Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 5

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Posted by:

Brian Martin
05 Feb 2009

MagicJack is great but you must NEVER plug it into a USB Hub, always plug it into the back of your computer and it will work fine. I have had no problems with it for 6 months. I was having issues after 3 months but that was because Magicjack works BEST when plugged in the USB ports at the rear of the computer. Never plug it into the HUB (Front USB ports)

Posted by:

Doug Miller
05 Feb 2009

I've never heard of this device until I saw it in the Radio Shack flyer the other day. Then today I saw a commercial for it on TV. Hummm... I'll have to do more research especially, Can you have multiple phones in the house? How viable is this company? If i get rid of landline company & MJ goes under, I'll have to pay all the Verizon install fees again and might not get my old number back.

From what I've read so far sounds good but it appears only the phone plugged into the USB works. I need 3 working phones in my house.

EDITOR'S NOTE: You can connect the MJ into your wall socket to "back feed" all the phones in your house.

Posted by:

05 Feb 2009

Try jaxtr service at to talk 100%free in USA, Canada and many other countries in Erope, Asia, MiddleEast, africa.... where your counterpart has a jaxtr tel. Number or with a low rate fee if not.

Use your cell phone free of wires or USB cable

Posted by:

05 Feb 2009

I've used Magic Jack off and on for over a year. The quality isn't great with our service, unfortunately. However, it was great for making LD calls.

Our first one got lost (kids) so I got another one and had major complications installing the new one until I read through the directions again. It was as simple as using the Windows Uninstall to get rid of the old one. Once I did that, the new one worked great. And better still, we were able to get a local number for the wife's family to call, so it's free for her to talk to her family now. The quality still isn't great, but this is one of the better investments I've made all thins considered.

Posted by:

05 Feb 2009

I purchased magic jack in a store. I don't have a credit card and wanted to pay my phone bill by check. I can't find anywhere to talk to a person about this or a phone number to call about this.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Randy, with MagicJack, there IS no phone bill!

Posted by:

05 Feb 2009

I have become increasingly disillusioned with this product on 2 Mac's. At this point, 6 months into having one on each computer, both units will not load at start up and I have lost the ability to use the device altogether. The online chat (which, by the way, is the only way you can communicate with MJ for ANY ISSUE) has been totally unable to fix the problem. They have promised twice to send me emails to "fix" the problem--the emails coming from the Mac specialist. Guess what--no emails, no help, no phone service. MJ bites big time.

Posted by:

06 Feb 2009

I have been a Magic Jack user for over a year. I just signed up for 5 more years of service. Most of the time, it works great, but I have had a few times where the connection was bad. Sometimes I have to reboot my computer (or just restart the MJ) to get it to work.

I got it when I canceled my landline. My cell phone is pre-paid, so I use the MJ for all of my longer conversations - basically anytime I am at home. I can also forward the MJ number to my cell phone if I am expecting a call but away from home. It is unlimited use, with free long distance for the US and Canada.

I liked mine so much, I bought one for both my Mom and my Dad (both have only cell phones). My Mom is from Canada, so it is great for her to be able to call there for free. Another thing you can do is take it with you when you travel. Plug it in to any USB port with internet access, and you have your home phone with you. You can even take it to another country and call back to the US and receive calls for free. I have traveled with mine, but only within the US.

My Mom had an issue with her MJ several months after we bought it. We were unable to solve the issue via the tech chat, so they sent us out a new unit, no charge.

Bottom line, despite the cheesy commercial, I think this is a great product. I'm very happy with mine. BTW - I'm on a 2.4ghz PC w/ 1G of Ram, and "lite" cable internet 768kbps/128kbps.

Posted by:

07 Feb 2009

I decided I'd order a magic jack one night. I was only 90% sure that I wanted it, so, I did not request fast shipment. The next morning I changed my mind. I e-mailed customer service to cancel. They said OK. I checked my credit card and found they put a hold for the amount. I e-mailed back and found the order was shipped within 12 hours. I now have to wait to receive, then pay to ship back, then wait for them to remove the hold. BE SURE!

