Magic Jack Phone Service - Comments Page 14

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Posted by:

26 Mar 2010

These comments don't sound too rewarding, at least to someone considering such service. I remember when they first came on the market and sounded like another gift from God to mankind. After waiting around for comments covering a reasonable trial time period, I admit I am rather disheartened. I will admit that I haven't read all 260 comments. As time is available, I plan to view more. However, if the cons prevail at this rate, I consider it rather useless to try the system.

Posted by:

27 Mar 2010

Someone called me from a MJ. The call quality so terrible I had to call him back on his cell phone, so neither of us saved any money. Was a bad experience and from what I've read on these comments pages I won't bother. My phone calls on Skype are as cheap with the savings I make from not having the computer on all the time using electricity.

Posted by:

30 Mar 2010

I have had the MJ since they first came out, and have had my problems with it. However, a week ago I said the h--- with it and stopped all running programs on the computer that I bought just for MJ. It seems that MJ plays best by itself. I would suggest that if you are having problems you should try this. If you want to save money, by being your own phone company, and that's what you are doing with MJ then invest in an old laptop computer, and run just MJ on it. I bet that will be the end of your problems.

Note: I had AVG running on the computer and could not stop it without removing it. AVG seemed to be the most problematic for MJ. I also had COMODO firewall running, but my modem has a physical firewall, so I didn't really need a software firewall, so it's gone also. I installed Clamwin, and run a scan once a week, that's it.

Posted by:

05 Apr 2010

I know three people using magic jack in three different states. I've never had any call quality issues talking to them. I recently picked up magic jack for myself to use as a second line for business. It's only been a couple weeks but I've had no problems with quality of voice or general use. I connected the 'jack' to a standard cordless Panasonic set with no issues.

Hopefully, my good experience with the service will continue. However, you have to remember that people that receive good service don't usually crawl the net looking to make comments. So to the user that stated they were not happy with all the complaints when you look for reviews you will always see more complaints than praise. (less you get a sight that does high volume .. ie.. -- sometimes amazon but many people don't bother leaving decent reviews there either.

Posted by:

vince sampano
05 Apr 2010

Hello,I live in Ontario Canada.
My phone number and internet service are both supplied by the same company.I ordered the magicjack before thinking about that problem.
I can't cancel one without losing the other.
Should I return it.Your response will be greatly appreciated.

Posted by:

Joe Bloggs
06 Apr 2010

I just purchased the Magic Jack, set up was easy and straight forward. I paid an extra $10.00 for a Canadian Tel # and a local area code in my area.

Call quality has been great so far.

The product sure seems to live up o the claims made on TV and on the web.

It is a great product!

Posted by:

karen okamoto
11 Apr 2010

Would you have any area codes of, .....816 or 913 available? I realize I could buy the service that will forward my calls, ...and the cost is quite reasonable, ....but it would be nice if you do have those area codes available. Thanks, Karen Okamoto

Posted by:

11 Apr 2010

I found these addresses and contact numbers which may be of use to people having problems with the company. The listing was dated 2009 and I haven't had to try them myself.YMAX is the company that owns Magic Jack.

YMax Communications Corp.
5700 Georgia Avenue
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: 561-586-3380
Alt: 888-230-0060
Fax: 561-586-2328

Competitive Local Exchange Regulated by WUTC
YMAX Communications Corp.
Daniel Borislow , President & CEO
223 Sunset Avenue, Suite 223
Palm Beach, FL 33480

Customer Contact:
Michael Shippey, Customer Service Manager
5700 Georgia Ave
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Fax: 561-586-2328
Financial Support: (281) 404-1551 open from 11am to 8pm EST

Posted by:

Ralph MacLaine
12 Apr 2010

Now here is something to try or think about:
How to hook up the Magic Jack to you Apple iPod Touch. Can it be done and will it work??


Posted by:

Joe Carideo
16 Apr 2010

I have 2 MJ's in my home. One for our regular home phone and one for business. The savings on phone bills are obvious but they don't just stop there. I have an older cell phone plan with only 1500 minutes. The second I get home, I forward my business cell phone to my MJ and poof... I no longer pay for going over my minutes! In fact, I only pay the very minimum for my plan, since I keep it forwarded as long as I'm home! I love the voice-mail and the outlook add in. With one mouse click I can call anyone in my contacts list.

Slight connection issue now and then but a small price to pay for basically free telephone service.

Yay MJ!


Posted by:

16 Apr 2010

I don't hear it, but people on the phone with me say there is clicking that interrupts my words. There is also times when it goes directly to the computer voice service and I miss calls if I don't check my email account. Not sure why it does this randomly. Thanks

Posted by:

18 Apr 2010

I have had MJ for a week or so now and so far NO problem's Just that you cannot keep your own phone number(they are working on it) I will try it for another week, I have 30 days to try it. Guess time will tell but so far I am satisfied.

Posted by:

20 Apr 2010

I've been using magic jack for about a year and a half. I've been very happy with it. There was only one day when mj's site was having problems, but the phone company's service has problems occasionally too.
The last time I checked, you couldn't change the number of rings before the voice mail kicked in, so I had to change my answering machine to 3 rings so it would answer the call instead of mj's 4 rings.
If you use mj, you have to make sure that people who will call you dial your area code, even if they're in your area code. Small inconvenience, but most people assume that you don't have to dial the area code for a local call.

Posted by:

22 Apr 2010

Does anyone know when the Femtojack will be available? It seems to be a great way to minimize cell phone dependency and usage charges.

Posted by:

Valeria Goncalves
23 Apr 2010

Hi, My question is: Would I be able to use MagicJack from another countries, beside US and Canada? I am in Brazil and I would like to make phone calls to different countries.

