Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 7

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Posted by:

04 Jun 2009

Hi, I want to buy a magic jack but I hae two questions...

Will all of the phones in my house (I have 1 phone down stairs and 2 phones up stairs and a fax)work with 1 magic jac connection?

Will my fax work with my magic jack?

Posted by:

07 Jun 2009

Does does the computer have to stay on all the time to use magicjack?

EDITOR'S NOTE: Yes. I've been leaving my computer on 24/7 for 10 years. It'll use about as much electricity as a light bulb -- don't sweat it.

Posted by:

08 Jun 2009

I'm using a Virgin Mobile cell phone to call the Magic Jack number but it shows up as " number is out of service ", I have a pay as you go plan with virgin, does it matter ?

Why I'm not able to call from my prepaid cell phone ?

Posted by:

Douglas L'Abbé
09 Jun 2009

My experience with MagicJack has been a disaster.
The only way to contact them is by texting and that is a real slow process.I spent more than 12 hours "takling" to them and rec'd no satisfaction.In the end I asked for a replacement unit but that just got me another end run. I gave up before I made threats I may have kept.

Posted by:

12 Jun 2009

I thank God for the invention of the Magic Jack. The world seems closer and I can talk to my relatives in USA as well as round the globe, without additional phone bills (except for international calls which is the standard price)

Posted by:

13 Jun 2009

My friend have this magic jack and he told me that its a free call to united states he's in the philippines right now and im here at oregon we talked for about 1 hour and im worried that on my coming cellphone bill this month I will be surprise and I will pay a worried too that they might pay extra to their bill because he called me on my cellphone cause I heard to some people I know who's using magic jack too that it must be for magic jack(philippines)-home phone(u.s.a) not to magic jack(philippines)-cellphone(u.s.a).by the way im using t-mobile

Posted by:

14 Jun 2009

Magic Jack does not stand behind their product. Within a few weeks of using it the incoming ring stopped working. It will ring on "headset" but not on the phone. I have tried it on serveral computers and different phones but it is the same. I have just finisher over 2 hours of online "assistance" with runaround and they will not accept that the unit is DEFECTIVE!! I am throwing it in the garbage. Their customer service is nonexistant.

Posted by:

17 Jun 2009

I love my magicJack friend of my introduced me to it, some how it spread the love all the way across Australasia, the calls are really cheap i must admit!

I have friends and family all over the globe man they liking this!! I went to my neighbors house the other day, they got one without hesitation! Wow I'm happy!

Posted by:

20 Jun 2009

I;m just starting to use Magicjack. So far I have two questions.
How does it "ring" an incoming call?
Can I create a phone directory so I can just click on a name and have that persons nubber rang up?
Thank you.

Posted by:

Digital Comment
23 Jun 2009

Aside from the worthless and largely amateur website (I don't care about the dogs of the alleged founder's daughter - why is this video on the home page?!), the MagicJack appliance itself works - when it's actually working. However, if something goes wrong Customer Support is absolutely TERRIBLE and only done by Chat (Strangely, the company does not provide a phone or even Corporate address) . The support is conducted with FAQ and Chat responses that read like canned responses - it is as if the reps simply cut and paste responses, without actually taking the time to trouble shoot and remedy problems with the device. I have had a number of un-resolved and unexplained technical issues with MagicJack - Be prepared to be transferred from rep to rep and having to re-explain numerous times. I am a Media Executive and have tried a number of other services (Vonage, Google, Skype, Qwest, Time Warner) and the bottom line is that I would NOT recommend the MagicJack product or service - MagicJack is awful and I strongly suggest that you use another service.

Posted by:

Ken Spring TX
24 Jun 2009

ok.... this uses your internet connection to work... If this replaces your local number, how would you get DSL if it rides on your local number...???? would you need to have 2 numbers now... 1 for the MJ and the other for the dsl??? would the cost of doing this offset one or the other...?? seems at the moment that if you go voice over IP (Internet phone... Magic Jack), either the cable company has you or your phone company still has you...

EDITOR'S NOTE: Magic Jack isn't a way to get free Internet service. So yes, you will still need an ISP. That can be your phone company, cable provider, satellite, fiber, etc. Some DSL providers offer "naked internet" or "dry loop" service which gives you ONLY internet access without the phone service.

Posted by:

Lucinda Erdman
25 Jun 2009

I have not been able to hook up my Magic Jack because I do not want some of the amenities that are offered i.e. voice mail, call waiting etc. It is extremely frustrating to not be able to connect with anyone at Magic Jack, I may have to swap over to Vonage if I continue to have so much trouble. My friends warned me about this aspect of Magic Jack, but I didn't listen now I wish I had.

Posted by:

T. Tillander
06 Jul 2009

MagicJack is quite good. They offer you a new telephone number within a small group of available area codes. Although I live in NY, I have a 305 number with MagicJack. I installed the unit at home, and then plugged it in at an "away" computer and it recognized me right away and the same assigned number was active and functional.

I've also been using MagicJack as a dedicated fax line in the various Windows OS. It works, even though the company says they do not support MagicJack for faxing.

All my LD calls have been flawless. For $40, it's certainly worth the look-see, and I think it's worth far more.

Posted by:

11 Jul 2009

The only problem i have with magic jack is i got mins so i could call my friend in Ireland.Well the call does not go thru all it does is ring and ring and ring when i went to customer service i got the run around and the last person i talked to told me i had to "wait" until they fixed the problem. i told him why should i have to "wait" your company did not have to "wait" for my money when i wanted to buy mins to call overseas.all i got from "customer" service was the run around oh and that they are "working" on fixing my problem that was 2 days ago i have been trying to call Ireland for 2 weeks now

Posted by:

12 Jul 2009

My niece is in Ireland for the summer and her tech-savvy mom hooked her up with this. It works very well and makes everyone very happy as they can call her for the same price as a local call. She has had a few problems with it when the internet was down, but for the most part it's very reliable.

Posted by:

15 Jul 2009

We had Vonage for three years. We tested magicjack for 1 month and cancelled Vonage today. We find the quality as good as Vonage and have had no problems. We forward our magicjack to a cell phone at night and shut our computers down.We are not geeks or magicjack employees. just retired folk trying to save a buck.

Posted by:

17 Jul 2009

I have been using MagicJack for almost 2 weeks. I am very happy with it except for one problem. Those on the other end hear 'beeps' every now & then. Several people have asked me if I am recording them. I was going to Customer Service, but it sounds like that might not help. My significant other & brother said, "Hey, don't worry. As long as you can hear great & they can hear good, forget the beeps. You have long distance now". Has anyone else had these beeps on the other end? Thanks.

Posted by:

20 Jul 2009

I purchased MagicJack for my daughter. She had Verizon ISP, and after using it for a while (couple weeks) the reliability and call quality went down. I think its possible for the BIG BOYS to trap the URL for MagicJack and screw up the service. She no longer uses the service (no home, no Internet) and I have the Magicjack but do not use it.

Posted by:

21 Jul 2009

Barbara, I get the beeps too. Have chatted with customer service several times and they changed my pc settings. Nothing has worked. But I agreee with the family. I just dropped a $65 a month landline. Everything else is clear as far as phone quality. People that want to talk to me can just deal with the beeps or call my cell.

Posted by:

23 Jul 2009

I have been using Majicjack for about 6 months and I love the savings. Are there any problems. of course there are. Before I had a cable package with phone included and when it went down so did my phone. I think it works great for the price. I would recommend Majicjack and I have to my friends!!

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