!! i have had enough.

i want numbers or snail mail so i can complain big time. if i dont hear anything soon going to call the better business bureau and put in a complaint.

Posted by:

24 Nov 2009

The device works great for me. Wish I had one a long time ago!

Posted by:

25 Nov 2009

Magic Jack was great, I thought, when I plugged one end into the phone, other into computer, got dial tone, made outgoing call in just a few minutes. Problem is getting an assigned phone number. The registration screen pops up then disappears before I can even read it. Spent 2 hours with customer reps on live chat trying to make it work with no luck. They were helpful and polite and tried everything they could think of I guess. They claim there's no other way to get the assigned number, which I find kind of hard to believe. Too bad but unless I settle for 1-way calls, it'll go back before the 30-day trial is up. Anyone else have this problem?

Posted by:

John Hicks
26 Nov 2009

I have used MJ for about 8 months without any problems. In fact I have excellent reception. I want to port my number and 2009 is rapidly drawing to a close. They said I would be able to port my number in 2009.

Posted by:

02 Dec 2009

Hi Bob-

You mention another porting service in this article, and thought it might be helpful for your readers to know about NumberGarage dot com. is a great solution to manage your existing telephone number callers. Just FORWARD calls to your new Magic Jack number, and you will be pleased. Or, you could just forward calls to your cell phone.

-The NumberGarage Team

Posted by:

02 Dec 2009

hi.. can i ask some problems about my magic Jack. when i plug it in my pc it automatically opens.. then it will have some error. and i don't know why. their will show a message that you have to click the "don't send" thing.. could you help me on this. thank you

Posted by:

milan khanal
04 Dec 2009

i can hear dial tone but when i dial numbers nothing happen

Posted by:

07 Dec 2009

MagicJack is great, it saves me hundreds of dollars a month. It is truly Magic.

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