Posted by:

Ned Ludd
07 Feb 2009

A couple of people mentioned using Magic Jack with DSL, and the EDITOR felt that this was the minimum connection that would work with MJ. I'd be interested if people posted their experience with DSL, and especially the kilobits per second (kbits/sec) download speeds of their connection. Thanks.

Posted by:

07 Feb 2009

We tried Magic Jack and it is a wonderful service. Our only problem with it was that it didn't send faxes, which was our main reason for needing alternative phone service other than just cell phones. We returned it and had no problem getting our money back.

Posted by:

Pass'n Thru
07 Feb 2009

Couple of things here. I have experienced the voice quality issue at times. But the thing works. As for Geezr's issue with Qwest. Either they have different policies in different areas or he's missing something. I was of belief I too had to order basic service to get DSL. One day I complained to the Qwest rep on the phone and she told me to simply ask for a DSL only line. I did and Presto, it was so! I coupled with their MSN ISP for convenience but was told that it was not necessary, I could bring my own ISP. My present land line is with Vonage via my DSL service. Also, they did charge my card prior to the 30 days. A sore point to a degree but I have experienced no overcharging. LAST complaint. Yes yyou get a number in your area code, but not necessarily within your LATA (3 digit prefix). My number was to a LATA 50 miles away thereby making people within my own LATA dial long distance at a charge unless they also use Magicjack or other VOIP with free long distance.

Posted by:

08 Feb 2009

I have magic jack it works great. Mine broke after 30 days, they sent me another, I sent mine back, and no charge. It's only as good as your high speed internet service. So if they are lying about bandwidth, it will show up. Otherwise, I am good. It's just as good as vonage, and would rival comcast's CDV

Posted by:

08 Feb 2009

"Also, if you have a family member who lives outside the US, and they have a reliable Internet connection, this can be a significant savings on overseas long-distance fees."

Skype does that for free - and without the need to plug in any hardware.

EDITOR'S NOTE: True, if you both have Skype. But a person in Germany with a MagicJack could call any regular phone in the US for free, and vice versa.

Posted by:

08 Feb 2009

I bought one after reading a newspaper ad--something I normally never do! But since I have a girlfriend living in a third-world country, costing me 17 cents a minute every time we talk, well it was too good to not try! I took it along last trip (Ecuador) to try out, and we called a few friends in the US. The general consensus was the MagicJack sound quality was better than Skype, my 'normal' phone. Since coming back, we've talked a few times US-to-Ecuador, and I was amazed that the sound quality was even better than her normal landline at her house! I ordered more. One for myself, one for mom, and one for friends to try out. :-)

Posted by:

09 Feb 2009

I've had a MJ for about six months. I have no real complaints. I was in the Bahamas for three months and my wife loved it. She could keep in touch with friends in the states whenever she wanted to. We had a real old phone there and it wouldn't ring in. Since coming back to the states we've had no problem. We'll be going to South Korea in about ten days for an extended period of time and the MJ will go with us.

Posted by:

09 Feb 2009

dear sir, i waan know magic jack can work in canada plz let me know.

EDITOR'S NOTE: It says "USA and Canada" right in my article...

Posted by:

Andrew Hitas
09 Feb 2009

magic jack is not bad only one thing that i don't like about it is that when you hook up your phone to it you can not use it agian with a line company such as at&t. the phone now only works with your magic jack. i like to know why because now my phones are useless with out magic jack

EDITOR'S NOTE: The magic jack can't do anything to modify or "break" your phone. I'm 100% sure that if you take the phone to your neighbor's house and plug it into the wall socket, it will work.

Posted by:

10 Feb 2009


Posted by:

Zeke Krahlin
10 Feb 2009

I can't afford high speed access at home, so I take advantage of the free public wifi at local coffeehouses w/my inexpensive Asus netbook. Is there any reason Magic Jack wouldn't work w/public wifi? I could hook up a little phone to a USB port...while surfing the web. Has anyone tried the wifi route yet?

Posted by:

10 Feb 2009

Here's something you may want to consider before getting MJ.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is same "information" that was posted in a link earlier. I'm in the process of writing a rebuttal. :-)

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