EDITOR'S NOTE: You can use it FROM any country. Calls from any country to the U.S. and Canada are free. Calling from one magicJack to another (in any country) is free. Calls from MJ to any country, other than the U.S. or Canada, require prepayment for international minutes.

Posted by:

28 Apr 2010

I'm in the Philippines ... I understand I can use it here to call to the US and Canada. Where can I place an order? I tried your free trial but shipment is only good in US and Canada. Please let me know where I can place my order... I need one for myself. Thank you.

Posted by:

Joe Gervais
28 Apr 2010

I have a MJ -- haven't used it yet; because I guess I'm a little slow for the following reason: I like (what appears to be) "the obvious" to be stated (because I don't think people admit "they too didn't realize the obvious") -- and when it's not stated, that's what annoys me.

So, here's "the obvious" I'm talking about: MJ never comes right out and says "you first need a phone line to connect to the internet, because not everyone has a full-time wireless connection they can piggy-back (i.e. sponge) from some nearby public/private carrier -- AND without an internet (web) connection, you can't get MJ to work -- which means, YOU NEED A PHONE LINE TO GET THE EXTRA MJ PHONE LINE. So, MJ does NOT REPLACE your phone line, it's only an ADDITIONAL PHONE with a separate new phone number."

Also, what's all this about "porting" you existing home phone number; you need you home phone in order to get internet access for MJ to work; the only way "porting" would work is if you gave-up a 2nd line you were paying-for at home -- and switched it to be used with MJ. But again, that means MJ is only a 2nd ADDITIONAL line -- you can never actually just use MJ alone without a home phone line (needed to get internet access), unless you "sponge-off" an existing wireless signal that might be near you (public/private).

When I bought MJ, I was think I could REPLACE my phone; but then realized, I can't use MJ without my existing phone -- so MJ is NOT REPLACING my existing phone (which I need for internet access to get MJ to work), MJ is only adding a 2nd phone line for me. That may seem "the obvious" when explained to you; but I think that's exactly why many people are confused by MJ's advertising -- that is, because it's not obvious as one might think -- and I think MJ knows that people don't realize they need to keep their original land-line to guarantee the internet access need to use MJ, but if they tell people that in their advertising, then people will say "why to I need MJ, if I also need to keep my phone line for internet access". Again, your article is guilty of not making that also clear to people unfamiliar with EXACTLY how MJ works; because you too used the word REPLACE -- which is not accurate for an ADDITIONAL 2nd phone (which is what MJ really is). Print this comment and it will really clear-up people's misconception of what MJ really is.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Joe, your premise is incorrect. It's entirely possible (and quite common now) to get internet service WITHOUT phone service. And I'm not talking about mooching your neighbor's wifi. Cable, fiber and satellite providers offer high-speed internet and there is NO requirement to have a landline phone.

Posted by:

Joe Gervais
28 Apr 2010

I'm back with a rebuttal to your comment on my first comment to Majic-Jack (MJ) earlier today (Apr. 28, 2010) -- I'll bet this doesn't occur too often in the comment-log.

I'm not going to repeat my first comment, since anyone can look it up (should be listed prior to this comment); but for the readers, I will mention your comment -- because I want to later point out to everyone that YOU FAILED to mention something very important -- you said:

"EDITOR'S NOTE: Joe, your premise is incorrect. It's entirely possible (and quite common now) to get internet service WITHOUT phone service. And I'm not talking about mooching your neighbor's wifi. Cable, fiber and satellite providers offer high-speed internet and there is NO requirement to have a landline phone."

So, here's what YOU (the editor) FAILED to mention: But, with that "NO requirement ... land-line phone", the NO-PHONE-LINE INTERNET SERVICE (NPIS) always costs at least twice as much as a single phone line service without internet access -- so, to get NPIS, you END UP PAYING the same or more as keeping your phone service combined with internet. That means, when you look at the COST to the consumer (WHICH IS REALLY THE BOTTOM-LINE FOR WHY PEOPLE ARE BUYING MAJIC-JACK and ALSO WHY I WROTE MY ORIGINAL COMMENT THE WAY I STATED IT), you're back to my original premise (which I probably didn't make clear) being correct -- that is, THE COST of Majic Jack (MJ) is the same as getting another phone line, because it requires you either keep your land-line to get internet access OR get rid of your land-line by DOUBLING YOUR COST for NPIS (which is what the ISP's charge).

With that said, I CHALLENGE YOU, the EDITOR, to report the cost and name of any internet provider who will give you their NPIS at the same price ($25/month or less for DSL speed) as when it's bundled with the land-line phone service (an additional $30/mo. for the phone -- which MJ is suppose to allow you to eliminate) -- that is, the ISP cost should be for EVERY MONTH AND NOT JUST FOR the $20/mo. cost ISP's advertise for a 6 month trial-basis (which nearly doubles after the trial period).

EDITOR'S NOTE: There are plenty of examples... Verizon offers "internet only" service for $19/month if you have Verizon phone service, and $29/month if you don't. For higher speeds, it's $29/$39, still only a $10 difference. That's not nearly double, and in my experience, just plugging in a landline is going to cost $30-$40/month even if you don't make any calls. So I just don't think your argument holds up.

Posted by:

29 Apr 2010

Thank you for telling Joe he is incorrect, it does replace the need for a phone line and works great.

Posted by:

30 Apr 2010

I have had it for about 6 months. it works fine BUT 1)every once and a while it drops a call. no big problem just redial. 2) I find that that sometimes the voice breaks up at both ends. So you miss some of the conversation and have to repeat it. 3) it works better on a direct line than through a switch board.
But all in all it's worth the price. When my wife gets into a long winded conversation with her sister I no longer look at the clock.

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